
When the dog named Judy spotted the first sheep in her life, she did what comes naturally. The four-year-old dog set off racing after the sheep across several fields and, being a city animal, lost both her sheep and her sense of direction. Then she ran along the edge of cliff( 悬崖) and fell 100 feet, bouncing off a rock into the sea.

Her owner Mike Holden panicked and called the coastguard of Cornwall, who turned up in seconds . Six volunteers slid down the cliff with the help of a rope but gave up all hope of finding her alive after a 90-minute search.

Three days later, a hurricane hit the coast near Cornwall. Mr. Holden returned home from his holiday upset and convinced his pet was dead. He comforted himself with the thought she had died in the most beautiful part of the country.

For the next two weeks, the Holdens were heartbroken . Then, one day, the phone rang and Steve Tregear, the coastguard of Cornwall, asked Holder if he would like his dog bark.

A birdwatcher, armed with a telescope, found the pet sitting desperately on a rock. While he sounded the alarm, a student from Leeds climbed down the cliff to collect Judy.

The dog had initially been knocked unconscious(失去知觉的)but had survived by drinking water from a fresh scream at the base of the cliff. She may have fed on the body of a sheep which had also fallen over the edge. “The dog was very thin and hungry,” Steve Tregear said , “It was a very dog. She survived because of a plentiful supply of fresh water,” he added.

It was ,as Mr. Holden admitted, “a minor miracle(奇迹)”.

1.The dog Jody fell down the cliff when she was

A. rescuing her owner B. caught in a hurricane

C. blocked by a rock D. running after a sheep

2.Who spotted Judy after the accident?

A. A birdwatcher B. A student from Leeds

C. Six volunteers D. The coastguard of Cornwall

3.What can we infer from the text?

A. People like to travel with their pets.

B. Judy was taken to the fields for hunting.

C. Luck plays a vital role in Judy's survival.

D. Holden cared little where Judy was buried.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Miracle of the Coastguard.

B. Surviving a Hurricane.

C. Dangers in the Wild

D. Coming Back from the Dead


The US plans to extend its endangered species protection to lions in Africa.US Fish and Wildlife Service(FWS)will classify lions in southern and eastern Africa as threatened.The move will place tighter restrictions on the import of lion“trophies”,such as paws or heads.

While the US cannot regulate hunting in other countries,the move is significant because around half of a11 lion hunting in Africa is conducted by Americans.According to FWS data,more than 5,600 lions have been killed and imported by American hunters over the past decade.

Under the new FWS rules,bringing lion parts to the US will be banned in most circumstances if the animal is from a country where lions are endangered.Hunters will have to show the trophies were“legally obtained”from countries that have“a scientifically sound management program that benefits the subspecies in the wild”·

This regulation is expected to place a far greater burden of proof upon hunters who claim that the money from lion hunting has been used to help communities in Africa and the overall conservation of lions.The persistent downward trend in lion numbers,due to habitat loss and hunting by locals and foreign tourists,suggests there has been little conservation benefit from organized hunts.

An international study,published in September,found African lion numbers have decreased by half since 1993,with a further 50%decline expected over the next 20 years for populations in west,central and east Africa·

“The lion is one of the planet’s most beloved species and an irreplaceable part of our shared global heritage,”said Dan Ashe,director of the FWS.“If we want to ensure that healthy lion populations continue to wander around the African savannas and forests of India,it’s up to all of us—not just the people of Africa and India—to take action.

1.Why will lions be classified as endangered in southern and eastern Africa?

A.No lion is protected in Africa.

B.Lion trading has been banned.

C.Its numbers have been decreasing.

D.Both locals and tourists hunt lions.

2.Where do most of the lion hunters come from?

A.Southern Africa.B.America.

C.Eastern Africa. D.India.

3.What may be the result of the move ?

A.The import of lion parts will be strictly limited.

B.Lion-hunting will be illegal all over the world.

C.Communities in Africa will benefit a lot.

D.Lion parts will not be legally obtained.

4.What does Dan Ashe really want to tell us in the last paragraph?

A.Almost everybody loves lions.

B.It’s everyone’s duty to protect lions.

C.Lion populations will increase rapidly.

D.Measures must be taken to keep lions fit.

As a child, visiting the zoo was more a punishment than a treat. I didn’t find the chimps’ tea parties funny, nor the bird shows entertaining. Feeding time for seals was less painful, but their performances still seemed like they belonged more in a circus.

And I hated circuses, especially the animal acts — men teasing lions, girls balancing on elephants and monkeys playing football. I knew that every trick a circus animal did was unnatural, achieved through strict training and quite possibly cruelty.

Happily, during my lifetime public attitudes and the law have changed. Circuses using wild animals are now almost extinct, and zoos have definitely evolved.

When my children were young, I occasionally took them to our local zoo. The elephants were in tiny cages and the gorillas looked bored as they sat peeling bananas and staring at teasing visitors. Each cage had a sign which listed the animal’s name and where it came from. But, back then, there was little information included about the environmental challenges they faced.

As a result, environmentalists and animal lovers often oppose zoos. “Animals belong in the wild,” is a common — and understandable — complaint. But what do the animals themselves prefer?

Generally speaking, zoo animals have a longer life. But — you may protest — they are not free. What? Free to be hunted and killed, free to die of hunger or thirst? Maybe sitting in a cage eating bananas isn’t so bad.

Not that such conditions are acceptable in modern zoos, due to the work of BIAZA, the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums. These days every zoo requires BIAZA’s approval to operate, and the association sets the standards, observes conditions in zoos and develops animal-research programmes, both in the UK and abroad. BIAZA also organises the animal exchanges between zoos all over the world.

Consequently, today, most zoo animals are born and raised in zoos, live in large, comfortable enclosures and are cared for by well-trained, knowledgeable and caring zoo employees. Of course it’s no substitute for living in the wild but unfortunately this isn’t always possible. Meanwhile, why not visit your local zoo and decide for yourself?

1.The passage is mainly about __________.

A. how zoos have improved

B. whether a zoo should be closed down

C. a new environmental organisation

D. the difference between zoos and circuses

2.From Paragraph 2, we can guess that the writer believes circus animals __________.

A. had much shorter lives than those in the wild

B. were not treated well by their trainers

C. should have been placed in zoos

D. were not as intelligent as those in zoos

3.Which of the following roles are performed by BIAZA?

A. Organising animal study projects and training zoo workers.

B. Checking zoo conditions and arranging animal exchanges.

C. Designing zoos and approving zoo operations.

D. Caring for ill animals and setting zoo standards.

4.Which of the following statements about zoos would the writer agree with?

A. Zoo animals should be freed into the wild.

B. Zoos are more popular now than in the past.

C. Zoo animals are more restricted than in the past.

D. Zoos now provide caring living conditions for animals.

Most American teenagers can’t wait to get rid of their “mental mouth” nickname(绰号). They count down the days they can finally take their braces (牙箍)off. However, trendy teenagers in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand can’t wait to get them on, even if they don’t need them.

Braces are the latest teenage fashion trend in Southeast Asia. Having a mouthful of metal has become so popular with Asian teens that there have been reports of many teens wearing fake (假冒的)braces. Many Asian beauty shops are now offering to put in cheap fake braces. There are even cheaper do-it-yourself braces such as “ Hello Kitty,” Mickey Mouse” or others for a price of around $100.

Braces are considered a sign of wealth in Southeast Asia. A real set of braces in Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand, for example, will cost around $ 1,200, which is a large amount for the country with a GDP(国内生产总值)of $345 billion ( a billion is 1,000 million), compared to the US which had a GDP of $1,506 Trillion ( a Trillion is 1,000 billion) last year.

While Asian teens may think that their colorful fake braces are cool, experts say that these trendy fashion braces can cause illness and can even lead to death. According to the New York Daily News, fake fashion braces have already been linked to the deaths of two teens in Thailand.A 17-year-old in the northeast city of Khon Kaen died from heart failure caused by a thyroid infection (甲状腺感染)from a pair of fake fashion braces. Police also linked the death of another 14-year-old girl in Chonburi to a pair of fashion braces she had brought from an illegal shop.

Although the government is giving warnings about fake braces, the trend has been going strong for at least four years. What’s worse, the trend for fake braces shows no sign of slowing down.

1.In general, US teens consider braces _____________.

A.Comfortable B. interesting

C. useless D. ugly

2.Teens in Southeast Asia wear fake braces mainly to _______.

A. follow fashion B.protect their teeth

C.show their DIY ability D.Prove their social position

3.Why does the author compare Thailand’s GDP with that of the US?

A. To explain the importance of the GDP.

B. To show the high cost of Braces in Thailand.

C. To describe the development of Thailand.

D. To introduce the capital city of Thailand.

4.According to Paragraph 4, fake braces_______.

A.are very dangerous. B. need to be improved

C. can treat tooth diseases. D. cost as much as real ones.


Money was a constant source of tension and stress when I was growing up. My parents were , well-educated and hard-working, but they lived from paycheck to paycheck. When I was 13, they split up. Then my mom to raise three kids, often relying on free lunch tickets and food stamps. As my mother retirement age, she was filled with over the fact that she hadn’t saved enough for her golden retirement years, she often sighed. My father had always been to work—we had always he’d work less and spend more time with us . But he is just a workaholic(工作狂).

My parents were trying so hard to make ends meet, so I couldn’t become a on them. As a result, I college and spent the next couple of years drifting from one minimum wage job to another. I my broken-down car, went to work on foot, reduced my by sharing a one-bedroom apartment with three other women, and got free food during Happy Hour at our local bar. I learned to do whatever it took to .

One night, while I was working at a donut shop and 34 coffee for a homeless customer, I that I was one paycheck away from being homeless myself. That was my wake-up . Motivated by fear of an uncertain , I opened the Yellow Pages(电话黄页), professional dog trainers and negotiated an unpaid apprenticeship(学徒工作). Less than a year later, I was by a dog trainer, and I loved the work. A couple of years later, I started my own dog-training school, which luckily turned out to be . My efforts paid off.

Though I didn’t have rich parents to rely on, I discovered the power of asking for what I want.

1.A. clever B. careful C. greedy D. powerless

2.A. hoped B. struggled C. attempted D. refused

3.A. counted B. imagined C. mentioned D. approached

4.A. curiosity B. disagreement C. anxiety D. happiness

5.A. if B. so C. but D. because

6.A. addicted B. similar C. related D. familiar

7.A. believed B. guessed C. said D. wished

8.A. though B. yet C. instead D. too

9.A. danger B. burden C. challenge D. threat

10.A. dropped out of B. was admitted into C. went in D. went through

11.A. paid for B. cleaned out C. gave away D. fixed up

12.A. clothes B. dinner C. weight D. rent

13.A. survive B. work C. play D. pay

14.A. buying B. making C. tasting D. smelling

15.A. recalled B. promised C. feared D. realized

16.A. sign B. hit C. call D. period

17.A. future B. job C . mood D. family

18.A. searched B. phoned C. invited D. persuaded

19.A. honored B. reminded C. hired D. moved

20.A. hard B. tiring C. efficient D. successful

Plastic surgery(整容手术) is not only popular in the US, but is also sweeping across Asia. It is reported that South Korea is now the world’s largest market for plastic surgery.

In order to change their looks, 20 percent of women aged between 19 and 49 in Seoul said they had gone under the knife. The growth of South Korea’s pop music industry increases the popularity. Many patients visit clinics (诊所)with photos of singers, asking doctors to copy their noses or eyes.

Joo Kwon, who founded one of the largest clinics in Seoul, recently opened a hotel to better serve customers. People will spend about US$I7,675 in a single visit. An increasing number of clients are non-Koreans, from China, Japan, the Middle East and even Africa. Leaders in South Korea say that this will help the Korean economy.

However, Mr. Kwon warned that young people should be careful when seeking such operations. “I think South Korea doesn’t understand the word “beauty”, because everyone looks pretty much the same. It is also related to low self-confidence. I think the situation will somewhat become better in future as the society becomes more different. But it will take quite a bit of time until we get there,” he told reporters.

Last year, a booklet was given out to Korean high school students by the government. There is a story that a local woman who was crazy about plastic surgery ended up with an ugly face.

1.What is the main cause of the increase in plastic surgery in South Korea?

A. The increasing understanding of beauty.

B. The increasing number of clinics.

C. The rise of the pop music industry.

D. The rise of the Korean economy.

2. What is Mr. Kwon’s attitude towards plastic surgery?

A. He feels it is worth a try

B. He is strongly against it.

C. He is not interested in it.

D. He is objective about it

3.We can learn from the last paragraph that ____ .

A. plastic surgery is supported by the government

B. high school students are encouraged to have plastic surgery

C. high school students in South Korea are fond of plastic surgery

D. plastic surgery is bad for people’s health

4. What is the main idea of the text?

A. How to have plastic surgery.

B. Why women have plastic surgery.

C. The famous singers in South Korea.

D. Rapid growth of plastic surgery in South Korea.

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