
Have you ever had the strange feeling that you were being watched? You turned around and, sure enough, someone was looking right at you!

Parapsychologists (灵学家) say that humans have a natural ability to sense when someone is looking at them. To research whether such a “sixth sense” really exists, Robert Baker, a psychologist (心理学家) at the University of Kentucky, did two experiments.

In the first one, Baker sat behind unknowing people in public places and stared(盯着)at the backs of their heads for 5 to 15 minutes. The subjects(受试者)were eating, drinking, reading, studying, watching TV, or working at a computer. Baker made sure that the people could not tell that he was sitting behind them during those periods. Later, when he questioned the subjects, almost all of them said they had no sense that someone was staring at them.

For the second experiment, Baker told the subjects that they would be stared at from time to time from behind in a laboratory setting. The people had to write down when they felt they were being stared at and when they weren’t. Baker found that the subjects were no better at telling when they were stared at and when they weren’t.

Baker concludes that people do not have the ability to sense when they’re being stared at. If people doubt the outcome of his two experiments, said Baker, “I suggest they repeat the experiments and see for themselves.”

1.The aim of the two experiments is to ________.

A.explain when people can have a sixth sense

B.study how people act while being watched in the lab

C.study whether humans can sense when they are stared at

D.prove why humans have a sixth sense

2.The underlined word “outcome” in the last paragraph most probably means ________.

A.value B.result

C.performance D.connection

3.In the second experiment, the subjects _________.

A.could tell when they were stared at

B.could tell where they weren’t stared at

C.couldn’t tell who they were stared at or who they stared at

D.couldn’t tell when they were stared at or when they weren’t

4.What can be learned from the passage?

A.People are born with a sixth sense.

B.The experiments support parapsychologists’ idea.

C.The subjects do not have a sixth sense in the experiments.

D.People have a sixth sense in all places.


A “talk show” is a show organized mainly around talk. Television talk shows have been around since the dawn of radio. Thus the start of talk shows’ golden age can be considered as 1948, even though television wasn’t common in American homes until the 1950s. From 1949 to 1973, nearly half of all daytime programming was talk.

Why are there so many talk shows? A talk show costs less than $100,000 per episode(一集) to produce whereas many of today’s TV series cost more than $1 million an episode. Thus , if successful, it can produce handsome profits . Still, it takes a lot of work . Since 1948, hundreds of talk shows have come and gone, with only a few having true staying power.

There are several types of talk shows , but while the styles might vary, the format(形式) is limited.

What we are most used to is the informal guest-host format, in which shows’hosts welcome famous people or other talk –worthy persons for an informal discussion.

The second most common format is the public issues show, in which hosts interview people in the news or experts in a given field. Shows that follow this format include both morning news programs and “issue” talk shows:

The Museum of Broadcast Communications’ Bernard M. Timberg notes two governing principles of all successful talk shows:

The host is everything :The host has a high degree of control over their show, from subject matter to comedic atmosphere . They are also the show’s brand and are responsible for it. The host can attract and refuse guests, organize their program and , in many cases, name a successor(继任者) when they retire.

Right here, right now: The second rule is that a talk show must be experienced in the present tense, whether it is broadcast live or taped in front of an audience earlier in the day. They should feel fresh, as if they are happening in the moment, even if the show is a 10-year –old rerun.

1.What is paragraph 1 mainly about?

A. How talk shows appeared? B. Why talk shows appeared?

C. When talk shows appeared? D. Where talk shows appeared?

2.What is an advantage of talk shows?

A. They are easy to make.

B. They are cheap to produce.

C. They come in varied formats.

D. They remain successful for a long time.

3.The two formats of talk shows differ in_____________.

A. the atmosphere they create

B. the time they are broadcast

C. whether they are sent out live

D. whether they invite famous guests

4.What is the key to talk shows’ success according to the second principle?

A. Dealing with the most popular issues.

B. Giving the audience an up-to-date feeling.

C. Inviting the audience to the place where the shows are made.

D. Running the shows several times to refresh the audience’s memory.

Two men were sitting together on a ship. They were on a long travel. One of them was a professor. The other was a farmer. They sat without talking for a while, and then the farmer said, “Let’s do something to pass the time.”

“What do you want to do?” the professor asked. “We can ask each other riddles.” The farmer said, “You start.” “Let’s make the rules first,” the professor said. “That’s not fair. You are a professor with much knowledge. You know more things than I do. I am just a farmer.”

“That’s true.” The professor said. “What do you want we should do?” “If you don’t know the answer to a riddle, you pay me $100. And if I don’t know the answer, I’ll pay you $50.” The farmer said. The professor thought about this, then he said, “OK. That’s fair. Who will go first?”

“I will,” The farmer said. “Here is my riddle. What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies?” The professor man repeated the riddle, “What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies? Mm, that’s a good one. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer.” He gave the farmer $100, then said, “Tell me the answer. What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies?” “I don’t know.” The farmer said and gave him $50.

1.The story took place ____________.

A. on a farm B. between two passengers

C. before a long plane journey D. in a shop

2.What does the word “riddle” mean in this story?

A. something to win money.

B. something to help to make rules.

C. a difficult question to find the answer to.

D. a kind of game in doing business.

3.Why did the professor agree to give more money if he lost?

A. He made much more money than the farmer.

B. He was better at playing riddle games.

C. He was interested in making riddles.

D. He thought he knew more than the farmer.

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The two men made rules for their riddle.

B. The farmer was much cleverer than the professor.

C. The two men made their riddle game more interesting by paying it for money.

D. The professor knew the answer to his riddle.

Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident, not knowing what lies in the way of opportunity for promotion, happiness and security. As a result, they are employed in doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction.

Our school leavers face so much competition that they seldom care what they do as long as they can earn a living. Some stay long at a job and learn to like it; others leave one for another looking for something to suit them. The young graduates who leave the university look for jobs that offer a salary up to their expectation.

Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities. The reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been a proper vocational (职业的) guidance in our educational institution. Nearly allfeel their way in the dark. Their chief concern when they lookfor a job is to ask what salary is like. They never bother tothink whether they are suited for the job or, even more important, whether the job suits them. Having a job is more thanmerely providing yourself and your dependants (受赡养者)with daily bread and some money for leisure and entertainment.It sets a pattern of life and, in many ways, determines social status in life, selection of friends, leisure and interest.

In choosing a profession you should first consider the type of work which will suit your interest. Nothing is more sad than taking on a job in which you have no interest, for it will not only ruin your talents but also discourage your desire to succeed in life.

1.Few school leavers have plans for the long term when finding jobs because ________.

A. they are lowly paid

B. they are not well trained

C. it is difficult to get employed

D. they don't know what they are interested in

2.According to the passage, the difficulty in choosing a suitable job mainly lies in that ________.

A. much competition has to be faced

B. many employees have no working experience

C. the young people only care about how much they can earn

D. schools fail to offer students appropriate vocational guidance

3.In the writer's opinion, which of the following statements is most important?

A. Your job must suit your interest.

B. Your job must set a pattern of life.

C. Your job must offer you a high salary.

D. Your job must not ruin your talents.



A Love Note to My Mom

When I was a little girl, I would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. It was years later that I finally understood what role modeling in your life. Little did I know you were every penny you earned to go to school.

I cannot thank you enough for you told me one autumn afternoon when I was nine. After finishing my homework, I wandered into the dining room where you were buried piles of law books. I was . Why were you doing what I do—memorizing textbooks and studying for ? When you said you were in law school, I was more puzzled. I didn’t know Moms be lawyers too. You smiled and said, “In life, you can do anything you want to do.”

As young as I was, that statement kept in my ears. I watched as you faced the of completing your studies, starting companies with Dad, while still being a and a Mom of five kids. I was exhausted just watching you .With your words of wisdom in my mind, I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to dream. My whole world .I set out to live my life filled with seeing endless possibilities for personal and professional achievements. Your words became my motto. I found myself in the unique position of being either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary) one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said, “Yes, I’ll try that.”

Encouraged by your , I have forged ahead (毅然前行) with my life’s journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and meeting each challenge. You did it, and now I’m it. Sorry, got to run. So much to do, so many dreams to live.

1.A. found B. played C. kept D. provided

2.A. saving B. making C. donating D. receiving

3.A. business B. fashion C. law D. medical

4.A. what B. that C. which D. where

5.A. at B. to C. upon D. under

6.A. amused B. worried C. puzzled D. disappointed

7.A. roles B. tests C. positions D. shows

8.A. must B. ought to C. need D. could

9.A. ringing B. blowing C. falling D. beating

10.A. choices B. chances C. challenges D. changes

11.A. professor B. doctor C. reporter D. model

12.A. in danger B. in action C. in trouble D. in charge

13.A. weak B. powerful C. youthful D. empty

14.A. came back B. closed down C. went by D. opened up

15.A. hope B. hardship C. harmony D. sadness

16.A. constantly B. shortly C. hardly D. nearly

17.A. and B. but C. or D. for

18.A. description B. statement C. praise D. introduction

19.A. secretly B. curiously C. carelessly D. eagerly

20.A. doing B. considering C. correcting D. reading


If you think about your circle of friends and family members, you can certainly pick out one or more people who are not good listeners. 1. If you’re fortunate, that person is a good friend, a loved one or a teacher.

All too often, we associate the benefits of good listening skills with achieving very specific outcomes, like following the boss’s orders (aimed at getting a job promotion).

2. We think of them as something basic, which we mastered in our formal schooling, along with dictation and obeying instructions, etc. This is a shame. We should know listening skills are the focus of lifetime learning and development, related to our communication skills.

3. All of these occur because two people or groups don’t listen to each other. We don’t analyze the root problem, or work on improvement steps.

We still tend to treat listening skills the way we treat learning to walk: we think that once we’ve acquired them, we’ve got them. We are ready to move on to the next thing. Wrong. 4.

Poor listening skills often damage effective dialogue between people. 5. If we were able to reduce misunderstandings in our conversations by 20-30%, there would be benefits in efficiency and the elimination (消除) of tiresome repetition.

A. However, think about the upside potential.

B. We’re surrounded by this kind of outcome.

C. We tend to undervalue the importance of our listening skills.

D. Think about the number of failures, misunderstandings and arguments.

E. Equally you can think of someone you know who is a very good listener.

F. The challenge of listening is determining when the speaker wants a response or advice.

G. The problem is that people and language are far more complex than the roads we travel on.

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