


第一节  对话填空。阅读下面对话,掌握其大意,并根据所给首字母的提示,在标有题号的右边横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。

M: Hi, Heather, I was wondering if you’re (76) a             tomorrow evening.

W: Well, George, I guess I am. Why do you ask?

M: I have just gotten a pair of Star Wars movie tickets from a friend and was thinking of (77) i         you along for the opening show. Are you interested?

W: Yeah, definitely! Thanks a lot!

M: No problem.

W: I really wanted to watch Star Wars on the opening day but the tickets were sold out. How did you (78) m          to get hold of them?

M: A friend of mine works at Pepsi headquarters. He was able to get the tickets for (79)f        , and then he sold 2 to me for $50 a piece.

W: You paid $50 for each ticket? That’s much more expensive than the (80) r        price!

M: Not really (81) c          the fact that other people are paying as high as $200 each on the “black market”.

W: I’m really honored you went (82) t           all this trouble just for my (83) s      I really (84) a           that. So, what time are we going?

M: The movie starts at 10 pm. We should get there at least 1 hour (85) e          because there’ll be a big line. I could you up at your house at 8, if that’s OK with you.

76、available                77、inviting                 78、manage                 79、free

80、regular                  81、considering            82、through                 83、sake

84、appreciate              85、earlier


A survey basing on 1 ,000 students found that half of the pupils and 80%   76._______
of the middle school students sleeps less than nine hours every night.77._______
And too many homework given by school teachers and parents is       78._______
the main reason .Other reason lies in students' bad habits. Some            79_______
students, for example, are absent-minded while doing his homework .         80_______
and some waste their after-class time. The third reason is that some       81.________
students have to get up early on week-days to get school far away         82._________    
from home. Experts are calling at schools and parents to cut down on       83.________
the amount of homework. And students should make a good use of their time. 84.________
And it would be well if they could choose to study in a nearby school.       85________



第一节 对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


W: Hi, Ben, Where have you been?

M: I’ve been to the library and (76)b       some English books. Why do you ask?

W: I thought you’d been to the post office. Did you find the money I left on the desk?

M: Yes, 10 dollars (77)a       . But I don’t know what it is for.

W: Didn’t you see the note I left to you with the money?

M: Note? Why note? I don’t see any note.

W: (78)R      ? It’s very strange. I left the money with a note (79)s______ I wanted you to go to the post office and get some (80)e______ and stamps for me. I also put the ink bottle on them in case they might not draw your attention.

M: I see now. Why cant’ you go and get them (81)y______? The post office is only about 30 (82)m      walk from here. We often go for a walk there after having (83)s      .

W: Of course I know how far it is from our school. I can’t go there myself because I’m very (84)b_______ doing some chemical

experiments in the lab. And what’s more, I have to prepare for my English exam. You know I failed the last one. If I can’t pass this time , a hard time will be (85)w       for me. 














第II卷 (共35分)




  Though great progress has been made in science these years, there

are still many people in p_____ conditions in sole parts of the world.        76. ___________

They make their l_____ by collecting and selling used things. Their         77. ___________

Children cannot go to school because they have no e_____ money to      78. ___________

Send their children there. Why do you think so many people still _____      79. ___________

from poverty now? The answer lies _____ the population explosion.            80. ___________

A president of a ____(发展中) country once said: “ It was we who are to   81. ___________

____ for the poverty because we used to produce children without limit.”   82. ___________

Although these few words _____(听起来) simple enough and strange,            83. ___________

they have clearly pointed out one of the _____(原因) of the poverty.             84. ___________

It’s a good lesson for us to learn in f_____.                                                            85. ___________


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