
I don’t know _____ the problem, for it’s beyond my power .

A. how to deal with B. what to deal with

C. how to deal with it D. what to do with it


At first sight the planet Mars(火星)does not appear very welcoming to any kind of life. It has very little oxygen and water, the temperature at night is below 50 degrees and winds of 100 miles (161 kilometers)per hour cause severe dust storms. However, the surface of the planet seems to show that water flowed across it at some time in the past, and it is believed that there would be enough ice at the poles to cover the planet with water if it melted. Although there is no life on the Mars now, some scientists think there may have been some form of life a long time ago. At that time, the planet had active volcanoes(火山); the atmosphere was thicker and warmer; and there was water. In fact, in some ways the Mars may have been similar to the Earth, where life exists.

Some people believe that the Mars could support life in the future if the right conditions were produced. The first step would be to warm the planet using certain gases which trap the Sun’s heat in the planet’s atmosphere. With warmth, water and carbon dioxide(二氧化碳), simple plants could begin to grow. These plants could slowly make the Mars fit to live on. It is judged that the whole process might take between 100, 000 and 200, 000 years. In the meantime, people could begin to live on the planet in a special closed environment. They would provide a lot of useful information about conditions on Mars and the problems connected with living there.

1.According to the passage, the planet Mars has no __________on it.

A.animals B.mountains

C.dust D.winds

2.What is the topic of Paragraph 2?

A.Certain gases should be used to warm Mars.

B.Plants should be grown to make Mars fit to live on.

C.Mars could support life with right conditions in the future.

D.People could live on Mars in a special closed environment.

3.The most suitable title for the passage is __________.

A.No Life on Mars

B.A Study of Mars

C.The Future conditions on Mars

D.The Possibility of Life on Mars

The book, Aliens Ate My Homework, is set in a small town in the United States. By the way the characters talk to each other and the description of items from their daily lives, I think the story takes place within the last 10 years. It is a story about a boy named Rod Allbright who goes to school like any other normal kid. Unfortunately, the class bully(恃强凌弱者) always picks on him because he is overweight. While he’s working on a school project for the science fair, tiny aliens(外星人) come, crashing through his bedroom window in a spaceship. They have come to the earth to get another alien, an evil one named BKR. He is known in other galaxies(星系) for his cruelties. Rod gets bullied throughout the entire novel. The bully’s name is Billy Becker, who is also called BKR! Rod does not discover that Billy is a bad alien until later on.

This book has lots of action and the main character is fun to read about. The most exciting part is when the aliens and Rod find out that BKR is Billy Becker and they skip school and go to search his house. They get caught when BKR comes home from school. He traps them in a storing device where he keeps his alien items. They break free of the device and escape from his house with some difficulty. Rod Allbright is fun to read about because he can never tell a lie. This gets him into trouble when the aliens eat his homework and he can’t make up an excuse for the teacher.

The main idea that the author shares is that there could be other galaxies out in the universe with intelligent life forms who could be almost the same as humans. In this book, the aliens are just like humans in the way they think even though they look different and have a different language. I have learned that if you are nice to people they will be nice in return. This is proven in the book because Rod is nice to the aliens and they return the favor.

1. The tiny aliens come to the earth to _________.

A. look for resources

B. do research on the earth

C. find an alien who has got lost

D. catch a cruel alien

2.What’s the right time order for the following events?

a. Billy is found to be BKR.

b. Tiny aliens come to the earth.

c. Rod and the tiny aliens go to search BKR’s house.

d. Rod and the tiny aliens are trapped, but later escape.

A. abcd B. abdc C. bacd D. bcad

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. It pays to be kind to others.

B. It pays to work for the science fair.

C. Aliens are cruel to humans.

D. Aliens and humans are alike.

4.The passage is mainly about_______.

A. aliens B. school bullying

C. a science fiction story D. a boy’s school life



I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was ________ and when I was 14, he said, “You’re never going to be ________ but a failure.”

After five years of ________ jobs, I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the best ________ that could have happened to me. I ________0 I wanted to do something positive (积极地) with my life because I wanted to prove to ________ that what people said about me was ________. Especially her mother, who had said to me, “Let’s ________ it, you’ve failed at everything you’ve ever done.” So I tried hard with my ________ and went to college. My first novel _ ________ while I was at college.

After college I taught during the________in high schools and attended evening classes at London University, where I got a ________in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of ________that job to write full time________ I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel proud of myself —________ was a working-class boy who’d ________ school early, now teaching at the university.

My writing career (职业) took off when I discovered my own style. Now I’m rich and ________ , have been on TV, and met lots of film stars. ________ what does it mean? I ________ wish all the people that have put me down had ________ : “I believe in you. You’ll succeed.”

1.A. bright B. useless C. simple D. hopeful

2.A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing

3.A. low B. poor C. good D. useful

4.A. support B. happiness C. surprise D. thing

5.A. agreed B. decided C. planned D. told

6.A. me B. them C. her D. it

7.A. wrong B. right C. stupid D. faulty

8.A. see B. know C. understand D. face

9.A. experiment B. practice C. writing D. composition

10.A. came on B. came in C. came out D. came back

11.A. day B. night C. month D. year

12.A. graduation B. pass C. degree D. success

13.A. giving in B. giving back C. giving out D. giving up

14.A. while B. if C. when D. or

15.A. there B. here C. it D. that


Are you addicted to computer games? Do you stay up all night playing them? 1. But should we worry about their effects on our health?

Choices are various when it comes to gaming: 2. And there are shooting games where you can let out your anger and frustration in violent situations where you kill people with guns.

3. Popular games like Grand Theft Auto have been blamed for everything from falling results at school to provoking(激起) acts of extreme violence. Internet safety advisor, Alan MacKenzie, thinks “many people understandably will just think that a game is just a game and not realising the obvious content that’s in there”.

4. There is evidence that playing video games could actually be good for us. Studies have also shown that the skills used in playing games can cause growth in certain areas of the brain, the ability to think in 3D and even improve our eyesight.

Video gamers are also no longer just creatures playing alone. For some, gaming is having a positive effect on their social lives with games like Halo often being played in groups. 5. So it seems today, gaming, if used in moderation(有节制地), we can all take part.

A. Can these kinds of games really be fun and can being absorbed in virtual reality be good for us?

B. When your group works together to win the game, your sense of achievement is higher than when winning by yourself.

C. There’s no doubt that the excitement and sophistication of games these days makes them hard to put down.

D. It is widely accepted that playing games does harm to growing teens.

E. You can role play – creating your own fantasy characters and stories, giving you a chance to step out of everyday life into an imaginary world.

F. You might play games so as to get rid of the might academic pressure.

G. Others will argue that gaming is a harmless form of entertainment.

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