
A. Needed: Full time secretary position available (可获得的). Applicants (应聘者) should have at least 2 years 
    experience and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills required. Apply in person at United 
    Business Ltd.17 Browning Street.
B. Are you looking for a part time job? We require 3 part time shop assistants to work during the evening. No 
    experience required. Applicants should be between 18 and 20. Call 366-765664 for more information.
C. Computer trained secretaries: Do you have experience working with computers? Would you like a full time
     position working in an exciting new company? If your answer is yes, give us a call at 457-867954.
D. Teacher needed: Tommy's Kindergarten needs 2 teachers/trainers to help with classes from 9am.to3pm.
     Applicants should have appropriate (合适的) licenses. For more information visit Tommy's Kindergarten
     in Leicester Square No.56.
E. Part time work available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part time at weekend. 
    Responsibilities (职责) include answering the telephone and giving customers information. For more
    information contact us by calling 345-698132.
F. University position open: The University of Cumberland is looking for 4 teaching assistants to help with
    homework correction. Applicants should have a degree in one of the following: Political Science, Religion, 
    Economics or History. Please contact the University of Cumberland for more information.
Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a degree in Economics two years ago. He
would like an academic (学术的) position.
Margaret Lillian. Margaret is 21years old and would like a part time position to help her pay her university
expenses. She can only work in the evenings.
Alice Fingelhamm. Alice was trained as a secretary and has six years of experience. She is an excellent typist
but does not know how to use a computer. She is looking for a full time position.
Peter Florian. Peter went to business school and studied computer and secretarial skills. He is looking for his
first job and would like a full time position.
Lynne Nagata. Lynne, aged65, once worked in a kindergarten. She is now a housewife, helping her daughter
with her housework on weekdays. She is looking for a part time job.
(     )1. Jack Anderson          
(     )2. Margaret Lillian       
(     )3. Alice Fingelhamm       
(     )4. Peter Florian          
(     )5. Lynne Nagata         
A. full time secretary                                        
B. part time shop assistant                              
C. computer trained secretary                                
D. kindergarten teacher                                   
E. part time job at the weekend                                                      
F. university teaching assistant 




  a.GOLD According to the True Colors system people who choose GOLD as their primary color like to fit in or belong.They tend to be reliable people who enjoy serving others.Things like tradition, home are very important to them.They need order and structure.They don’t like waste or change.

  b.ORANGE People who choose ORANGE as their primary color need a lot of variety and freedom.They take pride in being highly skilled.they enjoy “hand-on” work and often are good in a crisis.they are risk taker, seek challenges.

  c.YELLOW People who choose ORANGE as their primary color are curious about everything, they are confident and knowledgeable.They love sports very much and they work high efficiently.

  d.GREEN People who choose GREEN as their primary color are competent and want to control the realities of life.They are analytical and enjoy solving problems and developing systems.They love intelligence and logic.they are often critical of themselves and others.

  e.BLUE People who choose BLUE as their primary color enjoy close relationships.harmony(融洽)and integrity(诚实)are very important.These people are often very creative or they enjoy the creative work of others.

  f.RED People who choose RED as their primary color are always full of vigour(活力)and they tend to be confident all the time.It seems like they are ready to do anything and they will be successful.And they have a strong desire of power.


  1 Creating a warm and personal working atmosphere; establishing a peaceful working environment and trying to avoid conflict; allowing them the freedom to express their felling; praising their creative approach to the job.praising them with their good jobs.

  2 Assigning work which needs detailed planning; defining the tasks in clear terms; providing a stable work environment and avoiding sudden change; giving standard rules and regulations and set a good examples.praising them with their good jobs.

  3 Assigning work which needs analytical thinking and problem-solving; encouraging them to think independently(独立地)and taking their ideas to the next step.praising them with their good jobs.

  4 Assigning work which are action-packed, provide opportunities to be skillful and adventurous; allowing them the freedom to the job in their own ways.praising them with their good jobs.

  5 Assigning work which needs full energy.providing opportunities for job competition, if he do well, letting him know he is very likely get promotion ; praising them with their good jobs.

  Ways of encouraging employee Characters

信息匹配,下面是美国著名游记作家Bill Bryson的几本作品,首先请阅读它们的封面信息:


1.In this collection, Bill Bryson is writing from home.We find he assesses life both in New England and in the contemporary United States.With the telescopic perspective(远望视角)of one who has stepped out of the American mainstream and comes back after 20 years, Bryson holds the mirror up to US culture and feels strange to his motherland.

2.This book is a guide to the world's unspoilt sights and experiences.It presents one thousand fresh and fascinating alternatives to hundreds of well-known tourist destinations and sights, including alternatives to the Carnival in Rio and the beaches of Thailand, the most-visited national parks, overrated restaurants and holiday sites.

3.Returning to the US after 20 years in England, Bill Bryson decided to reconnect with his mother country by hiking the length of the 2, l00-mile Appalachian Trail.Awed by merely the camping section of his local sporting goods store, he still goes into the wilderness and learns hard lessons about self-reliance.

4.A travelogue by Bill Bryson is as close to a sure thing as funny books get.This book is no exception.Following an urge to rediscover his youth, the author leaves his native Des Moines, Iowa, in a journey that takes him to across 38 states in the country, which is like a small town in his opinion.

5.Born in Iowa, Bryson backpacked through Europe as a young man.While living in England some 20 years later, he revisited many of the same places from Arctic Norway' s northern lights to romantic Capri in Italy.Here he jumps back and forth between old memories and new experiences.

     I Am a Pencil
     Sam Swope's job was teaching writing to third-graders in New York City. His students were from 21 countries, speaking 11 languages, with different backgrounds. But there were a few things they had in common. Family troubles, for one. Money struggles. And poetry. Every single student, with the help of this creative teacher, came forth with awesome writing. Swope leaves the reader with the inspiring conviction (坚信) that deep within each of us lives a poet.
     Between a Rock and a Hard Place
     Aron Ralston, 28, went hiking in a remote Utah canyon without telling anyone. An unexpected catastrophe (灾难) struck. With enough supplies only for a day, Ralston knew his situation was full of danger. Sure enough, after five days he was in a fight against death. That was when he carried out a courageous plan - using a pocket knife to cut off his trapped arm. His amazing survival story rests at a place among the classics of the genre (体裁).
     Our Brother's Keeper
     Author Jedwin Smith spent 30 years trying to repress (克制) all memories of his brother, Jeff, who was killed in Vietnam. But in Our Brother's Keeper he tells what happens when the Internet brings him into contact with several his brother's old Marine friends, including the guy who held Jeff in his arms as he died. First via e-mail, and then in person, Smith gets to know these men.
     The All Americans
     With his graduation from West Point, Henry Romanek sailed toward Omaha Beach on the eve of Dday. It was June 1944, and he was about to face the bloodiest battle of his life. Just yesterday, it seemed, he was a standout soldier on the Army team. Now, he was a leader of youngsters in battle, fighting, quite literally, for his country and the future of the free world. In this book, Lars Anderson retraces Romanek's life and that of three other soldiers.
Copies in Seconds
With the push of a button, anyone can make copies of almost anything - unlike the old days, when papers had to be rewritten long-hand, carbon-copied out of fussy mimeograph machines (蜡纸油印机). In Copies in Seconds, David Owen showed how a shy engineer named Chester Carlson perfected his xerography machine (静电复印机) and shopped it around until finally hooking up with the Haloid Corporation. That partnership led to the Xerox copier and changed the face of work forever.
     State of Grace
     Back in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Lynvets was just a foot-ball team in a sandy New York City neighborhood. But to most of its members - the author, Robert Timberg, included - the team was their only experience of a happy family, their only chance to rise above lousy everyday circumstances, their only shot at being heroes. The friendships these men formed sustained (维持) them throughout their lives.
1. Tom is a teacher and interested in hiking and climbing very much. Now he is looking for a book about the hiking stories to help him in his following outdoor activities.
2. Kate is doing research into history. Recently, she becomes interested in the history about World War II. She now wants to find a book about the stories of the soldiers at that time.
3. Mark is studying science. Nowadays, he wants to reseach into the history of technological development. He first hopes to find a book about the development of the copiers which have changed our world greatly.
4. Jack is researching into education in a college. He is especially interested in the teaching methods. He wants to find a book which can tell him something about how to teach students from different backgrounds.
5. John is an expert on military affairs. He wants to find some materials about the soldiers in Vietnam War to carry on his new research.
    求书者                   书籍
1. Tom               A. I Am a Pencil
2. Kate               B. Between a Rock and a Hard Place
3. Mark              C. Our Brother's Keeper
4. Jack                D. The All Americans
5. John                E. Copies in Seconds
                           F. State of Grace
A. Five Waiters and Ten Waitresses
-Aged less than 22.
-At least high school graduate.
-Good-looking; men at least 1.72 meters tall and women at least 1.60 meters tall.
-Those knowing foreign languages preferred.
-Salary 1,600-2,200 Yuan per month.
B. One Secretary
-Aged less than 30.
-Female preferred.
-Good at writing and skilled at computer. C. Accountant
-Aged between 25 and 40.
-With an experience of at least two years.
-With a degree and an accountant certificate.
-Salary 3,000-4,000 Yuan monthly.
-With a practical knowledge of computer.
D. Salesclerk
-Basic education of 12 years or more.
-Good at computer.
-Salary 1,800-2,200 Yuan monthly.
E. English Teacher
-Aged between 35 and 45.
-With a master degree and a certificate in normal university.
-With an experience abroad preferred. F. Senior Lawyer
-Aged between 45 and 50.
-With doctor degree of law.
-With an experience of senior lawyer for at least three years.
-Those knowing English preferred.
1. Ann has been a senior lawyer with a doctor degree in the USA for five years. She returned to China last
    week. She wants to have the same job in Beijing.
2. Lisa, a l.7-meter-tall pretty girl, has just graduated from Jingshan High School. She is good at foreign
   languages, especially English.
3. Li Wei became an English teacher in a high school in New York after he had got the master degree and a
   certificate in California University. He came back to China last week and wanted to act as an English teacher
    in Guangzhou.
4. Lanra, who is a 23-year-old lady, is good at writing as well as computer. She would like to be employed as
    a secretary.
5. Lu Bin, who can operate on the computer well, has just graduated from Guangya Middle School. She can
    have the chance to go to university, but she gives it up. She wants learn to do business as a salesgirl first.
求职者 职位
1. Ann A. Five Waiters and Ten Waitresses
2. Lisa B. One Secretary
3. Li Wei .C. Accountant
4. Laura D. Salesclerk
5. Lu Bin E. English Teacher

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