
Men are happier with money, while women find greater joy in friendships and relationships with their children, co – workers and bosses, a new global survey indicates.
The online survey of 28,153 people in more than 51 countries by global marketing and information firm Nielsen found that as the world struggles with a recession(衰退) and financial markets remain declined, many people are reminding themselves that money can’t buy happiness.
The Nielsen Happiness Study found that globally, women are happier than men in 48 of the 51 countries surveyed in August 2009, and only in Brazil, South Africa and Vietnam were men found to be happier than women.
“Because they are happier with non-economic factors, women’s happiness is more recession-proof which might explain why women around the world are happier in general than men are,” Nielsen Vice President of Consumer Research Bruce Paul said in a statement.
Japanese women reported the greatest difference and are 15 percent happier than Japanese men.Women are also more optimistic about the future, scoring higher than men on predictions of their happiness in the next six months.
Women were also more content with their marriage life, the study found.Japanese and New Zealand women reported the greatest difference in satisfaction with their marriage life.
Men are generally happier with their physical health than women, and this is especially pronounced in South Africa.Egypt bucks the trend, with women rating their happiness with their health considerably higher than men.
Globally, men rated their happiness with their mental health higher than women.It was the same in Belgium, South Korea, Mexico, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Egypt, and Israel.
There are three main drivers of happiness globally, according to the study: personal financial situation, mental health and job/career.Being satisfied with your partner is also important for happiness.
61.The passage mainly centers around ______.
A.key drivers leading to happiness
B.a study on happiness between sexes
C.a medical survey on men and women
D.comparisons between men and women
62.Compared with women, men tend to be happier with ______.
A.money, friendship and their family
B.financial situation, health and marriage life
C.the future, mental health and money
D.mental health, physical health and money
63.The underlined word in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to ______.
A.strengthens         B.opposes       C.follows      D.continues
64.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT right?
A.Globally, women are happier than men in general.
B.Women in Vietnam are not as happy as men.
C.Women score higher than men on predictions of their future.
D.Women’s happiness is less likely affected by financial crisis.
65.Which country has the biggest difference in happiness between men and women?
A.Japan.  B.New Zealand.      C.Egypt.        D.South Africa.

61—65 BDBCA   



Men have always believed that they are smarter than women. Now, a study has found that while this is certainly true, men also have to deal with the fact that they are also more stupid than the fairer sex.
In the study, scientists measured the IQ of 2500 brothers and sisters and they found an uneven number of men not only in the top two percent, but also in the bottom two percent.
The study's participants were tested on science, maths, English and mechanical abilities.
Though there were twice as many men as women in the smartest group, there were also twice as many men among the dolts.
The aggregate scores of men and women were similar.
One of the study's authors, psychology professor Timothy Bates, said that the phenomenon may be because men have always been expected to be high achievers and women have been restricted to spend more time taking care of their home.
"The female developmental program may be tilted more towards ensuring survival and the safety of the middle ground.," the Daily Mail quoted Professor Bates, of Edinburgh University, as saying.
The research tallies with past results that men were more likely than women to receive first class University degrees or thirds and women secured the seconds.
It has been said that men are more ready to take risk when it comes to academics. Women have always found to be steadier in their learning.
A past study has shown that women are securing more firsts and seconds, while men are continuing to receive more thirds.
The argument for the change is that the increase of coursework at the cost of exams favors women's steady approach.
51. The purpose of the passage is to tell us that ________.
A. man are smarter then women
B. man are more stupid the women
C. a new fact about the IQ of men and women has been found
D. men are more likely to receive first class university degrees
52. According to Timothy Bates, less women are in the smartest group because _________.
A. they are born stupid
B. they have to spend more time to tale care of their home than men 
C. they don’t like to take risk
D. they are not expected to be high achievers
53. The underlined word tallies with in the eighth paragraph means________.
A. agree with      B. deal with     C. go against     D. go with
54. It can be inferred from the passage that______.
A. Women are steadier in their learning.
B. men are more ready to take risk in everything
C. women are securing more firsts and seconds
D. women are doing much better in academy
55. Which of the following questions has NOT been discussed in the passage?
A. Why are men smarter than women? 
B. Why are men more stupid than women?
C. How does the result go along with the past research?
D. How can we help the men in the bottom?

Which gender is the most talkative? No matter what you answer, you are partially right.
A recent Gallup Poll showed that both men and women believe that women possess the gift of talking and some even believe women are biologically built for conversation, but all of that is challenged in a research published in the November issue of Personality and Social Psychology Review.
In a recent research by Campbell Leaper and Melanie Ayres, they collected all of the available evidence from decades of scientific study and systematically combined the findings into an overall picture of the differences between men and women regarding talkativeness.
They found a small but reliable tendency(趋势) for men to be more talkative than women in certain cases, such as when they were conversing with their wives or with strangers. Women talked more to their children and to their college classmates.
The type of speech was also explored in the research. The researchers discovered that, with strangers, women were generally more talkative when it came to using speech to ensure her connection to the listener, while men’s speech focused more on an attempt to influence the listener. With close friends and family, however, there was very little difference between genders in the amount of speech.
60.This passage mainly talks about a research conducted by _______ .
A. Gallup Poll       B. Personality and Social Psychology Review
C. Campbell Leaper and Melanie Ayres       D. the author
61.Which of the following statements describes the main idea of the passage?
A. Women are born more talkative than men.
B. Men are born more talkative than women.
C. Women and men are talkative in different cases.
D. Women are no more talkative than men.
62.The underlined word gender means _______.
A. people       B. nationality  C. culture       D. sex
63.Talking with strangers, ________.
A. women are more talkative than with people they know
B. men are more talkative than with their wives
C. women prefer to listen more rather than speak more
D. men speak a lot to have their opinions accepted

Men have always believed that they are smarter than women. Now, a study has found that while this is certainly true, men also have to deal with the fact that they are also more stupid than the fairer sex.

In the study, scientists measured the IQ of 2500 brothers and sisters and they found an uneven number of men not only in the top two percent, but also in the bottom two percent.

The study's participants were tested on science, maths, English and mechanical abilities.

Though there were twice as many men as women in the smartest group, there were also twice as many men among the dolts.

The aggregate scores of men and women were similar.

One of the study's authors, psychology professor Timothy Bates, said that the phenomenon may be because men have always been expected to be high achievers and women have been restricted to spend more time taking care of their home.

"The female developmental program may be tilted more towards ensuring survival and the safety of the middle ground.," the Daily Mail quoted Professor Bates, of Edinburgh University, as saying.

The research tallies with past results that men were more likely than women to receive first class University degrees or thirds and women secured the seconds.

It has been said that men are more ready to take risk when it comes to academics. Women have always found to be steadier in their learning.

A past study has shown that women are securing more firsts and seconds, while men are continuing to receive more thirds.

The argument for the change is that the increase of coursework at the cost of exams favors women's steady approach.

51. The purpose of the passage is to tell us that ________.

A. man are smarter then women

B. man are more stupid the women

C. a new fact about the IQ of men and women has been found

D. men are more likely to receive first class university degrees

52. According to Timothy Bates, less women are in the smartest group because _________.

A. they are born stupid

B. they have to spend more time to tale care of their home than men 

C. they don’t like to take risk

D. they are not expected to be high achievers

53. The underlined word tallies with in the eighth paragraph means________.

A. agree with      B. deal with     C. go against     D. go with

54. It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A. Women are steadier in their learning.

B. men are more ready to take risk in everything

C. women are securing more firsts and seconds

D. women are doing much better in academy

55. Which of the following questions has NOT been discussed in the passage?

A. Why are men smarter than women? 

B. Why are men more stupid than women?

C. How does the result go along with the past research?

D. How can we help the men in the bottom?



Which gender is the most talkative? No matter what you answer, you are partially right.

A recent Gallup Poll showed that both men and women believe that women possess the gift of talking and some even believe women are biologically built for conversation, but all of that is challenged in a research published in the November issue of Personality and Social Psychology Review.

In a recent research by Campbell Leaper and Melanie Ayres, they collected all of the available evidence from decades of scientific study and systematically combined the findings into an overall picture of the differences between men and women regarding talkativeness.

They found a small but reliable tendency(趋势) for men to be more talkative than women in certain cases, such as when they were conversing with their wives or with strangers. Women talked more to their children and to their college classmates.

The type of speech was also explored in the research. The researchers discovered that, with strangers, women were generally more talkative when it came to using speech to ensure her connection to the listener, while men’s speech focused more on an attempt to influence the listener. With close friends and family, however, there was very little difference between genders in the amount of speech.

60.This passage mainly talks about a research conducted by _______ .

         A. Gallup Poll   B. Personality and Social Psychology Review

         C. Campbell Leaper and Melanie Ayres  D. the author

61.Which of the following statements describes the main idea of the passage?

         A. Women are born more talkative than men.

         B. Men are born more talkative than women.

         C. Women and men are talkative in different cases.

         D. Women are no more talkative than men.

62.The underlined word gender means _______.

         A. people B. nationality   C. culture          D. sex

63.Talking with strangers, ________.

         A. women are more talkative than with people they know

         B. men are more talkative than with their wives

         C. women prefer to listen more rather than speak more

         D. men speak a lot to have their opinions accepted


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