
5.Fay:Hi,Jerry.I'm thingking of applying(61)fora job with a multinational(跨国的) company,but I'm worried about having an interview in English.Can you give me any good tips?
Jerry:Hmm.That's a tough one.I guess the first thing is to try to make (62)agood impression.
Fay:That sounds good.But (63)seriously(serious),how canI do that?
Jerry:To begin with,you should firmly shake the interviewer's hand and keep eye contact while (64)greeting(greet) him or her with a smile.
Fay:Ah,"body language"is really important,isn't it?
Jerry:Yes.The second thing is to be confident.You gain (65)confidence(confident) from being prepared.You should learn a little bit about the company before the interview.Find out what they do,how long they've been in business,(66)whattheir business motto is,that kind of thing.
Fay:I never(67)thought(think) about that before.You're smart,Jeery!But what should I do (68)ifI can't remember an English word when I'm answering a question?
Jerry:In (69)thatcase,you have to paraphrase.In other words,you have to explain what you want to say.
Fay:That's very (70)helpful(help),Jerry.Thanks very much.Ah,one more thing.Should I ask about the salary during the interview?
Jerry:No,either let them bring up the topic of money,or wait for a second interview.Good luck!

分析 ---你好,杰瑞,我正在考虑申请一份跨国公司的工作,但是我担心要用英语面试,你能给我提一些好的建议吗?

解答 答案:
61.for 62.a 63.seriously 64.greeting 65.confidence 66.what 67.thought 68.if 69.that 70.helpful
61.考查固定搭配,apply for a job 申请一份工作,由于用在介词of的后面,故用applying.
62.考查固定搭配,make an impression留下印象,因为impression前有形容词good,表示留下一个好印象.故填a.
63.考查句子理解与单词适当形式的应用,根据下一句的提示how can I do it?我怎样才可以做好呢?故用seriosly.本句译为:但是说正经的,我怎样才可以做好呢?
64.这里while greeting him or her with a smile.作的是伴随状语,表示动作同时进行.故用greeting.
66.考查句子理解,翻译为:他们的经商理念是什么?what their business motto is.跟在Find out 之后作作宾语,是一个宾语从句.
68.考查句子理解,"但是如果当我回答问题时,我一个英语单词也想不起怎么办?"这里用if 引导条件状语从句.
69.考查句子理解及固定搭配,In that/this case如果是那种或者这种情况,指上文提到的"But what should I do (68 if)I can't remember an English word when I'm answering a question?"("但是如果当我回答问题时,我一个英语单词也想不起怎么办?") 故填that.

点评 做类似的题需要在理解的基础上,记住一些固定的搭配如:in this/that case,apply for,并且要熟练掌握词类间的相互转换,如:help与helpful,confident与confidence等.

1.From the very beginning of school we make books and reading a constant source of possible failure and public humiliation.When children are little we make them read aloud,before the teacher and other children,so that we can be sure they"know"all the words they are reading.This means that when they don't know a word,they are going to make a mistake,right in front of everyone.After having taught fifth-grade classes for four years,I decided to try at all costs to rid them of their fear and dislike of books,and to get them to read oftener and more adventurously.
One day soon after school had started,I said to them,"Now I'm going to say something about reading that you have probably never heard a teacher say before.I would like you to read a lot of books this year,but I want you to read them only for pleasure.I am not going to ask you questions to find out whether you understand the books or not.If you understand enough of a book to enjoy it and want to go on reading it,that's enough for me.And I'm not going to ask you what words mean."
The children sat stunned and silent.Was this a teacher talking?One girl,who had just come to us from a school where she had had a very hard time,looked at me steadily for a long time after I had finished.Then,still looking at me,she said slowly and seriously,"Mr.Holt,do you really mean that?"I said just as seriously,"I mean every word of it."
During the spring she really astonished me.One day,she was reading at her desk.From a glimpse of the illustrations I thought I knew what the book was.I said to myself,"It can't be,"and went to take a closer look.Sure enough,she was reading Moby Dick,in the edition with woodcuts.I said,"Don't you find parts of it rather heavy going?"She answered,"Oh,sure,but I just skip over those parts and go on to the next good part."
This is exactly what reading should be and in school so seldom is---an exciting,joyous adventure.Find something,dive into it,take the good parts,skip the bad parts,get what you can out of it,go on to something else.How different is our mean-spirited,picky insistence that every child get every last little scrap of"understanding"that can be dug out of a book.

41.According to the passage,children's fear and dislike of books may result fromD.
A.reading little and think little.
B.reading often and adventurously
C.being made to read too much
D.being made to read aloud before others
42、The teacher told his students to readA.
A.for enjoyment
B.for knowledge
C.for a larger vocabulary
D.for higher scores in exams
43.Upon hearing the teacher's talk,the children probably felt thatC.
A.it sounded stupid
B.it was not surprising at all
C.it sounded too good to be true
D.it was no different from other teachers'talk
44.Which of the following statements about the girl is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.She skipped over those easy parts while reading.
B.She had a hard time finishing the required reading tasks.
C.She learned to appreciate some parts of the difficult books.
D.She turned out to be a top student after coming to this school.
45.From the teacher's point of view,B.
A.children cannot tell good parts from bad parts while reading
B.children should be left to decide what to read and how to read
C.reading is never a pleasant and inspiring experience in school
D.reading involves understanding every little piece of information.

It seems the more time we have, the longer we put off living the life we see in our heads, because we feel like we’ve got some time to kill.

I know where you think I’m going with this, and I also know you’ve heard it all before: seize the day, make the most of it, live life to its fullest, and so on. But that’s the problem. You’ve heard it all before. These ideas have their impact and have become a cliché. Luckily, that’s not my thing.

The real answers wake something up inside you. They make you think. That’s what I want to give you today, the story of Bobby Darin, which wakes you up to the truth.

If you haven’t heard of the man, I know you’ve heard his songs. Among his many hits are Mack the Knife, Beyond the Sea, Dream Lover, and Splish Splash.

If seven years, Darin had several top ten hit songs, was nominated(提名) for four Grammy Awards (winning two), nominated for four Golden Globes (winning one), and even nominated for an Oscar.

So what was his secret?

All his life, Darin had a heart condition that developed from a childhood illness. The doctors at the time said he would be lucky to live to 16. In other words, his time was limited. And this was secret. He knew the truth. He knew that we all have such a hard time accepting: Life is short. You can’t just say it; you can’t just hear it. You have to know it, believe it, and feel it. Because Darin knew his time was limited, he packed as much life as he could into the time he had. But he had an unfair advantage. He knew, without a doubt, his time was limited.

There was no fooling himself, no putting it off. It was now or never.

1.Why do we all have the habit of delaying doing things?

A. Because we think we have time to count our thumb.

B. Because we want to live our life to its fullest.

C. Because we think time and tide wait for no man.

D. Because it takes time to build castle.

2.The underlined word “cliché” in the second paragraph probably means .

A. motto

B. legend

C. often-made remark

D. long-lost verse

3.What can we know about Bobby Darin from the passage?

A. He was nominated and won the Oscar Reward.

B. He committed suicide at home at last.

C. He got involved I not only music field but directing.

D. He took a positive attitude towards his illness.

4.What is the secret to Bobby Darin’s success?

A. He knew his life expectancy was short.

B. He was too eager to become famous.

C. He was so devoted to music.

D. He was talented.

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