
How to Get What I Want?
There’s an expression: “What you see is what you get.” My grandfather used to say: “If you looked at a tree long enough, it will move.” We see what we want to see. Psychologists tell us that nothing controls our lives more than our self-image. We live like the person we see in the mirror. We are what we think we are. If you don’t think you’ll be successful, you won’t. You can’t be it if you can’t see it. Your life is limited to your vision. If you want to change your life, you must change your vision of your life.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was not that famous in 1976 when he met with a newspaper reporter. The reporter asked Schwarzenegger: “Now that you’ve retired from bodybuilding, what do you plan to do next?” Schwarzenegger answered very calmly and confidently: “I’m going to be the No. 1 movie star in Hollywood.” The reporter was shocked and amused at Schwarzenegger’s plan. At that time, it was very hard to imagine how this muscle-bound bodybuilder, who was not a professional actor and who spoke poor English with a strong Austrian accent, could ever hope to be Hollywood’s No. 1 movie star!
So when the reporter asked Schwarzenegger how he planned to make his dream come true, Schwarzenegger said: “I’ll do it the same way I became the No. 1 bodybuilder in the world. What I do was create a vision of who I want to be, and then I start living like that person in my mind as if it were already true.” Sounds almost childishly simple, doesn’t it? But I worked! Schwarzenegger became the No. 1 highest paid movie star in Hollywood. Remember: “If you can see it, you can be it.”
There’s a successful businessman who often wears a shirt with these words on it: “Don’t just pursue your dreams. Chase down and tackle! ” you only get one life to live, so why not live the best life possible? So you can be fully satisfied at what you see and get.
小题1:What did Arnold Schwarzenegger do before he became a Hollywood star?
A.He worked for a newspaper.
B.He was a man working on bodybuilding.
C.He worked in a small film company.
D.He was a businessman.
小题2:Why was it hard for the reporter to believe that Schwarzenegger would become a star one day?
A.Because he was not famous.
B.Because he was not professional and spoke poor English.
C.Because he was good at nothing except bodybuilding.
D.Because he only spoke English fluently.
小题3:What did Schwarzenegger plan to do to make his Hollywood star dream come true?
A.He continued to build his body.
B.He went to make more movies.
C.He lived a life like a movie star.
D.He tried his best to meet the movie directors.
小题4:What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Have a dream and make it come true.
B.Stop your dream and find realistic things to do.
C.You can just daydream alone.
D.There’s nothing to do in the world but dream.


试题分析:这是一篇非常具有哲理性的文章,开始是说,你看到了什么你就能够成就什么,你有什么样的理想就能成为什么样的人。并且以Arnold Schwarzenegger为榜样,在退休之后,他有着瞥脚的英语和不专业的表演技能,却要去成为好莱坞最好的演员。一篇很励志的文章。
小题1:B细节理解题。Now that you’ve retired from bodybuilding, what do you plan to do next句意为:既然你已经从健美的工作退休了,接下来有什么打算呢?由此可以看出原来他的工作是健美。故答案应为B。
小题2:B细节理解题。it was very hard to imagine how this muscle-bound bodybuilder, who was not a professional actor and who spoke poor English with a strong Austrian accent, could ever hope to be Hollywood’s No. 1 movie star! 对于一个非专业的演员,操一口带有浓重的奥地利口音的英语,要成为一句演员是非常困难的。所以答案应为B。
小题3:C细节理解题。And then I start living like that person in my mind as if if were already true.句意为:然后我就开始过我思想当中的那个人的生活,就好像它是真的一样。他想当一名演员,所以他要想演员一样生活。故答案应为C。
小题4:A细节理解题。There’s a successful businessman who often wears a shirt with these words on it: “Don’t just pursue your dreams. Chase down and tackle! ” you only get one life to live, so why not live the best life possible? So you can be fully satisfied at what you see and get.一个成功的商人穿的衬衫上写着这么一句话,_________. 你仅仅有一种生活,因此为什么不过一种有可能的更好的生活呢。所以横线上的意思应该是,不要仅仅去追逐梦想,要停下来想想怎么去做去追求,所以答案应为A,有梦想并且想办法去实现他。
Dear Dad,
Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father’s Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you.
You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Day together. I haven’t always been with you on Father’s Day but I’ve always been with you in my heart.
You know, Dad, there was a time when we were separated by the generation gap. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other.
The Father-Daughter Duel shifted into high gear ( 档位) when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the '54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who sent me home, after you reported the Chevy stolen, didn't have much tolerance for a stub­born 16 year old, while you were so tolerant about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.
Our relationship greatly improved when I married a man you liked, and things really turned around when we began making babies right and left. Somewhere along the line, the generation gap disappeared. I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine.
But the strangest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didn't immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car. It was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day.
I guess what I'm trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their Dad today. Honoring a father on Father's Day is about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking. It's about loving someone more than words can say, and it's wishing that never had to end.
I love you, Dad.
小题1:How did Jenny probably feel on the night she was sent home by the police?
A.Disappointed.B.Nervous. C.Guilty.D.Frightened.
小题2:We can learn from the passage that Jenny and her father_________.
A.kept in touch by writing each other
B.are separated due to the generation gap
C.have been getting along very well
D.had a hard time understanding each other
小题3:Why did Jenny feel strange when she saw her father last week?.
A.She seldom saw him driving that huge car.
B.She had never realized his being old and weak.
C.She didn't expect to meet with him there.
D.She had never seen him driving so slowly before.
小题4:Jenny wrote his father this letter to _________
A.tell him about their conflictsB.say sorry for her being stubborn
C.express her gratitude to himD.remind him of the early incident
I believe in leaving work at five o’clock. In a nation with such a strict work ethic(道德规范) , this is considered strange. Working only 40 hours a week? I just don’t know many people who punch out (打卡下班) at five o’clock anymore.
My father tried to teach me the importance of hard work, long hours and devotion to a career. But then there are the things he taught me unintentionally, like when he arrived home from work for the last time and crawled up the stairs.
My father, a self-employed sales trainer, was that sick, that tired. His body was wracked with liver cancer, and he suffered the effects of a diabetic ulcer(糖尿病). Despite all this, he insisted on traveling a long way to give a lecture. He probably earned a lot of money that day, but he paid the price. He returned to the hospital soon afterwards and was dead within three months, aged just 58.
It’s been 10 years since I saw my father come home that night and since then, I’ve thought a lot about work. I’ve decided something: I will never crawl up the stairs exhausted. As much as I love my job as a newspaper reporter, I will never work myself into the ground, physically or emotionally. Not taking my work home didn’t come easily to me at first. After all, I am my father’s daughter. In college, I was the girl who sat on the library steps each morning, waiting for the doors to open. I even dreamt about schoolwork.
My dad once told me he was unable to just gaze at a sunset; he had to be doing something as he looked at it—writing, reading, playing chess. You could say he was a success: He was a published author, an accomplished musician, fluent in many languages. That’s an impressive list, but the thing is I want to gaze at sunsets. I don’t want to meet a deadline during them or be writing a column at the same time, or glance at them over the top of a book.
This raises the question: If I leave work at five o’ clock to watch the sunset, what are the consequences? Do I risk not reaching the top of my profession? Maybe, because honestly, knocking off after eight hours probably won’t earn me the best promotion. But hey, leaving work at five o’ clock means I eat dinner with my family. I get to hop on my bike and cycle through the streets of my hometown when there is no traffic.
And I get to take in a lot of sunsets. That’s got to be worth something.
小题1:Which of the following about the author’s father is true?
A.He set a good example to his daughter.
B.He tried to force his values on his daughter.
C.He gained much pleasure from his work.
D.He achieved great success at the expense of his health.
小题2:What does the author mean by saying “Not taking my work home did not come easily at first” in Paragraph 4?
A.There was so much work to do.
B.All her colleagues took work home.
C.She was educated to be a workaholic.
D.She wanted a promotion in her work.
小题3:What’s the author’s attitude toward promotion?
A.She doesn’t care about it at all.
B.She is eager to get promoted
C.She thinks it’s for the ambitious people
D.Getting promoted at all costs is not worthwhile
小题4: This text is developed________.
A.by giving examplesB.by making comparisons
C.by describing processD.by order of time
小题5: What does the writer intend to tell us?
A.To praise his father’s diligence
B.To ask us to take time off work to enjoy life
C.To complain about the strict work ethic
D.To stress the importance of hard work
Once again, I had run away and really did not know why. I walked out of the gate to go to school and then kept walking, and walking, and walking. I was 11years old. It was almost dark; I was tired, cold, and all alone. I had not eaten all day and was afraid to turn myself over the police. I knew I would receive another beating once I returned to the Children’s Home Society. There was nothing for me to do, except keep on walking.
As darkness fell, I entered the darkened area in a city park sat down on a wooden bench hoping to avoid the police cars. It was cold and I began to tremble uncontrollably. All was quiet except for the passing cars in the distance.
“Well, hello young man.” A voice came from behind me. I jumped, almost falling off the park bench. My heart was beating ninety miles per hour. I gasped and I could hardly catch my breath. I looked up and saw a woman standing behind me in the shadows.
“You look cold and hungry,” she said. She took off her scarf, wrapped it around my shoulders and asked me to follow her. We walked about twenty feet, and then stopped under one of the park streetlights.
She held out her hand and said, “Here, you take this letter.” Seeing nothing in her hand., I stood still.
“Reach out and take the letter from my hand,” she insisted. Slowly I reached out, acting as though I was taking something from her hand. “Now hold the paper tightly and take it to any store owner,” she instructed.
I closed my thumb and finger as though I were grasping the letter and began walking toward Five Points. Several blocks down the road, I came to a store with a woman sitting behind a counter. I opened the door, walked in, and stopped directly in front of her. Very slowly I held out my hand toward her. I watched her face to see if she might think I was crazy or something.
She reached out and as her hand touched mine, I opened my tightly closed fingers and stood there waiting. She pulled back, smiled, and looked down at her hands.
She immediately turned and walked to the back of the store. After a while, the woman returned holding a paper plate.
“Here is something for you to eat.” She smiled and signaled to me to eat. Within two or three minutes, I downed the entire plate of food and several Coca Colas.
Before I left, she held out her hand and asked me to take the letter. Again seeing nothing, I held out my hand and closed my thumb and finger as though I were taking something from her. Tightly grasping nothing more than air, I walked out into the street and headed back to the park. The old woman was still there.
“It is really magic. Can I have the letter so I can be magic too?” I asked her.
She reached out, took my hand, and opened my tightly closed fingers. Whatever was being held between my fingers, she took and placed into her apron pocket. “Would you help someone if they were hungry?” she asked me.
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Would you help someone if they were hurt, cold or scared?”
“Yes Ma’am. I would be their friend.”   
“You are a very lucky little boy. You will never need the magic letter,” she responded.
小题1:What can we learn about the boy?
A.Though lost in the city, he didn’t feel worried or lonely.
B.He had nowhere to go and wandered aimlessly in the street.
C.He avoided the police for the fear that he would be sent to prison.
D.He had to run away because of his bad performance at school.
小题2:What can we infer from paragraph 3?
A.The boy was out of breath as he did some exercises.
B.The boy felt excited at the appearance of the woman.
C.The boy was scared by the sudden voice of the woman.
D.The boy held his breath, waiting for the woman to come.
小题3:Why does the store owner offer the boy a good dinner?
A.Because she had great sympathy for him.
B.Because she knew the boy and his parents.
C.Because he was a kind boy who deserved it.
D.Because the woman in the park had paid for it.
小题4:What does the writer want to tell us through the story?
A.It's better to give than to take.
B.Kindness is a universal language.
C.Don't cry even if life cheats you.
D.Life is full of the getting over of suffering.
小题5:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.A Kind Woman.B.A Sleepless Night.C.A Magic Letter.D.A Lucky Boy.
June was lying by the Olympic size swimming pool in her new swimsuit. She was really hot and dived into water.        else was in the pool. The refreshing water cooled her body immediately, which       her to continue doing some laps there.
Now having swum in the past several years and being a bit out of      , June began to tire      . “Ah, no pains, no gains,” June thought to herself. June       to swim, realizing her head was      . Breathing became difficult. Her vision wasn’t so      . She saw the lifeguard and a couple of others around the pool. No sense in       anyone. She continued.
She found       in the middle of the pool. Deciding not to make a scene, she continued to swim.      , she made it to the other side of the pool. Nausea (恶心), weakness and exhaustion (精疲力竭)       it difficult for June to get out of the pool.       she stood, her body slowly shook back and forth, Losing her      .
Realizing she needed help but       to even say anything, she       the pool side and stood there. Several minutes later she had enough energy to only       her body up out of the pool. Sitting at the side of the pool with her feet in the water she felt that someone was       at her. It was the lifeguard. June was just able to       her hand, telling him she was okay.
Have you ever found yourself in a      where you’re in trouble and you don’t ask for help? There is nothing       in asking for help. June could have drowned. However, we all have the tendency, as June did.
A.someone B.No oneC.AnyoneD.Everyone
A.advised B.encouragedC.allowedD.forced
A.hurting B.hurtC.sufferingD.suffered
A.botheringB.interrupting C.attractingD.helping
A.oneB.it C.herD.herself
A.unable B.readyC.proudD.afraid
A.lay onB.came acrossC.leaned againstD.fought with
A.laughing B.staringC.glimpsingD.shrugging
A.conditionB.atmosphereC.situation D.environment
Dear Seth,
You’re only three years old, and at this point in your life you can't read, much less understand what I’m going to try to tell you in this letter. But I've been thinking a lot about the life that you have ____ you, about my life so far as I ____ on what I've learned, and about my role as a dad in trying to prepare you for the ____ that you will face in the coming years.
Be thankful. You are at a wonderful ____ of life. You have still many wonderful stages of life, but they are not without their costs and ____. I hope to help you along your path by sharing some of the best of ____ I've learned. As with any advice, take it with a grain of ____. What works for me ____ not work for you.
Life can be cruel. There will be people in your life ____ won't be very nice. They'll laugh at you because you're different, or for no good ____. They might try to bully you ____ hurt you.
There's not much you can do about these people except ____ to deal with them, and learn to choose friends who are kind to you, who ____ care about you, who make you feel good about yourself. When you find friends like this, ____ them, treasure them, spend time with them, be kind to them and love them.
There will be _____ when you meet with disappointment instead of success. Life won’t always ____ the way you want. This is just another thing you’ll have to learn to deal with. But instead of letting these things get you down, push on, _____ disappointment and learn to persevere and to pursue your dreams _____ pitfalls. Learn to turn negatives into positives, and you’ll do much better in _____. You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love. I hope you don’t have to face this too much, but it happens. Again there is not much you can do but to heal, and to move on with your life. Let these pains become stepping stones to better things in life, and learn to use them to make you _____.
A.regardless of B.ahead ofC.at the back ofD.in the front of
A.whereB.which C.thatD.what
A.riceB.salt C.cornD.wheat
A.mustB.can C.mightD.should
A.whoB.whom C.whileD.whose
A.butB.though C.orD.otherwise
A.to learnB.learn C.learningD.learned
A.exactlyB.entirely C.trulyD.absolutely
A.tend toB.hold onto C.turn toD.lead to
A.daysB.months C.timeD.weeks
A.turn outB.turn upC.turn onD.turn down
A.avoidB.reject C.refuseD.accept
A.against B.despiteC.withinD.beyond
It was the beginning of the school year a few years ago and I had a little boy in my class who came from a non – English speaking home, He was very quiet and shy, I wasn’t sure how much he understood during the school day and I was especially concerned that he just stood by himself at break time and did not play, If I tried to talk to him , he would turn away and tightly shut his eyes to hide from me.
After a day or two of this, I decided to seek the help from one of my outgoing and friendly little girls, I called her over and she ran to me , ready to help.
I immediately began a long speech about what I needed from her, I asked her if she would try to get him to play, and I started talking quickly about all these suggestions on how she could start communication with him , I explained she could do that , she could try this idea, she could try that idea, “Don’t worry, I speak kid” And she ran off.
I stood there all alone, silently watching her, It took less than a minute for the two new friends to urn off, hand in hand , happily joining a game of tag (捉人游戏)taking place all over the gym.
I often think of that small moment, about what I learned and how important it is for all teachers to speak kid --- big kid, little kid and middle kid , I know my focus must be on teaching students how to think , how to approach problems ,and how to figure out solutions and teaching them never to let the opportunity away , We must be ready to learn from our students because those “teachable moments ”during the school days are for us , the teachers, as well as our kids.
小题1:Why did the author worry about the boy?
A.He didn’t dare to look at the author in the eyes
B.He couldn’t speak English as well as other students
C.He failed to understand what the author taught
D.He was unwilling to communicate with others
小题2:After the girl agreed to help, the author       
A.taught her what to do in detail
B.thanked her for her willingness to help
C.thanked her for her willingness to help
D.reminded her of what she should be careful about
小题3:By saying “I speak kid ”,the girl meant that she could       
A.speak the language that kids understand
B.speak the boy’s native language
C.know what kids want to day
D.speak well like a little kid
小题4:The underlined words“the opportunity”refer to the chance to       
A.play at break timeB.learn from studentsC.solve problemsD.speak kid
小题5:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Gold will shine everywhere
B.Children are more friendly than adults
C.Teachers’ thoughts are different form students’
D.You learn something every day if you pay attention

A little stream flowed down from a high mountain far, far away through many villages and forests, until it reached a desert. The stream then thought, “I’ve been through countless obstacles. I should have no problem crossing this desert!” But when she decided to start her journey, she found herself gradually disappearing into the mud and sand. After numerous tries, she found it was all in vain and was very upset. “Maybe it’s my destiny(命运) ! I’m not destined to reach the vast ocean in the legend, ” she murmured sadly to herself.
At this time, a deep voice came, saying, “If a breeze can cross the desert, so can a river.”
It was the voice of the desert. Unconvinced, the little stream replied, “That’s because a breeze can fly, but I can’t.”
“That’s because you stick to what you are. If you’re willing to give it up, and let yourself evaporate (蒸发) into the breeze, it can take you across, and you can reach your destination,” said the desert in its deep voice.
The little stream had never heard of such a thing. “Give up what I am now and disappear into the breeze? No! No!” She could not accept this idea. After all, she had never experienced anything like it before. Wouldn’t it be self-destruction to give up what she was now?
“How do I know if this is true?” asked the little stream.
“The breeze can carry the vapor across the desert and release it as rain at an appropriate site. The rain will form a river again to continue its course,” answered the desert very patiently.
“Will I still be what I am now?” asked the little stream.
“Yes, and no. Whether you’re a river or invisible vapor, your inner nature never changes. You stick to the fact that you’re a river because you don’t know your inner nature,” answered the desert.
Deep down, the stream vaguely remembered that before she became a river, it was perhaps also the breeze that carried her halfway up a high mountain, where she turned into rain and fell onto the ground and became what she was now. Finally the little stream gathered her courage and rushed into the open arms of the breeze, which carried her to the next stage of her life.
Perhaps you can try asking yourself these questions: What is my inner nature? What is it that I cling (紧抓) to? And what is it that I really want?
小题1:When reaching the desert at first, the little stream was ________ to cross it.
小题2:The desert suggests that the stream ________ in order to cross the desert.
A.change its formB.disappear into the desert
C.stick to what it isD.turn to another stream for help
小题3:Finally the stream successfully crossed the desert with the help of ________.
A.the rainB.the desertC.the breezeD.the mountain
小题4:In the text the writer compares the stream to ________.
A.the TruthB.the courageC.the course of lifeD.the obstacles in life
They crossed in front of me as I was driving out of the store parking lot.My first reaction was filled with anger at being delayed for a whole ten seconds.But I quickly became patient when I realized that this was an elderly couple.
The man leaned on his wife who walked in front of him.He not only used her for support but it was obvious that he was blind.The two of them worked as one—each needing the other to function in this fast-changing world.
That little example of true strength changed my whole personal perception(理解)of life that day.Suddenly I wasn’t so mad about having to work a few extra hours on Saturdays.I had my strength,and I was still relatively young.
That picture of those two elderly people walking with dignity and strength stayed with me the entire week.My life wasn’t so bad after all.I had my health and a good job.I had a wonderful,supportive wife.I started to think—not only was I lucky to have these all, but also was that wonderful old couple,who,despite the trials and sufferings of a long life,still had the love and support of each other to carry them through this world.
There are so many people out there just like that couple.My wife and I sometimes picture ourselves in our old age, walking arm in arm into the sunset.That image always gives us a warm feeling of comfort.Just remember,none of us would be here if it wasn’t for our elders.We all should spend a little extra time and patience when it comes to helping our elder friends.
小题1:When the author was about to drive away,the couple        
A.entered the storeB.hit his car
C.got in his wayD.asked him for help
小题2:What did the author think of the couple?
A.They lived a happier life than he
B.They were admirable for their lasting love
C.They didn’t live a life without hardships
D.They wouldn’t be respected for walking together.
小题3:From the passage,we learn          
A.the author hated working on Sundays
B.the author is satisfied with his life
C.old couples were advised to walk in the sunset
D.many people like that couple because they are blind
小题4:What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Spend an Extra MinuteB.Stay with Your Wife
C.Be Careful When DrivingD.Respect the Blind,Please

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