
    One afternoon,my son Adam asked me,“Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”

    I thought for a minute,and then I said,“I’ll explain, _21_ you can just wait until we make a quick 22 at the grocery store. I have something 23 to show you."

    At the grocery store, we 24 some apples―red,green and yellow ones.Back home.I told Adam,"It’s time to 25 your question.”I put one apple of each 26 on the table.Then I looked at Adam, who had a 27 look on his face.

    “People are like apples.They come in all 28 colors,shapes and sizes.On the 29 ,some of the apples may not 30 look as delicious as the others.”As I was talking, Adam was 31  each one carefully.

    Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮)them, 32  them back on the table, but 33 a different place.

    “okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”

    He said, “I 34  tell. They all look the same now.” “Take a bite of 35 . See if that helps you 36 which one is which.”

    He took 37 , and then a huge smile came across his face. “People are 38 like apples! They are all different, but once you 39 the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside.”

 He totally 40 it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else.



 B. so  

 C. because   

 D. if


 B. start    

 C. turn  

 D. stay


 B. encouraging 

 C. informative  

 D. interesting


 B. counted

 C. saw  

 D. collected


 B. mention

 C. answer  

 D. improve


 B. type

 C. shape  

 D. class


 B. satisfied 

 C. proud  

 D. curious


 B. normal  

 C. different

 D. regular


 B. whole

 C. table

 D. inside


 B. even

 C. only

 D. ever


 B. measuring

 C. drawing

 D. packing


 B. placing  

 C. pulling 

 D. giving


 B. toward

 C. for

 D. in


 B. can’t  

 C. shouldn’t   

 D. needn’t

35.A.each one

 B. each other 

 C. the other   

 D. one other


 B. consider

 C. decide

 D. believe

37.A.big bites

 B. deep breaths

 C. a firm hold

 D. a close look


 B. always  

 C. merely

 D. seldom

39.A.put away  

 B. get down

 C. hand out 

 D. take off


 B. took

 C. got  

 D. did




一天下午,我的儿子问我肤色不同的人是不是都是一样的。我想了一会儿,对儿子说 我们先快去水果店买些水果回来,然后我演示给你这个问题的答案。 我们在水果店里买了各种各样的苹果――有红的,绿的,黄的等等。回到家,我从每个颜色的苹果中拿出一个,放在桌子上,儿子好奇地看这我,我说人们就象这些苹果,他们出身于不同的颜色和大小,从外观上看,有些苹果不像其他的苹果那样诱人。当我说话时,Adam仔细的查看了每一个苹果。然后我将每个苹果削了皮,重新将削好的苹果打乱顺序放在桌子上,然后我问儿子现在你能辨认出哪个是原来的那个。儿子说我辨别不出来,它们看上去都一样。我说人们就象苹果,从外观上它们各不相同,但从内容上看,它们是相同的。通过现身说法,我的儿子知道了问题的答案。

21.     D


22.     A

解析: 所填名词与谓语动词make构成短语,意为“做短暂的停留”。make a start “开始,起程”;make a turn“拐弯”;make a stay“待在某地”,都与题干意思不符。

23.     D

解析: expressive“表达的”;encouraging“鼓励的,鼓舞人心的”;informative“提供消息的”;interesting“令人感兴趣的,有趣的”。本句意思是:我有有趣的东西展示给你看。选D。

24.     A

解析: 由grocery store可知此处选A。

25.     C

解析: 本句意为“现在到了回答你的问题的时间了。”故选C。

26.     B

解析:  size“大小”;type“类型”;shape“形状”;class“群,等次”。本句意为“我从每种(类型)的苹果拿出一个,放在桌子上。”选B。

27.     D

解析: 句意为“Adam好奇地看着我。”选D。

28.     C

解析: 由空前的all可以推断出此处选C。

29.     A

解析: 由后文中的inside可知此处选A。

30.     B

解析: 所填词修饰动词look,意为“甚至”,故选B。

31.     A

解析: 句意为“Adam仔细的查看了每一个苹果。”选A。

32.     B

解析: 此处是非谓语动词做状语,逻辑主语是句子的主语,非谓语动词与逻辑主语是主动关系,且非谓语动词表示的动作与谓语动词的动作同时进行,用v-ing的一般式。place 此处意为“放置”。故选B。

33.     D

解析: 所填介词与后文的名词place构成短语,意为“在……地方”,选D。

34.     B

解析: 本句意为“我不能识别。”此处情态动词表能力,故选B。

35.     A

解析: 句意为“每个尝一口。”故选A。

36.     C

解析:  admit“承认”;consider“考虑,认为”;decide“决定”;believe“相信”。根据句意选C。

37.     A

解析: 根据前文的take a bite if…可知此处选A。

38.     A

解析: 此处是肯定句,所填词意思是“正好,恰好”,选A。always意为“总是”;merely“只,仅仅”,常用与否定句中;seldom“很少”,都与句意不符。

39.     D

解析:  put away“收好;储存”;get down“写下,记下”;hand out“分发”;take off“起飞;脱掉,去掉;名声大振”。句子意意为“但是一旦去掉其外皮,……。”故选D。

40.     C

解析:  sb get it意为“他完全理解了。”选C。


    A few years ago I had an“aha!”moment regarding handwriting.

    I had in my hand a sheet of paper with handwritten instructions on it for some sort of editorial task.It occurred at first that I did not recognize the handwriting,and then I realized whose it must be.I finally became aware of the fact that I had been working with this colleague for at least a year,maybe two,and yet I did not recognize her handwriting at that point.

    It was a very important event in the computerization of life―a sign that the informal.friendly communication of people working together in an office had changed from notes in pen to instant messages and emails.There was a time when our workdays were filled with little letters,and we recognized one another's handwriting the way we knew voices or faces.

    As a child visiting my father’s office,I was pleased to recognize,in little notes on the desks of his staff,the same handwriting I would see at home in the notes he would leave on the fridge― except that those notes were signed“dad”instead of“RFW”.

    All this has been on my mind because of the talk about The Rise and Fall of Handwriting,a book by Florey.She shows in her book a deep concern about the fall of handwriting and the failure of schools to teach children to write well,but many others argue that people in a digital age can’t be expected to learn to hold a pen.

    I don’t buy it.

    I don’t want to see anyone cut off from the expressive,personal associations that a pen still promotes better than a digital keyboard does.For many a biographer,part of really getting to know their subjects is learning to read their handwriting.

    What some people advocate is teaching one of the many attractive handwritings based on the handwriting of 16th―century Italy.That may sound impossibly grand―as if they want kids to learn to draw by copying classical paintings.However,they have worked in many school systems.

51.Why was the author surprised at not recognizing his colleague’s handwriting?

    A.He had worked with his colleague long enough.

    B.His colleague’s handwriting was so beautiful.

    C.His colleague’s handwriting was so terrible.

    D.He still had a lot of work to do.

52.People working together in an office used to ____________.

    A.talk more about handwriting

    B.take more notes on workdays

    C.know better one another's handwriting

    D.communicate better with one another

53.The author’s father wrote notes in pen _________.

    A.to both his family and his staff

    B.to his family in small letters

    C.to his family on the fridge

    D.to his staff on the desk

54.According to the author,handwritten notes _______.

    A.are harder to teach in schools

    B.attract more attention

    C.are used only between friends

    D.carry more message

55.We can learn from the passage that the author __________.

    A.thinks it impossible to teach handwriting

    B.does not want to lose handwriting

    C.puts the blame on the computer

    D.does not agree with Florey


We have met the enemy, and he is ours. We bought him at a pet shop. When monkey-pox, a disease usually found in the African rain forest, suddenly turns up in children in the American Midwest, it’s hard not to wonder if the disease that comes from foreign animals is homing in on human beings. “Most of the infections (感染) we think of as human infections started in other animals, ” says Stephen Morse, director of the Center for Public Health Preparedness at Columbia University.

It’s not just that we’re going to where the animals are, we’re also bringing them closer to us. Popular foreign pets have brought a whole new disease to this country. A strange illness killed Isaksen’s pets, and she now thinks that keeping foreign pets is a bad idea. “I don’t think it’s fair to have them as pets when we have such a limited knowledge of them,” says Isaksen.

“Laws allowing these animals to be brought in from deep forest areas without stricter control need changing,” says Peter Schantz. Monkey-pox may be the wake-up call. Researchers believe infected animals may infect their owners. We know very little about these new diseases. A new bug (病毒) may be kind at first. But some strains (变异体) may become harmful. Monkey-pox doesn’t look a major infectious disease. But it is not impossible to pass the disease from person to person.

64. We learn from Paragraph 1 that the pet sold at the shop may ________.

A. come from Columbia

B. enjoy being with children

C. prevent us from being infected

D. suffer from monkey-pox

65. Why did Isaksen advise people not to have foreign pets?

A. They attack human beings.

B. We need to study native animals.

C. They can’t live out of the rain forest.

D. We do not know much about them yet.

66. What does the phrase “the wake-up call ” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?

    A. a new disease

    B. a clear warning

    C. a dangerous call

    D. a morning call

67. The text suggests that in the future we_____.

    A. may have to fight against more new diseases

B. may easily get infected by diseases from dogs.

C. should not be allowed to have pets

D. should stop buying pets form Africa.



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