
第二节  补全对话。根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出最佳选项,并将其答案标号填入题后的空白处。选项中有两项为多余选项。

— Can you help me?

— Sure, what’s the problem?

   61    .

— Well, how about San Francisco? We went there last year and had a great time.


—Well, there is Golden Gate Bridge of course, and Golden Gate Park. It’s a really big park. You can go for long walks or take a rest in the Japanese Tea Garden. It’s beautiful there.


— There is also a place called Fisherman’s Wharf. That’s really popular with tourists. There are lots of shops, cafes and restaurants. And from there you can go on a boat trip to Alcatraz. You know, it’s a small but very beautiful island.


— No, you can’t stay on the island; there aren’t any hotels. You can only go for the day. I think I’ve still got a book about San Francisco. I can lend it to you.


A.What can you do there?

B.Oh, great! What a great place to stay in!

C.What an idea! What is the best time to go there?

D.I can’t decide where to go for the holiday—any ideas?

E.Thanks a lot. San Francisco, here I come!

F.Hmm, that sounds good.

G.How can I go there?


第二节    完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


It was a family adventure trip. My wife, Judith, our two-year-old daughter, Leila, and I had rented a small camper (旅行车) and were   36   through Baja California. The day before our return to San Diego, we   37   the camper near a beach for one last night in nature.

In the middle of the    38   I was awakened by Judith   39   me with her finger and yelling at me to   40  . My first impressions were of   41   and banging. Fairly confused, I jumped down out of our little loft-bed, and standing without clothes on,   42   the wind screen. 

What I saw   43   me quickly out of my half-dazed state. The camper was   44   by masked men hitting the   45  .

I dove for the driver's seat and tried to start the   46  . The camper had started perfectly at least 50 times that   47  . Now it tried to turn over, sputtered (劈啪作响) a few times, and died. There was the sound of breaking glass, and a hand   48   in through the driver's side window. I hit the hand with a lot of force.

My hand was bleeding   49   the broken glass. I   50   I had one more chance to

start the car. Having played hero   51   a thousand times in fantasy, I never   52   I would do it. I turned the key. The engine sputtered to life... and died. Then someone jammed a gun into my throat. I remember this thought: "You mean I don't save the family?" I was really quite surprised.

One of the men, who spoke a little English, was   53  , " Money! Money!" The gun still at my throat, I reached under the driver's seat and   54   one of them my   55   through the broken window. I was hoping this was the end of it…

36. A. crossing       B. traveling    C. conveying         D. entering   

37. A. threw       B. deleted       C. parked               D. moved   

38. A. camper     B. beach      C. nature         D. night     

39. A. pushing           B. beating       C. controlling     D. holding    

40. A. jump up           B. set up      C. light up          D. get up  

41. A. noise        B. sound      C. voice          D. fantasy    

42. A. grasped     B. crashed      C. faced          D. glanced  

43. A. confused      B. woke      C. feared         D. barked   

44. A. surrounded   B. robbed           C. examined       D. hunted   

45. A. doors        B. windows    C. walls           D. tyres   

46. A. machine       B. engine     C. journey          D. camp  

47. A. moment           B. day         C. time            D. trip  

48. A. came        B. reached      C. trembled        D. peered 

49. A. by         B. at               C. from           D. in  

50. A. suggested     B. figured       C. indicated        D. observed 

51. A. energetically       B. enthusiastically  C. successfully       D. naturally 

52. A. doubted           B. thought      C. imagined        D. required  

53. A. begging           B. translating  C. yelling               D. reminding

54. A. handed     B. offered       C. provided        D. protected 

55. A. trousers           B. license           C. shoes          D. wallet

       Research on the human brain has been attracting the attention of more and more scientists in recent years, just like the booming hi-tech industry. One of the latest research topics is how to change the human brain or combine the computer and the human brain, i.e., to transplant a chip into human brain.This idea may make everyone's dream come true.If we compare a human brain to a hard disc, what the scientists are doing is to enlarge the capacity of the hard disc.For the time being, there are some difficulties in such transplant experiments, but scientists never give up.

       Experiments were started on animals.In 1996, a transplant experiment performed at the Defense and Military Physiology Research Institute in the U.S.turned a bear into a dolphin.

       The dolphin was named Ted, and the bear was named Tallin.Using the most advanced technology, deep and detailed studies were made of the swimming action memory area in Ted's brain by the scientists.They got a lot of useful information.The information was saved into a button-sized chip, which was then transplanted into the action memory area in Tallin's brain.The information saved on the chip was released by means of electric power.

       Recently, another memory transplant was performed at the Motor Nerve Research Institute of the University of California.The comprehensive memory transplanted in the experiment included actions, moods, logic, words, images, etc. The experiment involved an entire transplant of the memory area. This was the largest such experiment done so far.

       The transplant was performed from a dog named “Genius” to a dog named “Idiot”.“Genius” could understand and follow up to 100 gestures and orders made by its master.It was a real genius.“Idiot” was the younger brother of “Genius”.It had no contact with people at all since its birth.It became an animal with nothing in its brain, without any memory.

       The operation was a complete success.When the two dogs woke up, “Idiot” had grasped all the abilities “Genius” possessed; it was good at memorizing and sensible. It could follow every gesture and any command given by its master.But “Genius” gave no response to its master, and in fact did not recognize him at all.

47.The purpose of the experiment is____.

       A.to combine the computer and the human brain

       B.to make bear swim

       C.to make some stupid dog turn clever

       D.to enlarge the capacity of human brain

48.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

       A.The scientists transferred a button-sized chip which useful information in Tallin’s brain.

       B.The first comprehensive memory transplant was performed at the Motor Nerve Research University.

       C.The second experiment wasn’t an entire transplant of the memory area.

       D.The Idiot was an animal with memory before brain experiment

49.What does the underlined word “success” refer to?

       A.The two dogs woke up.

       B.They were both good at memorizing.

       C.The Idiot grasped all the abilities of Genius.

       D.The Genius grasped all the abilities of Idiot.

50.According to the text, we can infer          .

       A.a person can know more after the experiment.

       B.a bear can swim after being transferred a chip with related useful information

       C.a dog can become clever after entire transplant of the memory area

       D.it is really good for animals to have been involved in the transplant experiment

TOKYO—A child-like robot that combines the roles of nurse, companion and security guard is to go on the market to help the growing ranks of elderly Japanese with no one to look after them.

    The “Wakamaru” robot can walk around a house 24 hours a day, warning family, hospitals and security firms if it perceives (notices) a problem. It will, for example, call relatives if the owner fails to get out of the bath.

    Cameras implanted in the “eye-brows” of the robot enable it to “see” as it walks around an apartment. The images can be sent to the latest cellphones, which display the pictures.

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which developed Wakamaru, plans to start selling the metre-high robots by April, 2005, for about $15,000 Cdn.

    Wakamaru, which speaks with either the voice of a boy or girl, is also designed to provide companionship, greeting its “papa” when he comes home.

    It is the first household robot able to hold simple conversations, based on a vocabulary of around 10,000 words. It cannot only speak but can understand answers and react accordingly.

    It will ask “Are you all right ?” if its owner does not move for some time. If the answer is no, or there is no answer, it will telephone preset numbers, transmitting images and functioning as a speakerphone.

    Wakamaru will inform a security firm if there is a loud bang or if an unknown person enters the house while the owner is out or asleep. It can recognize up to 10 faces.

    But like most robots it cannot climb stairs.

    It can be set to remind forgetful people when it is time to take medicine, eat and sleep.

    Mitsubishi adapted Wakamaru from robots it already makes to go around nuclear power facilities. The idea to use the technology in the home came from a company employee.

    The project chief said :“Looking at the ageing of society and the falling birth rate we decide that this could work as a business. We want to offer Wakamaru as a product that helps society.”

    The technology has gained nation-wide publicity in Japan among increasing concern over how to look after the ever-growing number of old people. The life expectancy of Japanese women has shot up to almost 85, the highest in the world.

    At the same time, extended families are being replaced by nuclear families. This has left many Japanese anxious about their elderly parents, whom they rarely see because of their long hours at the office.

55.which of the following is true about the Robot?

A.it is used in some nuclear power facilities

B.ic can recognize asmany as 10 faces

C.it can go up and down the stairs easily

Dit cannot speak but can understand answers。

56.the purpose of this passage is

A.to introduce a new product

B.to show the rapid development of technology 

C.to tell people how to use the robot

D.to solve the ageing problems

57.what can we infer from the passage?

A.the robot can dial proper numbers for help

B.the nuclear families have left many elderly Japanese anxious

C.the robot has given the Japanese a chance to live longer。

D.the robot is likely to have a promising market

58.What is the best title of this passage ?

    A. The Latest Development of Robot Technology

    B. Japanese-built Robot to Help the Old

C. Vast Market of the New Robot

D. Japanese Robot and the Ageing Society

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