
That night, Joe came home very late,dragging his 1    feet,obviously tired. He then sat down by the window, 2   his head.

Hearing her husband, Kay 3   out of the kitchen, but to her 4   ,Joe sat,without 5    . Usually, when he came home,he would greet her with a 6   or a hug. Immediately Kay 7 something unusual. She went over to Joe and asked,"Tell me,my dear,what' s the 8   news?"

"Well,I have to say that things are not in our 9   . It seems that I have no10 of defeating my opponent. He,s much more 11   ,for he,s been holding the position for nearly four years, and people think he, s done a 12   job. Many signs show that he' s in the 13   .”

"Oh,well,I still believe you have your own 14   . You're in your forties―the 15   age for a man. You,re new,so people have reason to 16   you to do better. So let's go to the voters and tell them, ' Give Joe Hart a chance,and he' 11 show you who,s the better 17   . ”

Their next three weeks were spent visiting different neighbourhoods,going to all kinds of parties, making speeches at universities and gatherings. 18   Jody and Juile, their small children, went from door to door, 19   their request "Please vote for our daddy, Joe Hart!”The night before the final vote,the whole Hart family were too anxious to sleep. As the final result was declared,their hearts in their mouths,they all 20   and burst into tears.

Joe Hart had become head judge of the state of Texas, USA.

(   ) 1. A. heavy    B. long C. light    D. slow 

(   ) 2. A. lifting    B. raising C. hanging    D. combing

(   ) 3. A. went    B. watched C. dashed    D. slided

(   ) 4. A. anger    B. joy C. surprise    D. disappointment

(   ) 5. A. sighing    B. moving C. standing    D. smiling

(   ) 6. A. sign    B. wave C. word    D. kiss

(   ) 7. A. learnt    B. sensed C. said    D. did

(   ) 8. A. lucky    B. exciting C. good    D. bad

(   ) 9. A. favour    B. way C. place    D. sight

(   ) 10. A. time    B. thought C. hope    D. wish

(   ) 11. A. interesting    B. experienced C. lovely    D. fit

(   ) 12. A. good    B. poor C. unsatisfactory    D. funny

(   ) 13. A. success    B. office C. lead    D. government

(   ) 14. A. people    B. reasons C. rights    D. advantages

(   ) 15. A. youngest    B. best C. lucky    D. older

(   ) 16. A,force B. expect    C. order D. ask

(   ) 17. A. choice    B. friend C. leader    D. person

(   ) 18. A. Although    B. Therefore C. As    D. Even

(   ) 19. A. answering    B. repeating C. saying    D. offering

(   ) 20. A. wept    B. cried    C.laughed D. jumped


1. A从drag一词及obviously tired短语可知,Joe 步履沉重。

2. C Joe很晚才归,且步履沉重,加上下文所说的信心不足,明显是垂头丧气的样子,,与之一致的描述只能是"耷拉着"脑袋。

3. A watch表"观看"、"监视"之意,"观看"后常接表活动的词,dash表"冲出"之意,slide表"溜进" 之意。听见丈夫回家,分离一天的妻子等待的是丈夫的greeting,所以,妻子不可能去"观看" 他,更不可能去"监视"他。"冲出"和"溜进"与生活实际不符。gooutof表"走出来"之意,符合该场合。

4. C从下文的greet、hug等词可知,Joe的举动有点反常,所以,妻子感到奇怪。

5. B   因情绪不佳,Joe坐在那儿一动不动。

6. D   从or的语法功能可知,其前面应该是一个表夫妻间打招呼的亲昵动作,该动作只能是kiss。

7. B   根据下面的问话可知,妻子感知到了异常。

8. D   情绪不佳,肯定是有坏消息了。

9. A in one's favour意为"对某人有利"。A项符合语境。

10. C have no hope of doing sth.没有希望做什么。

11. B从"for he's been holding the position for nearly four years"可知答案。

12. A

13. C in the lead表"领先"之意。

14. D从下文"You' re in your forties"(四十多岁是一个男人最成熟且有创新意识的年龄)及"You are new"的表述可知,Joe具有他的优势。

15. B

16. B expect表"期待"、"认为某事会发生"之意。

17. A让大家看看谁是更好的"选择"。因本文并未提及该岗位就是一个领导岗位,所以不适宜用leader—词。又因为上文所述"He' s much more experienced",所以所选之人并非是有更好品质的人。 

18. D前面讲夫妻四处游说,接下来讲他们的孩子也加入到拉票的行列中,这说明他们连孩子也发动了。even表"甚至"之意,此处表递进关系。

19. B   因到每一户都是说同样的话,所以用repeat。

20. D从结局来看,Joe是选上了德克萨斯州的首席法官。根据常理,人们听到这个结果后应是非常振奋、激动。所以,第一反应应是跳起来,然后激动地流泪。


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