

This is a picture of a ballet dancer whose left foot looks shockingly different from the right one. Some even jokes that the left foot represents how elegant ballet dancers look. On the contrary, the right one reveals the nature of those dancers’ life. One can hardly imagine how much time and effort have been devoted to endless practice.



1. 以约30个词简要描述图片的内容;

2. 以约120个词谈谈你的看法,内容包括:

(1) 图片给你的启示,并举例说明;

(2) 你最想对图片的芭蕾舞者说什么?为什么?


1. 可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实的姓名和学校的名称

3. 不必写标题




Minimalism (简约主义) is a term that describes movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work is reduced to its most basic features.

As for me, minimalism functions well not in art or design, but in my daily life.

When I was packing for university, I found it extremely difficult to let go of some of the things I owned. I knew I couldn’t take everything with me, but I kept asking myself “how could I possibly throw this away?”, “what if I need it one day?”, and “what about all of the memories?” Now that I’ve moved, and left that stuff behind, I don’t even miss it. Whether or not I got rid of it, it barely makes a bit of difference to me now.

I’ve learned that over time people forget, or their need for a particular object eventually disappears. Either they store it away or they get rid of it.

You might think nostalgically(怀旧的) about the toys you cared about when you were a child, but what is making you smile now is not the thing itself but the memory of it. I’ve heard it a hundred times, “you don’t need things to make you happy.” It takes something life-changing like moving across the country to realize how true this is.

Speaking of which, for a lot of people, minimalism is about able to move. It’s about being able to go almost anywhere at any time because you don’t have many possessions to carry. When you keep things you don’t need they become a burden that ties you to a place. Moving to university was a good time to let go of a lot of stuff. And when I visit for the holidays, I’ll probably get rid of even more, to lighten the burden.

Of course there are exceptions. There are some things that are irreplaceable, very rare or expensive or we simply love and cherish for some reason or another, since we are humans. But after we keep those, how much is left that we don’t really need?

Hence, minimalism. And why does minimalism bring happiness? That was a bit of a roundabout way of saying that, it’s because what really makes me happy is freedom. And the key to freedom is minimalism because minimalism reduces our attachment to things.

Attachment to too many objects creates a great mess and can severely hold back our freedom to do whatever we want, while minimalism helps us start new projects, move, travel, learn new things, work, expand, be debt-free, be healthy – really living life to our full potential.

I left the nest to fly onwards and upwards, I can’t do it with old things weighing me down. And that is why I have adopted minimalism with open arms.

1.In paragraph l, the writer gives the definition of minimalism to

A.introduce a topic B.present his own idea

C.describe a scene D.offer an argument

2.Many people don’t want to let go of some of their belongings because

A.they haven’t had any life-changing experiences

B.they fear their memories will be gone with the thrown-away stuff

C.they hope to live life to their full potential by storing things away

D.they may have to change their lifestyle because of the loss of them

3.Which of the following is NOT the reason why the writer favors “minimalism” in life?

A.It takes the burden off her while she is moving.

B.It reduces her attachment to her personal things.

C.It enables her to gain the freedom that she desires.

D.It helps her to realize how true life is.

4.By saying “there are exceptions”, the writer means

A.little is left if we keep what we cherish most in our life

B.minimalism should be practised accordingly in different situations

C.minimalism is a method difficult to employ in reality

D.life is full of exceptions so it’s difficult to preserve what we value

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Minimalism brings happiness.

B.Minimalism is applied in many fields.

C.Minimalism makes people think nostalgically.

D.Minimalism is about able to move.


Over the last 25 years, British society has changed a great deal – or at least many parts of it have. 1. . Ideas about social class – whether a person is “working - class” or “middle - class” – are one area in which changes have been extremely slow.

In the past, the working-class tended to be paid less than middle-class people. The typical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then, it was widely believed, having given his wife her "housekeeping", would go out and squander the rest on beer and betting.

The old style of what a middle-class man did with his money was perhaps nearer the truth. He was-and still is - inclined to take a longer-term view. Not only did he regard buying a house as a most important thing, but he also considered the education of his children as extremely important. 2. . Only in very few cases did workers have the opportunity (or the education and training) to make such long-term plans.

3. . In a large number of cases factory workers earn as much as their middle – class supervisors (管理者). Social security and laws to improve century, have made it less necessary than before to worry about "tomorrow". Working-class people seem slowly to be losing the feeling of inferiority(自卑感). In fact there has been a growing tendency in the past few years for the middle-classes to feel slightly ashamed of their position.

4. .They generally tend to share very similar tastes in music and clothes, they spend their money in having a good time, and save for holidays or longer-term plans when necessary. There seems to be much less difference than in precious generations. 5. . As long as this gap exists, there will always be a possibility that new conflicts and jealousies will emerge, or rather that the old conflicts will re-appear, but between different groups.

A.Nowadays, a great deal has changed

B.Both of these provided him and his family with security

C.As a result, differences in life – styles and attitudes came into existence

D.However, we still have a wide gap between the well – paid and the low - paid

E.In recent years, the working – class people have begun to design long – term plans

F.In some ways, however, very little has changed, particularly where attitudes are concerned

G.The changes in both life – styles and attitudes are probably most easily seen among younger people

Dear Applicant, A

We regret to inform you that your application to the stated establishment cannot be processed at this time due to the fact that it does not exist.

After consultation with out mythical advisors we have also determined that even if it didn’t exist, the course “wandology” would be highly in demand and hence require at least two As and a B in any of the following subjects:

Advanced Spellcrafting


Defence Against The Dark Arts

History of the Occult

Shaft Design

Your hand written grade sheet claiming top marks in “waving a stick about”, “ waving a pointy hat” and “watching Paul Daniels TV specials” sadly is not suitable for submission, however by applying through clearing you may be suitable of Liberal Arts courses. Alternatively you may wish to resubmit next year by tying your letter to an owl and hoping for the best.

On behalf of UCAS I wish you every success.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Duke University Admissions, B

Thank you for your rejection letter of March 26, 2015. After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your refusal to offer me admission into the Fall 2015 freshman class at Duke.

This year I have been fortunate enough to receive rejection letters from the best and the brightest universities in the country. With a pool of letters so diverse and accomplished I was unable to accept the rejection letters I would have been able to only several years ago. Therefore, I will be attending Duke University's 2015 Class. I look forward to seeing you then.


Siobhan O'Dell

Dear Siobhan, C

I understand how disappointed you are that we were unable to offer you a space in our incoming class, I want to be honest with you and let you know that it’s very rare that we learn something that leads us to change our decision, in the last ten years we’ve about 500 requests for a review… and changed the decision four times

Wish you all the best~


1.Of the three letters, which is in response to which?

A. A---B B. C---B C. C---A D. B----C

2.Chances for Duke University to change its admission decision in history were_______.

A. none B. big C. slim D. hard to tell

3.What makes it impossible for the applicant to resubmit an application next year?

A. Tying the letter to an owl and send it to UCAS

B. Printing out grade sheet

C. Applying for the Liberal Arts course as an option

D. Improving his scores

4.What can we infer form the letter about college application?

A. It is disappointing for sure.

B. Rejection letters are better written than offers.

C. It is no as fun as on imagines.

D. There could be extra work beyond normal procedure.

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked

A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.

When I was in high school, I didn’t know anything about engineering. At that time, when the car I drove needed repairing, I was afraid to take it to the . Because honestly, the mechanic could have me an electric can opener and said, “This is part of your car and it’s -----pay me to fix it.” Then I wouldn’t have known any better.

At the end of my junior year of high school, I heard about a summer program to interest girls in engineering. The six-week program was free, and students were college credits and a dorm room at the University of Maryland. I applied to the program, not because I wanted to be an engineer, but because I was looking forward to and wanted to stay away from my parents for six weeks.

I was accepted to the program and I earned six engineering credits. The next year I entered the university as an engineering student. Five years later I had a degree and three good job offers.

I can’t help shaking I hear about studies that show women are when it comes to math. They imply that I am a little stupid. I’m not, but I know that if I hadn’t met with that summer program, I wouldn’t be an engineer.

When I was growing up, I was told, as many students were, to do what I was best at. But I didn’t know what that was. Most people think that when you are something, it comes easily to you. But this is what I discovered: just because a subject is to learn, it does not mean you are not good at it. You just have to grit your teeth and work hard to get good at it. Once you do, there’s good that you will enjoy it more than anything else.

1.A. engineer B. salesman C. factory D. mechanic

2.A. shown B. given C. brought D. taken

3.A. old B. broken C. fixed D. dirtied

4.A. designed B. performed C. controlled D. described

5.A. sent B. afforded C. offered D. awarded

6.A. independence B. success C. happiness D. beauty

7.A. until B. when C. since D. before

8.A. at a disadvantageB. at a loss C. in a trap D. in a shock

9.A. never B. do C. hardly D. nearly

10.A. good at B. bad at C. interested in D. devoted to

11.A. easy B. funny C. difficult D. interesting

12.A. will B. feeling C. desire D. chance



Did you know Saint George's Day? , for many English people the answer to this question will be “No”. We get very excited about Saint Patrick's Day, and then completely that we have our own national day! For me, it's to remember the date as it's also my grandma's birthday.

Saint George is the patron saint(守护神)of England. According to legend(传说), a dragon lived in a lake near a town. People were of the dragon and every day they would it two sheep. there weren't enough sheep, a child would be fed to the dragon ! One day, the king's daughter was . The king didn't want to lose his daughter; he tried money to the townspeople. However, they didn't want the money and his daughter must be fed to the dragon. While the princess the dragon by the lake, Saint George rode by on his horse and killed the dragon with a(n) .

Over the years, different versions of the have been told. There are lots of paintings and sculptures Saint George. The English flag, which is white with a red cross, is as the Saint George's Cross. Although it is an important day in the Christian calendar, it is a day which passes in the UK. It is not a national holiday, is it a day with many celebrations. Now, organizations such as English Heritage are trying to the British public to England's national day. Hopefully, their work will .

1.A. Unfortunately B. Apparently C. Shamefully D.Actually

2.A. forget B. realize C. identify D. believe

3.A. essential B. possible C. simple D. easy

4.A. fond B. tired C. scared D. aware

5.A. send B. leave C. feed D. reserve

6.A. While B. As C. Although D. If

7.A. still B. instead C. too D. only

8.A. killed B. chosen C. saved D. seized

9.A. providing B. preparing C. lending D. offering

10.A. insisted B. required C. announced D. admitted

11.A. looked for B. dealt with C. got close to D. waited for

12.A. cross B. knife C. sword D. arrow

13.A. festival B. dragon C. story D. holiday

14.A. appreciating B. describing C. praising D. informing

15.A. realized B. known C. used D. shaped

16.A. silently B. unbearably C. unnoticedly D. successfully

17.A. nor B. and C. either D. even

18.A. encourage B. force C. demand D. advise

19.A. remain B. celebrate C. hold D. memorize

20.A. come out B. turn up C. give in D. pay off

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