

For most people, traveling overseas to a foreign country can be an amazing experience. However, for those who are not prepared to take part in a new culture, they may be totally overwhelmed(不知所措的) by having to go through this unfamiliar chain of events. This phenomenon is called culture shock, and often occurs when people visit a country for which they are not ready. 【1】________________ .

First of all, one must remember to prepare themselves by referring to some materials for their visit.2__________________. Instead, take some time to read, research, and look up information on the specific country you are traveling to. You can do it either through the use of a library or a bookstore, or through the Internet.

Secondly,3_______________________ Many times these people can answer questions you may have about the country, especially when you can’t find the answers from the research you have done online or in print.4_________________ So you can turn to the people who have been to the country and their experience must be of great use to you.

Lastly, after you have done everything you can to get prepared, you are on your way to your destination.5_____________ It is so important to be flexible in your travel, which really helps to break down any culture shock you might experience.

Keep these tips in mind, and be open in your travel experience. Happy traveling

A. Many people think travelling abroad is terrible.

B. In addition, firsthand experience is extremely valuable.

C. Talk with people who have visited the country.

D. Remember to deal with unexpected situations flexibly.

E. Here are some ways on how to study and live happily in a foreign country.

F. Do not just show up in a new country with no idea about what to expect even in the least.

G. One can avoid embarrassment and enjoy the trip more if they have taken some preparations against such “shock”








试题分析: 如何应对文化差异哪?首先,在去国外之前要先了解一些有关这个国家的细节,你可以上网查询,也可以问问去过那里的人,最后一定要记得灵活应变。

【1】G考查对上下文的理解。空前的意思是:一个人到不熟悉的国家会感到不知所措, 所以这里的意思如果是:如果做好准备就会避免尴尬享受旅行,故选G与上下文一致

【2】F 考查对上下文的理解。空前的意思是:要提前去查阅一些相关的资料所以这里的意思如果是:不要在出现在那里是不知道会有什么事情发生,故选F符合上下文

【3】C 考查对上下文的理解。本段的意思在最后一句话,要去问问到过这个国家的人,他们的经验对你你很有用。空后的意思是:这些人能回答你对这个国家的疑惑, 能回答网上和资料历没有的问题的人应该是去过那里的人故选C和去过这个国家的人聊聊)符合上下文。










Have you ever had a headache during a test? Have you ever been too worried about something that you have a headache or even can’t sleep at night? If so, then you know that stress is.

Not all stress is bad for you. Some kinds of stress can help you get things do better, like when you are running towards the finishing line or when you are being asked to give a speech to your class. Stress sometimes can help push you to make full preparation for a test. However, too much stress can result in anger, depression and other related problems, which we need to take serious.

There are many things in our life what might cause stress ------ having too much homework, taking a difficult test, and having economic problems.

It’s impossible to live in a life completely free of stress, so you should learn to deal with stress. The best way reduce stress is to have a balance life. If you get enough sleep, eat properly, take more exercise and have enough fun time, you’ll probably feel less stressed.


When six the very best students from different cities in Guangdong province all together chose universities in Hong Kong; when the very best students of Beijing picked up HK University while giving up the nearby Peking or Tsinghua University; when the highest enrollment (录取) rate of Hong Kong Science and Industry University reached 48:1, it’s the high time to ask where the real education heaven for students in China is.

Years ago, the answer certainly would be “Peking or Tsinghua University”. But now no one could give the exact reaction without hesitation. The only sure thing is that HK universities have gradually showed an unusual attraction to a great many mainland students.

It's no doubt to call this HK craze (狂热), which is even out of the expectation of those HK universities themselves.

How can HK universities shake the steady foundations of Peking and Tsinghua and attract so many mainland students?

First, Hong Kong universities offer large-amount scholarship, especially for the top students who can receive the sum scholarship as much as 400,000 HK dollars. Since higher education has become a kind of heavy burden of many families, it’s easy to understand why the reaction to the generous offering of HK universities is great.

Second, most HK universities receive professors and students from all over the world and carry out bilingual (双语) education. This kind of excellent language atmosphere is another attraction for mainland students.

Furthermore, university students in Hong Kong have a better chance to study abroad as exchange students.

Can mainland top universities like Peking or Tsinghua University calm as before when facing the unexpected competition from HK? Will they take relevant measures to win back the top students who once help them set the worldwide reputation? Time will explain it.

The fierce competition brought by HK universities can be a good thing for an entire improvement of education in ChinaAfter the awakening and action taking of mainland universities, they can perform better together with HK universities.

At least, it reminded the mainland universities the tuition fees (学费) are among students’ top concern when they are choosing universities. It’s time to move.

1What is the passage mainly talking about?

A. Some thought brought by the enrollment of HK universities.

B. Higher education in Hong Kong.

C. The competition between HK University and Peking University.

D. The fall of mainland universities.

2Top students from mainland apply for (申请) HK universities because ______.

A. many students now would love to study abroad to get a better experience

B. they concern only about the tuition fees when choosing universities

C. HK universities offer higher scholarship, better environment and more opportunities for their further study

D. Peking university has lost its worldwide reputation

3From the passage we can see HK universities _______.

A. didn’t mean to enroll top students from mainland

B. didn’t expect their enrollment of mainland students would be so popular

C. have strict enrollment rules and only 1 out of 48 students can get the chance to study there

D. are proud of their teaching staff and facilities

4What does the author mean by saying “It’s time to move” in the last paragraph?

A. Mainland universities should take measures as soon as possible to attract students.

B. The opportunities come for top students to study abroad.

C. Mainland universities should make full preparations to challenge HK universities.

D. Top students should be offered further education free of charge.

【题目】Organic(有机的) farming is a type of agriculture that benefits from the recycling and use of natural products. Use of dried plants not only saves money, but also ensures the growth of crops. The technique is characterized(具有…的特征) by the use of green manure(肥料), biological pest control methods and special farming techniques to keep soil productive. Limiting the use of manmade chemicals or completely doing away with(去掉) them reduces the risk of diseases. Today, organic farming is a major and preferred industry around the world. Organically grown products have a huge market, with farmlands covering about 10% of the total world farmland. The initial effort made by Sir Albert Howard, the Father of Organic Farming, has paid off.

Advantages of Organic Farming:

1.The economics of organic farming are characterized by increasing profits(利润)through reduced water use and reduced soil erosion(侵蚀).

2.Organic farming produces the same crops as those produced through traditional farming methods, but uses half the energy, and holds 40% more top soil.

3.Farming the organic way enables farmers to get rid of weeds without the use of any chemicals.

4.The use of green pesticides (杀虫剂) is environmentally friendly and does no harm to human’s health.

Disadvantages of Organic Farming:

1. Organic methods of farming produce less, compared to traditional farming techniques.

2. Organic agriculture does little to fight global climate change. Though organic farming practices are recognized as giving out less CO2, but not to a significant degree.

However, though there are some disadvantages to organic farming, farms where organic methods for cropping have been used have more advantages than traditional farms. Organic agriculture is surely better in the long term.

【1】Organic farming uses the manure made from________.

A.expensive soil B.dried plants

C.harmful pests D.manmade chemicals

2The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 shows that Sir Albert Howard ____.

A.worked hard for nothing

B.succeeded in organic farming

C.spent all his time on organic farming

D.didn't expect organic farming to be successful

3According to the passage, compared to traditional farming, Organic farming________.

a.is more environmentally friendly

b.produces a lot more food

c.uses less energy

d.results in more weeds in the farmland

e.is better for human’s health

A.abc B.acd C.ace D.bce

4The author’s attitude toward organic farming is________.

A.anxious B.hopeless

C.unclear D.optimistic

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