
一It was really very kind of you to give me a lift.

  一Oh,don’t  mention it.I_______ past your workplace anyway.

   A.was coming    B.will come

   C.had come D.have come







When I was eight, my parents, my younger brother, Stewart, and a girl called Margo Edwards, who was at school with us, went on holiday to Mozambique. One day, we took out a small rowing boat with an outboard motor on it, and went fishing on a lagoon at a place called San Martina.

Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, there was this disturbance in the water. I remember at first everyone thought it was a dolphin, but it wasn't leaping in and out of the water, and before long we could see this grey fin moving purposefully towards us.

It then circled around our rowing boat, and I remember my father saying: 'Well, I think that's a shark . . .'

My mother was screaming, and father was shouting obscenities at this thing, which he was to bash (痛击) back with one of the oars. I had never seen my parents in obvious terror before, and that's something which never leaves you.

My mother clutched the three of us around her. I remember she had a navy blue robe, with huge starfishes and sunflowers on it, and us three kids gratefully huddled together inside it.

As soon as we were in the fishing boat there was this almost hysterical laughter, and I remember feeling very cold, and being unable to stop trembling.

We all talked about it continually, too, and probably made out we were far braver than we were. And there was lots of re-enactment(表演). I remember that we made mud pools. One of us would be crawling along, playing the shark, and the others screaming and shouting: 'Kill the shark'.

A. For the longest time this thing kept circling around us, and hitting our rowing boat, while Dad continued fighting it off, stabbing at it with his oar, which was probably the worst thing to have done because it must have made the beast even angrier than it already was.

B. Our story went back to the town. It spread like wildfire. Everybody knew about it, and people talked about it endlessly. My father was regarded as a bit of a hero: Dad the sharkbasher. If he'd caught the thing, then I suppose he would have been completely heroic.

C. The shark became a legend in the town and there were many local fishermen who claimed to have seen it moving around the bay. But despite all the stories of sightings, nobody ever managed to catch the thing.

D. It was early evening when the motor stopped, and we were stranded (搁浅). We started to shout in the hope that somebody would hear us; we knew the sound could travel because of the water being very flat and calm.

E. Eventually, people in a fishing boat heard us screaming, and came alongside, and a fisherman tied our boat up to his. He was very careful, or he seemed to be, and he and my father handed first us kids, and then mother, through to his boat, and our rowing boat was towed behind.

F. This monster started bashing our boat, which began rocking from side to side. We were just terrified because the boat was by now rocking so much we thought we were going to be tipped into the water and bitten up by this thing. I remember assuming that we were going to die.

It was the end of my first day as waitress in a busy New York restaurant. My cap had gone away, and my feet hurt. The loaded plates I carried seemed to be heavier and heavier. Tired and discouraged. I didn’t seem able to do anything right. As I wrote out a check for a family with several children who had changed their ice-cream order a dozen times, I was ready to quit. Then the father smiled at me as he handed me my tip. “Well done”, he said, “you’re looking after us really well.” Suddenly my tiredness disappeared. I smiled back, and later, when the manager asked me how I’d like my first day. I said, “Fine!” Those few words of praise had changed everything. Praise is like sunshine to the human spirit; no flower can grow without it. And yet, most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism; we are unwilling to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise. Why when one word of praise can bring such benefit?
In fact, to give praise costs the giver nothing but a moment’s thought and a moment’s effort but will reward both the giver and the recipient with a happy day. Let’s learn to give credit (赞扬) to people around us.
以120个词就“The Power of Praise”这个主题发表你的看法;并包括如下要点:
1) 在你周围,人们对赞美的看法和做法;
2) 你的观点如何?你怎么做?举例说明赞美的力量。

A Little Hero
A group of Italian soldiers led by a captain were advancing slowly toward the position of the enemy. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy, cutting a branch of a tree with his knife.
"What are you doing here?" asked the captain. "Why didn’t you leave with your family?"
  "I don’t have any family," said the boy. "I’m an orphan. I used to work for the family that lived here. They’ve gone, but I stayed in order to see the fighting."
  "Have you seen any Austrians pass by here?"
  "Not within the last three days."
  "Do you think you could climb that tree and tell me whether you see anything of the Austrians in the distance?"
  In a few minutes the boy was at the top of the tree.
  "Look straight ahead," cried the captain, "and tell me what you see."
  "Two men on horseback - nothing else."
  "How far away?"
  "About a mile and a half. They’re standing still." ….
  "They’re shooting at me," said the boy. "but don’t worry. Let me tell you what’s to the left. Well, there’s a church and I think I see..."
   A third bullet passed, and the boy was seen to fall suddenly from the tree, dead.
  "Poor boy!" said the captain, covering the boy’s body with a national flag and saying, "He died like a soldier and we must bury him like a soldier."
Soon it was covered with flowers. He gave his life to his country.
学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,你参加其中的“童年生活”讨论。听完Joe讲的故事“A Little Hero” 之后,你准备写一份发言稿,题目是“After Listening to ‘A Little Hero’ ”,内容要点包括:
1. 以约30个词概括你听完A Little Hero的故事;
2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你的童年生活,内容包括:
(1) 对自己童年生活的感受;
(2) 你的童年以及现在的生活和故事中那位小英雄的童年生活有什么不同?
(3) 作为一位高中学生,你未来的理想是什么?
1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



A.      Current situation and future of reality shows

B.      Audience’s reaction to reality TV

C.      Critics’ relevant comments

D.      Attractions for producers and participants

E.       Definition of “watch and dial ”show

F.       Introduction to new reality shows





 European television had the idea of taking ordinary people and turning them into “stars” by putting them in unusual situation. “Big Brother” (created in Holland) was one of the first. A group of people were locked in a small house with cameras running 24 hours a day. It was called a “watch and dial” show because viewers vote by telephone to decide who should leave or stay.


“Big Brother” was probably the first of the new reality shows, but such a programme has developed. Many have found appeal(有吸引力) by having a theme to them, but most are based on the principle of “survival of the fittest” by eliminating(排除) participants(参与者) as the series progresses .So we have the dating shows where winners either pair off or stay true to their partners outside the TV studio. Then there are those that test people’s abilities for specific jobs like running a kitchen, becoming an interior designer or a top model.



Critics say these programmes are basically bad television, but people watch them. So why are there so many of them? For the viewer it’s an opportunity to “people watch”. It’s natural to like watching other people. They’re interesting. We can imagine what we would do in that situation. We get to know the characters and see them grow and develop week after week. And of course, television is the perfect place to watch people. Like the theatre or cinema we can look at other people and they can’t look back. But with television, we can watch in our own homes. We watch, but we don’t have to admit it to anyone.



The TV companies like reality shows because they are cheap to produce and attract younger viewers, which advertisers like. The last “Big Brother” in Britain attracted enormous(巨大的) advertising revenue. They aren’t dependent on “star” actors with enormous salaries. And your actors won’t go on strike. And why do people participate in them? Well, for fame and money of course. In the past, appearing on television wasn’t for ordinary people. You had to be good at something, like sport, or reading the news, or acting .But not any more



It seems that most shows do well at the beginning but then the viewing figures begin to fall .And it varies from country to country too. For example ,one show had an adopted child try to guess the identity of her real father, and another had a family arguing over an inheritance(遗产).Both were cancelled after one episode(一集). Perhaps the novelty(新鲜感) has worn off. Certainly, reality TV seems to appeal much more to the younger audience. And now there are so many shows around even the young have become more critical. Reality show will probably survive—it’s just no longer so easy to make a successful one .


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