

Questioning can lead to __【1】______(search) for an answer. If we are in the habit of raising doubts as to ___2_____ what we are told is true, we can find the correct answer and learn more.

Two years ago, our teacher _____3____(offer) us an answer to a difficult math problem in class. Although the answer seemed a little strange, nobody ____4___ I doubted it. Thinking that his answer might be wrong, I _____5____(careful) analyzed the problem and tries to work __6_ out in a different way. Half an hour ___7_____, I managed to find the correct answer. When I showed my answer to him, the teacher praised me for my ___8_____(depend) thinking.

From this experience, I have learned that questioning can serve as ___9____ bridge that helps us to seek the ___【10___(true).














【1】searching 考查动名词。lead to 导致,to是介词,后面跟名词,代词或者动词的-ing形式,这里search是动词,所以用其-ing形式searching

【2】whether 考查从句的关系词。句意:如果我们养成质疑的习惯,如告诉我们的东西是否正确。whether在这里的意思是:是否。as to其后引接出wh-clause或who-to-v结构,表示“在……的问题上”、“就……问题来讲”,所引出的问题都有很强的针对性。

【3】offered 考查动词的时态,句意:两年前,老师给出了一个很难的数学题的答案,过去的事用动词的过去式offered作谓语。

【4】but 考查固定搭配。nothing /nobody but ...没有什么东西或者人除了...。

【5】carefully 考查副词。这里应该用副词修饰动词analyzed,所以要把形容词careful变成副词carefully

【6】it 考查代词。这里用代词it代替前面的名词the problem

【7】later 考查副词。later放在时间段之后,after放在时间段之前。

【8】independent 考查形容词。用形容词修饰名词。老师表扬我独立的思考。independent独立的。

【9】a 考查冠词。bridge是可数名词,一座桥,前面用不定冠词a,表一个。

【10】truth 考查名词。这里用名词作宾语,意思是:帮助我们寻找真相。truth真相。


【题目】If you are in a crowd, the first and most important thing is to make yourself familiar with your surroundings and mentally notice alternate exits.__ 【1】____

Make yourself aware of the type of ground you are standing on, and know that in a crowd of moving people wet or uneven ground can be slippery or hazardous, causing you to fall.

__2___ When in danger, a few seconds can make all the difference, giving you the possibility of taking advantage of escaping route. Always stay closer to the escape route.

If you find yourself in the middle of a moving crowd, do not fight against the pressure, do not stand still or sit down, because you could easily get trampled.___3_____

Take advantage of any space that may open up to move sideways to the crowd movement where the flow is weaker.

Keep your hands up by your chest, like a boxer—it gives you movement and protects your chest.___4____ If you cannot get up because you are injured, get someone to pull you back up. If you have kids, lift them up.

If you fall and cannot get up, keep moving by crawling in the same direction of the crowd, or if that is not possible, then cover your head with your arms and curl up into fetal position.___5____

A. No matter where you are, make sure you always know how to get out.

B. If you fall, get up quickly.

C. Do not lie on your stomach or back, as this dangerously exposes your lungs.

D. The worst is to be pushed by the crowd against an immovable object

E. There is always space between people.

F. Be aware of the general atmosphere of the event, as panic situations can often be expected.

G. Instead, move in the same direction of the crowd.

【题目】 For some people, music is no fun at all. About 4% of the population is what scientists call “amusic”. People who are amusic are born without the ability to enjoy musical notes. Amusic people often cannot tell the differences between two songs.

As a result, songs sound like noise to an amusic. Many amuics compare the sound of music to pieces of metal hitting each other. Life can be hard for amusics. In fact, most people cannot understand what it feel like be amusic. Just going to a restaurant or a shopping center can be uncomfortable or even painful. That is why many amusics have to stay away from places where there is music. However, this can result in social loneliness. “I used to hate parties,” says Margaret, a seventy-year-old woman who only recently discovered that she was amusic. By studying people like Margaret, scientists are finally learning how to identify(辨别) this unusual condition.

Scientists say that the brains of amusics are different for those of people who can enjoy music. The difference is complex(复杂的), and it is not connected with poor hearing. Amusics can understand other non-musical sounds well. They also have no problems understanding common speech. Scientists compare amusics to people who just can’t see certain colors.

Many amusics are happy when their condition is finally diagnosed(诊断). For years, Margaret felt embarrassed about her problem music. Now she knows that she is not alone. That makes it easier for her to explain. “When people invite me to a concert, I just say ”No, thanks. I’m amusic.’” says Margret.

【1】Amusics are the people who _________.

A. like music B. have poor listening

C. don’t like musicD. are born unable to enjoy music

【2】 Life is hard for amusics mainly because _________.

A. music seems noise for them.

B. people don’t understand amusics

C. amusics try to stay at places full of music

D. amusics hate parties, restaurants or shopping center.

【3】 Scientists identify amusics by _________.

A. studying different kinds of music

B. going to parties regularly

C. studying amusic people

D. comparing music to colors

【4】 What causes amusics different from most people according to scientists?

A. Their brains.B. Their poor hearing.

C. Their lack of colors.D. Their problems with speech.

【5】 What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Amusics’ strange behaviors.

B. Musical ability.

C. Some people’s inability to enjoy music.

D. Identification and treatment of amusic.

【题目】Babysitter(保姆) Wanted

I am seeking a babysitter for my 6-month-old son. A few hours on Saturdays and Sundays to help me and then other times as needed. He or she should be over 18, responsible, loving, warm, and have some experience in caring for babies. This position also suits a college student with experience looking for a part-time job. The pay is $10 an hour.

If this sounds like a good job to you, please reply to rebecharv@aol.com or call 800-4964.

Office Manager Wanted

Our company is looking for a full-time experienced manager to run the business. Strong skills in organization and business management are required for this position. The office manager will be responsible for keeping financial (财务的) records, so he or she should be familiar with computers.

Please reply to jim@californiaaquatics.com or call 800-6978 to apply.

Waiter/ Waitress Wanted

A restaurant is looking for an experienced waiter / waitress. Knowledge of wines and experience in dining are necessary. Must work well under pressure and understand the basics (基本要素) of fine dining and customer service.

Reply to:job-tkupe-1329358152@craigslist.org to apply.

This is a part-time job.

Office Cleaner Wanted

Looking for a Part-time job? A position in the Mississauga area needs an office cleaner! Part-time 4 hours a day from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.

Duties include:

●Cleaning the washrooms

●Cleaning the furniture

●Sweeping the floors

●Other general cleaning experience is necessary. Pay: $15 per hour

Reply to:job-p3b7u-1365632206@craigslist.org or call 800-8197.

【1】Which of the following position is a full-time job?

A. Babysitter. B. Office manager.

C. Waiter / waitress. D. Office cleaner.

【2】If a college girl with some experience caring for children wants to apply for a job, where should she send an email?

A. job-p3b7u-1365632206@craigslist.org

B. job-tkupe-1329358152@craigslist.org

C. jim@californiaaquatics.com

D. rebecharv@aol.com

【3】What can we learn from the passage?

A. The office cleaner has to work three hours each day.

B. One can apply for a waiter or waitress by telephone.

C. A babysitter earns $5 more than an office cleaner per hour.

D. Experience is necessary for all these four jobs.

【4】Which of the following is necessary for a waiter / waitress?

A. Being familiar with computers.

B. Having knowledge of wines.

C. Knowing more about menus.

D. Working well with others.

【题目】It's time for your family to relax and have fun! The following family adventures have links for you to get more information.

Take the Rides of Your Life

Visit Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, to seek thrills "Even though it's located off the beaten track, experts regularly praise Cedar Point as the best overall theme park of the country," says U.S. News & World Report. The park calls itself the roller coaster capital of the world, and with 16 to choose from, it's hard to argue. It's open daily from May 10 through Labor Day; weekends only from Labor Day through November 2.

Tickets start at $ 48.99 per person if purchased online.


Wander Free on a Dude farm

Dust off your cowboy boots and ready your cowboy hats for a visit to this Rocky Mountains paradise. Located in Augusta, Montana, "The farm has everything an aspiring cowboy or girl could long for," says Sunset magazine, including hiking trails, fishing trips, campfires with sing-alongs, and, of course, horseback rides. The large farm operates from June through September; kids-only and adults-only programs are available.

Total cost starts at $ 1,360 per adult, $ 1,276 per teen, and $ 1,168 per child.


Dig for Dinosaurs

Most kids (and adults) love dinosaurs, and to make their wildest dreams come true, head to Fruita, Colorado. The Museum of Western Colorado offers Dino Digs for children ages five and older. You can choose from one-, three-, and five-day expeditions. "Imagine how your child will feel when she helps unearth the fossilized(化石) bones of ancient species," says Outside magazine. It lasts from May to October.

Digs start at $ 125 per person.


Surf Sand Dunes

Swap your snowboard for a sand-board, and head to Sand Master Park in Florence, Oregon. Real Simple recommends learning the basics at this private dune park, "which offers board rentals and lessons ---- often taught by world-champion sand boarders." Then you can hit the "slopes" to test your skills. From March to June, and September to November.

Rentals for a sand-board start at $ 10 per day; lessons start at $ 45 an hour per person.


【1】What is special about Cedar Point?

A. You can visit Cedar Point on weekends.

B. It has 16 roller coasters for you to choose from.

C. You can help unearth the fossilized bones of dinosaurs.

D. It offers lessons taught by world-champion sand boarders.

【2】If you have a 3-day holiday in April, which of the following may interest you most?

A. Take the Rides of Your Life

B. Wander Free on a Dude farm

C. Dig for Dinosaurs

D. Surf Sand Dunes

【3】Where will you probably find this passage?

A. A science fiction. B. An adventure storybook.

C. A travel magazine. D. A theme park advertisement.

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