8. On the long journey,he proved himself to be an amusing (同伴) .
8. companion
4. 我想他们不可能允许我无票进人电影院。
9. We need you there to offer words of (鼓励) to the people caught in the mine.
7. He pretended (work) when the manager came in.
3. Much to our delight,the plan for a new teaching building met with the mayor's a .
3. The world has greatly (从.. 中获益;受益于)Edison's inventions.
2. 在会上经理建议可以用另一方式解决这个问题。
The manager suggested at the meeting that the problem in a
"different way. (solve)
10. Many Australians are turning caring for the environment into a way of life. other words,they have a deep sense of caring for nature.
9. There are many (race) cultures in the world and all these should be respected