
    I am beginning to wonder whether my grandmother isn’t right when she complains, as she frequently does, that children nowadays aren’t as well-behaved as they used to be. Whenever she gets the opportunity, she recounts in detail how she used to be told to respect the elders and betters. She was taught to speak only when she was spoken to, and when she went out on her own, she was reminded to say 'please' and 'thank you'. Children in her day, she continues, were expected to be seen and not heard, but these days you are lucky if you ever hear parents telling their children to mind their p’s and q’s.

       If you give her the chance, she then takes out of her drawer the old photograph album which she keeps there, and which she never tires of displaying. Of course when you look at pictures of her parents, you feel sure that, with a father as stern-looking as that, you too would have been "seen and not heard". He had a lot of neatly cut hair, long side-whiskers and a big moustache. In the photographs, he is always clutching (抓住) his coat with one hand, while in the other he holds a thin walking stick. Beside him sits his wife, with their children around her: Granny and her elder brothers. It always occurs to me that perhaps those long, stiff, black clothes were so clumsy to a little girl, that she hadn’t enough breath left to be talkative, let alone mischievous (淘气的). It must have been a dull and lonely life too, for she stayed mainly at home during her childhood, while her brothers were sent away to school from an early age. Despite their long black shorts and their serious expressions in the photographs, I always suspect that their lives were considerably more enjoyable than hers. One can imagine them telling each other to shut up or mind their own business, as soon as their parents were out of sight.

       Going to see Granny on Sundays used to be a terrible experience. We would always be warned in advance to be on our best behavior, since my mother made a great effort to show how well brought up we were, in spite of our old, comfortable clothes, our incomprehensible (to Granny) slang, and our noisy games in the garden. We had to change into what Granny described as our "Sundays best" for lunch, when we would sit uncomfortably, kicking each other under the table. We were continually being ordered to sit up straight, to take our elbows off the table, to wait till everybody had been served, not to wolf down our food, nor to talk with our mouths full. At length we would be told to ask to be excused from the table and ordered to find quiet occupations for the rest of the day. We were always very bad-tempered by the evening, and would complain angrily all the way home.

       Yet though we hated the Sunday visit, we never questioned the rules of good manners themselves. I remember being greatly shocked as a child to hear one of my friends telling her father to shut up. I knew I could never have spoken like that to my father and it would never have occurred to me to do so.

       However, my childhood was much freer than Granny’s. I went to school with my brother and I played football with him and his friends. We all spoke a common language, and we got up to the same mischief. I would have died if I had had to stay indoors, wear a tight dress, and sew.

       But I do sometimes look wistfully (惆怅地) at an old sampler which hangs in the hall, which was embroidered (刺绣) by an even more distant relative—my great-great-aunt, of whom, regrettably, no photograph remains. It was done as an example of her progress in learning. The alphabet is carefully sewn in large colored childish letters from A to Z, and below it a small verse reads:

                     Mary Saunders is my name,

                     And with my needle I worked the same,

                     That by it you may plainly see

                     What care my parents have for me.

       It must have taken that little five-year-old months and months of laborious sewing, but, in a circle in a bottom corner of the sampler, there is a line: "Be Ever Happy".

50. The writer’s grandmother will complain that ______.

  A. children used to be mischievous

  B. children behave worse than they did in the past

  C. children are often reminded of what to do

  D. children are very badly behaved

51.Visiting Granny on Sundays was a terrible experience because ______.

  A. the writer was not so well raised as she was required to pretend

  B. Granny continually warned the writer to be on her best behavior

  C. Granny was always describing the writer’s "Sunday best"

  D. the writer was always blamed for not behaving well

52. From Paragraph 4, we can infer that the writer ______.

  A. seldom spoke to her father in the way her friend did

  B. was never questioned about the rules of good manners

  C. never doubted the value of the strict rules at that time

  D. was worried that her friend’s father would be shocked

53. The writer looked wistfully at the sampler, because______.

  A. it was embroidered by a relative.

  B. she wished she could sew herself.

  C. it called to mind the values of good old days.

  D. she had no photographs of Mary Saunders.

54. By sewing "Be Ever Happy" in the sampler, Mary Saunders ______. 

  A. suggested she was unhappy then

  B. indicated happiness was hard to gain

  C. expected we would find happiness in sewing

  D. hoped happiness would be everlasting


After the Summer Olympics are over, when all the athletics have gone home and the television audience has switched off, another group of athletics and fans will arrive at the host city, and another competition will begin. These are the Paralympics, the games for athletes with a disability. But in Beijing in 2008, for the first time, one of the greatest Paralympics will not be taking part.

  She is a British athlete by the name of Tanni Grey-Thormpson. Born with spine hifida (脊椎裂) which left her paralysed from the waist down. Tanni used a wheelchair from the age of 7. at first, she was not keen on sport, apart from horse-riding, which gave her a sense of freedom. But in her teens, she started taking sports more seriously. She tried swimming, basketball and tennis. Eventually she found athletics, and never looked back.

  Indeed, Tanni’s athletic career took off. In 1984, when she was 15, she pulled off a surprise victory in the 100metres at the Junior National Wheelchair Games.

  In 1988, Tanni went to her first Paralympic Games in Seoul. She won bronze in the 400 metres. Even greater success followed at the 1992 Barcelona. Paralympics. Tanni won gold in the 100, 200, 400 and 800 metres relay, setting two world records in the process. In the same year she achieved she first of her six London Wheelchair Marathon victories.

  Tanni’s enduring success had been part motivation(动机), part preparation, “The training I do that enables me to be a good sprinter(短跑运动员) enables me to be good at a marathon too. I train 50 weeks of the year and that keeps me prepared for whatever distance I want to race…. I am still competing at a very high lever, but as I get older things get harder and I want to retire before I fall apart.”

  Indeed Tanni retired finally after the Visa Paralympic World Cup in 2007. Her wish is to coach young athletes for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

  In spite of ups and downs, she never take her fate lying down. In her splendid life, she has won an amazing eleven gold medals, four silvers and one bronze in series of Paralympics- a top lever athletic career covering two decades. She has won the London Wheelchair Marathon six times, more than any other competitor, and she has set over thirty world records.

  What advice does she have for young athletes? “Work hard at your studies, and then train, train and train again.”

41. Which of the following sports did Tanni like before thirteen?

A. Basketball         B. Swimming.          C. Tennis.        D. Horse-riding.

42. When did Tanni win her first Olympic gold medal?

A. In 1984.           B. In 1988.             C. In 1992.       D. In 2007.

43. The underlined word “that” in the 5th paragraph refers to _______.

A. fifty weeks’ training             B. being a good sprinter

C. training almost every day         D. part motivation and part preparation

44. What’s the right order of the events related to Tanni?

a. She works as a coach.      b. She took up athletics.

c. She won four gold medals in Barcelona.   d. She competed in her first Paralympic Games.

e. She achieved a victory in her first London Wheelchair Marathon.

A. b, d, c, e a    B. a, d, b, c ,e     C. A,d,c,e,b       D. b.d.a.e.c

45. What can we learn from Tanni’s success?

A. Union is strength.                 B. Never too late to learn.

C. Well begun is half done.         D. No pains, no gains.

Many people influenced various aspects of my life, based on their personal characteristics, accomplishments (才艺), and values. I have been fortunate to have had numerous teachers and professors who I respect for their patience and intelligence. There are artists that have inspired me by their natural talents and original creativity. I value many political leaders, who have inspired me by their contributions to society, and their ability to change our future. But of all the people I have known in my life, the person I admire most is my father.

As the youngest girl in my family, I always considered myself to be “Daddy’s little girl.” While growing up, it always made me sad to see so many of my friends and neighbours without a father or father-like figure around. This helped me appreciate how my father always takes an interest in his children’s lives. In my early life my father continuously pushes me to excel, so I could accomplish my work outstandingly among my people. Whenever I feel like giving up, or having a question or a concern, I know I can always call on him for advice. From him I have also learned that sometimes you have to put others’ needs ahead of your own, but not to the point they will begin to take advantage of you. His strength seems to be unbreakable during hard times, and he is extremely determined to accomplish anything he sets his mind on, no matter how tiny it is. I highly respect him for how he stands up for what he believes in, and will never back down. I have always admired his open mind, enthusiasm for work and people around, and sense of understanding. He is a very reserved man, but to everybody’s surprise, he has a great sense of humor, and always knows how to put a smile on the faces of his wife, his children and his friends.

Living in his affection and instruction, I am very proud of my father. He also professes how proud he is of his children, and is still there to support us in whatever we are involved in.

What is the best title for the passage?

A. How my father loved me as “Daddy’s little girl”.

B. My father – the person I admire most.

C. I am the apple on my father’s palm.

D. My father – the person who loved me most.

Which of the following could NOT be used to describe the writer’s father?

A. Considerate and humourous.          B. Affectionate and open-minded.

C. Energetic and helpful.                D. Knowledgeable and sociable.

Which of the following can best explain the underlined word “excel” in Paragraph 2?

A. Be more powerful than others.        B. Be richer than others.

C. Do better than others.               D. Be more charming than others.

By saying “you have to put others’ needs ahead of your own, but not to the point they will begin to take advantage of you” in Paragraph 2, the father was telling the writer to ______.

A. think for others and help them, but not to be made use of in negative ways

B. think for others and help them, so that you can make use of them to serve you

C. try to make use of those who want to do so to you

D. try to be good to those who are worth making friends with

What can we infer about the writer? 

A. She appreciated her father because he solved all the problems for her.

B. She was outstanding in work because her father pushed her too hard.

C. She considered her father silly and often laughed at him.

D. She has a strong sense of sympathy towards other people.

About 1,000 students were having a final exam in a huge lecture hall. Obviously the teacher wasn’t very well liked, who kept shouting out how much time was left. During the exam he was so  36   going around the room making sure that nobody   37  . He asked the students to pile the   38   tests on the huge desk. This made for quite a mess(混乱).

    Anyway, everyone needed a fairly good   39  . Many students did poorly when rushed.  40of the students thought that he must get a good grade, so he went on when the professor said “  41   down and check up your exam sheets”.

Five   42   turned into ten, ten into twenty, twenty into forty … almost an hour   43   the test was over, our friend finally put down his pencil,   44   up his work, and headed to the front to present his final. The whole time, the professor sat there,   45   waiting for the student to complete.

“What do you think you are doing?” It was clear that the professor had   46   only to give the student a   47   time.

“Turning in my exam,” replied the student confidently.

“I’m afraid I have some bad   48   for you,” the professor gloated(幸灾乐祸), “Your  49 is an hour late. You’re FAILED it. And I’ll see you next term when you   50   my course.”

The student smiled slyly(狡诈地)   51   asked the professor, “Do you know who I am?” “No,” cried out the professor   52  .

The student   53   the professor right in the eyes and said slowly, “I didn’t think so,” so he lifted up one of the   54   half way, put his test neatly into the center of the pile, let the pile fall  55   his test in the middle, turned around, and walked out of the huge lecture hall.

36.A.kind                       B.busy                       C.strict                      D.serious

37.A.cheated                   B.failed                            C.slept                       D.passed

38.A.written                   B.succeeded               C.unfinished               D.completed

39.A.teacher                   B.friend                     C.grade                      D.paper

40.A.All                         B.One                        C.None                      D.Each

41.A.pencils                   B.papers                    C.hands                     D.books

42.A.students                  B.minutes                  C.sheets                     D.piles

43.A.if                           B.though                    C.before                    D.after

44.A.gathered                 B.brought                  C.sent                        D.made

45.A.strangely                B.excitedly                 C.anxiously                D.curiously

46.A.promised                B.managed                 C.waited                    D.worked

47.A.easy                       B.hard                       C.long                       D.good

48.A.information            B.result                      C.advice                    D.news

49.A.exam                      B.time                       C.arrival                    D.turn

50.A.accept                    B.repeat                     C.learn                      D.begin

51.A.and                        B.but                         C.so                          D.however

52.A.cruelly                   B.calmly                    C.angrily                   D.firmly

53.A.searched                 B.hit                          C.blamed                   D.looked

54.A.hands                     B.eyes                       C.desks                      D.piles

55.A.changing                B.burying                  C.improving               D.sticking

 For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father!

Lydia M. Child

When I was a little girl, my father had a time-honored tradition. Following my bedtime story, he would give me a nose  36  , and whisper the most wonderful words into my ear. “Michelle, of all the little girls in the whole wide world . . .” he would pause.

“ Yes, Daddy?”

“ How did your mommy and I get so  37  to get the best one?”

 38  he had time to finish, I would say, “You got me!” And then he would continue , “The best little girl in the whole wide world, and we got you.” He would end with a bear hug and  39  kiss to my forehead.

Years passed and my father never missed a night, even when I thought he should have. After my basketball team was  40  , he came into my room.

“ Michelle, of all the basketball players in the whole wide world,” he paused.

“ Yes, Daddy?” I stared at the floor.

“ How did your mom and I get so lucky to get the best one?”

“ You didn’t.”

“ Of course we did, Michelle. We have you.”

After I  41  from college, I became engaged. My father never missed a night to call or leave a message  42  me how special I was to him. I even wondered if he would continue calling after I got  43  , but he didn’t. The daily calls I had taken for granted all my life ended the day he died from cancer, only weeks before my wedding. I deeply missed  44  the days with my father.

Standing behind the white church doors, I waited for the wedding march to begin. Before we walking down the aisle, my brother  45  inside his pocket and handed me an ivory napkin. Inscribed (题写) were the words:

Of all the precious  46  in the whole wide world, how did Mark get so lucky to marry the best one? He married you, Michelle, and he is so lucky! I am so proud of you, my little girl.



Without doubt , it was the best wedding gift I  47 , One I would never forget. My father showered me with his gifts every day of his life. How did I get so lucky?

1.                A.bite           B.kiss            C.touch    D.beat


2.                A.fortunate       B.unlucky         C.angry D.calm


3.                A.Since          B.After           C.When    D.Before


4.                A.other          B.either          C.another  D.each


5.                A.won           B.lost            C.gained   D.defeated


6.                A.entered        B.graduated       C.drove    D.returned


7.                A.criticizing       B.warning         C.reminding D.encouraging


8.                A.excited         B.depressed       C.divorced  D.married


9.                A.washing        B.sharing         C.forgetting D.cutting


10.               A.reached        B.went           C.jumped   D.fell


11.               A.wives          B.daughters       C.mothers   D.kids


12.               A.bought         B.sold           C.received  D.sent



I don’t remember her name and would not recognize her if I were to pass her on the street. But I do__36__the kindness given by a stranger and the difference it has made in my life.

One Sunday, I was told to dress in my best clothes for I was going to __37__ . She smiled brightly as I got into her car, the car of a __38__I did not even know her name, but here I was , along with four others I __39__from our low-income neighborhood, on our way to church.

As we __40__ into the parking lot, I remember how beautiful the old stone building was with its tall steeple(尖塔)and stained glass windows. The__41__seemed long, and not accustomed to the rituals(仪式)of the Catholic Church, I felt out of place. Once the service had ended, I __42__ to be taken home, but __43__ we headed in the opposite direction. We were taken to a small__44__with the furnishings that portrayed a simple lifestyle. Two tables were set up with large boxes__45__ puzzles. As she made us hot chocolate, we were__46__ to begin working the puzzles. It was a quiet and happy time.

I came to __47__ Sundays,to hot chocolate, to puzzles that__48__ where we had left off the week before, and to the love I felt whenever she __49___at me .

Once our 1,000-piece puzzles had been completed, she no longer came to__50__us up on Sundays .I was told she was__51__ and no longer able to travel. However, I _52__ if perhaps it was time for her to “rescue” the next group of children. To give them hope that kindness still__53__ and can be found within those we call strangers.

I am forty-four years old now and often show__54__to strangers when given the chance. I know she may not move amongst us now, but I hope she smiles when she sees that her efforts to reach out to those less fortunate__55__.

1.                A.forget          B.understand      C.remember D.see


2.                A.school         B.college         C.hospital   D.church


3.                A.friend          B.stranger        C.teacher   D.leader


4.A recognized        B. described          C. realized         D. offered

5.                A.pulled          B.pushed         C.broke    D.stopped


6.                A.service         B.holiday         C.cure D.ceremony


7.                A.imagined       B.recommended   C.expected D.expressed


8.                A.besides         B.except         C.instead   D.still


9.                A.park           B.apartment       C.field D.path


10.               A.consisting       B.concluding      C.including  D.containing


11.               A.instructed      B.explored       C.convinced D.determined


12.               A.pay attention to B.devote to       C.look forward to D.lead to


13.               A.covered        B.replaced        C.changed   D.remained


14.               A.stared         B.smiled         C.threw D.glared


15.               A.make          B.pick           C.take  D.bring


16.               A.lost            B.gone           C.ill    D.old


17.               A.wondered      B.wandered       C.hoped D.insisted


18.               A.gathers         B.exists          C.drops D.moves


19.               A.respect        B.guidance       C.signs  D.kindness


20.A appear           B. fade              C. continue        D. create


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