
【题目】You may have grown up living with sisters and brothers, or this may be your first time sharing your living space with someone else. Having a roommate surely has its challenges. 1 Follow these tips to make sure you and your roommate keep things pleasant and supportive throughout the year.

Be clear from the beginning.

Maybe you hate it when someone interrupts you when you are sleeping every morning. 2, Let your roommate know about your preferences. It’s not fair to expect him or her to pick up on them right away, and communicating what you need is one of the best ways to get rid of problems before they become problems.

Respect your roommate’s things.

This may seem simple,but it’s probably one of the biggest reasons why roommates experience conflicts. Don’t you think he’ll mind if you borrow his shoes for a quick soccer game for all you know, you just stepped over an uncrossable line.3

Be open to change.

You should expect to learn and grow and change during your time at school. And the same should happen to your roommate, if all goes well. 4. Be comfortable addressing things that unexpectedly come up, setting new rules, and being flexible to your changing environment.


Treat your roommate like you’d like to be treated. No matter what your relationship is at the end of the year, you can take comfort knowing you acted like an adult and treated your roommate with respect.

A. Don’t borrow, use, or lake anything without getting permission first.

B. As the term progresses, realize things will change for both of you.

C. Getting along well with a roommate is really a difficult job.

D. Maybe you need moments to be silent after you wake up.

E. You should correct your bad habits first.

F. Follow the Golden Rule.

G. However, it can also be a great part of your college experience.








1根据空缺处前面的内容“ Having a roommate surely has its challenges.”拥有一个室友确实很有挑战,那么此处很可能继续前面的话题谈到拥有一个室友的其他方面,可以发现所有选项中G项符合这个要求且衔接顺畅。 “ However, it can also be a great part of your college experience.”然而,它也可以是你的大学经历的一个重要部分。这一句讲述了拥有室友虽然有挑战但却是重要的经历。故选G

2根据空缺处前面内容“Maybe you hate it when someone interrupts you when you are sleeping every morning. ”也许你讨厌别人在早上打扰你睡觉,以及后面的内容“Let your roommate know about your preferences.”让你的室友知道你的偏好,已知前面谈到了一种情况,那么至少还存在另一种情况,有所选择才能称为“偏好”。发现D项 “Maybe you need moments to be silent after you wake up.”也许在你醒来之后你要保持沉默。此句与空缺处前句结构相同故可作为选择关系。故选D

3根据这一段的小标题可知此段谈到的是“尊重室友的物品”的问题,那么此段应是围绕着这个中心的。发现选项A符合这个要求。且作为这一小段的末尾,A项有总结上文的作用。 “ Don’t borrow, use, or lake anything without getting permission first.”在没有得到允许的情况下,你不要借、不要用任何东西。故选A

4首先这一小段谈到的是改变的问题。根据前文“ ……And the same should happen to your roommate, if all goes well.”如果一切顺利的话,同样的事情也会发生在你的室友身上,前面谈到了自己的改变和室友的改变,那么此处很可能是对于前面内容的总结或总说,可以发现B项符合要求。“As the term progresses, realize things will change for both of you.”在学期进程中,意识到你们都会改变。故选B

5此处是要为接下来这一段写小标题,根据“Treat your roommate like you’d like to be treated. No matter what your relationship is at the end of the year, you can take comfort knowing you acted like an adult and treated your roommate with respect.”可知此段列举了一些和室友友好相处的措施,发现F项“Follow the Golden Rule”遵守黄金规则,此项恰能总结此段大意。故选F


【题目】Summer is the season to dive into new activities and relax. And right now is the time to make sure that you’re ready for the great outdoors, the holiday planning and travel, and the bathing suit beach days.

If you want to lose weight before summer, concentrate on dropping no more than a pound or two a week. 1And when you trouble yourself, sooner or later you,re going to gain it back. Operate on a 500-calorie-a-day deficit (亏损). 2 So if you cut 500 calories a day for seven days straight, you’ll lose a pound a week right there.

Operating at a decrease of 500 calories a day should involve both eating less and moving more. For example, you could consume 300 fewer calories and bum 200 extra per day.

Include both healthy eating and exercise in your weight-loss plan, and break the 500-calorie goal into small groups to make it more reachable. 3

To cut 100 calories: 4 Have vegetable pizza instead of pepperoni (意大利辣香肠). Use our Nutritional Needs Calculator to determine how many daily calories you should consume in order to lose, gain, or maintain your healthy goal weight. Once you’ve reached your goal, recalculate your nutritional needs for keeping extra weight off all summer long.

To burn 100 calories: spend 15 minutes biking. 5 Spend 20 minutes gardening. Keep on exercising at least 30 minutes daily a week. Reading food labels and counting calories or writing down what and when you eat can give you more control as well.

A. Here are some simple ways to get there.

B. Walk or run one mile.

C. A pound is 3,500 calories.

D. It is okay to have some snacks between your meals.

E. You should always make sure you get a lot of sleep.

F. Anything more than that usually means you’re troubling yourself.

G. Eat a chicken breast without the skin.

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