
There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play with out in the woods. He practiced in the woods, but he could never hit the target. Getting a little discouraged, he headed back for dinner. As he was walking back he saw Grandma's pet duck.

Just out of impulse(冲动),he let the slingshot fly, hit the duck in the head and killed it. He was shocked! In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the wood, only to see his sister watching! Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing.

After lunch the next day Grandma said, "Sally, let's wash the dishes". But Sally said, "Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen. "Then she whispered to him, "Remember the duck?" So Johnny did the dishes. Every time Grandma asked Sally to do some housework, she will repeat the same story. After several days of Johnny doing both his work and Sally's, he finally couldn't stand it any longer. He came to Grandma and confessed that he had killed the duck.

Grandma gave him a hug and said, "Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave of you. "

In our daily life, whatever we do, God is always standing at the window and he sees the whole thing. He's just wondering how long you will let the devil make a slave of you. The great thing about God is that when you ask for forgiveness, he not only forgives you, but also he forgets.

1.Johnny felt discouraged in the first paragraph because____.

A. he didn't like his grandma

B. he couldn't hit the target with the slingshot

C. he was given a bad slingshot

D. he killed the pet of his grandma

2.What did Sally mean by saying "Remember the duck" in Para 3?

A. She missed the duck very much.

B. She reminded his brother of his slingshot.

C. She wanted to force her brother do something for her.

D. She didn't dare to say the secret to her grandma herself.

3.The underlined word "confessed" in the third paragraph means "_______"

A. remarked B. promised

C. admitted D. refused

4. From the story we can learn that ______.

A. everyone has to forget the sad thing

B. grandparents won't be frightened by children's mistakes

C. those who often lie to others will become the devil

D. one should be brave to admit his mistakes


Brooke Martin’s golden retriever(金毛猎犬) Kayla hated being left alone or separated. She would howl, pace, and chew on things. Brooke learned that other people had the same problem with their pets. She wondered: ―What if you could talk to your dog if you were gone?

Working with her father in their garage, the 16-year-old came up with several ideas. Finally, she invented a device that allowed pet owners to video chat with their pets! She calls the device iCPooch. ―The dog doesn’t have to answer the call,explains Brooke. ―It comes up immediately on the screen on their end. It’s a two-way audio and video—you can see and hear each other.With a click of a button you can even send the dog a treat!

Her invention has earned her a spot competing against nine other finalists in a young scientist competition for middle-school students. These finalists, selected based on their short video presentations, are working with mentors over the summer before heading to the final competition in St. Paul, Minn.

After Martin’s video put her among the 10 finalists in the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge, she was paired with Delony Langer-Anderson, a product development scientist in 3M’s consumer health care division. ―I just lead her down the product development path,Langer-Anderson told Live Science. This path includes guidance on how to test the potential product, which combines a video chat device that answers immediately on the dog’s end with a dog treat device the owner can remotely activate.

One thing I have thought about a lot is, what happens if while the device is on the floor, what if your dog knocks it over, or scratches the screen? Martin said. She and Langer-Anderson discussed this, and Martin is now testing materials at a local dog shelter by taping them to the dog house floors to see how well they withstand sharp teeth and claws.

The finalists create models they can test, with the guidance from a mentor. Their projects include a fuel cell that transforms cut grass into electricity and an app that rewards drivers for not texting or calling. Langer-Anderson tries to help the students work through the scientific method, testing their hypothesis, in a determined way, ―so the kids don’t get buried in data.she said.

1.Which of the following would be the best title of the text?

A.“iCPooch” wins in a young scientist competition.

B. A 16-year-old girl invents a device for dog hunger.

C. A man-made device lets people chat with their pets.

D. A kid-invented device calm dogs’ separation anxiety.

2.“iCPooch”calms pet dogs by ________.

A. allowing video chat

B. making dogs sleep

C. answering the call

D. giving them food

3.What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “mentor”

A. competitor B. assistant C. instructor D. companion

4.What do the inventions of the finalists have in common?

A. They are all new inventions dealing with pets.

B. They are possible solutions to everyday problems.

C. They cope with the problems related to computers.

D. They are all accomplished through individual work.

Step into an American preschool classroom today and you are likely to fall into a so-called print-rich environment,every surface colorfully decorated with instructional posters,classroom rules,chedules,and mottos,few of which a 4-year-old can understand in fact.

Besides the confusing things on classroom walls,teaching methods and curriculums have changed recently,by which more time is spent on what’s called “seat work”一workbooks and worksheets—but less time devoted to music and art.School—readiness skills are essential for the youngest learners to move on to a subsequent stage. As a result, expectations that may arguably have been reasonable for 5-and 6-year-olds, such as bemg able to sit at a desk and using pencil and paper,are now directed at even younger children, who lack the motor skills and attention span to be successful.

However,parents of preschoolers tend to be on board with these changes,because they fear that the old—fashioned pleasures of unhurried learning have no place in today’s highly competitive world.The stress is obvious:Pick the “wrong” preschool and your child might not go to college.She might not be employable. She might not even be allowed to start first grade!

As preschoolers are learning so much academic knowledge at earlier ages,they seem somehow less curious and less engaged.Some teachers say that more children today seem to lack the language skills.The real focus in the preschool years should not be just on vocabularv and reading,but on talking and listening.By talking with adults, and one another,they pick up information,learn how things work and solve puzzles that trouble them.For our littlest learners,what could be more important than that?

1.Which of the statements does the author probably agree with?

A.Younger children can fully understand the instructional things in classrooms.

B.3-and 4-year-olds shouldn’t be expected too much in school readiness skills.

C.More time should be spent on“seat work’’ instead of music and art.

D.Even 5-and 6-year-olds have good motor skills and attention span.

2.The underlined phrase “be on board with” in the third paragraph most probably means “ ”.

A.accept B.reject C.doubt D.worry

3.Why are parents so picky when choosing a preschool for their kids?

A.Because some preschools are too old fashioned.

B.Because a wrong preschool might ruin kids’ future.

C.Because the competitions between kindergartens are fierce.

D.Because it is easy for them to choose a right preschool.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.New Preschool Breaking down the Kids.

B.The Early Bird Gets the Worm.

C.Preschool,the Gatekeeper to Elementary School?

D.Seat work,a Better Choice for the Youngest Kids?


Relationships are hard. It doesn't matter whether it is a relationship two workmates, a doctor and a patient, a mother and her child or a couple. The fact is, it is a relationship involving people, there will always be conflicts once in a while because human beings are complicated(复杂的).

I guess even in the animal kingdom there are complications, too. For instance, just last weekend l thought my neighbor's cows were .They like standing outside our gate where there is a huge tree they use to themselves from the burning sun. Anyway, it was quite that the grey cow was angry about something and since I didn't “cows", I couldn't tell what she was complaining about. My guess was that one of the other cows had done/said something to . her because there was one cow she kept ”addressing".

I guess this goes to tat as long as one is breathing (man or animal), misunderstandings and .will always happen, regardless of whether it is at home or at the office, until one is finally

The is how you handle your displeasure. How do you conduct your arguments? What words do you use7 After the argument, do you ever sit back and probably anything that you might have said in anger? I ask this I know for a fact that when you are angry, the likelihood of having the best you'll ever regret is very high. The words you speak to someone can either build them up, or break them down, or start

a in their heart or put it out completely. That is how words are. Words have the power to or destroy.

If you do not want to hurt those you come into with, remember to be careful with your words because once they are ,they can only be forgiven, not forgotten。

1.A. after B. above C. under D. between

2.A. as soon as B. as well as C. as long as D. as far as

3.A. naturally B. similarly C. fortunately D. suddenly

4.A. laughing B. arguing C. watching D. crying

5.A. protect B. enjoy C. behave D. blame

6.A. proud B. typical C. lucky D. obvious

7.A. respect B. doubt C. understand D. prepare

8.A. remind B. inspire C. attract D. annoy

9.A. report B. imagine C. prove D. admit

10.A. competition B. accidents C. silence D. disagreements

11.A. dead B. weak C. careless D. nervous

12.A. chance B. question C. result D. cause

13.A. regret B. forget C. receive D. complete

14.A. if B. because C. until D. though

15.A. speech B. calmness C. patience D. attempt

16.A. pipe B. lamp C. fire D. cigarette

17.A. funny B. busy C. powerful D. loud

18.A. last B. create C. return D. feel

19.A. concern B. consideration C. comparison D. contact

20.A. opened B. translated C. said D. noticed

Today is Sarah’s birthday. She is seventy-five. We asked a few old friends to dinner.

Like most elderly people, I suppose, we spent most of the evening talking about old times. Thirty years ago, the village used to be a quiet place. Now it has changed. Every Sunday hundreds of cars pass through the village at what I think a dangerous speed. They make the village almost as noisy as the streets of a large town. As a boy I enjoyed riding on the backs of the farm horses. Things are different now. Today there are very few horses working on the farms. The farm workers today drive tractors, not horses. A man is not of much use on a farm unless he knows all about machines. Now almost every house in the village has a TV set. Is it a good thing for children to spend the evening sitting in front of a TV set? When I was young I did not waste my time indoors. I would spend the long summer evenings outdoors. I would play with my friends, go fishing or walk by the river. When my grandchildren asked me the reason why I haven’t bought a TV set, I tell them there are many books I still want to read. I can’t find time for both reading and watching TV.

1.The old like to talk about _______.

A. themselves B. others C. the past D. nothing

2.When I was a boy, I _______ riding on farm horses.

A. used to see people

B. disliked

C. was fond of

D. saw some elderly people

3.Which is NOT right according to the passage?

A. In the past the village was a quiet place.

B. It is a good time for children to watch TV all evening.

C. On Sundays many cars pass through the village at a dangerous speed.

D. When I was young I didn’t waste my time indoors.

4.I would rather _______ than _______.

A. watch TV; do some reading

B. play with friends; go fishing

C. do some reading; watch TV

D. go fishing; play with friends

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