Why a Sense of Humor is Important
A sense of humor, God’s greatest gift to mankind, is universally considered the most valuable personality asset. It is born within every person’s heart, but has to be cultivated. A person without humor is just like a spring without flowers and a dish without seasoning. In a sense, your personality lies in your sense of humor.
Humor can enhance physical as well as mental well being. It helps us bear our burdens, lessen our tension, overcome our frustration, relax our body muscles, and dissolve countless trifles and irritations. With the cracking of a joke, all our worries, sadness and tiredness disperse like mist and smoke, and we are full of vigor once again.
Humor helps us live in harmony with others. It is unavoidable to have misunderstanding and tension with others during work or study. But humor can ,as a“pacifier”, inject a light note into the touchy situation to ease these problems quicker than angry words or quarrels. With it you can always keep on good terms with others.
In short, a sense of humor is really one of the keys to happiness. It gives zest to life to make it worth living.
解析:文章应自然流畅, 段落清晰, 要点明确,语法正确。
(2) 立题。明确主题是什么,突出要点的主体性地位,做好内容上必要的删减。
(3) 丰题。就提供的信息进行语言上的组织,作适当的具体的补充。通过细致准取得语言运用来补“血”补“肉”,使所要写出来的文章意思连贯,语言畅通,逻辑严密。此过程的语言加工主要是做到:主谓一致和动词的时态语态正确运用;体现连接词在复合句中的使用;递进,并列,转折等等副词(短语)运用使语言连贯,表达清楚;新课标高级词汇运用给文章添彩添色;开放式作文适当展开合理联想;正确拼写,书写美观大方。
(4) 查题。查信息点是否完整,有没有遗漏。查语法是否正确,词法方面主要检查拼写,冠词、名词单复数和词语搭配等。句法方面主要检查是否正确使用时态、语态、主谓一致、一些连接词,过渡词等。