

After long hours of flying, we arrived at Beijing International Airport. I1. (impress) by its architecture. Then we took the bus to the hotel 2. (call) Golden Village.

Within the first two days of classes, I got 3. map of Beijing in English. That night, a couple of us sat down and 4. (combine) all the places that we wanted to visit including the ones that we researched about before we left the U.S. It would have been impossible for us to explore 5. the help of the local students. All the students were very 6. (help) in letting us ask questions and taking us around the city. Other than small 7. (difficult) in communication, the local students spoke English fairly well. In the beginning we were just classmates, 8. by the end of the trip, we were all friends.

After 9. (spend) three weeks there, I felt like I gained a great experience. I observed such a different perspective of China by 10. (actual) being in country rather just hearing about it through the media.



Gratitude makes your life better

1._______ And thankfulness and appreciation are the pathway to happiness and well-being. Gratitude keeps us focused on what is already good in your lives, and opens up the doorway to more goodness to flow into our lives. Gratitude does make your life better in the following ways.

You feel more satisfied.

Not completely happy with your life? Gratitude is a lasting feeling that lasts longer than other sensations. 2._______ When you practice gratitude, you take time to appreciate the things that you’re thankful for in your life.


When you say “thank you” to someone, they feel that you appreciate what they did for you, even if just a little bit. Saying “thank you” is therefore a powerful motivator for others to keep helping you again. Have you ever noticed how it feels when someone doesn’t appreciate what you did for them? 4._______ The words, thank you, go a long way. You can never show someone enough gratitude.

You’re happier.

Grateful people are happier. They’re more in tune with what’s going well in their lives and focus more on the positive. 5.________ It’s very enjoyable to recognize the things that you might have been taking for granted, and to feel happy for having them in your life.

A. You help others.

B. You motivate others.

C. They won’t thank you after you help them.

D. It makes you not want to help them again in the future.

E. When you actually count your blessings, it puts you in a positive and uplifting mood.

F. Gratitude is the feeling of being thankful and showing appreciation for what you have in your lives.

G. Grateful people are more satisfied with their lives because they focus more on what they appreciate in their life.


“The first and best of victories is for a man to conquer himself; to be conquered by himself is, of all things, the most shameful,” says Plato. Self-control is at the root of all the advantages. Let a man give in to his impulses(冲动) and feelings, and from that moment he gives up his moral(道德) freedom.

A single angry word has lost many friends. When Socrates found in himself any temper or anger, he would check it by speaking low in order to control himself. If you are conscious of being angry, keep your mouth shut so that you can hold back rising anger. Many a person has dropped dead in great anger. Fits of anger bring fits of disease. “Whoever the gods would destroy they first make them mad.” “Keep cool,” says Webster, “anger is not argument.” “Be calm in arguing,” says George Herbert, “for fierceness(狂怒) makes error a fault.”

To be angry with a weak man is to prove that you are not strong yourself. “Anger,” says Pythagoras, “brings with folly and ends with regret.” You must measure the strength of a man by the power of the feelings he conquers, not by the power of those which conquer him.

Self-control is man’s last and greatest victory.

If a man lacks self-control he seems to lack everything. Without it he can have no patience, no power to govern himself; he can have no self-confidence, for he will always be controlled by his strongest feeling. If he lacks self-control, the very backbone and nerve of character are lacking also. (from www.nmet168.com)

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. The importance of self-control.

B. How to conquer oneself?

C. The relation between a man’s moral freedom and his feelings.

D. A man should keep cool.

2.What’s the meaning of “whoever the gods would destroy they first make them mad”?

A. If you are mad, the gods will kill you.

B. If you lose your temper first, gods will kill you first.

C. If you can’t control yourself, you will be crazy.

D. If the gods want to kill you, they will make you mad first.

3.Which of the following is NOT true, according to passage?

A. The first and best of victories is for a man to conquer himself.

B. You will make a small mistake serious if you don’t keep cool.

C. You must measure a man’s strength by the power of the feelings which conquer him.

D. Anger brings with folly and ends with regret.

4.Which of the following can’t help you avoid anger, according to the passage?

A. Be calm in arguing.

B. Check your temper or anger by speaking low.

C. Keep your mouth shut.

D. Try to make the other angry first.


A news release is a tool of communication,through which information is passed to even the farthest end of the world.It keeps us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.

When writing a news release,keep in mind that the media receive hundreds of releases every day.Try to follow these guidelines:Keep it short and professional.Come up with a catchy headline that will grasp someone's attention.Sometimes the title will take more time to come up with than writing the release.That's okay-the headline could be critical for getting an event covered!

Cover the 5 W's in your first paragraph.Those are who you are; what you are doing;where,when you are doing;why you are doing it,which help us understand the details about the event.Besides,any opinions in the news release should be put in quotations from your designated spokesperson.Include things that the media finds newsworthy,which is the most essential.

Make the time on your news release at least half an hour later than the time you have told activists to show up at an event.This will ensure that activists are prepared and in place by the time the media arrive.

Choose a spokesperson for the event who can be quoted in the release and will be available for calls at that number the day before the event.

Have someone proof the release for spelling,grammar and content(determine whether what you are trying to relay is clear and right).Sometimes the person who writes the release may not notice mistakes that a fresh pair of eyes will catch.

Accuracy is the last but not least important in terms of your content and the location and time that you tell the media.If you do make a mistake,it is critical that you call and notify the media of the correction.

1.What's the main purpose of the passage?

A.To tell us the importance of the news release.

B.To tell us how to avoid mistakes in the news release.

C.To make us know how to make the news release.

D.To ask us to read news release on the latest events.

2.What does the underlined word “catchy” in Para 2 probably mean?

A.Tricky. B.Attractive.

C.Imaginary. D.Funny.

3.What is the most important for a news release according to the passage?

A.Make sure the 5 W's in your first paragraph.

B.Choose a proper spokesperson for the event.

C.Make the news release newsworthy and accuracy.

D.Ensure activists are prepared for the events in advance.

4.Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?

A.A news release is more important than any other medium.

B.Any opinions in the news release should have quotations.

C.The main task of the spokesperson is to correct the mistakes by the writer.

D.Lacking experience,the person who writes the release may make mistakes.

In 1997, I found myself in a situation I never thought I'd be in: alone and begging for money in New York. My father had been separated from our family, and my mother had recently died from complications related to AIDS. What I remember most about such nights is lying on the cold marble floor and using my backpack for a pillow.

Even though I had lost my family, I made choices every single day to turn my life around. There was the haven for homeless teenagers called the Door, a non-profit organization that provided me with guidance, medical care and food, all of which kept me going while I completed my homework in train stations and under hallway lights. Perhaps the most surprising help though, I did not seek out it found me. The New York Times told my story. In the weeks that followed, dozens of strangers reached out to me from all across the United States. At my high school, I began receiving handwritten letters of encouragement. Strangers showed up bearing clothes, books, and even hugs. Since the article mentioned I was applying to Harvard, one woman knitted a blanket for me. She attached this note to the box it was posted in: "It gets cold in those dorms. May you warm yourself knowing that people care about you".

With the help of these people, my life today bears no resemblance at all to my life then. I graduated not only from high school but also from Harvard University.

Before these people — some of them nameless — I just didn't realize how good people could be. But now I do, and I can say that the people who helped me have forever changed me. They are the reason behind my decision to join the board at the Door so that I can be part of a small team of people opening a high school for homeless teenagers. They are the reason I dedicate my life to opening pathways for others. And they are the reason I travel around the world helping people transform their own lives.

1.According to the passage, the author ________.

A. tried to change her life

B. often slept in friends’ homes

C. felt lonely because of her illness

D. felt quite desperate for her father

2.What can we learn about the Door?

A. It is an organization helping homeless teenagers.

B. It is an organization seeking profits.

C. It provides entertainment for children.

D. It reports the stories about the homeless.

3.Which of the following is the correct order to describe the author's life?

a. The newspaper reported her story.

b. She graduated from Harvard University.

c. She slept on the cold floor at night.

d. She joined the committee at the Door.

e. Her mother died from the illness.

A. d→e→c→a→b B. e→c→d→a→b

C. e→c→a→b→d D. b→c→d→e→a

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Patience is a virtue.

B. Love can be passed on.

C. Time waits for no man.

D. Honesty leads to success.

Just 50 years ago Manx seemed to be on the point of disappearing. "If you spoke Manx in a pub on the island in the 1960s, it was considered provocative(挑衅的) and you were likely to find yourself in a fight," recalls Brian Stowell, a 76-year-old islander who has written a Manx-language novel, The Vampire Murders, and presents a radio show on Manx Radio spreading the language every Sunday.

The language itself is similar to the Gaelic tongues spoken in the island's neighbours, Ireland and Scotland. A century ago, "Moghrey mie" would have been commonly heard instead of good morning on the island.

"In the 1860s there were thousands of Manx people who couldn't speak English," says Stowell. "But only a century later it was considered to be so backwards to speak the language that there were stories of Manx speakers getting stones thrown at them in the towns. "I learnt it myself from one of the last surviving native speakers back in the 1950s."

Recession(经济衰退 ) in the mid 19th Century forced many Manx residents to leave the island to seek work in England. And parents were not willing to pass the language down through the generations, with many believing that to have Manx as a first language would affect job opportunities overseas.

There was a fall in the language. By the early 1960s there were perhaps as few as 200 who spoke the tongue. The last native speaker, Ned Maddrell, died in 1974. Unesco(联合国教科文组织) pronounced the language died out in the 1990s.

Now there is even a Manx language primary school in which all subjects are taught in the language, with more than 60 pupils attending. Manx is also taught in other schools across the island.

1.What does “Moghrey mie” mean according to the passage?

A. All the best. B. Congratulations.

C. Never mind. D. Good morning.

2.Many Manx people went to England to ________.

A. learn Manx B. teach English

C. look for jobs D. attend college

3.What is the passage mainly about?

A. The Manx language. B. The life of Manx people

C. The Manx island. D. The Manx language school

I am an e?mail user. When I first started to use the e?mail system, I used to read all my e?mail. I didn’t have much mail. I gave my friends my e?mail address. Soon I had more mail than I wanted. Some of the mail was junk mail. I was worried. I didn’t want my mail to control me.

I’ve tried some methods to help me get control of my mail. First, I check my mail at the same time every day. Also I try to allow myself only 15~20 minutes every day to process my e?mail. This doesn’t always work, but I try. Sometimes I save the messages. Sometimes I just read them, maybe answer a few, and then delete(删除) them.

Sometimes I’m not at all interested in a message, so I don’t even open it. I delete it right away. This is very much the way I go through the mail that the postal service delivers to my home.

These methods are very simple. I have some friends who are very clever with computers. From time to time,they teach me new tricks for managing my e?mail. I’m still amazed at what e?mail can do for me! I’m still worried, however, about having too much to read.

1.The writer used to read all his e?mail because ______.

A. he was forced to do that

B. he had nothing else to do

C. he didn’t know how to read mail

D. he didn’t have much mail

2.Which of the following does NOT belong to the ways of the writer’s dealing with his mail?

A. Passing some on to his friends.

B. Just reading some.

C. Deleting some.

D. Saving the messages.

3.What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. messages. B. friends.

C. computers. D. methods.

4.What’s the purpose of the writer to write this passage?

A. To share happiness in using mail with us.

B. To share some methods of using computer with us.

C. To share some worries in using mail with us.

D. To persuade us out of using mail.



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1.The Smiths,a retired couple,would probably call ______ for several quiet starry nights.

A.762?3473 B.1?877?344?7117

C.(866)388?2877 D.1?800?760?6934

2.The Johnsons(aged 9?68),adventure lovers,are more likely to check ________ for more information.

A.www.minnewankaboattours.com B.www.rockiesairtours.com

C.www.brewster.ca D.www.insideoutexperience.com

3.What kind of activities do the five tours all provide?

A.Outdoor activities. B.Adventurous activities.

C.Educational activities. D.Free activities.

4.Where can the passage be probably found?

A.In a tour brochure. B.In science fiction.

C.In a textbook. D.In a TV guide.

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