
10. We went through a period _____ communications were very difficult in the rural areas.

A. which    B. whose   C. in which   D. with which



先行词为period,从句中缺少时间状语,所以应用when或in which引导后面的定语从句。



  Most English people have two or three names, but some Spaniards have a lot more.

  A Spaniard and his wife went to a foreign country in their car and drove around in it for several weeks.They always slept in big hotels in towns at night, but then something in their car broke.They took it to a garage, and the men there repaired it, but it took a long time, and the Spaniard and his wife were very late after that.

  They did not reach a town that evening, but came to a small village in the middle of the night.They were very tired, and the next town was forty miles away.They got out of their car and looked for a hotel in the small streets.They walked around the village for a quarter of an hour, and then they found a small hotel.There were not any others in the village.

  There were no lights in the hotel, but the Spaniard went to the door and knocked at it.He waited for a minute, but nobody came to the door.

  He knocked again and waited another minute, but again no one came.

  Then he found a bell and rang it.He rang it for several minutes, and then a window at the top of the hotel opened.An old man looked out of the window and said, “What do you want?”

  “Good evening,” the Spaniard said “Have you got any free rooms? We’re very tired.”

  It was very dark in the street, and the old man said, “Who are you?

  The Spaniard said, “We are Don Ramon Roberto Nanuel Claudio Rodriguez Rafael Eduardo de Salas and Dona Maria Conchita Diana Marcelina Roberta Mercedes Manuela de Salas.”

  The old man did not speak for a few seconds, and then he said, “There are a lot of you.This is a small hotel, and we haven’t got more than two free rooms.”Then he closed the window.


The Spaniards did not reach a town that evening because ________.

[  ]


they had to leave their car in the garage


their car broke when they got to a small village


they had stayed in the garage too long


they couldn’t find the way to the next town


They found a small hotel ________.

[  ]


fifteen minutes after they got to the village


early in the morning


as soon as they got out of their car


after they walked around the village a long time


The old man opened the window ________.

[  ]


when he heard a knock at the door


after the Spaniard knocked for a while


as soon as the Spaniard rang the bell


after the bell rang for a few minutes


Why did the old man not let the Spaniards stay for the night in his hotel?

[  ]


He didn’t like Spaniards.


He thought their names were too long.


He had no empty rooms.


He thought there were too many Spaniards.


A free room is one which is ________.

[  ]


not being used


for sale


less expensive


prepared for a late traveler


     Tim Richter and his wife, Linda, had taught for over 30 years near Buffalo, New York--he in computers, she  in special education. "Teaching means everything to us," Tim would say. In April1998, he learned he would need a heart operation. It was the kind of news that leads to some serious thinking about life's purpose.

      Not long after the surgery, Tim saw a brochure describing Imagination Library, a program started by Dolly Parton' s foundation (基金会) that mailed a book every month to children from birth to age five in the singer's home town of Sevier, Tennessee. “I thought, maybe Linda and I could do something like this when we retire," Tim recalls.  He placed the brochure on his desk, "as a reminder."

      Five years later, now retired and with that brochure still on the desk, Tim clicked on imagination library .com. The program had been opened up to partners who could take advantage of book and postage discounts.

The quality of the books was of great concern to the Richters.  Rather than sign up online, they went to Dollywood for a look-see. “We didn’t want to give the children rubbish,” says Linda. The books-reviewed each year by teachers, literacy specialists and Dollywood board members-included classics such as Ezra Jack Keats’s The Snowy Day and newer books like Anna Dewdney’s Llama Llama series.

Satisfied, the couple set up the Richter Family Foundation and got to work. Since 2004, they have shipped more than 12,200 books to preschoolers in their in their area. Megan Williams, a mother of four, is more than appreciative: “This program introduces us to books I’ve never heard of .”

  The Richters spend about $400 a month sending books to 200 children. “Some people sit there and wait to die,” says Tim. “Others get as busy as they can in the time they have left.”

62.What did Tim want to do after learning about Imagination Library?

A. Give out brochures.                        B .Do something similar.

C. Write books for children                    D. Retire from being a teacher.

63.According to the text, Dollly  Parton is           .

A. a well-known surgeon                     B. a mother of a four-year-old

C. a singer born in Tennessee                  D .a computer programmer

64.Why did the Richters go to Dollywood?

A. To avoid signing up online.

B. To meet Dollywood board members.

C. To make sure the books were the newest.

D. To see if the books were of good quality.

65.What can we learn from Tim’s words in the last paragraph?

A. He needs more money to help the children.

B. He wonders why some people are so busy.

C. He tries to save those waiting to die.

D. He considers his efforts worthwhile.



In the clinic,I asked if Michael could be retested,so the specialist tested him again.To my

   36  ,it was the same score.

Later that evening,I    37   told Frank what I had learned that day.After talking it over,we agreed that we knew our    38  much better than an IQ(智商) test.We    39   that Michael’s score must have been a      40     and we should treat him    41   as usual.

We moved to Indiana in 1962,and Michael studied at Concordia High School in the same year.He got      42     grades in the school,especially      43     biology and chemistry,which was a great comfort.

Michael    44   Indiana University in 1965 as a pre-medical student.Soon afterwards,his teacher permitted him to take more courses than    45  .In 1968,he was accepted by the School of Medicine,Yale University.

On graduation day in 1972,Frank and I    46   the ceremony(典礼) at Yale.After the ceremony,we told Michael about the    47   IQ score he got when he was six.Since that day,Michael sometimes would look at us and say    48  .“My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldn’t be a doctor,not until after I graduated from medical school!”It is his special way of thanking us for the    49   we had in him.

Interestingly,Michael then    50   another IQ test.We went to the same clinic where he had    51   the test eighteen years before.This time Michael scored 126,an increase of 36 points.A result like that was supposed to be    52  .

Children often do as    53  as what adults,particularly parents and teachers,   54   of them.That is,tell a child he is “   55  ,”and he may play the role of a foolish child.

36.A.joy                       B.surprise              C.dislike                       D.disappointment

37.A.tearfully               B.fearfully             C.cheerfully                  D.hopefully

38.A.student                 B.son                    C.friend                       D.doctor

39.A.argued                  B.realized              C.decided                     D.understood

40.A.joke                            B.mistake              C.warning                    D.wonder

41.A.specially               B.strictly               C.naturally                  D.carefully

42.A.poor                     B.good                  C.average                     D.standard

43.A.in                        B.about                 C.of                             D.for

44.A.visited                  B.chose                 C.passed                       D.entered

45.A.allowed                B.described            C.required                    D.offered

46.A.missed                  B.held                   C.delayed                     D.attended

47.A.high                     B.same                  C.low                           D.different

48.A.curiously                     B.eagerly               C.calmly                      D.jokingly

49.A.faith                     B.interest               C.pride                         D.delight

50.A.looked for            B.asked for            C.waited for                 D.prepared for

51.A.received               B.accepted             C.organized                  D.discussed

52.A.imperfect              B.impossible          C.uncertain                   D.unsatisfactory

53.A.honestly               B.much                 C.well                          D.bravely

54.A.hear                            B.learn                  C.expect                       D.speak

55.A.wise                     B.rude                   C.shy                           D.stupid


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