Tu Youyou£¬together with two other scientists£¬were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine£¬according to China Daily£®Everyone in China deserves to take pride in£¬for one of the long-held goals we have been dreaming of has been become a reality£®
Tu Youyou£¬born on December 30£¬1930£¬is the famous Chinese medical scientist£®She has devoted her whole life to study Chinese traditional medicine£®His discovery of artemisinin£¨ÇàÝïËØ£©as well as its benefit in treating malaria£¨Å±¼²£© is regarded as a breakthrough in tropical medicines£®It has great improved health for those in developed countries such as those in South Asia and Africa£®Because of her outstanding work£¬in 2011Tu Youyou received the Lasker Award£¬what is called"America's Nobels£®"
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½â´ð Tu Youyou£¬together with two other scientists£¬were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine£¬according to China Daily£®Everyone in China deserves to take pride in¡Ä£¬for one of the long-held goals we have been dreaming of has been become a reality£®
Tu Youyou£¬born on December 30£¬1930£¬is the famous Chinese medical scientist£®She has devoted her whole life to study Chinese traditional medicine£®His discovery of artemisinin£¨ÇàÝïËØ£©as well as its benefit in treating malaria£¨Å±¼²£© is regarded as a breakthrough in tropical medicines£®It has great improved health for those in developed countries such as those in South Asia and Africa£®Because of her outstanding work£¬in 2011Tu Youyou received the Lasker Award£¬what is called"America's Nobels£®"
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10£®what¸ÄΪwhich£»Á¬´Ê´íÎó£®¾äÖÐis called"America's NobelsÐÞÊÎthe Lasker Award£¬ÊÇÒ»¸ö·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£»´Ó¾äȱÉÙÖ÷ÓÇÒÏÈÐдÊthe Lasker AwardÖ¸ÎҪÓÃwhichÀ´Òýµ¼£®
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A£® | had she felt | B£® | did she feel | C£® | she had felt | D£® | she felt |
A£® | that | B£® | what | C£® | it | D£® | one |
A£® | If I attended | B£® | Had I attended | ||
C£® | If I should attend | D£® | Were I to attend |