

  A The history of cloning animals is as fol?lows. Cloning of nonmammals was first ac?complished in 1952. However,cloning of mam?mals proved much more difficult,with the first successful clone being the sheep,Dolly,in 1996. Dolly died a young death,probably due to the use of aged chromosomes (染色体) in her nuclear transfer (核移植) .Other mammal spe?cies followed rapidly,with mice and cows being cloned in 1998,and pigs in 2000. The first cat was cloned in 2001. Rabbits were cloned in 2002 and the first male mammal (a mule) was cloned in 2003. In 2004,a bull was cloned from a previously cloned bull. The first cloned human embryos were not produced until 2001,when a private company Ad?vanced Cell Technology produced 6-cell embryos. Howev?er,the first cloned human blastocyst (胚泡) was not pro?duced until 2004 by a group in Korea.

  Cloning is classified as research and reproductive (繁殖的) cloning. When the embryo is not allowed to live,it is considered research cloning. Otherwise,it is classified as reproductive cloning. About ten states have banned repro?ductive cloning with five banning research cloning. Puerto Rico proposed a worldwide ban of reproductive and re?search cloning in 2003 through the UN. However,objec?tions by Great Britain and other countries resulted in the proposal being formally presented until 2004.

  From a Christian theistic (有神论的) world view,cloning or deliberately making changes in the human blue?print is playing God. This is something that would not be forgiven. Alternatively,from the opposite humanist world view,human engineering is no more than helping evolu?tion. Our position on this issue,like so many other cultural issues,is dependent upon our belief on a more fundamental world view truth. This can be seen in the conflicting views regarding government funding and support or alternatively restrictions and moratoriums (暂停,中止) .

11. When was the first male mammal cloned?

   A. In 1952.   B. In 1996.

   C. In 1998.   D. In 2003.

12. Which of the following is the correct time order of the animals cloned?

a. Dolly  b. bull  c. cat  d. cow e. pig 

    A. d,a,e,c,b   B. d,a,c,b,e

   C. a,d,e,c,b   D. a,d,c,b,e

13. Reproductive cloning means that       .

   A. the embryo is allowed to live

   B. the embryo is dead

   C. the cloned animal is allowed to live

   D. the cloned animal is not allowed to live

14. Which of the following was probably in favour of clo?ning according to the passage?

   A. Great Britain.     B. The UN.

   C. The United States.   D. Puerto Rico.

11. D细节理解题。根据第一段"…and the first male mammal: (a mule) was cloned in 2003."可知,第一个雄性哺乳动物于2003年被成功克隆。

12. C推理判断题。根据第一段可知,克隆Dolly的时间为; 1996年,cow为1998年,pig为2000年,cat为2001年,bull为2004年,因此C项的排列顺序正确。

13. A细节理解题。根据第二段第二、三句可知,不允许胚胎存活的为"研究性克隆",否则为"生殖性克隆"。

14. A推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句可知,Puerto Rico I 于2003年向联合国提出禁止生殖性和研究性克隆的研究,但是由于Great Britain及其他一些国家的反对,这项提议.”:被搁置到2004年。由此推断,Great Britain极有可能支持i 克隆。



Albert Einstein said, "In the middle of every difficulty lies op?portunity."Once discovered,such opportunities are like valuable dia?monds 1       in the sand.

Several years ago I 2        at church about how we are surroun?ded by "diamonds" , 3        we could recognize them. A man stopped by to see me. I4      him as somebody who had suffered through a painful divorce and was exam?ining his life's priorities (最重要的事) .I saw his hand containing a small,plastic precious 5       .

"I stepped on this precious stone when I was leaving 6        last Sunday," he explained.

  "It found its 7        in the sole (鞋底) of my shoe. You had talked about recog?nizing 8       一diamonds. I put the plastic stone in my pocket to remind me to look for those diamonds that I 9      .”

 "I have been trying to sgll my business," he 10       . "On Monday morning,a man stopped by who seemed 11        in purchasing some of my stock (库存) .I thought,here's my 12       . Don't let it get away!I sold the entire stock to him by noon."

"Now," he said with a 13       ,"my next diamond is to find a new job!"Soon afterwards,he did find a new and better job. He was 14        to keep his gem stone with him from then on as a 15       to look for diamonds as he digs through the difficulties of life.

  Richard DeVos is 16        when he points out, "This is an exciting world. It is 17        with opportunities. Great moments wait around every corner."

Those 18       are diamonds that,if left unrecognized,will be 19        lost.

  Are you looking for diamonds every day? If not,you may 20        pass them by!Perhaps there is a diamond of opportunity hidden in that difficulty you're expe?riencing now.

1. A. planted   B. mixed   C. stored   D. hidden

2. A. spoke   B. waited   C. begged   D. listened

3. A. as   B. until   C. if   D. though

4. A. considered   B. remembered   C. respected   D. treated

5. A. record   B. album   C. fan   D. stone

6. A. church   B. shop   C. office   D. school

7. A. value   B. use   C. way   D. home

8. A. difficulties   B. opportunities   C. enemies   D. problems

9. A. exchange   B. buy   C. miss   D. need

10. A. continued   B. hesitated   C. nodded   D. whispered

11. A. experienced   B. concerned   C. interested   D. absorbed

12. A. luck   B. diamond   C. bargain   D. check

13. A. worry   B. sigh   C. tear   D. smile

14. A. determined   B. excited   C. prepared   D. encouraged

15. A. sign   B. lesson   C. reminder   D. memory

16. A. honest   B. right   C. wrong   D. clever

17. A. equipped   B. faced   C. covered   D. packed

18. A. moments   B. dreams   C. plans   D. chances

19. A. often   B. yet   C. forever   D. still

20. A. slightly   B. easily   C. immediately   D. suddenly

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