
     Sixteen-year-old Karlos Dearmans's future is looking much brighter than be might have imagined.
"I've always been into bikes, but never thought I'd end up working with them," he says. "This scheme
has changed my life." 
     Karlos is learning to refurbish (翻新) old bicycles in the workshop of ReCycle Bikes, a local community
(社区) charity in Sheffied, which has a contract with the city council to provide training opportunities for
young people aged 14 to 16, particularly those dropping out of school.
     "It's about engaging youngsters with education and you thtraining by teaching them work and life skills,"
explains Des Pearce, workshop training manager. "These young people have so much potential, but often
don't realize it."
     Established in 2001, ReCycle Bikes repairs bicycles donated by the public, which, once restored, are
sold for £20. Abandoned bikes supplied by the council ensure a steady flow of bikes, but a recently
formed partnership with Sheffield University should improve further the prospects of the young mechanics.   
     "The student population presents a large and ready market," says Pearce. "So we approached the
university last year and offered to host bike sales on the campus. They thought it was a great idea, and
agreed to supplement our council funding. This means we can train youngsters to repair extra 500 bikes
over three years."   
     Having set up ReCycle Bikes on his own, Pearce now has the staff and resources to track the career
development of those who have passed through his workshop. "However, in the past we depended on
the evidence of personal accounts from the schools because of lack of human and material resources,"
he says.   
     That most of the teenagers enjoy the work is, according to Pearce, easily explained. "Most kids have
ridden a bike and know how to oil a chain or mend a puncture. As low-cost transport, cycling gives the
young and old a sense of freedom and independence, and the impact on their well-being is immense. Add
to that a growing concern for the environment, and it's no surprise that bike sales are on the increase."
1. What do we know about ReCycle Bikes?
A. It is a popular brand of bikes which are sold in Sheffield.
B. It is a local community charity that provides training opportunities for reenagers.
C. It is a contract signed between a local community charity and the city council.
D. It is a training program offered by the city council to those excluded from school.
2. How did ReCycle Bikes run at the beginning?
A. By repairing bicycles donated by the public and selling them.
B. By donations from the public and Sheffield University.
C. By selling bicycles supplied by the city council.
D. By tuition fees from kids aged between 14 and 16.
3. ReCycle Bikes has formed a partnership with Sheffield University because ____.
A. students at Sheffield University assure a large and ready market
B. Sheffield University offers many mechanical teachers to ReCycle Bikes
C. heffield University donates a lot of money to ReCycle Bikes
D. teenagers at ReCycle Bikes can study at Sheffield University
4. ReCycle Bikes depended on information from the schools in the past because ____.
A. the schools could give accurate information  to improve its service
B. students disliked telling the truth when asked about  their personal ideas
C. ReCycle Bikes didn't have the ability to track students'  career development
D. most of the training organizations did it this way at that moment


  “Privacy” is translated as“yin si”in Chinese. Traditionally, in the Chinese mind,“yin si”is associated with that which is closed or unfair. If someone is said to have“yin si”, meddlers (好事者) will be attracted to pry(打探)into his or her affairs. So people always state that they don't have“yin si”.

  On the contrary, Americans often declare their intention to protect their privacy. Their understanding of privacy is that others have no right to pry into things which belong to themselves alone and have nothing to do with others. One who is too curious and who spreads rumors is said to violate the right to privacy.

  In the evening, Sonia and I went to a bar for dinner. In China, when people mention bars, something bad usually comes to mind. But here, the bar was a quiet and tastefully laid out place. People spoke quite softly, afraid of interrupting their neighbors, and sat face to face as they drank, sometimes three or five persons sitting together.

  This sort of atmosphere was totally different from my preconception(传统观念), so I wanted to take a picture. Sonia stopped me:“Don't you see these people are pouring out their hearts? Maybe they are colleagues, friends, secret lovers. They came here looking for a peaceful place free from interruption by others. They wouldn't want to leave any trace of their having come here. So taking their pictures would be a serious violation of their right to privacy.”

  Is there privacy between husband and wife? One of Sonia's friends married a talented Chinese man, but recently she became so angry that she wanted a divorce(离婚). The reason was that her husband had opened one of her letters and looked through her purse. The husband didn't realize that this is not tolerated in the U.S. He thought that being a couple was like being one person; why couldn't he see the letter or the contents of the purse? Truly, everyone, even those living as a couple, needs room--not only in three-dimensional(三维) space, but in the heart.

1.What is the main idea of the text?

[  ]

A.The understanding of“privacy”is different in China and America.

B.There is privacy between husband and wife in America.

C.Everyone has the right to privacy.

D.Everyone in every country needs room for himself.

2.Sonia stopped me when I wanted to take a picture in the bar because _____.

[  ]

A.taking pictures in a bar was not allowed in America

B.taking pictures in a bar would interrupt the neighbors

C.people who came here are colleagues,friends or secret lovers

D.taking pictures in a bar would violate other people's right to privacy

3.One of Sonia's friends wanted a divorce because _____.

[  ]

A.she thought her husband was not clever enough

B.her husband always opened her letters

C.her husband always looked through her purse

D.her husband didn't respect her right to privacy

4.Which of the following statements is NOT the Americans' understanding of privacy?

[  ]

A.Privacy is connected with something that is unfair and bad.

B.Other people have no right to pry into his or her affairs.

C.There is privacy even between couples.

D.The right to privacy shouldn't be violated by others.

5.According to this text, we can infer that in America we can do all the following except _____.

[  ]

A.declaring that we have privacy

B.going to a bar with friends

C.asking your friends about their marriage

D.taking pictures in a national park

When I worked in Swaziland, one day we went to an orphanage. There we found a beautiful little girl named Tanzile. I gave her a sweet and she said something back to me in Si-swati, which the nurse next to me translated, “She wants another one — to give to her little sister.” I said “of course”. When we were going to leave, we passed by Tanzile’s house to say goodbye. To our surprise she seemed to be holding on to that extra sweet I had given her. I remember saying to the nurse “this little darling is clever — she has taken two for herself.”
But the nurse told us, “Tanzile is 7 now. Two years ago her mum and dad both died of AIDS. She was separated from her sister who was three at the time. Tanzile has not laid eyes on her since. But from then on whenever Tanzile receives anything from anyone, including food — she refuses to accept it, unless they give her two.” In fact, in the little mud hut where she lives, we find a pile of old things which she has been collecting to give to her sister one day.
People sometimes look at faces of African children and think that they are somehow different from our kids — that somehow they don’t feel pain or love. But that is not true. Their pain is deep. And so is their love. I can still remember the nurse trying to convince her that “if someone gives you food, you must accept it — even if it is only one piece and not two — for your own health.” And it was so hard for us to keep the tears from our eyes as she shook her head. Her hope and her love was all that she had. It mattered more than anything else. When I returned home that day, I was shocked to find that this was not an isolated story but others in the hospital knew of orphans just like Tanzile — waiting with a little pile of things in their hut, for their lovers who they haven’t seen so long.
I think of that old song — “when we’re hungry, love will keep us alive.”
56. From the passage we can learn Tanzile__________.
A. is very clever        B. knows her sister has died
C. has stored a lot for her sister       D. doesn’t like sweets
57. How old was her sister when the author met with Tanzile?
A. Three years old.    B. Four years old.
C. Five years old.     D. Six years old.
58. What has the author learned from her experience in Africa?
A. Love is more important in life than anything else.
B. African children are different in a way.
C. African children should be treated fairly.
D. We should express our love in time.
59. The best title for the passage would be __________
A. Give every child two sweets      B. Tanzile’s love for her sister
C. One for my sister               D. Change your attitude to African children

When I worked in Swaziland, one day we went to an orphanage (孤儿院).There we found a beautiful little girl named Tanzile.I gave her a sweet and she said something back to me in Si-swati, which the nurse next to me translated, “She wants another one — to give to her little sister.” I said “of course”.When we were going to leave, we passed by Tanzile’s house to say goodbye.To our surprise she seemed to be holding on to that extra sweet I had given her.I remember saying to the nurse “this little darling is clever — she has taken two for herself.”
But the nurse told us, “Tanzile is 7 now.Two years ago her mum and dad both died of AIDS.She was separated from her sister who was three at the time.Tanzile has not laid eyes on her since.But from then on whenever Tanzile receives anything from anyone, including food — she refuses to accept it, unless they give her two.” In fact, in the little mud hut where she lives, we find a pile of old things which she has been collecting to give to her sister one day.
People sometimes look at faces of African children and think that they are somehow different from our kids — that somehow they don’t feel pain or love.But that is not true.Their pain is deep.And so is their love.I can still remember the nurse trying to convince her that “if someone gives you food, you must accept it — even if it is only one piece and not two — for your own health.” And it was so hard for us to keep the tears from our eyes as she shook her head.Her hope and her love was all that she had.It mattered more than anything else.When I returned home that day, I was shocked to find that this was not an isolated story but others in the hospital knew of orphans just like Tanzile — waiting with a little pile of things in their hut, for their lovers who they haven’t seen so long.
I think of that old song — “when we’re hungry, love will keep us alive.”
56.From the passage we can learn Tanzile       .
A.is very clever                         B.knows her sister has died
C.has stored a lot for her sister          D.doesn’t like sweets
57.How old was her sister when the author met with Tanzile?
A.Three years old.          B.Four years old.
C.Five years old.            D.Six years old.
58.What has the author learned from her experience in Africa?
A.Love is more important in life than anything else.
B.African children are different in a way.
C.African children should be treated fairly.
D.We should express our love in time.
59.The best title for the passage would be        .
A.Give every child two sweets       B.Tanzile’s love for her sister
C.One for my sister              D.Change your attitude to African children




When I worked in Swaziland, one day we went to an orphanage. There we found a beautiful little girl named Tanzile. I gave her a sweet and she said something back to me in Si-swati, which the nurse next to me translated, “She wants another one — to give to her little sister.” I said “of course”. When we were going to leave, we passed by Tanzile’s house to say goodbye. To our surprise she seemed to be holding on to that extra sweet I had given her. I remember saying to the nurse “this little darling is clever — she has taken two for herself.”

But the nurse told us, “Tanzile is 7 now. Two years ago her mum and dad both died of AIDS. She was separated from her sister who was three at the time. Tanzile has not laid eyes on her since. But from then on whenever Tanzile receives anything from anyone, including food — she refuses to accept it, unless they give her two.” In fact, in the little mud hut where she lives, we find a pile of old things which she has been collecting to give to her sister one day.

People sometimes look at faces of African children and think that they are somehow different from our kids — that somehow they don’t feel pain or love. But that is not true. Their pain is deep. And so is their love. I can still remember the nurse trying to convince her that “if someone gives you food, you must accept it — even if it is only one piece and not two — for your own health.” And it was so hard for us to keep the tears from our eyes as she shook her head. Her hope and her love was all that she had. It mattered more than anything else. When I returned home that day, I was shocked to find that this was not an isolated story but others in the hospital knew of orphans just like Tanzile — waiting with a little pile of things in their hut, for their lovers who they haven’t seen so long.

I think of that old song — “when we’re hungry, love will keep us alive.”

56. From the passage we can learn Tanzile__________.

A. is very clever        B. knows her sister has died

C. has stored a lot for her sister       D. doesn’t like sweets

57. How old was her sister when the author met with Tanzile?

A. Three years old.    B. Four years old.

C. Five years old.     D. Six years old.

58. What has the author learned from her experience in Africa?

A. Love is more important in life than anything else.

B. African children are different in a way.

C. African children should be treated fairly.

D. We should express our love in time.

59. The best title for the passage would be __________

A. Give every child two sweets      B. Tanzile’s love for her sister

C. One for my sister               D. Change your attitude to African children




When I worked in Swaziland, one day we went to an orphanage (孤儿院).There we found a beautiful little girl named Tanzile.I gave her a sweet and she said something back to me in Si-swati, which the nurse next to me translated, “She wants another one — to give to her little sister.” I said “of course”.When we were going to leave, we passed by Tanzile’s house to say goodbye.To our surprise she seemed to be holding on to that extra sweet I had given her.I remember saying to the nurse “this little darling is clever — she has taken two for herself.”

But the nurse told us, “Tanzile is 7 now.Two years ago her mum and dad both died of AIDS.She was separated from her sister who was three at the time.Tanzile has not laid eyes on her since.But from then on whenever Tanzile receives anything from anyone, including food — she refuses to accept it, unless they give her two.” In fact, in the little mud hut where she lives, we find a pile of old things which she has been collecting to give to her sister one day.

People sometimes look at faces of African children and think that they are somehow different from our kids — that somehow they don’t feel pain or love.But that is not true.Their pain is deep.And so is their love.I can still remember the nurse trying to convince her that “if someone gives you food, you must accept it — even if it is only one piece and not two — for your own health.” And it was so hard for us to keep the tears from our eyes as she shook her head.Her hope and her love was all that she had.It mattered more than anything else.When I returned home that day, I was shocked to find that this was not an isolated story but others in the hospital knew of orphans just like Tanzile — waiting with a little pile of things in their hut, for their lovers who they haven’t seen so long.

I think of that old song — “when we’re hungry, love will keep us alive.”

56.From the passage we can learn Tanzile       .

A.is very clever                         B.knows her sister has died

C.has stored a lot for her sister          D.doesn’t like sweets

57.How old was her sister when the author met with Tanzile?

A.Three years old.          B.Four years old.

C.Five years old.            D.Six years old.

58.What has the author learned from her experience in Africa?

A.Love is more important in life than anything else.

B.African children are different in a way.

C.African children should be treated fairly.

D.We should express our love in time.

59.The best title for the passage would be        .

A.Give every child two sweets       B.Tanzile’s love for her sister

C.One for my sister              D.Change your attitude to African children


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