
18.One of my fondest (61)memories(memory) as a child is going to the river and sitting on the bank.There I would watch the bamboo trees bend (62)under the pressure from the wind and then watch them return (63)elegantly(elegant) to their original position when the wind (64)had died或died(die) down.
When I think about the bamboo trees'ability (65)to return(return) to its original position,the word"resilience(适应力)"comes to mind.Have you ever felt like you were at your breaking point?Life is (66)a mixture of good times and bad times,and happy moments and unhappy moments.Always keep (67)it in mind that a measure of hope will take you through the unpleasant situation.With hope for a better tomorrow,things may not be as bad as they seem to be.The unpleasant situation may be much (68)easier(easy) to deal with if the result is worth (69)having(have).
The next time you are experiencing one of bad times or unhappy moments,(70)which take you close to your breaking point,bend but don't break!

分析 本文主要描述的是面对困境如何调整心态,要像竹子一样有"弹性".

解答 61.memories 62.under 63.elegantly 64.had died或died 65.to return 66.a 67.it 68.easier   69.having 70.which
61.memories 本题主要考查名词复数.根据 my fondest 可知,此空应填名词,由句首 one of 可知应为名词复数,意为"我"最喜爱的记忆之一是….故正确答案为 memories.
62.under 本题主要考查固定搭配.under the pressure 是固定搭配,意为"在压力下",此句意为"竹子会在风的压力下变弯".故正确答案为 under.
63.elegantly 本题主要考查副词.修饰动词 return 应用形容词 elegant 的副词形式 elegantly,意为"优雅地回来".故正确答案为 elegantly.
64.had died或died 本题主要考查动词的时态.根据 when 可知,此空为从句的谓语动词,由前文可知,作者是在回忆以前的亊,所以此处应用过去时或过去完成时.故正确答案为 had died/died.
65.to return 本题主要考查固定搭配.结合句意,此处要说的是竹子复原的能力,the ability to do sth.是固定搭配,意为"做某事的能力".故正确答案为 to return.
66.a 本题主要考查冠词.mixture 意为"混合物",是可数名词,前面加不定冠词,又因为 mixture 以非元音音素开头,所以用不定冠词 a.故正确答案为 a.
67.it 本题主要考查形式宾语.keep it in mind that 意为"记住某亊",it 为形式宾语,真正宾语是 that 引导的从句.故正确答案为 it.
68.easier 本题主要考查形容词比较级.结合句意,如果结果是值得的,这种不愉快的情况可能会更容易处理.根据上文 much 可知此处应用 easy 的比较级形式 easier.故正确答案为 easier.
69.having 本题考查固定搭配.be worth doing 是固定搭配,意为"值得(做)".故正确答案为 having.
70.which 本题主要考查定语从句.分析句子结构可知,此空所引导的 take you close to your breaking point 为非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少 take 的主语,关系代词 which 指代主句中的 times or moments.故正确答案为 which.

点评 考生在对题目进行作答之前,要先对题干进行详细阅读,检查题目中是否有提示词语存在;而后判断出所填词语在句子中所充当的句子成分,例如,主语、谓语等;最后根据其所充当的句子成分,加之其所处句子的语态等,选择词语的正确形式,例如,动词的现在分词或者过去分词,或者形容词的比较或者最高级的使用等.

8.Teenagers have fewer friends than 20years ago,research has shown---despite the increasing popularity of social media.
A study carried out by experts at The University of Queensland in Australia,found teens felt less lonely than two decades ago---but that they have poorer social networks.
A survey of more than 285,000US high school students carried out between 1991and 2012found young people had fewer friends with whom to interact,but less desire for more friends.
The Globe and Mail quotes the findings of the research,printed in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,which suggests economic changes may have helped increased individuality (个体意识) among young people.
The authors behind the study wrote,"Greater economic opportunities offer individuals more freedom to manage their own money,decide whom to date and decide whom to marry,reducing the influence of relatives and giving people more freedom,which may increase individualism."
"Economic changes lead to increased individuality,which could lead to decreasing interest in friends,increasing self-reliance,increasing self-esteem (自尊) and decreasing loneliness."
Lead researcher,Dr.David Clark said further research on cultures outside the US would help determine if modernization is the root cause of the observed results.
He said,"If other cultures show the same pattern of reduced loneliness in the face of poorer social networks,this would support the idea that modernization is responsible."
The findings have shown that the growing use of social networking sites has had a negative effect on the quality of people's friendships.
A study from 2006by sociologists at Duke University also showed that on average most adults only have two people they can talk to about the most important subjects in their lives while one quarter had no close friends at all.
9.Compared with 20years ago,what do we know about teenagers today?B
A.They feel more lonely.
B.They have fewer friends.
C.They have wider social networks.
D.They are more eager to make friends.
10.What may economic changes make teens do today?C
A.Desire more friends.
B.Feel more lonely.
C.Be more independent.
D.Make money more easily.
11.In Dr.David Clark's view,D.
A.some adults have no close friends at all
B.teens should get away from social networks
C.all cultures show teens today feel less lonely
D.modernization may cause teens'reduced loneliness.
9.Two young giant-panda twins born in the United States have returned home to China,but are struggling to adapt to the language and food.
The 3-year-old sisters,Mei Lun and Mei Huan,were the first surviving panda twins to be born in the United States,and were returned to China from Zoo Atlanta on Nov.5.But the pair still understand English better than Chinese,and prefer American biscuits to Chinese bread.
A zoo-keeper said that his main concern is that the pair are so addicted to American biscuits that everything they eat-from bamboos to apples-has to be mixed with biscuits.They even want to snack on (零食) biscuits when drinking water.
The zoo-keeper is trying to wean them off their biscuit habit,gradually replacing the American food with Chinese bread.Mei Huan is adapting,but Mei Lun doesn't want to touch the unfamiliar bread.
Mei Lun is the livelier of the two,often jumping onto the roof and hanging upside down from a rail,but her slightly younger sister Mei Huan is calmer,preferring to sit still,observe her new environment and occasionally snack on bamboo.
A language barrier is also reported.While the pair respond to their own names,and understand some English phrases such as"come here,"they don't understand the Sichuan dialect of Chinese.
The news caused some laughter on Chinese social media,with some users commenting that the pandas would soon get used to Sichuan's famously spicy cuisine.

5.Based on the passage,which statement do you think is right?D
A.The panda twins can fit in well in Sichuan.
B.The panda twins are only fond of Sichuan food and dishes.
C.The panda twins have been used to the new environment very quickly.
D.It's hard for the panda twins to get used to the new environment soon.
6.What does the underlined part"wean them off"in the fourth paragraph mean?A
A.help them get rid of.
B.help them form.
C.help them strengthen.
D.help them keep.
7.From the passage we learn that of the two sisters,B.
A.Mei Huan mainly eats bamboo
B.Mei Lun is living a more active life
C.Mei Huan is not smarter than Mei Lun
D.Mei Lun is as quiet as her younger sister.
10.In the hit film The bucket List,Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman meet in hospital in California after they have been diagnosed with cancer.Between them they cook up a"bucket list"-a to-do list of all they want to do before they kick the bucket.The movie makes you wonder what would be on your bucket list.So let's pack up some and see what it would cost to go out and have a little fun.
On to the pyramids,surely on anyone's bucket list.Exotik Tours can take you there on a variety of trips,including their popular Egypt Express which includes three nights in Cairo and a three-night Nile Cruise.From﹩1,384,including four-and five-star accommodation,12 meals and a ton of sightseeing.www.exotiktours.com   416-646-3347
One of the world's most fascinating images,India's TajMahal makes even Nicholson and Freeman look calm.Toronto's Goway Travel has many suggestions for India,including a three-day independent visit to Agra.Stay at the attractive OberoiAmarVilas overlooking the Taj.Include two breakfasts,touring and airport transfer from﹩1,420.
www.gowaytravel.com    416-322-1034
If the Great Wall of China is on your bucket list,check into Tour East Holiday's four-day Amazing Beijing Tour for﹩580 per person,four-star accommodation,sightseeing including the Forbidden City and the Great Wall,breakfasts and two lunches,transportation and guide.
www.toureastholidays.com    416-929-0888
And on to the Himalayas.Talk about"something truly majestic(壮丽的).See the top of the world on GAP Adventures'Everest Adventure tour,a 15-day exploration including Everest Base Camp,teahouse lodge stays,and walking through Sherpa villages.Incredibly affordable at just $665 plus local payment of﹩250.GAP Adventures warns that this is a physically demanding trip.
www.gapadventures.com     416-260-0999

21.The underlined phrase"kick the bucket"in Paragraph 1 meansC.
A.play a game
B.come to life
C.pass away
D.list interesting places
22.If you take on the Everest Adventure tour,you should be aware thatA.
A.it is a tiring trip
B.the sights may not be so good
C.it is an expensive trip
D.you may not be used to the food there
23.According to the passage,where can you enjoy a view of the whole TajMahal?B
A.In Sherpa village.
B.At OberoiAmarVilas.
C.Near the Forbidden City.
D.Through Egypt Express.
24.Karl will start a seven-day holiday.Which destination will be ticked off for him?A
A.the pyramids
C.the Great Wall of China
D.the Himalayas.
7.As a young girl growing up in the 1930s,I always wanted to fly a plane,but back then it was almost unheard of for a woman to do that.I got a taste of that dream in 2001,when my husband arranged for me to ride in a hot air balloon for my birthday.But the experience turned out to be very dull.Around that time,I told my husband that I wanted to skydive.So when our retirement community announced that they were having an essay competition and the topic was an experience of a lifetime that you wanted to have,I decided to write about my dream.
In the essay,I wrote about my desire to skydive,stating George Brush Sr.did it at age 80.Why not me?I was just 84and in pretty good health.A year went by and I heard nothing.But then at a community party in late April 2009,they announced that I was one of the winners.I just couldn't believe it.Inspired by this,I decided to realize my dream,even though some of my family members and my doctor were against it.
On June 11,2009,nearly 40 of my family and friends gathered in the area close to where I would land while I headed up in the airplane.My instructor,Jay,guided me through the experience.The plane was the noisiest one I had ever been in,but I wasn't frightened-I was really just looking forward to the experience.When we reached 13,000 feet,Jay instructed me to throw myself out of the plane.When we first hit the air,the wind was so strong that I could hardly breathe.For a second I thought,"What have I gotten myself into?"But then everything got calmer.We were in a free fall for about a minute before Jay opened the parachute(降落伞),then we just floated downward for about five minutes.Being up in the clouds and looking at the view below was unlike anything I have ever felt-much better than the hot air balloon.I was just enjoying it.
Skydiving was really one of the greatest experiences of my life.I hope other people will look at me and realize that you don't stop living just because you are 84years old.If there's something you want to experience,look into it.If it's something that is possible,make it happen.

1.The author mentioned George Bush Sr.in her essay toA.
A.make her argument persuasive    B.show her admiration for him
C.compare their health condition    D.build up her own reputation
2.How did the author feel immediately after she jumped out of the plane?B
3.What did the author enjoy most when she was skydiving?B
A.The beautiful clouds.B.The wonderful view.
C.The company of Jay.D.The one-minute free fall.
4.What is the best title of the passage?D
A.Impossible is nothing    B.A dream made come true
C.An unforgettable skydiving    D.I Went Skydiving at 84!
8.Losing weight has become a major concern for so many people.People try different weight loss methods all the time,some of which will never work,while others provide just a temporary solution.It is important to note that there are some green ways to lose weight that are not only healthy and effective but also good for the environment.Let us look at some of these green ways to lose weight.
Growing your own vegetables is a good way to ensure that you are eating healthy foods.The process is even better if you can use organic manure(肥料).Planting your own vegetables is not only a good way to go green;it also provides you with plenty of physical exercise.Preparing a garden,including planting and taking care of the vegetables,is a great way to achieve a healthy weight.
If you usually eat meat on a daily basis,you should consider replacing that meat with more vegetables.If you have no idea what vegetarian diets are like,you can do some research on the Internet,and you can also get information from vegetarian magazines such as Vegetarian Times Magazine.By reducing your intake of meat,you will he able to reduce your intake of fats,and hence,it will he easier for you to get rid of some weight.
Reduce periods of driving and try walking or cycling instead.If you are used to driving your car to get to wherever you are going,it would he great for you if you substituted walking or cycling for driving.Cycling and walking are good workouts that will ensure that your body burns excess fat and calories,and therefore,you will he able to lose weight.
It is important to know that there are so many ways in which we can turn our had habits into good ones.Most of these good habits will not only benefit our bodies;they will also make the world a better place for all of us.Let's go green,and let's lose weight!

25.What does the first paragraph imply?B
A.Most people have good ways to lose weight.
B.Most weight loss methods don't work well.
C.People don't like the taste of healthy food.
D.People don't care about the environment.
26.What does Vegetarian Times Magazine offer?B
A.It introduces people who prefer vegetables.
B.It tells readers about vegetarian diets.
C.It describes different kinds of popular meat dishes.
D.It shows ways to lose weight in a short time.
27.What can we infer from the passage?A
A.It is easy to lose weight if you've developed good habits.
B.Walking or cycling is the best way to lose weight.
C.Almost no one has developed good habits.
D.A green environment is good for your health.
28.What is the passage mainly about?A
A.A few green ways to lose weight.
B.The environment and children's health.
C.A few benefits of losing weight.
D.The importance of staying in shape.

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