
What I Want for You and Every Child in America

                by President-Elect Barack Obama

Dear Malia and Sasha,

I know that you’ve both had a lot of  1 these last two years during the campaign, going to picnics and parades and state fairs, eating all sorts of junk food your mother and I probably shouldn’t have let you have. But I also know that it hasn’t always been easy for you and Mom, and that although you are both excited about that new puppy(幼犬), it doesn’t 2 for all the time we’ve been apart. I know 3 I’ve missed these past two years, and today I want to tell you a little more about why I decided to take our family on this journey.

When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me--about how I’d 4 my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want. But then the two of you came into my 5  with all your curiosity and mischief (捣乱) and those smiles that never 6 to fill my heart and light up my day. I soon found that the greatest joy in my life was the joy I saw in yours. That’s why I ran for President: because of what I want for you and for every child in this nation.

I want all our children to go to schools 7 of their potential---schools that challenge them, inspire them, and instill (灌输) in them a sense of 8 about the world around them. I want them to have the chance to go to college 9 their parents aren’t rich. And I want them to get good jobs: jobs that pay well and give them benefits like health care, jobs that let them have time to spend time with their own 10 .

I want us to 11 back the boundaries(界限) of discovery so that you’ll live to see new technologies and inventions that improve our lives and make our planet cleaner and safer. And I want us to push our own human boundaries to reach 12 the divides(分水岭) of race and region, gender and religion that 13 us from seeing the best in each other.

That was the 14 your grandmother tried to teach me when I was your age, reading me the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence and telling me about the men and women who marched for 15 because they believed those words put to paper two centuries ago should mean 16 .

She helped me understand that America is great not because it is perfect but because it can always be made better and that the 17 work of perfecting our union falls to each of us. It’s a duty we pass on to our children.

These are the things I want for you--- to 18 in a world with no limits on your dreams and no achievements beyond your reach. And I want every child to have the same 19 to learn and dream and grow that you girls have. That’s why I’ve taken our family on this great adventure.

I am so proud of both of you. I love you 20 you can ever know. And I am grateful every day for your patience, confidence, grace, and humor as we prepare to start our new life together in the White House.

                             Love, Dad

1. A. play       B. fun       C. pain       D. gain

2. A. take up      B. pick up     C. make up      D. put up

3. A. how much    B. how many    C. how soon     D. how long

4. A. lose       B. make      C. take        D. walk

5. A. world       B. family     C. position      D. place

6. A. succeed     B. come      C. tend        D. fail

7. A. worth      B. worthless     C. worthwhile     D. worthy

8. A. humor      B. hatred      C. wonder      D. sadness

9. A. even if     B. as if       C. as long as     D. if

10. A. friends     B. kids       C. boys       D. girls

11. A. rush      B. catch      C. push       D. pull

12. A. to       B. in       C. into        D. beyond

13. A. keep      B. let       C. make       D. warn

14. A. way      B. method      C. means      D. lesson

15. A. quantity    B. quality      C. equality      D. quarter

16. A. everything   B. something    C. anything      D. nothing

17. A. unfinished   B. finished     C. unfinishing     D. finishing

18. A. wake up    B. grow up     C. come up      D. get up

19. A. difficulty    B. barriers     C. anxiety      D. chances

20. A. rather than   B. other than     C. less than     D. more than





2.【解析】选C。新来的小狗虽然令你们兴奋,却无法弥补(make up)我们不在一起的所有时光。



【解题误区】本题易误选B。作者此处表达的是一个笼统的概念,故不能用how many。

4.【解析】选B。当我还年轻的时候,我认为生活就该绕着我转:我如何在这世上成功,成功立业,得到我想要的。make one’s way有“成功”的意思,与语境相符。

【解题误区】make one’s way与下文的become successful相呼应。


【解题误区】本题易误选B。Malia and Sasha是作者自己的孩子,因此若选B,则句意不通。

6.【解析】选D。总能填满我的心,照亮我的日子。fail to do sth.没能做某事。

【解题误区】本题易误选C。tend to do sth.易于做某事,倾向于做某事,与语境不符。

7.【解析】选D。我要让所有儿童都在能够发掘他们潜能的学校就读。worthy of“适合于,配得上”,与语境相符。

【解题误区】本题易误选A。worth of通常用于表示数量﹑ 持续时间等的名词之后。

8.【解析】选C。这些学校要能挑战他们,激励他们,并灌输他们对身处的这个世界的好奇心。wonder about对于什么的好奇心。

【解题误区】本题易误选A。a sense of humor about the world around them“关于她们周围世界的幽默感”,与语境不符。

9.【解析】选A。我要他们有机会上大学,即使他们的父母并不富有。even if即使,引导一个让步状语从句,与语境相符。


10.【解析】选B。让他们有时间陪孩子(kid)、并且能够带着尊严退休的工作。作者的这一承诺与文章第一段中although you are both excited about that new puppy(幼犬), it doesn’t  2  for all the time we’ve been apart.所表达的愧疚相呼应。


11.【解析】选C。我要大家向未知的领域拓展,不断去探索、发现,使得你们在有生之年能够看见新科技新发明改善我们的生活,使我们居住的这个星球更干净更安全。push back the boundaries of discovery把发现领域的边缘向外扩展,与语境相符。

【解题误区】本题易误选D。pull back拉回,撤回,与语境不符。


【解题误区】本题易误选A。reach to延伸到,与语境不符。

13.【解析】选A。妨碍我们看到彼此最优秀一面的(……)。keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事,与语境相符。

【解题误区】其他三个选项通常不接“sb. from doing sth”。



15.【解析】选C。她把独立宣言开头几行念给我听,告诉我有一些男女为了争取 (平等)而游行抗议……。


16.【解析】选B。因为他们认为两个世纪前白纸黑字写下来的这些话,不应只是空话。mean something在句中可理解为“不是空话”。

【解题误区】本题易误选A或C。mean everything/anything“意味着一切”,与语义相悖。





19. 【解析】选D。我要每个孩子都有和你们一样的机会(chance),去学习、梦想、成长。


20.【解析】选D。我深以你俩为荣,你们永远不会明白我有多爱你们。more than超过,与语境相符。



The run-up to the launch of China's first lunar orbiter at the end of this month has caught the country's imagination, with more than two thirds of the nation hoping to see the launch live on TV, according to a survey.                              

According to the survey by China Youth Daily and www.qq.com, almost the entire nation hopes to catch images of the event at some point, with 99 percent of the 10358 respondents saying they expected to witness the satellite launch and 68.9 percent said they were certain to watch the live broadcast of the launch. On www.qq.com and www.sina.com, two popular web portals in the country, internet users have contributed some 2,000 poems and 5000 drawings on the theme of Chang'e I.

"The satellite launch means much more than just saying 'hello' to the moon. Maybe in the future we could also send some people to accompany sister 'Chang'e'," said a college student in the survey.

Remarkably, many people expect to visit the moon one day, with 93.4 percent of respondents saying they expected to do so.

Chang'e I is named after Chang'e, a famous character from Chinese mythology. She ascended from earth to live on the moon as a celestial being after drinking an elixir.

There is also another connection between the moon and China. In the 1970s, a crater on the moon was named after a Chinese stargazer, Wan Hu, who is said to be the first astronaut in human history.

Legend says about 600 years ago, around the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Wan Hu, a local government official, tried to fly into space with the help of a chair, two big kites and 47 self-made gunpowder-filled rockets. According to the legend after the rockets were lit there was a huge bang and lots of smoke. When the smoke cleared Wan was nowhere to be found.

China's first astronaut flew into space in 2003 with the launch of the Chinese-made spaceship Shenzhou V. China became the third country, after the Soviet Union and the United States, to carry out manned space missions.

Which is true according to the passage?

 A. According to a survey, two thirds of the nation are hoping to see the launch live on TV,

 B. The internet users have drawn some 5000 pictures of ‘Chang’e’.

C. Wan Hu, a Chinese stargazer(n. 看星星的人,占星师,天文学家) , was dead after the huge bang and a lot of smoke.

 D. China’s first astronaut flew into space in 2003 in the spaceship Shenzhou VI.

What’s the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph 5?

A. a kind of medicine for long life. B. a kind of medicine to make you light enough to fly in the air.

C. a kind of wine               D. a kind of alcohol.

Why was Wan Hu said to be the first astronaut in human history?

 A. Because a crater on the moon was named after his name.

 B. Because he was the first to go to the moon in his own “spaceship”.

 C. Because of his courage for scientific experiment to the moon.

 D. Because he made the first rocket in human history. 

Kevin is a boy who might be described as “slow”. He didn’t learn his ABCs as fast as other kids. But Kevin was__1__with people, for his bright smile and big heart won him plenty of friends.
My friend Randy decided they needed a__2__team for boys.Kevin__3__up and practiced hard. But he simply shot baskets. Or more correctly, he threw the ball at the basket. He had a __4__spot near the free throw line(罚球线). He threw and threw, and it __5__went in.
The team did well but they never won a game that season except the night when it snowed and the opposing team never__6__. At the end of the__7__lot(签)of playing against the best team.
Game day arrived. The game went as__8__.Near the end of the last quarter, Kevin’s team stood nearly 30 points behind. It was then that one of the boys called timeout. ”Coach Randy, ” he said, ”this is our__9__game and Kevin has never made a basket. I think we should let him make a basket.”
The team agreed. Kevin wan __10__to stand at his special place near the free throw line and wait. When the ball was__11__to him, he shot and missed. A moment later, Kevin got the ball again, but shot and missed again.
Slowly the other team seemed to__12__what was going on. Both teams circled the boy by their time and all the other players were shouting, “Kevin! Kevin!” Soon everyone in the __13__ joined in.
Kevin attempted again and again, and one of his shots took a crazy bounce on the basket. Everyone held their__14__.The ball dropped in. Nobody remained __15__. Everyone stood and cheered as if one boy had won a world champion.
That day, an undefeated team kept their perfect record. But everybody won because everybody had participated in a crazy conspiracy(密谋)  of kindness.

A.basketball B.footballC.swimmingD.climbing
A.showed upB.took upC.started offD.gave in
A.give upB.bring aboutC.figure outD.believe in

I'll be a photographer. I'm going to bring bits of Australia back home with me. I told myself this before, yet I feel so doubtful on this plane that's flying me thousands of miles away. I was so confident yesterday .But today I don't belong to this plane where men sit with briefcases reading newspapers. They're all adults.
I've never been out of the US. And now ,I'm traveling into Australia alone, a world I know nothing about. A part of me recognizes it as home.
I remember little about my mother, but I remember she had an Australian accent and golden hair. She wan fun and she would often take us to New Jersey beaches, where we would spend the whole day taking walks along the shore. My mom told me that in Australia, Christmas was always spent on the beach with friends and family, and everyone wore Santa hat with their bathing suits. It never got cold and bitter there. My mom was different and I was proud of her.
I don't know how she met my father. but after they met several years, they got married and moved into an apartment in New Jersey. Then I was born and we were a perfect family of three who went out to dinner and watched movies in the dark and loved each other.
I know things have been hard on my father since my Mom died years ago. It's hard for me, too, and I have to experience the wonderful place my mom grew up in and loved. My mom talked about Australia so much and now I have to see this place.
This is an adventure.
【小题1】How did the author feel when he was on the plane?

【小题2】The author traveled to Australia alone mainly because he wanted to__.
A.search his fortune thereB.find more about his mother
C.look for his grandparents thereD.find more about this wonderful place
【小题3】The third paragraph is mainly concerned with__.
A.the author's first impression of Australia
B.the author's brief impression of his mother
C.the reason why the author loved his mother
D.the difference between his mother and father
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.The author writes this passage to honor his mother.
B.The author decides to learn taking photos in Australia.
C.The author had a good time when his mother was still alive.
D.The author didn't like to live with his father after his mother died.
【小题5】Where did the author most probably write this passage?
A.In America.B.In Australia.C.At homeD.On the Plane


Is there a magic cutoff period when offspring become accountable for their own actions? Is there a wonderful moment when parents can become spectators (旁观者) in the lives of their children and shrug, "It' s their life," and feel nothing?

When I was in my twenties, I stood in a hospital corridor waiting for doctors to put a few stitches in my son' s head. I was asked, "When do you stop worrying?" A nurse said, "When they get out of the accident stage." My mother just smiled faintly and said nothing.

When I was in my thirties, I sat on a little chair in a classroom and heard how one of my children talked incessantly, disrupted (打断) the class, and was headed for a career making license plates. As if to read my mind, a teacher said, "Don't worry. They all go through this stage, and then you can sit back, relax, and enjoy them." My mother listened and said nothing.

When I was in my forties, I spent a lifetime waiting for the phone to ring and the cars to come home, the front door to open.

My friends said that when my kids got married I could stop worrying and lead my own life. I wanted to believe that, but I was haunted by my mother' s wan ( 淡淡的 ) smile and her occasional words, "You look pale. Are you all right? Call me the minute you get home."

Can it be that parents are sentenced to a lifetime of worry? Is concern for one another handed down like a torch to blaze the trail of human frailties and the fears of the unknown? Is concern a curse? Or is it a virtue that elevates us to the highest form of life?

One of my children became quite irritable recently, saying to me, "Where were you? I' ve been calling for three days, and no one answered. I was worried! ! !"

I smiled a wan smile.

1.What can we know about the author’s mother from the passage?

A. She seems to laugh at the author.        

B. She is not concerned about the author.

C. She has a thorough understanding of the author.     

D. She tries to give the author some encouragement.

2.What did the author do in her forties?

A. She was less concerned about her children.          

B. She couldn't stop worrying about her children.

C. She would like her children to see her often.        

D. She became more patient with her children.

3.Why did the author smile a wan smile at the end of the passage?

A. She wanted to learn from her mother.                

B. She stopped worrying about her children at last.

C. She succeeded in tricking her children.              

D. She got a kind of satisfaction from her child's concern.

4.The main purpose of the passage is to tell us that ______.

A. the concern between parents and children is natural

B. parents’ love for their children is selfless

C. parents show more concern for their children        

D. parents will worry about their children all their lives


I'll be a photographer. I'm going to bring bits of Australia back home with me. I told myself this before, yet I feel so doubtful on this plane that's flying me thousands of miles away. I was so confident yesterday .But today I don't belong to this plane where men sit with briefcases reading newspapers. They're all adults.

I've never been out of the US. And now ,I'm traveling into Australia alone, a world I know nothing about. A part of me recognizes it as home.

I remember little about my mother, but I remember she had an Australian accent and golden hair. She wan fun and she would often take us to New Jersey beaches, where we would spend the whole day taking walks along the shore. My mom told me that in Australia, Christmas was always spent on the beach with friends and family, and everyone wore Santa hat with their bathing suits. It never got cold and bitter there. My mom was different and I was proud of her.

I don't know how she met my father. but after they met several years, they got married and moved into an apartment in New Jersey. Then I was born and we were a perfect family of three who went out to dinner and watched movies in the dark and loved each other.

I know things have been hard on my father since my Mom died years ago. It's hard for me, too, and I have to experience the wonderful place my mom grew up in and loved. My mom talked about Australia so much and now I have to see this place.

This is an adventure.

1.How did the author feel when he was on the plane?





2.The author traveled to Australia alone mainly because he wanted to__.

A.search his fortune there

B.find more about his mother

C.look for his grandparents there

D.find more about this wonderful place

3.The third paragraph is mainly concerned with__.

A.the author's first impression of Australia

B.the author's brief impression of his mother

C.the reason why the author loved his mother

D.the difference between his mother and father

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The author writes this passage to honor his mother.

B.The author decides to learn taking photos in Australia.

C.The author had a good time when his mother was still alive.

D.The author didn't like to live with his father after his mother died.

5.Where did the author most probably write this passage?

A.In America.

B.In Australia.

C.At home

D.On the Plane


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