
第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
As a child, I got angry quite easily and was not good at communicating with others.
One day, as I was getting ready for school, my mother (21)  handed me my father’s vest(背心) instead of mine. At that time, I was getting to have a larger (22)  than my father, so when I  (23)  the vest, I felt as if I wasn’t able to breathe! I was very angry and (24)  my mother without thinking much. I pulled it off my chest-----so wildly as to make a (25)  in it.
Later, my mother (26)  her bad feelings with my father. Instead of saying he would scold(责骂)or (27)  me, my father calmly asked my mother to mend the vest. He then wore it to work.
When my mother told me about my father’s  (28)  -----much later, when I had recovered from my angry----I felt shame for my bad behavior. My father’s  (29)  kindness taught me a lesson which I would never forget.
On that day, I  (30)  not to let anger control me any longer. Of course, there are times when I get angry. However, whenever that happens, I will try to remember my father’s vest.
21. A. luckily        B. secretly          C. carelessly        D. jokingly
22. A. size           B. head            C. number          D. room
23. A. picked up      B. took off          C. talked about      D. put on
24. A. shot at         B. looked at         C.pointed at        D.shouted at
25. A. mark          B.hole             C. spot             D.noise
26 A. treated         B.shared            C.experienced       D.remained
27. A. praise         B. correct          C.control           D.beat
28. A. sorrow        B.advice            C.incident         D.response
29. A. careful        B.gentle             C.public          D.interesting
30. A. agreed        B.expected           C.decided        D.refused


Mary had her own special kind of joy, and she knew exactly how to spread it around. She lifted children from  31  into laughter, love, and belonging. Each time she found a new  32  for a child, she gave the family one of her little homemade paper roses. It had become a  33  for her, and the families didn't ever forget it.
One evening, Mary was  34 a meeting for adoptive parents. One of the  35  fathers stood up to introduce himself. But before he spoke, he reached into his coat pocket and held up a  36 , red paper rose.
“Twenty years ago today, I felt alone and  37 . I didn't know the talents inside me or what was possible for me.
Then Mary  38  two wonderful people into my life. They taught me what it was like to feel  39 . They not only loved me  40 . They opened a world of  41  that I didn't know existed. My new parents told me, ‘Reach for your dreams!’
I did, and today I'm  42  to be giving that chance to a child who  43  just like me. My mother gave me this little rose. By now, all of you  44  where she got it so long ago.
Mary sent me a new rose just yesterday. And my new rose  45 a new spring, a beautiful new  46  for my own little girl. It  47  me to show her what unconditional love is, and to teach her to reach for her own beautiful dreams.
Thank you, Mary, for the special little things like roses that  48  our lives together. And thank you for all you've done for me and so many families over the years!”
One brief even can send our spirits soaring or  49  us in quiet to ponder a new beginning. 50  it is also the very small things, like Mary's roses, that tie together the meaningful things.
31.A. poverty                    B. loneliness              C. misery                   D. suffering
32.A. home               B. place             C. school             D. life
33.A. glory                B. favor              C. habit              D. tradition
34.A. organizing      B. planning                C. hosting             D. attending
35. A. new                 B. grateful                 C. kind               D. active
36. A. broken              B. faded                         C. treasured           D. dried
37.A. tasteless             B. powerless                C. priceless             D. worthless
38.A. directed             B. introduced             C. brought            D. accepted
39.A. loved            B. protected          C. cared             D. cheered
40.A. silently              B. continuously             C. unintentionally      D. unconditionally
41.A. necessities         B. possibilities                     C. beauties            D. riches
42.A. eager            B. willing                  C. proud             D. lucky
43.A. started out        B. came up                 C. turned out          D. grew up
44.A. understand         B. guess                     C. tell               D. know  
45.A. replaces           B. symbolizes               C. equals            D. creates
46.A. chance           B. mystery                    C. challenge           D. beginning
47.A. reminds              B. helps                        C. accompanies        D. drives
48.A. fix              B. close                C. tie                  D. gather
49.A. cause              B. push                        C. put                           D. leave
50.A. Yet               B. Besides                    C. Otherwise          D. Therefore
Man has a big brain. He can think, learn and speak. Scientists thought that men are different from animals because they can think and learn. They know now that dogs, cats and birds can learn too. They are beginning to understand that. They make noises when they are afraid, or angry or unhappy. Apes(猿) can understand some things more quickly than human, one or two of them have learnt a few words. But they can not join words to make sentences. They can not think like us because they have no language. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been able to build a modern world because he has language. Every child can speak his own language very well when he is four or five, —but no animal learns to speak. How do children learn it ? Scientists do not really know. What happens inside our body when we speak? They do not know. They only know that man can speak because he has a brain.
小题1:The best title for this passage is          .
A.Animal’s LanguageB.Man and ApeC.Brain and languageD.Man’s Brain
小题2:Men are different from animals in the way that           .
A.men can understand things quicklyB.men can learn
C.men have learnt to use languageD.men have brains
小题3:An ape can not           .
A.make noisesB.understand thingsC.learn wordsD.speak like man
小题4:Scientists now know            .
A.how children learn to speakB.why apes can learn a few words
C.man’s brain helps him to learn to speakD.what happens when men speak
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true ?
A.Some animals can learn.B.Apes can understand some things more quickly than men.
C.Apes can put the words they know together.
D.Apes have no language though they can learn some words
While in Banff, make time for a walk around town. A special treat is to go up the mountainside on the Banff Gondola for a surprising view of the valley below. Here is The Pines, whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou, wild boar, and reindeer with surprising sauces.
Best time to visit is during the off-season, from early May to mid-June, or in October. This way you can avoid sharing the highway with mobile homes which can be pulled by cars. But whatever the season, take some lunch with you from Banff, because there are only a few food stops on the road.
Forty minutes north of Banff, side by side with the Banff National Park, sits world-famous Lake Louise. This surprisingly small body of water is attractive with towering mountains around it. Glaciers, huge masses of ice, moving very slowly against rocks, produce what is called glacier rock flour, making its water dark to see. It is worth taking a walk around the grounds of the Chateau Lake Louise, another beauty, proud of its early 20th century history.
Back on the road, and it’s time to continue north past the astonishing Columbia Icefield, then turn off the highway and take the short road to the base of the Athabaska Glacier. You can rent ice cleats (夹板) and do some climbing or do a more pleasant snowmobile tour. Either way, you can enjoy endless beautiful sights.
Finally you’ll reach Jasper, the usual turning around the place for the Banff-Jasper loop (回路). It’s worth riding the Jasper Skytram, and be sure to visit the wonderful Jasper Park Lodge, also dating back to the 1920s. If you can have lunch there, do it. The restaurant has an adventurous menu and their wine list would put a smile on any visitor’s face.
小题1:According the passage, The Pines is a                                .
A.place in which you can see many mobile homes
B.mountain where you can get a good view of the valley
C.town which happens to be near the Banff National Park
D.restaurant where you can ask for some special kinds of food
小题2:What will probably happen when visitors come at the end of June?
A.They may have trouble finding a restaurant.
B.They may come across traffic jams.
C.They may travel more easily with cars.
D.They may do much more sightseeing.
小题3:Similar to the Chateau Lake Louise,                           .
A.the Banff National Park is to the west of Banff
B.the Columbia Icefield lies between Lake Louise and the Banff National Park
C.the Jasper Skytram has a history of more than 80 years
D.the Jasper Park Lodge was built in the 1920s
小题4:Besides the beautiful sights in Jasper Park Lodge, visitors to Jasper can enjoy themselves by                                   .
A.taking the Jasper Skytram and eating in the restaurant
B.taking the Banff-Jasper loop and Jasper Skytram
C.having a lot of food to order in the restaurant
D.taking the Jasper Skytram back to Banff
If you look up the word “create” in the dictionary , you will find it means “to bring into being, to cause to exist something each of us does daily”.
We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way First, this includes an awareness of our surroundings.It means using all of our senses to become aware of our world.This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture(质地),as well as taste, when we plan a meal.Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.
A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things.If we believe the expression,“There is nothing new under the sun, the creativity is remaking or recombining(重组) the old in new ways.”For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to create an unusual photograph.
A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our new ideas, to ask for them to achieve some new results.To think up a new idea is one thing; to put the idea to work is another.
These three parts of creativity are included in all the great works of geniuses, but they are also included in many of our day-to-day activities.
小题1:Which of the following activities is NOT a creative one according to the passage?
A.To prepare for a meal.
B.To arrange the furniture in a special way.
C.To buy some books from a bookstore.
D.To“write”a letter with the computer.
小题2:“There is nothing new under the sun” really implies that _________.
A.a new thing can only be created at the basis of earlier things
B.a new thing is only a tale
C.we can seldom create new things
D.we can hardly see really new things in the world
小题3:What does the author think about the relationship between a new thought and its being put into
A.It’s more difficut to create a new thought than to use it in practice.
B.To find a new thought will clearly lead to the production of a new thing.
C.A man with an excellent ability of practice can easily become an inventor.
D.One may come up with a new thought, but can not put it into practice.
小题4:The best title for this passage is__________.
A.How to Develop One’s Creativity
B.What Is Creativity
C.The Importance of Creativity
D.Creativity, a Not Faraway Thing

Dear Ralf,
I have received your letter from school and am glad to know that you are becoming responsible(有责任的)enough to decide on your career.
You are now in the final year of college and are about to start more independent life in society. You know that a generation divides us, and the conditions of social life were different in my days. However, all I can say as advice is that you must select a career wisely. The first consideration is your interest. You can only succeed and feel happy when you do something you enjoy. Your job must be both gainful and satisfying. Then, you must read up on the latest books on the field you are aiming at. Also, you should get familiar with the men and women in the profession of that field. When mind and heart function together, success is inevitable(必然的).
No career is more or less important than any other career. It takes different people to operate the machine of life. I think your interest may lie in the field of making TV programs. Your great communication skills, your active participation(参与) in school plays and the prizes you have won in speech competitions all point in that direction. So a career in Mass Communication and TV film production proves suitable for you. If you succeed and make it in that field, fame and treasure will both follow.
Think a thousand times before making any final decision regarding your career. Anyhow, I want you to be a man of success.
I know that you are mature(成熟的) enough to think for yourself.
With all the best wishes!
Your loving father
56. We can infer that Ralf wrote a letter to ask for advice on how to ________.
A. prepare for a competition.                  B. communicate with others
C. choose a career                               D. get good marks
57. What can we know about Ralf?
A. He has graduated from college.           B. He gets on badly with his father.
C. He has taken part in school plays.        D. He won prizes in the field of making films.
58. Ralf’s father thinks that ________.
A. fame is more important than treasure
B. every career is of the same importance
C. Ralf is too young to make a decision himself
D. there is no real understanding between parents and children
59. The father suggests that his son should ____________.
A. consider his interest first when choosing a career.
B. make friends with successful people.
C. be never proud when making progress
D. be active in school activities.
According to some talk, the younger generation in Smithville is the most antisocial in history. This seems far from the truth. Young people today as a whole are better, more informed, more ambitious, healthier, and more smart than ever before. Why then, it may be asked, do we see such restlessness and such antisocial behavior among our young people?
For the answer the citizens of this community must look at themselves. What have they done to the grounds that have been built in the last fifteen years? How many swimming pools are there? How many vocational training projects have been started? How many community – organized youth parties and picnics have been held?
The average citizen will answer that the responsibility for these activities belongs to the schools. But the schools cannot be held responsible for all the free – time activities of all the young people of this community. The job of the schools is formal education, not free – time recreation(娱乐).
This community needs a youth center suitable for such activities as picnics, camping, sports, music, art and so on. There should be social and recreational activities to meet the needs and interests of every member of our school age youth.
Mayor Elmo D. Greely has proposed the formation of a Youth Club as the first step in the direction of a Youth Center. Mayor Greely has called a meeting at the City Hall on Friday, August 15, at noon.
Giving up a lunch hour is a very little sacrifice for a project that can be of great importance to this community.
This newspaper urges every adult and young person of Smithville to attend this important meeting. We believe our industrial, business, and professional leaders have an especially strong duty to be present.
This newspaper will be present and intends to support this project with vigor.
小题1:The underlined word “antisocial” probably means “           ”.
A.opposed to an orderly society or way of lifeB.promising
C.suitable to present societyD.having a lot of social experience
小题2:What does the writer think of the sentence “The younger generation in Smithville is the most
antisocial in history.”?
A.He thinks it is true.B.He thinks it is not true.
C.He thinks it is partially true.D.He thinks it is nonsense.
小题3:The main idea of Paragraphs 2 and 3 is                 .
A.to give us lots of questions to show that problem is serious.
B.that school should hold the responsibility for education rather than free – time recreation.
C.to analyze the reasons why the youth are antisocial.
D.that we should take more activities or start many vocational projects.

Rescuers have found the bodies of over 130 people killed in two ferry disasters in Bangladesh.The accidents happened during a storm that hit the country on April 21.Hundreds more are missing or feared dead.
The two ferries sank in different rivers near the capital city of Dhakfi as strong winds and rain hit the South Asian country.The government has since banned all ferries and other boats from traveling at night during the April-May stormy season. One of the ferries,MV Mitali,was carrying far more people than it was supposed to. About 400 passengers fitted into a space made for just 300,police said.The second ferry carried about 100 passengers.
“The number of deaths is certain to rise.”said an official in charge of the rescue work.“No one really knows how many people were on board the ferry or how many of them survived.” Ferries in Bangladesh don’t always keep passenger lists,making it difficult to determine the exact number of people on board. Besides the ferry accidents,at least 40 people were killed and 400 injured by lightning strikes,falling houses and trees and the sinking of small boats. Storms are common this time of year in Bangladesh,as are boating accidents.Ferry disasters take away hundreds of lives every year in a nation of 130 million people. Officials blame these river accidents on a lack of safety measures, too many passengers in boats and not enough checks on weather conditions.Ferries are a common means of transport in Bangladesh.It is a country covered by about 230 rivers.Some 20,000 ferries use the nation’s Waterways every year.And many of them are dangerously overcrowded.Since 1977, more than 3,000 people have died in some 260 boating accidents.
63.________ passengers was MV Mitali designed to carry?
A.500   B.100   C.400   D.300
64.Officials blame boating accident on ________
A. strong winds.             B. bad weather conditions.
C. the blockages of waterways. D. the lack of safety measures.
65.Which of the following statements is NOT true of the two ferry disasters?
A. They were overcrowded. B. They sank on April 21.
C. The exact number of deaths could be easily determined.
D. They sank somewhere near Dhaka.

Early in the twentieth century, two famous scientists developed different ideas about dreams. Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud published a book called The Interpretation of Dreams in 1900. Freud believed people often dream about things they want but cannot have. These dreams are often linked to sex and aggression.
For Freud, dreams were full of hidden meaning. He tried to understand dreams as a way to understand people and why they acted or thought in certain ways. Freud believed that every thought and every action started deep in our brains. He thought dreams could be an important way to understand what is happening in our brains.
Freud told people what their dreams meant as a way of helping them solve problems or understand their worries. For example, Freud said when people dream of flying or swinging, they want to be free of their childhood. When a person dreams that a brother or sister or parent has died, the dreamer is really hiding feelings of hatred for that person. Or a desire to have what the other person has.
Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung worked closely with Freud for several years. But he developed very different ideas about dreams. Jung believed dreams could help people grow and understand themselves. He believed dreams provide solutions to problems we face when we are awake.
He also believed dreams tell us something about ourselves and our relations with other people. He did not believe dreams hide our feelings about sex or aggression.
68.According to the passage, Sigmund Freud held that ________________.
A.dreams can help understand people’s action
B.when people dream that they fly in the sky, they are actually desire something
C.if a person dreams that a brother has died, he or she must hates the brother
D.if people want to better understand themselves, they will dream
69. What is Carl Jung’s opinion of dreams?
A. His dreams are different from those of Sigmund Freud.
B. Whenever we face problems, we can find solutions to them in our dreams.
C. Dreams help understand people’s thoughts.
D. Dreams at times show our relations with other people.
70. From the passage, we learn that ______________________.
A. The Interpretation of Dreams was written by Freud as well as Jung
B. Freud helped people solve problems by telling what their dreams meant
C. Freud and Jung always worked together
D. both of them told us clearly why we dream
The author seems to be ___________.
A. in favor of Freud             B. in favor of Jung    C. objective     D. critical

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