
15.-Jenny has dyed her hair red again.
-It        be true!I can hardly believe it.(  )
A.mustn'tB.may notC.can'tD.shouldn't

分析 -杰妮又把头发染红了.

解答 答案:C
题干中I can hardly believe it我不信,说明前面是否定的含义;mustn't不准,may not可以不,can't不可能,shouldn't不应该;句意表达的是肯定推测,故选C.

点评 情态动词的用法是英语中常考的语言点.通常考查的方式有虚拟和推测,本题考查的是情态动词的推测用法.学习时要注意积累.

Thursday,January 3,2012
Book a Librarian
One-on-One Computer or Internet Training Session[
Location:Main Library Training Center (5th F 1.)
Address:100 Larkin St.(at Grove)
Library Sponsored Public Program
Event Time:4 p.m.-6 p.m.
Do you need personalized help using a computer or the Internet?
During the month of January,the library is offering limited one-on-one training sessions(培训课程).Sessions are limited to 30 minutes and require signing up in advance.Call (415)557-4400 to book an appointment or for more information.
Friday,January 4,2012
Beyond Journal Writing for TeensLocation:Main Library Paley Rm.(3rd F 1.)
Address:100 Larkin St.(at Grove)
Library Sponsored Public Program
Event Time:4 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
In this nine-week (January 4 through February 29)class,you will have the opportunity to develop and share your writing (poetry,biography and more) in a supportive group led by a Writers Corps teacher.Open to teen writers aged 13-19.
For information,communicate with Betsy Levine,Teen Librarian,at
(415)557-4497 or e-mail blevine@sfpl.org.
Tuesday,January 8,2012
Power Panels and Films by World SavvyLocation:Main Library Koret Auditorium
Address:100 Larkin St.(at Grove)
Library Sponsored Public Program
Event Time:5 p.m.-8 p.m.
World Savvy,The Global Film Initiative team up to take you on a world tour through explorations of art,media and film.Come reflect and share how film and media affect youth,education and our global community at large.To book a position,communicate with Jennifer Collins at (415)
557-4268 or jennifercollins@sfpl.org.
Wednesday,January 9,2012
Business Counseling(咨询) sessionsLocation:Main Library (Fourth Floor Business Center)
Address:100 Larkin St.(at Grove)
Library Sponsored Public Program
Event Time:10 a.m.-3 p.m.
SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives(主管领导)) offers free,one-hour business counseling sessions from 10 a.m.to 3 p.m.To schedule an appointment with a SCORE counselor,call (415)744-6827.Cosponsored by the Business,Science and Technology Center.
69.A boy who likes writing poems can attend an event onC.
A.January 2    B.January 3    C.February 20   D.March 1
70.Who would be most likely to attend the event held on Wednesday,January 9,2012?D
A.Ascienceteacher.     B.A retired worker.
C.Aschoolheadmaster.   D.A supermarket owner.
71.Which event doesn't need booking in advance?B
A.One-on-One Computer or Internet Training Session.
B.Beyond Journal Writing for Teens.
C.Power Panels and Films by World Savvy.
D.Business Counseling Sessions.
20.Reached My Destination
"Ego (自尊) has an enormous appetite,the more you feed it,the hungrier it gets."
-Nathaniel Bronner Jr.
It has been two years,we have not met.Last time was when we were departing at Rome Airport as a procedure of joining different competitive firms.We exchanged our personal email IDs and I never realized my email ID was one with an error.
We had been in six years of professional relationship that ended with a small misunderstanding.We never realized that we might not get a chance to clear it.We both had tough ego levels to shed off.
In these two years work has always kept me busy.There have been instances where I wanted to write to him for his expertise advice but my ego always stopped me.And then one day flying to London for a conference was taking away my peace of mind.I knew he would be there as a part of the event from his firm.
I thought to ignore him and behave professionally as an employee.Finally,I entered the conference hall.I was quick enough to realize that he would take over participants'attention with his confidence,and all I would do sitting there would be appreciating him,nodding my head as"Yes to Yes"and"No to No".
Finally,he approached the stage.
The very first line that fell into my ears was my name as he continued,"I am proud to be here with 8years of experience and I would like to share my best practices with all of you.This is a journey I completed with one of my best colleagues and my best friend‘my name'who supported me through day and night with the toughest projects and killing deadlines".
For a moment I fell numbed (目瞪口呆) and completely lost.All I could remember were my thoughts for him before entering the room and his greatness to acknowledge my presence.Finally,the conference ended and we all left for refreshment.I was struggling hard to face him.
I saw him coming towards me with a gift.
I asked him,"Why this gift?"
He was very humble to answer,‘This is a small symbol of friendship to tell how much I missed my friend when I wanted her the most.A small token to represent that even when you were not with me,your teachings helped me to work on difficult projects."
I asked curiously,"But you never wrote to me,if I was so important and helpful."
He replied,"You left me with an email ID that is not reachable,maybe you missed a letter.I had no number to call you either but when I read your name in the list,I did all these arrangements.We never know when we meet again in life,so this gift is for you my friend."
Finally,we again departed to our respective destinations but this time with a smile.

67.The writer didn't email her friend becauseC.
A.their professional relationship had ended
B.she didn't want to keep in touch with him
C.she wouldn't do that until she got his email
D.they had joined different competitive firms
68.Before the writer entered the conference hall,she intended toB.
A.attract the participants'attention
B.pay little attention to her friend
C.appreciate her friend from a distance
D.clear her misunderstanding with her friend
69.We can infer from the story thatA.
A.the writer and her friend treasured their friendship
B.the writer felt at ease when her friend came to greet her
C.the writer and her friend restored their professional relationship
D.the writer felt her self-respect achieved at her friend's remarks
70.What can we learn from the story?D
A.One should keep friendship with others.
B.One should show more respect for others.
C.One should have the sense of his own value.
D.One should not be governed by self-respect.
7.The Beijing Youth Daily on Thursday called attention to the struggles of traditional operas in China.
The newspaper said the number of unique traditional Chinese opera styles had decreased to 286from 368in 1959,with three disappearing every two years on average.Altogether,74opera styles had only one troupe left,and most were at the risk of fading away.
Xie Boliang,a professor at the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts,said,"It is well known that people should be held accountable for soil erosion,but why do we feel at ease when traditional operas fade away?"
Overwhelmed by modern culture and entertainment such as movies,TV programs and pop music,traditional Chinese operas have been severely marginalized.Despite being included on the state-level Intangible Cultural Heritage list,some operas still have no place to perform.
Because of the market slump (衰退) and low salaries,more traditional Chinese opera practitioners are finding other work,as are many directors and playwrights.Sun Jiazheng,chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles,said traditional operas are important carriers of Chinese culture,and should be preserved.
The State Council issued a circular in July calling for the promotion and protection of traditional Chinese operas,saying that it would allocate financial support and extend preferential policies to opera troupes and schools.

28.Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to the underlined word"marginalized"?D
29.Many directors and playwrights find other jobs becauseC.
A.Chinese operas are booming
B.they do not enjoy their work any more
C.the market is not promising and they get paid poorly
D.they are not considered as important inheritors of Chinese culture
30.What is the purpose of this passage?B
A.To call for more people to watch traditional Chinese operas.
B.To tell people traditional Chinese operas are facing danger.
C.To inform us of the notice of the State Council.
D.To criticize the market slump and low salaries.
31.The passage might come fromB.
A.a science fiction
B.a news website
C.the introduction of an art gallery
D.a brochure about operas.

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