

1. 大学是为将来的工作岗位培养人才的地方,只有掌握了足够的知识才能在充满竞争和挑战的社会立足;

2. 学习计算机专业比历史专业更好就业;

3. 计算机在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用。不懂计算机知识,一个人不可能有高质量的生活;

4. 词数:120词左右。 


lifelong pursuit终身追求;major专业;betterpaid待遇好的;prospect前景;deny否定; spare time hobby 业余爱好 

Dear George ,

  I'm very glad to know that you,re soon entering university in your letter. Here I'd like to give my advice on how to choose a major.

  I do know that you've been crazy about history since childhood. However,as to what you should choose to major in,I would advise you to take up computer science as your lifelong pursuit. First,a university is a place where you are trained for your future career. Only when you obtained a good knowledge of advanced technology can you survive in this competitive society,which is full of challenges and opportunities. Second,it is a fact that those who major in computer science are more likely to get a betterpaid job than history majors. Finally,as you know,the computer science plays an increasingly significant role in our daily life and one can hardly lead a high quality life without any knowledge of computer. Therefore,I'm sure that you can enjoy a better prospect if you choose com?puter science.

  Of course,Fm not denying the significance of history. You may take it as your spare time hobby. I think you can also gain great enjoyment in it.

  I hope the above can be of some help to you in your decision. I wish you could strike a balance between computer science and history. If you still have something unclear,don't hesitate to write to me.



According to a study,the average Briton believes that youth ends at 35 and old age begins at 58. In between―all 23 years―is your middle age.

The news that 58 is "over the hill" may come as a surprise to anyone who has passed the milestone and feels they are not yet in the twilight (薄暮) of their lives.

They include Prime Minister Gordon Brown and the glamorous (迷人的) actress Jane Seymour,who are both full of energy at 59. Kathryn Bigelow,58, has just won an Oscar for directing the actionpacked movie The Hurt LocA;er (〈〈拆弹部队〉〉) .

The finding that we regard people in their fifties as getting doddery (衰老的) ,despite the evidence that older people are living more active lives than ever,was revealed by academics from the University of Kent to a meeting of the Economic and Social Research Council,in London.

Professor Dominic Abrams,who studied data from 40 ,000 people across Europe,said: "The survey showed that age prejudice―being treated as ' too young' or ' too old' ―is per?ceived to be a serious or very serious issue by 63 percent of respondents,so it is obviously im?portant to know what these age labels mean to people."

A survey asked:when does youth end and old age begin? For the UK,the average re?sponse was that you stop being young at 35 ,and start being old at 58.

But the figures also showed that opinions differed among the age groups. Younger people,those aged 15 to 24,thought youth ended at just 28 and old age began at 54.

Not surprisingly,people in their eighties were more generous. They regarded the final year of youth as 42 ,and the onset of old age as 67.

Professor Abrams,a psychologist,added: " This evidence shows that what counts as young and old is very largely down to the age of the beholder."

(   ) 1. What is the general belief of the Briton towards the age division?

   A. Young ends at 35 old ends at 58.B. Young ends at 35 old begins at 58.

 C. Young begins at 35 old begins at 58. D. Young begins at 35 old ends 58. 

(   ) 2. What is perceived to be a very serious issue among most of respondents?

   A. Age prejudice. B. Age labels. C. Too young. D. Too old.

(   ) 3. Which of the following is the opinion of the younger people?

   A. Old age began at 58. B. Old age began at 67.

   C. Old age began at 54. D. Old age began at 51. 

(   ) 4. What is the purpose of doing this survey?

   A. To know when young begins and when old starts.

   B. Really important to know what these age labels mean to people.

   C. To show the same opinions among the age groups.

   D. To prove that older people are living more active lives than ever.

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