
--- Does Li Hua serve in the army?
---No, but he________ in the army for three years.

A.servedB.has servedC.is servingD.would serve




For a girl who's interested in fashion, what would be the dream job for success? Being a model? Probably no—?that's for a pencil thin who doesn't eat.One answer is, fashion stylist (时装造型师).
As more brands open stores in China to enlarge their reach, the increase in outdoor advertising might light a stylist spark in a girl' s heart.Fashion magazine offices are crowded with applicants, and fashionable brand HR managers get thousands of resumes (简历) of people looking for a stylist position.
"It looked too high before, but now I find it more approachable," said Xue Rui, 22, a Fudan University Chinese literature grad who works as an assistant stylist at Hermes in Shanghai."There is no certain rule in dressing up models, and you can try every way with your own taste to make them pretty and attractive."
The attractiveness of this line of work is not only in the elegant clothes.And it's not like it used to be.Now it's a well-paid and promising career.
"A stylist at a fashion magazine can have some special rights.You have a chance to contact (联系) famous persons and dress them up in a style you like," said Cheng Hong, chief editor of the Chinese version of L' officiel Hommes magazine." You need to cooperate with top photographers and select places around the world to take photos in.You might also be invited to fashion shows of top brands and can select some of the favorite clothes."
Girls can find it hard to ignore this field and it is opening up to normal girls, not only style or fashion design majors.A fashion designer knows how to make a dress pretty, but a stylist knows how to make a person beautiful, from head to toe.
There exist some problems, no matter how great you may think it is, it' s unbelievably hard work.You need to build good relations with various people, say stars, photographers, PR managers, other media, and even airlines.You need to take care of clothes in the workplace and pay for even a tiny spot you get on them.The worst thing is that you might work extremely hard for a week on some serious photos, but if the chief's not satisfied, you do them all over again.
So, remember, girls, you've been warned.
64.What does the underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably mean?
A.Being a model is thin girls' business.
B.A good model eats nothing but fruits.
C.To be a model, she must look like a pencil.
D.To be a model, she can not eat nutritious food.
65.As a stylist at a fashion magazine, you need to do the following things EXCEPT      .
A.make contact with famous persons     B.dress yourself up in a special style
C.co-work with top photographers      D.select the favorite clothes
66.We can infer from the passage that ______.
A.working as a stylist was not so appealing as it is today
B.a successful stylist must have a diploma in fashion design
C.fashion designers do more tough jobs than fashion stylists
D.skills for stylists are not so important as relationships with others
67.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A.Designing for Magazines            B.Styling for Success
C.Being an Attractive Designer         D.Arguing against Fashion Stylists

Early this morning, I got up to make a batch of Rice Krispie Treats for my neighbor across the hall. She barely greets me when we see each other, and her sweet little boy, who's now four,  has picked up her mother's manner and will not talk to me, either.
Last Monday, she had called the firefighters when a pan I'd forgotten on the stove caused my flat to fog up while I was out taking a walk. When I came home, the street in front of our apartment house was blocked by a police car, a fire truck and an ambulance! The instant I saw them, I remembered the pan! Luckily, nothing serious had happened, and all my neighbors agreed with the firefighter who said, "It could have happened to anyone." When I thanked the neighbor who had called the firefighters-let's call her Ivy-and apologized for causing the trouble, she just asked if my cats were all right.When I said they were fine, she said, "Well, that's ok then," and turned into her flat.l felt strangely safe, knowing that even though we don't get along, she'd done the right thing and didn't blame me.So, the Rice Krispie Treats.
Last Christmas, my neighbor carelessly let it out that she was holding a grudge (怨恨) towards me because of an incident we'd had four years ago.I had particularly apologized and asked if there was anything I could do to improve our relationship. She would not accept my apology.
It had taken me a lot of courage to apologize and ask that question instead of insisting that we both shared responsibility for what had happened.Her flat-out refusal to make amends(补偿) really shocked and saddened me.After that, I decided I'd just leave her be-a relationship takes two to work.So, you see, I was really scared she was going to refuse my offer again, leaving me standing on her doorstep, facing the closed door and holding my plate of treats. I know some people have a hard time understanding how the possibility of rejection can make an adult so afraid, but that's just the way I felt.
Then, I reminded myself of how loving and good I had felt yesterday when I'd done some random acts of kindness (thanks to helpothers.org), after telling myself: Feet the fear,  and do it anyway! So I put the squares of Rice Krispie Treats on a beautiful plate, opened my apartment  door-and there she was, standing in the hallway.I smiled and said, "Hi," but when she saw me, she turned on her heels and went back inside, even though she seemed to have just stepped out.I went after her, regardless, and quickly said, "I'm sorry, I've got something for you ! I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am that you were paying attention on Monday." When she heard me speaking, she turned around. As I held the plate towards her, explaining these were very sweet American treats, and that she could just try and see whether she and her family would like them, her eyebrows winged up-and she took the plate.l was so happy and excited.We then talked a bit about how she'd become aware of the smoke in my flat, and parted ways.
Back in my place, I did a "happy dance", because I had dared to be kind even though I hadn't been sure at all my kindness would be welcome.I do hope that our relationship will slowly get better; I know I was and still am biased(存有偏见)towards her at times, but even if we don't make amends, I want to be able to be kind without depending on other people's behaviors and reactions .
【小题1】The neighbor held a grudge towards the writer most probably because_____.

A.the writer's cats disturb her neighbor frequently
B.the writer didn't thank her for calling the firefighters
C.the writer never apologized to her for her misbehaviors
D.the writer had an unpleasant experience with the neighbor long ago
【小题2】 From Paragraph 4, we can learn that the author_____.
A.was afraid of being rejected again by her neighbor
B.didn't know how to get along with her neighbor
C.didn't admit it was her fault in the last incident
D.refused to forgive her neighbor's rude behavior
【小题3】 After the writer said "Feel the fear, and do it anyway!", she decided to_____.
A.do an act of kindness
B.leave her neighbor be
C.apologize to her neighbor once more
D.do something to let her neighbor down
【小题4】What can we learn about the writer?
A.She was a professional dancer.
B.She often had quarrels with her neighbor.
C.She had a bias against her neighbor sometimes.
D.She had an unpleasant experience at Christmas this year.
【小题5】 What does the author try to tell us?
A.Don't punish yourself because of other's mistakes.
B.We should be kind to others, regardless of their behavior.
C.We must keep a good relationship with our neighbors.
D.When we make a mistake, we should have the courage to admit it.

Nine out of 10 people have run up unsecured debt and many fear they will never be able to pay back what they owe, a survey has claimed.

       Around 89% of people aged between l|8 and 35 said they owed money on a credit card, loan or overdraft, the research showed.

         A third of people admitted they did not think- they would ever be debt-free, 54% of whom said they would always need to borrow money in order to fund the lifestyle they wanted.

         One in five of these people also claimed they were not worried about the possibility of their debts being passed on to their next of kin if they died before they were repaid.

         Just over half who owed money said they did not feel in control of their debt, with 8% admitting they had needed to ask for help with repayments from a friend or family member.Eight out of 10 people also told the research for discount website MyVoucherCodes.co.uk that they thought it was too easy to borrow money through their bank or on credit cards.

         Farhad Farhadi, MyVoucherCodes.co.uk’s personal finance expert, said: "The majority of British adults owe money m some way, shape or form, but to see that almost a third think they'll never be free c ^ from debt is quite alarming.

         "When borrowing money from any source, how you are going to repay it should always be in the back of your mind.

         "A lot of people don't-really think about 'die consequences of borrowing money and it can be easy to get complacent, but keeping it all under control should be a priority from the off.Only borrow what you really think you can afford to pay back."

1.The best title for this passage is_________.

         A.I'll die in debt, say one in three       B.Desperate British

         C.The beginning of the end             D.Borrowing money from any source

2.Which of the following is NOT true?    

         A.Most British adults are in debt in some v/ay.

         B.It is hard for the British to borrow money through their bank.

         C.Lots of people do not take repaying money seriously.

         D.This passage is a warning for the British.

3.What does the underlined phrase mean?  

         A.end with                   B.from the start  

       C.ever since               D.fore ever

4.What does Farhad mean by saying "the majority of British adults owe money in some way, shape or form"? 

         A.It is natural to owe money m Britain so there in no need to worry.

         B.It is natural to owe money in Britain as long as you are in control.

     C.It does not matter to owe money in Britain if you are rich enough.

         D.It seems that the British enjoy owing money in some way.


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