









Help Wanted





【答案】Help WantedI want an English teacher aged about 30 to teach my son at home. If you are or used to be a teacher as well as have patience and confidence, you are my best choice.You should work at my home from Saturday to Sunday, 8 hours per day. Of course, you may stay up for the night, if you like. In spite of this, you are sure to get good wages.What do you think of it? You are welcome to call 8101688 at any time except at night.

【解析】请你根据以下要点,拟一则有关家教的招聘启事。1. 家教老师(英语)必须是一位男性,年龄在30岁左右;2. 必须具有教师经历,且有耐心和信心;3. 工作时间是每周星期六、日,每天8小时,待遇丰厚;4. 联系电话是8101688。要把所提示的点写全,把汉语翻译成通顺的英语句子,可根据内容要点适当增加细节,写作时要注意准确运用时态、语态、上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。避免全部使用简单句,根据句意适当使用并列连词,同时也要合理运用高级词汇和高级句子为文章增色添彩,注意要求的字数在100词左右,不要太多或太少。要求文章语言简练,层次分明。

亮点说明I want an English teacher aged about 30 to teach my son at home.此句使用了过去分词作后置定语;If you are or used to be a teacher as well as have patience and confidence, you are my best choice.句中运用了条件状语从句;Of course, you may stay up for the night, if you like.句中条件状语从句的运用,使文章个性鲜明;In spite of this, you are sure to get good wages. 高级词组In spite of的出现,使文章顺畅自然;What do you think of it? You are welcome to call 8101688 at any time except at night.最后问句的恰当运用,更是文章的一大特色,另外,介词except的巧妙运用更是难得一见。



I was diagnosed with allergies (过敏反应) when I was a little kid. Other than family, no one truly knows I have allergies, although I have to tell people it’s allergies when my eyes start to tear up. 【1】 Sometimes my friends just tease in a friendly way.

2 I look like a normal kid. I don’t mind telling people about my allergies—after all, it’s normal to have them. Having allergies hasn’t affected my self-confidence.

3 For example, I am a big traveler and I would enjoy going to see the cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C. But when I come anywhere within a 10-foot range of cherry blossoms it feels like I lose almost all my senses! Even though it’s only temporary, I still feel miserable.

My allergies haven’t stopped me from traveling when I can, though. My class trip was to Williamsburg in Virginia. At first it was supposed to be during cherry blossom time, and that had me worried. 4

I’ve had to rethink some of my dreams, too. Since I’m allergic to animals with fur, I may need to adjust my hopes of being a veterinarian (兽医) or working in an agricultural-science department. 5

Now I have learned to deal with my allergies and even see the good side sometimes. Having allergies has taught me not to be prejudiced about people’s health conditions.

A. I do get made fun of.

B. My allergies have been getting better.

C. If I don’t take my medicine I can get really bad breath.

D. You can’t tell by looking at me that I have a health condition.

E. Fortunately, it was changed to February, so I went and had the best time!

F. But I’m interested in so many things and there are plenty of other careers out there!

G. Sure, my allergies have held me back from doing some of the things that I love to do.


The revision period is, arguably, the most difficult part of any exam process.The exam itself–usually between one and three hours. 【1】 However, the knowledge that it is the culmination of the entire process should provide some comfort.A well-structured revision plan can help you revise well.Below are my top tips for creating a well-structured and comprehensive revision plan, which will provide the best chance of success in the summer.

1. 2

It ought to go without saying that planning your revision timetable must be done before anything else, to ensure there is enough time for comprehensive coverage of all subjects.With most exams starting at the end of June, the revision plan should be in place by the end of March at least.

2.Continual assessment

3 In order to chart (跟踪记录) your development effectively, we recommend that our students attempt practice papers in each subject, marked according to the relevant mark scheme and curriculum.

3.Order your subjects strategically

4 Ordering your subjects in an effective manner can help to do this.For example, scheduling English revision to appear early in your revision plan may provide useful when revising essay-based subjects such as History, Religious Studies and Politics later on.

4.Each subject is different

Depending on your learning style, you may find one easier than the other.More unusual exam types, such as performance exams, require their own unique attention. 5

A.Besides, your time allocation (分配) may be dependent on your own aptitude in that subject.

B.Make a detailed timetable

C.Pressure andnerves can undoubtedly make it an uncomfortable experience.

D.Revision is a process of improvement.

E.Plan early

F.Starting with a subject that appears early on in the exam schedule is a wise decision.

G.The best revision plans have an element of strategy to their creation.

【题目】 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Most of us travel once in a while and many have realized that some trips aren't very friendly to the environment. Tourism is a major source of carbon dioxide emissions (二氧化碳排放), but that doesn't mean we should stop planning our next journey. 【1】 Here are some tips for planning your next eco-friendly trip.

1. 2

This will not only make it easier to move around but also have less influence on the carbon emissions of your chosen transport.

2. Travel on foot as much as possible.

This not only saves money but also brings you closer to local people and culture. 3 Also, use local transportation, accommodation and restaurants to benefit the local economy.

3. Good drivers leave less influence.

Follow old tire (轮胎) marks and stay on roads. If you plan a road trip, ask family and friends to be with you in the car as individual tours have a greater environmental influence than traveling in groups. 4 Take reusable bags when shopping so you don't have to ask for disposable(一次性) ones.

4. Choose a hotel that is eco-friendly.

Find out whether the hotel is locally run, whether it has recycling programs and whether it encourages the reuse of towels. 5 Turn off the TV, lights and the air conditioner when going out.

A. Avoid buying plastic water bottles.

B. If you must rent a car, choose a small one.

C. Treat your room as if it is your own home.

D. Pack light and only take things you will really need.

E. For short trips, travel by bus or train rather than flying.

F. Take your trash with you until you can leave it at a right place.

G. It is our responsibility to prevent negative influence on the environment.

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