
【题目】I don't suppose that homework means everything in senior high school, __________?

A. does it B. doesn't it

C. do I D. don't they


【解析】句意:我认为在高中作业并不意味着一切,是吗?当陈述部分是第一人称且谓语动词是think, suppose, expect, believe等表示观点的动词后跟宾语从句时,附加问句的动词和主语应与宾语从句中的动词和主语保持一致。



In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh(法老)treated the poor message runner like a prince when he arrived at the palace, if he brought good news. However, if the exhausted runner had the misfortune to bring the pharaoh unhappy news, his head was cut off.

Shades of that spirit spread over today’s conversations. Once a friend and I packed up some peanut butter and sandwiches for an outing. As we walked light-heartedly out the door, picnic basket in hand, a smiling neighbor looked up at the sky and said, ”Oh boy, bad day for a picnic. The weatherman says it’s going to rain.”I wanted to strike him on the face with the peanut butter and sandwiches. Not for his stupid weather report, for his smile.

Several months ago I was racing to catch a bus. As I breathlessly put my handful of cash across the Grey hound counter, the sales agent said with a broad smile ,”Oh that bus left five minutes ago.”Dreams of head-cutting!

It’s not the news that makes someone angry. It’s the unsympathetic attitude with which it’s delivered. Everyone must give bad news from time to time, and winning professionals do it with the proper attitude. A doctor advising a patient that she needs an operation does it in a caring way. A boss informing an employee he didn’t get the job takes on a sympathetic tone. Big winners know, when delivering any bad news, they should share the feeling of the receiver.

Unfortunately, many people are not aware of this. When you’re tired from a long flight, has a hotel clerk cheerfully said that your room isn’t ready yet? When you had your heart set on the toast beef, has your waiter mainly told you that he just served the last piece? It makes you as traveler or dinner want to land your fist right on their unsympathetic faces.

Had my neighbor told me of the upcoming rainstorm with sympathy, I would have appreciated his warming .Had the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically informed me that my bus had already left, I probably would have said, Oh, that’s all right I’ll catch the next one.” Big winners, when they bear bad news ,deliver bombs with the emotion the bombarded(被轰炸的)person is sure to have.

【1】Why did the writer tell the story of the pharaoh in paragraph 1?

A. To make a comparison B. To introduce a topic

C. To give an example D. To offer an argument

【2】What does “Dreams of head-cutting!” in Paragraph3 mean?

A. The writer was mad at the sales agent

B. The writer was reminded of the cruel pharaoh

C. The writer wished that the sales agent would have had dreams

D. The writer dreamed of cutting the sales agent’s head that night.

【3】Why was the writer angry with his neighbor?

A. Because he couldn’t have a picnic.

B. Because the weather was bad.

C. Because he hated smiles.

D. Because of his unsympathetic attitude.

【4】What can we learn from the passage?

A. Learning ancient traditions can be useful.

B. Delivering bad news properly is important in communication.

C. Helping others sincerely is the key to business success.

D. Receiving bad news requires great courage.


One hot afternoon I became a thief of music.

For the first time, I created an original piano arrangement of my favorite song. Using only my ears and iPod, I created complex harmonies and voices into something I could perform with only two hands. No help, no guide: I did it on my own.

I’ve been a pianist since before my hands were big enough to reach an octave: with a musician as a father, I was all but born on the piano bench. For many years, my musical identity was defined by the notes others had written before.

This was why, when I added the finishing touches to my piano version of a modern rock song, I was proud of myself : this arrangement was mine. What I’d done seemed magical: an ability to take what had already existed—to “steal” a song from my favorite band—and to change it into something different and all my own. I was a thief, but I was also an artist.

In music, as in other aspects of life, I believe true originality rarely exists. Almost everything has, in one form or another, been done before. The most romantic novel may well be a slightly changed version of a play by Shakespeare, which is likely to be borrowed from the works of Ancient Greece: same themes, different characters. But, the novel is no less deserving of praise just because its uniqueness is compromised. Adaptation is not a symbol for failure.

The gift of creativity is the ability to do what I did on the piano: to find something beautiful, to analyze and twist it, and then to make it new. Such an act is not copying; it is finding inspiration and having the strength to use it as fuel for your own masterpiece. I believe it is my job, as an artist, to rearrange this world into what I imagine it to be.

I refuse to live as if I were trapped within the walls of a museum: looking but never touching, afraid to ruin the so-called perfection of the artifacts inside. Therefore, I will embrace my ability to be a thief, because if I don’t steal what the world has to offer, I’ll never have the tools to share with others a creation of my own.

My life is my own arrangement, and because of that, anything is possible.

【1】Which can be the best title?

A. The Love for Music.

B. Changes from a Thief to an Artist.

C. My Stolen Piano Lessons.

D. A Man Who Steals Music.

【2】According to the passage , which statement is true ?

A. Actually there was originality only in music

B. He was born on the piano bench.

C. The author created the original piano arrangement all by himself.

D .The author was once a thief who stole music from his favorite band.

【3】Why did the writer feel proud of himself ?

A.Because he became a real artist without others help.

B. Because he changed a song into a piano arrangement by himself.

C . Because he has a father who was a composer.

D. Because he could play the piano at an early age.

4What does the underlined word embrace mean?

A. Hug B. Explain C. Adapt D. Quit

5From the passage we can learn that the writer______

A. never accept others advice.

B. likes to recreate songs whenever it is possible.

C. would rather not turn to his father for help.

D. is more of a leader than a follower.

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