The quest for success always begins with a target. As Berra once said, "You got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there."

       Too many people wander through life like sleepwalkers. Each day they follow familiar routines, never asking, “What am I doing with my life?” and they don’t know what they’re doing because they lack goals.

       Goal-setting is a focusing of the will to move in a certain direction. Begin with a clear conception of what you want. Write down your goals and date them—putting them into words clarifies them. Rather than concentrating on objects to acquire and possess, focus on fulfilling your desires to do, to produce, to contribute—goal-setting that yields the true sense of satisfaction we all need.

       It’s important to visualize(想象)yourself accomplishing your goal. While losers visualize the penalties(不利)of failure, winners visualize the rewards of success. I’ve seen it among athletes, statistics contrasting air and highway safety, but it made no difference. I had read too many articles describing crash scenes and imagined these scenes vividly. I had programmed myself, without realizing it, to stay off planes.

       Then one summer I had the opportunity to fly on a private plane with friends to a resort;I didn’t want to miss out on a great vacation. So I spent two weeks imagining a smooth flight on a beautiful sunny day and an easy landing.

       When the day arrived, I was eager to go. To everyone’s surprise, I got on the plane and I loved every minute of it, and I still use the techniques I employed that day.

68.According to the passage, if you want to be successful, the first thing for you to do is _______.

       A.find the right methods careful about everything

       C.know your ability           D.have a clear goal

69.If you have a target, you will ________.

       A.wander like a sleepwalker       B.know well what you are doing the same work every day    D.put it into words

70.The problem with the author before he overcame his fear of air travel is that ______.

       A.he didn’t know air travel is safer than highway travel

       B.he couldn’t imagine himself accomplishing his goal

       C.he read too much about plane crashes and tried to avoid flying

       D.he wanted to take a private plane instead of a public one

71.What would be the best title for this passage?

       A.Define Your Coal                   B.Visualize Rewards of Success

       C.Overcome the Fear of Air Travel    D.Sleepwalking Through Life

Just ten years ago, I sat across the desk from a doctor with a serious look. “Yes,” he said, “there is a serious injury in the left lung…” I listened, too  21  to speak, as he continued, “You’ll have to  22  work at once and go to bed. Later on, we’ll see.” He gave no definite promise of recovery.
Feeling like a man who has suddenly been placed under  23  of death. In the next three days, I   24  my affairs; then I went home, got into bed, and set my watch to tick off not the minutes,   25  the months. Two and a half years and many crashed hopes later, I left my bed and began the long  26  back. It was another year before I made it.
I speak of this experience because these years that passed so  27  taught me what to believe and what to  28 . They said to me: Take time,   29  time takes you. I realize now that this world I’m living in is not my oyster(牡蛎)to be opened but my opportunity to be  30  . To me, each day is such a   31 gift. The sun comes up and presents me with 24 brand new, wonderful hours—not to pass, but to  32  .
I’ve learned to  33  those little but all-important things I never thought I had the time to notice before: the play of light on  34  water, the music of the wind in my favorite pine tree. I seem now to see and hear and feel with some of the recovered  35   of childhood. I recall the touch of the springy earth under my feet the day I first stepped upon it after the years in bed. It was like  36  one’s citizenship in a world one had nearly lost.   37  ,I sit back and say to myself, let me make a   38  of this moment I’m living right now. All this, I owe to that long time spent on the deadlines of life. Wiser people come to this awareness  39  having to acquire it the hard way. But I wasn’t wise enough. I’m   40  now, a little, and happier.
21.A.frightened     B.embarrassed     C.shocked      D.confused
22.A.pick up        B.give up        C.take up       D.keep up
23.A.sentence      B.shadow        C.pressure      D.trial
24.A.figured out      B.looked after     C.cleared up    D.concentrated on
25.A.or            B.and          C.nor          D.but
26.A.jump         B.walk         C.rush        D.climb
27.A.quickly        B.slowly         C.quietly        D.easily
28.A.expect         B.desire          C.obtain         D.value
29.A.before         B.after         C.until        D.when
30.A.picked         B.accepted      C.grasped       D.quitted
31.A.precious      B.potential      C.pleasant      D.permanent
32.A.spend          B.fill           C.employ       D.kill
33.A.observe       B.appreciate     C.ignore        D.respect
34.A.falling         B.rolling         C.running      D.pouring
35.A.Ignorance     B.absence       C.Carelessness  D.freshness
36.A.regaining     B.requiring     C.rebuilding    D.recovering
37.A.Regularly     B.Immediately     C.Frequently   D.Continuously
38.A.copy         B.note        D.summary
39.A.beyond            C.without       D.through
40.A.better              B.stronger       C.wiser        D.Healthier

The quest for success always begins with a target. As Berra once said, “You got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there.”
Too many people wander through life like sleepwalkers.Each day they follow familiar routines, never asking, “What am I doing with my life?” and they don’t know what they’re doing because they lack goals.
Goal-setting is a focusing of the will to move in a certain direction.Begin with a clear conception of what you want.Write down your goals and date them—putting them into words clarifies them.Rather than concentrating on objects to acquire and possess, focus on fulfilling your desires to do, to produce, to contribute—goal-setting that yields the true sense of satisfaction we all need.
It’s important to visualize(想象)yourself accomplishing your goal.While losers visualize the penalties(不利)of failure, winners visualize the rewards of success.I’ve seen it among athletes, statistics contrasting air and highway safety, but it made no difference.I had read too many articles describing crash scenes and imagined these scenes vividly.I had programmed myself, without realizing it, to stay off planes.
Then one summer I had the opportunity to fly on a private plane with friends to a resort;I didn’t want to miss out on a great vacation.So I spent two weeks imagining a smooth flight on a beautiful sunny day and an easy landing.
When the day arrived, I was eager to go.To everyone’s surprise, I got on the plane and I loved every minute of it, and I still use the techniques I employed that day.
【小题1】According to the passage, if you want to be successful, the first thing for you to do is   ________.

A.find the right careful about everything
C.know your abilityD.have a clear goal
【小题2】If you have a target, you will ________.
A.wander like a sleepwalker
B.know well what you are doing the same work every day
D.put it into words
【小题3】The problem with the author before he overcame his fear of air travel is that________.
A.he didn’t know air travel is safer than highway travel
B.he couldn’t imagine himself accomplishing his goal
C.he read too much about plane crashes and tried to avoid flying
D.he wanted to take a private plane instead of a public one
【小题4】What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Define Your Coal
B.Visualize Rewards of Success
C.Overcome the Fear of Air Travel
D.Sleepwalking Through Life

The quest for success always begins with a target. As Berra once said , "you get to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there."
Too many people wander through life like sleepwalkers. Each day they follow familiar routines, never asking, "What am I doing with my life?"and they don't know what they're doing because they lack goals.
Goal-setting is a focus of the will to move in a certain direction. Begin with a clear conception of what you want. Write down your goals and date them---putting them into words clarifies them. Rather than concentrating on objects to acquire and possess, focus on fulfilling your desires to do, to produce, to contribute to goal-setting that yields the true sense of satisfaction we all need.
It’s important to visualize(想象)yourself accomplishing your goal. While losers visualize the penalties(不利) of failure, winners visualize the rewards of success. I’ve seen it among athletes, statistics contrasting air and highway safety, but it made no difference. I had read too many articles describing crash scenes and imagined these scenes vividly. I had programmed myself, without realizing it ,to stay off planes.
Then one summer I had the opportunity to fly on a private plane with friends to a resort; I didn’t want to miss out on a great vacation. So I spent two weeks imagining a smooth flight on a beautiful sunny day and an easy landing.
When the day arrived, I was eager to go . To everyone's surprise, I got on the plane and I loved every minute of it , and I still use the techniques I employed that day.
【小题1】According to the passage, if you want to be successful ,the first thing for you to do is to         .

A.find the right careful about everything
C.know your abilityD.have a clear goal
【小题2】The problem with the author before he overcame his fear of air travel is that        .
A.he didn’t know air travel is safer than highway travel
B.he couldn’t imagine himself accomplishing his goal
C.he read too much about plane crashes and tried to avoid flying
D.he wanted to take a private plane instead of a public one
【小题3】What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Defining Your GoalB.Visualizing Reward of Success
C.Overcoming the Fear of Air TravelD.Sleepwalking Through life

My name is Margaret. I have been a professional      for twenty years. I’m always      how sorrow and pain can bring such wonderful gifts as wisdom, patience and love.    , we often get so caught up in the daily necessities and routines that we      the very things that can bring us    and teach us many valuable lessons.

I was hired to      a very special lady. I was to prepare meals for her, make sure she took her medicine     , do light housekeeping, and provide transportation to and from the market and her doctor’s appointments. All of these      were important and necessary so that she could remain     . Our focus was just that -     her to remain living independently.

It was on a cold rainy night. She turned her little head and smelt her

pillow after she had      got into bed. I observed tears running from her eyes. She said, “It’s been such a long time since I’ve had      sheets; I love the      of fresh clean sheets. I couldn’t      the sheets myself anymore. Thank you so much for changing my sheets. ”

Such a simple      as smelling clean sheets brought such great joy to her life. That was the day I      unconditional care. The next day we sat down and      what was important to her, what she liked, and how she had done things all these years. I never knew how much I would enjoy and learn from her      her life experiences with me. She was the sunshine in my life.

I’m so      for the lessons I have learned - the lessons I almost     because I forgot to slow down to look and see the beauty that was right in front of me.

1.A. teacher      B. doctor  C. coach           D. caregiver

2.A. worried      B. confused       C. amazed D. interested

3.A. However    B. Therefore     C. Besides D. Though

4.A. value B. admire  C. acquire D. ignore

5.A. wisdom      B. joy         C. knowledge    D. wealth

6.A. care for      B. look for          C. call up   D. pick up                   

7.A. constantly  B. happily C. properly     D. immediately

8.A. lessons       B. tasks      C. meals    D. gifts

9.A. calm  B. confident      C. comfortable      D. independent

10.A. helping    B. forcing  C. persuading    D. advising

11.A. also B. even     C. still             D. just

12.A. new B. clean     C. expensive     D. beautiful

13.A. style         B. size           C. smell       D. color

14.A. make        B. repair   C. change D. buy

15.A. pleasure  B. success C. offer            D. desire

16.A. needed    B. learned          C. took      D. got

17.A. dealt with         B. took up C. carried out    D. talked about

18.A. sharing     B. comparing     C. discussing      D. recalling

19.A. famous     B. sorry     C. anxious D. thankful

20.A. accepted B. missed  C. understood       D. gained        


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