
—Jane, have you finished your paper?

—No, I ________ my sister with her drawing all the morning.

A.help             B.helped            C.was helping        D.have been helping





试题分析:考查时态。本题的关键词是后面的时间状语all the morning该词与现在完成进行时连用,表示动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,还在发生。句意:—Jane,你写完论文了吗?—没有,整个早晨我都在帮助我的姐姐在画画。故D正确。


点评:时态题的考查关键是抓住句子的上下文含义和句中的时间状语。要根据时间状语来选择合适的时态,在平时的学习中要注意积累有关时态的用法和各种时态的特殊之处。如since, so far等经常与现在完成时连用。在条件状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时等等。



The week after Jane's birthday, Barbara and Mary were away. Jane decided to have a late birthday party. She telephoned several friends. She asked some to bring records, some to bring food and others to bring something to drink. She rang another friend to see if she could borrow his record player. She herself bought some food and drink to get the party going. She took up all the carpets (地毯) so that they could dance. She did not know whether Barbara and Mary would have approved (赞成), but as long as she was careful, she was sure that they would not mind. She warned the two people in the flat above and invited them down. ?

         “Oh, ” said Jane, surprised. “What's all this about? ”

The first guests arrived soon after eight. The music was soon playing loudly and they started dancing. Some of Jane's friends brought other friends with them. As more and more people arrived,the noise increased. People started shouting at each other, so they turned the music up. This made it more difficult to hear each other above the music, so they shouted more loudly. At half past ten the bell rang. “Turn down the music!” someone shouted. “Someone probably called the police.” When Jane opened the door, there was a policeman standing there. She started to apologize, “I'm sorry about all the noise, officer. But you see, it was my birthday last week and I'm having a party.” “Never mind about that, miss. We're here because of something much more important.”

         “Well, there's been a report of burglary (盗窃行为). We think the thief may have come to your party, pretending to be a friend of someone here. ”

1.When did Jane have the party?

A. On her birthday.                                        B. After her birthday.

C. Before Barbara and Mary left.                D. As soon as she telephone her friends. 

2.Why did people shout at each other at the party?

A. They got rather angry with each other. 

B. They were very glad to make new friends.

C. They became too excited while dancing.

D. They couldn't hear each other because of the music.

3.What reason did Jane think the policeman came for?

A. They made too much noise.                      

B. A thief was among the guests.  

C. He had some important things to do.   

D. He was interested in birthday parties.


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