
Opened in 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge was the first long?span bridge to carry motor traffic, and it quickly became the model for the great suspension bridges of the following century. Spanning New York's East River, it provided the first traffic artery (要道)between Manhattan Island and Brooklyn. Before that, the only transportation was by ferries, which were slow and could be dangerous in winter.

The construction of a bridge over the EastRiver had been discussed since the early 19th century, but the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 deflected all consideration of the project. When the war ended in 1865, the bridge became an important issue once more. In 1867, the New York State passed an act setting up the New York Bridge Company for the purpose of constructing a bridge between Manhattan Island and Brooklyn.

John Augustus Roebling was chosen to design the bridge. Born in Germany in 1806, he held aggressive views as a student and was listed by the German police as a dangerous figure. He emigrated to America in 1830 to escape political discrimination.

Roebling proposed a bridge with a span of 1,500 feet (465 m), with two towers in the East River serving as the main piers. The bridge that was actually built is longer—1,597 feet (486 m), the longest suspension bridge at that time.

1.What was the purpose of building the Brooklyn Bridge?

A.To replace an old bridge.

B.To set up a model for bridge construction.

C.To build a long?span bridge for the Civil War.

D.To provide faster and safer transportation than boats.

2.Which of the following is closest in meaning to “deflected” in the second paragraph?

A.blocked B.developed

C. deserved D.indicated

3.Which of the following is TRUE about the Brooklyn Bridge?

A.It was built in 1865.

B.It is shorter than originally planned.

C.It was first proposed after the Civil War.

D.It was built by the New York Bridge Company.

4.According to the passage, which of the following correctly describes John Augustus Roebling?

A.He participated in the Civil War and was seriously wounded.

B.He was the first person to propose the construction of the bridge.

C.He was chosen to design the bridge because of his aggressive views.

D.He moved to America because he was discriminated against in his home country.




It was December 2013, and I decided to return to India after spending five years in the US studying.

I was in the process of _________ and among the items I put up for sale was an old computer. A student agreed to take it for $ 20. I decided to wipe it clean _________ handing it over , but while doing so, a tiny spring (弹簧) _________ and disappeared somewhere on the floor.

I put the _________ off for a week and found a small downtown repair shop. The repairman there, a tall gentleman, was kind and helpful. “It’s a _________ job,” he said, examining the computer. “We only _________ a small fee.”

When I returned the next day, I noticed that the spring had been _________ and that the computer was in working order. But I was served a bill for $ 50! I tried to _________ my troubles to the store manager, who although _________ , was unmoved. “Sorry,” he said to me, “I can’t break the rules.”

However, he did suggest a (n) _________ . “We can undo what the repairman has done,” he said. “That way you can take back the computer without having to pay our _________ .” I agreed, somehow feeling both _________ and disappointment. The repairman removed the spring, then handed the computer back to me.

I tucked (裹起) it under my arm and hurried towards my _________ , eager to forget the whole thing. Just then, in the deserted parking lot, I felt a_________ tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find the tall repairman standing behind me with a_________ .

“Hey man, take it easy,” he told me. “_________ a spring isn’t that difficult. You can do it yourself.” He then walked back to the store after having _________ two tiny computer springs into my palm.

I guess he gave me two pieces _________ I broke or lost the first one while trying to fix it myself. I really wanted to go back to the store to _________ him, but I didn’t know what to say or how to say it without getting him in _________ with his employer.

1.A. counting B. relaxing C. packing D. gathering

2.A. before B. since C. after D. while

3.A. turned up B. came off C.tried out D. broke down

4.A. repairman B. flight C. graduation D. buyer

5.A. simple B. tight C. precious D. diverse

6.A. pay B. owe C. charge D. spend

7.A. cleaned B. replaced C. furnished D. removed

8.A. reflect B. argue C. share D. explain

9.A. sympathetic B. cruel C. selfish D. marvelous

10.A. favor B. wish C. alternative D. example

11.A. offer B. bill C. effort D. work

12.A. anxiety B. excitement C. anger D. relief

13.A. car B. college C. company D. neighborhood

14.A. constant B. rough C. heavy D. gentle

15.A. book B. spring C. smile D. computer

16.A. fixing B. buying C. finding D. making

17.A. pushed B. slipped C. kept D. held

18.A. even if B. now that C. in case D. as though

19.A. praise B. greet C. comfort D. thank

20.A. touch B. trouble C. agreement D. Harmony




There is a man who was born1.______a passion to succeed . When he was young, he told his classmates , “Someday, I will be one of the greatest basketball2.______(play)in basketball history.” Nobody believed him, 3.____ he still worked hard playing basketball. In 2008, he won a gold medal as a member of the 2008 Summer Olympics U.S. Men's Basketball Team, occasionally 4.______(refer)

to as "The Redeem Team." Nothing is 5.______ (possible)for a willing heart. He said , “were it not for my persistence(坚持), I 6._______(not make) such achievements.”

In order to be the best player, he has been looking for examples 7.________ inspire him from all aspects , not 8.______from Michael Jordan but also from Bruce Lee. And he believes all the time that the only way to win is to keep leaning, and training. Once a journalist asked him, “ What made you achieve your success?” He smiled and responded, “ Have you ever seen the scene of Los Angeles at 4am? I see often, because I 9.___________(start) training since that time.” To seize every opportunity to prove yourself to everyone , to those who say you can never succeed is 10.________ he wants to convey to us today -- --positive energy . This great man is Kobe Bryant , one who pursues his dream strongly , who pays everything for his dream.


A lesson from my mother will always stay with me.

I was in the third grade then. I had been ______ to be the princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had practiced my ______ with me. But no matter how easily I delivered them at home, as soon as I stepped onstage, every word ______ from my head.

Finally, my teacher took me aside. She ______ that she had written a narrator’s(旁白)part to the play, and asked me to ______ roles. Her word, kindly delivered, still hurt me, especially ______ I saw my part go to another girl.

My mothe______ my ill feelings, although I didn’t tell her what had happened. ______suggesting we practice my lines, she asked if I wanted to______ in the yard.

It was a lovely spring day and the rose vine(藤)was turning ______ . Under the huge trees, we could see yellow dandelions(蒲公英)appearing. I watched my mother ______ to dig up some dandelions. “From now on, we’ll have only roses in this garden,” she said.

“But I like dandelions,” I said. “All ______ are beautiful --- even dandelions.” My mother looked at me ______ . “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it?” she asked. I ______ , pleased that I had won her over. “And that is ______ of people too,” she added. “Not everyone can be a princess, but there is no ______ in that.”

Knowing that she had guessed my ______ , I started to cry as I told her what had happened. She listened and smiled.

“But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, ______me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her. “The narrator’s ______ is every bit as important as the part of a princess.”

Over the next few weeks, with her constant ______, I learned to take pride in the role.

1.A.judged B.picked C.refused D.paid

2.A.points B.films C.lines D.actions

3.A.disappeared B.occurred C.maintained D.came

4.A.promised B.admitted C.expected D.explained

5.A.provide B.switch C.share D.play

6.A.before B.since C.because D.when

7.A.accepted B.understood C.sensed D.received

8.A.Except for B.Instead of C.Apart from D.Along with

9.A.walk B.sleep C.perform D.dance

10.A.yellow B.green C.dark D.red

11.A.go back B.jump out C.break in D.bend down

12.A.trees B.flowers C.roses D.creatures

13.A.seriously B.angrily C.unwillingly D.coldly

14.A.disagreed B.sighed C.cried D.nodded

15.A.lucky B.worthy C.true D.free

16.A.doubt B.argument C.shame D.mercy

17.A.pain B.problem C.accident D.answer

18.A.reminding B.abusing C.informing D.persuading

19.A.voice B.name C.idea D.part

20.A.warning B.encouragement C.praise D.award

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