Daphne asked Jim, a friend of Walter's, for some extra help on her political science homework. On Friday, they agreed to meet at his dormitory study room at 8 Sunday night. It was 8∶05 when Jim arrived. He wasn't on time as he usually is, because he had been out enjoying the spring weather after eating at McDonald's. But he wasn't worried, because he knew from Walter that Daphne was usually late. When Daphne hadn't arrived by 8∶25, Jim was a little surprised. He decided to go to the dorm lounge(休息室) and watch his favorite Sunday night TV show. It started at 8∶30, so he had to hurry. When he got to the lounge, Walter was just leaving. “Hey, Jim, your favorite TV show just finished. Where were you? It was fantastic!”

  “What do you mean, Walter? It's 8∶30, so I'm just in time to watch it!” Jim replied, looking a little confused.

   “Didn't you change your watch last night?” Walter asked. Then he explained, “Last night you were supposed to move your watch ahead one hour. We do this every year on the last Sunday in April. Then, on the last Sunday in October, everyone moves clock back an hour. We say‘spring ahead, fall back ’to help us remember which way to change our clocks.” Walter stopped to see if Jim had understood his explanation. “You don't do that in Indiana, I guess.”

  “No, we don't,” Jim said, shaking his head. “In that case, I was over an hour late for my appointment with Daphne, not only five minutes late. Wow! She'll never let me forget this!”

1.What is the important idea of this story?

[  ]

A.Daphne is usually late.

B.there are no time changes in Indiana.

C.Jim likes his favorite Sunday night TV show.

D.Jim was late because he didn't know about the time changes.

2.Why did Jim look confused when he learned the TV show had just finished?

[  ]

A.Because he missed the fantastic TV show.

B.Because he thought he was just in time to watch his favorite TV show.

C.Because he was late for the show.

D.Because he forgot the time of the show.

3. All the citizens in the United States are supposed to move their watches ahead in spring and back in fall.

[  ]

A.Certainly they are.

B.No, they are not.

C.No, those who live in Indiana do not do that.

D.Certainly they are besides those living in Indiana.

4. How did Jim feel after Walter told him about the time changes?

[  ]

A.He felt very upset that he hadn't kept his appointment with Daphne.

B.He looked confused about the time changes.

C.He was surprised that Daphne was over an hour late.

D.He felt very glad that he didn't miss his favorite TV show.

5.Imagine you are going to a party at 2 p.m. of the last Sunday in April. If you forget about the time change, what time will you arrive?

[  ]

A.1 P.m.
B.2 p.m.
D.4 p.m.

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