
Two Chinese cargo ships, the Hua Ping and Yu Xing 8 were attacked by _____________ armed people on the Mekong River on Oct.5.

A. unrecognized    B. unidentified      C. unfamiliar     D. unbelievable







It is reported that six Chinese ships have entered waters near islands claimed by both China and Japan. China said the ships were carrying out “law enforcement” to demonstrate its jurisdiction(管辖权) over the islands, known as Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan. At least two of the ships left after the Japanese coast guard issued a warning, Japanese officials say.
The action came after Japan sealed a deal to buy three of the islands from their private Japanese owner. Japan controls the uninhabited but resource-rich East China Sea islands, which are also claimed by Taiwan.
The Japanese Coast Guard said the first two Chinese boats entered Japan’s territorial waters at 06:18 local time, followed by another fleet of four other ships just after 07:00. The first two ships then left the area. A third ship left later on Friday morning, one report said. No force was used, Japanese officials added. “Our patrol(巡逻) ships are currently telling them to leave our country’s territorial waters,” the coastguard said in a statement.
The Chinese foreign ministry confirmed that its ships were there. “These law enforcement and patrol activities are aimed to demonstrate China’s jurisdiction over the Diaoyu Islands and ensure the country’s maritime interests,” a statement said.
The US has called for “cooler heads to be accepted” as tension worsens between China and Japan over the islands. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is going to visit both Japan and China from this weekend as part of a tour of the region.
The dispute(争端) has seriously damaged diplomatic relations between China and Japan and threatens to damage the strong trading relationship, says the BBC’s John Sudworth in Beijing. The dispute has also caused strong nationalist emotions on both sides that makes it very difficult to be seen to be backing down, says our reporter.
The Japanese government says it is buying the islands to promote their stable and peaceful management. China on the other hand, says the islands have historically been its territory and fishing grounds. Meanwhile Japan’s newly-appointed ambassador to China, Shinichi Nishimiya, remains in hospital in Tokyo. He was appointed on Tuesday to replace Uichiro Niwa, who has been criticized for his dealing with the worst diplomatic dispute between Japan and China in recent years.
【小题1】The Diaoyu Islands are actually inhabited(居住) by              .

【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Japan fired at the 6 Chinese ships to warn them to leave the waters.
B.China admitted that the 6 ships had been forced to leave the waters.
C.The US called on both sides to calm down.
D.Shinichi Nishimiya was unconscious(昏迷的) in the hospital because somebody attacked him.
【小题3】Why was Uichiro Niwa replaced?
A.He isn’t iron(强硬) enough in dealing with the diplomatic disputes between Japan and China.
B.His health condition is not good enough to work there.
C.He didn’t do well in dealing with the diplomatic dispute about the Diaoyu Islands.
D.He criticized the Chinese government publicly in an improper way.
【小题4】This news report is most likely to be selected from the              newspaper.

Six Chinese surveillance ships have entered waters near islands claimed by both China and Japan.
China said the ships were carrying out "law enforcement" to demonstrate its jurisdiction(管辖权) over the islands, known as Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan.
At least two of the vessels left after the Japanese coast guard issued a warning, Japanese officials say.
The move came after Japan sealed a deal to buy three of the islands from their private Japanese owner. Japan controls the uninhabited but resource-rich East China Sea islands, which are also claimed by Taiwan.
The Japanese Coast Guard said the first two Chinese boats entered Japan's territorial waters at 06:18 local time (21:18 GMT Thursday), followed by another fleet of four other ships just after 07:00. The first two ships then left the area. A third ship left later on Friday morning, one report said. No force was used, Japanese officials added. "Our patrol vessels are currently telling them to leave our country's territorial waters," the coastguard said in a statement.
The Chinese foreign ministry confirmed that its ships were there. “These law enforcement and patrol activities are aimed to demonstrate China's jurisdiction over the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated(附属的) islets and ensure the country's maritime(海事的) interests,” a statement said.
The US has called for ''cooler heads to prevail'' as tension intensifies between China and Japan over the islands, which lie south of Okinawa and north of Taiwan. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is due to visit both Japan and China from this weekend as part of a tour of the region that also includes New Zealand.
The dispute has seriously marred diplomatic relations between China and Japan and threatens to damage the strong trading relationship, says the BBC's John Sudworth in Beijing. The row(争端) has also generated strong nationalist sentiment on both sides that observers say now makes it very difficult to be seen to be backing down, says our correspondent.
The Japanese government says it is buying the islands to promote their stable and peaceful management. Its move followed a bid by right-wing Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara to buy the islands using public donations - an action that would likely have further provoked(触怒) China.
China, on the other hand, says the islands have historically been its territory and fishing grounds.
Meanwhile Japan's newly-appointed ambassador to China, Shinichi Nishimiya, remains in hospital in Tokyo after he was found unconscious near his home in Tokyo on Thursday. No details have been given on his condition. He was appointed on Tuesday to replace Uichiro Niwa, who has been criticised for his handling of one of the worse diplomatic rows between Japan and China in recent years.
【小题1】The Diaoyu Islands are actually inhabited by           .

【小题2】Which of the following is true?
A.Japan fired at the 6 Chinese ships to warn them to leave the waters.
B.China admitted that the 6 ships had been forced to leave the waters.
C.The US called on both sides to calm down.
D.Shinichi Nishimiya was unconscious in the hospital because somebody attacked him.
【小题3】Why was Uichiro Niwa replaced?
A.He is not iron enough in handling the diplomatic rows between Japan and China.
B.His health condition is not good enough to work there.
C.He didn’t do a good job in dealing with the dispute about the Diaoyu Islands.
D.He criticized the Chinese government publicly in an improper way.
【小题4】This news report is most likely to be selected from the          newspaper.

Two Chinese living in South Africa were killed in a robbery (抢劫) on February 5, bringing the total number of Chinese killed in the country to four in less than a month.

Chen Jianqing, 35, from Southeast China's Fujian Province, who ran a shop with her husband in a small town 45 kilometers away from South African capital Johannesburg, was shot dead. www.zxxk.com

"One of her business partners died later in the hospital," the Chinese consulate (领事馆) officials in Johannesburg said yesterday. "Local police are trying to find more information about the case. And we have told the victims' (遇难者的) relatives and are helping them come to Johannesburg," Consul Wu Gang told China Daily. Chen's husband was injured during the robbery but did not suffer seriously, said Wu.

The robbery happened at about 5:45 pm local time and the armed robbers ran away after taking more than 50,000 South African rand (US $8,200) and some jewelry,  Xinhua News Agency reported.

The killing happened just three days after Chen Jingmin, a 23-year-old man from Qingdao, Shandong Province, was shot dead north outside Johannesburg by armed robbers. On January 10, a Hong Kong businessman was attacked and robbed at his home in Johannesburg and died the next day in the hospital. All these happened just in less than a month.

According to records, there were more than 40 robberies attacking Chinese in South Africa last year, in which eight were killed. More than 100,000 Chinese are doing various kinds of businesses in South Africa, according to a Chinese official in the country. An increasing number of them are becoming targets (目标) of robbers after buying big houses or luxury cars, the official said.

1.The passage is probably ______.

A. a business story                               B. a scientific article

C. a newspaper report                                   D. an official document

2.Who were killed on February 5 in a small town near Johannesburg?

A. Chen Jianqing and her husband.

B. Chen Jianqing and one of her partners.

C. Chen Jingmin and a Hong Kong businessman.

D. Chen Jingmin and one of his relatives.

3.How many Chinese were killed in South Africa since January ?

A. 2            B. 4.                     C. 5.           D. 8.

4._______are more likely to be robbed in South Africa.

A. Those Chinese who depend too much on local police

B. Those Chinese who live near the capital of South Africa

C. Those Chinese who open shops selling Chinese goods

D. Those Chinese who leave others the impression of being rich


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