
  The next time you try for a high-ranking post,you could let your possible boss listen to a recommending phone call“made”by US President George W Bush or British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

  Of course,neither of them could really do that for youyou would just“borrow”ther voices.

  AT&T labs will start selling speech software that,it says,is so good at reproducing the sounds of a human voice that it can recreate voices and even bring the voices of long-dead famous people back to life.

  The software,which turns printed text into speech,makes it possible for a company to use recordings of a person's voice to say things that the person never actually said.

  Possible customers for the software,which is Priced at the thousands of dollars,include telephone on centers,companies that make software that reads digital files aloud,and makers of automated voice devices.The advances raise several problems.Who,for example,owns the rights to a famous person's voice?(Some experts even believe that new contracts will be drawn that include voice-licensing clauses.)

  And although scientists say the technology is not yet good enough to commit fraud(假冒),would the synthesized(合成的)voices at last be able to trick people into thinking that they were getting phone calls or digital audio recordings from people they knew?

  Even Mr Fruchterman,one of AT&Tlabs,possible first customers,said he wondered what the new technology might bring.“Just like you can't trust a photograph any more,”he said,“You won't be able to trust a voice either.”

1.With the help of the speech software,it is most possible________.

[  ]

A.to improve a famous person's speech

B.to say what you want in another's voice

C.to make a speech much more easily

D.to help you to find a better job

2.If the speech software is widely used,________.

[  ]

A.people would no longer believe each other

B.it would not be necessary to go for a speech by a famous person

C.no radio or TV broadcasters would be needed

D.recording a voice alone would not be taken as a proof in the court

3.According to the passage,you can infer that________.

[  ]

A.the software will turn out to be an immediate success in the market

B.the government will forbid the sale of the software in the market

C.it's hard to decide whether the software will enjoy popularity

D.the software will soon prove to be nothing but rubbish

4.The passage mainly wants to________.

[  ]

A.introduce a new software

B.explain the disadvantage of a new invention

C.advertise a new kind of product

D.describe the future market of a new product



1.Where did the woman say she put her glasses?

A.In the cupboard.

B.On the desk.

C.She couldn't remember.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a library.

B.In a laboratory.

C.In a hotel.

3.What is the man going to do?

A.He will call her when the watch is fixed.

B.He wants her to fix the watch within one week.

C.He wants the woman to fix his watch.

4.Who painted the house?

A.Henry's friends.

B.Someone else.


5.How much money do they have between them?







6.What is the woman?

A.A teacher.

B.A leader.

C.A headmaster.

7.What are those students like?




8.Why does the woman have to go?

A.Because of the students.

B.Because of ther parents.

C.Because of the headmaster.


9.Who might the man be?

A.A cook.

B.A policeman.

C.The woman's husband.

10.Where was the wallet found?

A.In the restroom.

B.Under the table.

C.On the table.


11.How will Bob and his wife spend their holiday this year?

A.To go to Egypt.

B.To stay at home to look after everything.

C.It remains to be decided.

12.What is the advantage of traveling by sea , according to the woman?

A.One can have a safe journey.

B.One can enjoy the beautiful scene on the sea.

C.One can have a better rest during the voyage.

13.What is the main concern of Bob's wife about a trip to Egypt?

A.How much a round-trip ticket would cost?

B.How long the trip would take?

C.Who is going to look after everything at home?

14.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Customer and waiter.



15.Where are the speakers?

A.In the dining room.

B.In the office.

C.In the classroom.

16.Why was the man asleep?

A.He didn't like reading.

B.He didn't sleep well last night.

C.He didn't understand the meaning of the book.

17.What is the way to understand the book?

A.To find the main idea first.

B.To read the book aloud.

C.To read from the end.


18.Why did Mr Grey like walking from the station to his office?

A.Because it was not far.

B.Because he liked walking.

C.Because it gave him some exercise.

19.Why did Mr Grey lend some money to the stranger years ago?

A.To buy a ticket for him.

B.To help hime start his career(事业).

C.To avoid unnecessary trouble.

20.What did the stranger stop Mr Grey for this time?

A.To thank Mr Grey.

B.To return the money.

C.To borrow money again.


  TOKYO-A child-like robot that combines the roles of nurse, companion and security guard is to go on the market to help the growing ranks of elderly Japanese with no one to look after them.

  The“Wakamaru”robot can walk around a house 24 hours a day, warning family, hospitals and security firms if it perceives(notices)a problem.It will, for example, call relatives if the owner fails to get out of the bath.

  Cameras implanted in the“eye-brows”of the robot enable it to“see”as it walks around an apartment.The images can be sent to the latest cellphones, which display the pictures.

  Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which developed Wakamaru, plans to start selling the metre-high robots by April, 2005, for about $15,000 Cdn.

  Wakamaru, which speaks with either the voice of a boy or girl, is also designed to provide companionship, greeting its“papa”when he comes home.

  It is the first household robot able to hold simple conversations, based on a vocabulary of around 10,000 words.It cannot only speak but can understand answers and react accordingly.

  It will ask“Are you all right?”if its owner does not move for some time.If the answer is no, or there is no answer, it will telephone preset numbers, transmitting images and functioning as a speakerphone.

  Wakamaru will in form a xecurity firm if ther is a loud bang or if an unknown person enters the house while the owner is out or asleep.It can recognize up to 10 faces.

  But like nost robots it cannot climb stairs.

  It can be set to remind forgetful people when it is time to take medicine, eat and sleep.

  Mitstubishi adapted Wakamaru from robots it already makes to go around nuclear power facilities.The idea to use the technology in the home came from a company employee.

  The project chief said,“Looking at the ageing of society and the falling birth rate we decide that this could work as a business.We want to offer Wakamaru as a product that helps society.”

  The technology has gained nation-wide publicity in Japan among increasing xoncern over how to look after the ever-growing number of old people.The life expectancy of Japanese women has shot up to almost 85, the highest in the wolrld.

  At the same time, extended families are being rdplaced by nuclear families.This has left many Japanese anxious about their elderly parents, whom they rarely see because of their long hours at the office.


Which of the following is true about the Robot?

[  ]


It is used in some nuclear power facilities.


It cannot speak but can understand answers.


It can go up and soen the starirs easily.


It can recognize as many as 10 faces.


The purpose of this passage is ________.

[  ]


to introduce a new product


to solve the ageing problems


to tell people hwo to use the robot


to show the rapid development of technolygy


What can we infer from the passage?

[  ]


The robot can dial proper numbers for help.


The robot is likely to have a promising market.


The robot has given the Japanese a chance to live longer.


The nuclear families have left many elderly Japanese anxious.


What is the best title of this passage?

[  ]


The Latest Development of Robot Technology


Japanese Robot and the Ageing Society


Vast Market of the New Robot


Japanese-built Robot to Help the Old

     Some people who find themselves unable to solve a problem react by just giving up.But
it is not good to__1__from problems by giving up or by making__2__for failure.You may
be sure that all young people go through the same__3__process that you are going through
:__4__new situations,developing new skills,and testing their abilities.
     In many cases,we only "think" there is no__5__to a particular problem.But__6__we
can overcome the problem and achieve the goal by making a direct attack. __7__,a boy
wanted to be a debater.When he__8__for the debating team as a freshman,the coach
thought he was _9__.He was shy;he had a high pitched (音调) voice;and his posture
(仪态) was poor.By his junior year,he__10__the school debating team,and in his senior
year he was__11__the team in his state.He achieved his goal because he had made a direct
attack upon his problem.
     __12__attack is often the best way to meet problems,we have to be realistic in judging
situations.__13__it is necessary to __14__either the tactics (策略) or the goal.
     A boy who wants to be a great football player may be too light and not quite __15__
for football.In this situation,becoming a great football player may be an __16__goal for
him.__17__,he may become outstanding in tennis or golf,and__18__his desire to take
part in sports.
     So,although direct attack is often the best way to __19__ problems,it is important to
study the_20__and make a wise decision about what to do.
(     )1.A.ignore
(     )2.A.excuses
(     )3.A.different
(     )4.A.overcoming
(     )5.A.key
(     )6.A.often
(     )7.A.In fact
(     )8.A.tried out
(     )9.A.useless
(     )10.A.became
(     )11.A.at
(     )12.A.When
(     )13.A.Seldom
(     )14.A.change
(     )15.A.smart
(     )16.A.impossible
(     )17.A.Though
(     )18.A.satisfy
(     )19.A.meet
(     )20.A.cause

B.For example
B.went in
B.As though
B.Ho wever

C.After all
C.went out

D.decisio ns
D.In o ther words
D.joined in
D.As if

     "People should have one meat-free day a week if they want to make a personal and effective sacrifice that
would help deal with climate change," the world's leading authority on global warming has told The Observer.
     Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said that
people should then go on to reduce their meat consumption even further.
     Pachauri, who was re-elected the panel's chairman for a second six-year term last week, said diet change
was important because of the huge greenhouse gas emissions (排放) and other environmental problems
associated with raising cattle and other animals. "It was relatively easy to change eating habits compared to
changing means of transport," he said.
     The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation has estimated that meat production ac counts for nearly a
fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions. These are produced during the production. For example, ruminants
(反刍动物), particularly cows, emit a gas called methane, which is 23 times more effective as a global
warming agent than give off CO2.
     Pachauri can expect some opposite responses from the food industry to his advice, though last night he
was given unexpected support by Masterchef presenter and restaurateur John Torode. "I have a little bit and
enjoy it," said Torode. "Too much for any person is bad. But there's a bigger issue here: where the meat
comes from. If we all bought British and stopped buying imported food, we'd save a huge amount of carbon
     Professor Robert Watson, the chief scientific adviser for the Department for Environment Food and Rural
Affairs, said government could help educate people about the benefits of eating less meat, but it should not
regulate. "Eating less meat would help, there's no question about that," Watson said.
     However, Chris Lamb, head of marketing for pig industry group BPEX, said the meat industry had been
unfairly targeted and was working hard to find out which activities had the biggest environmental impact and
reduce them. "Some ideas were contradictory," he said. "For example, one solution to emissions from cattle
and other animals was to keep them indoors, but this would damage animal welfare. Climate change is a very
young science and our view is ther are a lot of simple solutions being proposed."
1. What is directly related to global warming?
A. Consumption of meat.
B. Growth of cattle.
C. Methane from ruminants.
D. Processing of meat.
2. Who holds a view opposite to the others' in the passage?
A. Rajendra Pachauri.
B. John Torode.
C. Robert Watson.
D. Chris Lamb.
3. It is implied in the passage that _____.
A. we should try to keep away from cattle
B. ruminants should not be left outdoors
C. the meat industry will soon close down
D. we must do our duty to save the earth
4. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
A. Less meat, slower global warming
B. More animals, more greenhouse gas
C. Less imported food, better our environment
D. Greater diet change, smaller climate change

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