
Jack has regarded as a young hero in his town for his heroic deed.The other day,Jack was going home by bike as usual while he heard a woman screaming  for help.Then he was riding quickly towards the direction of the voice.At the corner,he saw a woman stopping by a man with a knife in her hand.Without hesitation,Jack made a immediate dive for the robber and controlled him by held him down against the ground.A few minutes later,three policeman came and took the robber away.Slight wounded as he was in the left hand,but since then he has become well known as a young hero all over the town.

分析 因为杰克的英勇事迹,他在镇上被称作少年英雄.前几天,杰克像往常一样正骑着自行车回家,这时突然听到一个女人正在喊救命.然后他迅速的向那个声音传来的方向骑去.在拐角处,他看见一个女士正在被一个人用刀胁迫.毫不犹豫,杰克立刻向劫匪猛冲过去,控制住劫匪并将其按倒在地.几分钟后,三个警察过来把劫匪带走.尽管杰克左手轻微受伤,但自此以后他就成了全镇上公认的少年英雄.

解答 Jack has∧regarded as a young hero in his town for his heroic deed.The other day,Jack was going home by bike as usual while he heard a woman screaming  for help.T
         been                                                                                                                                                                 when
hen he was riding quickly towards the direction of the voice.At the corner,he saw a woman stopping by a man with a knife in her hand.Without hesitation,Jack mad
                                      in                                                                                            stopped                                      his
e a immediate dive for the robber and controlled him by held him down against the ground.A few minutes later,three policeman came and took the robber away.Slight 
  an                                                                           holding                                                                                 policemen                                              Slightly
wounded as he was in the left hand,but since then he has become well known as a young hero all over the town.
1.在has后加been.考查现在完成时的被动语态.be regarded as…意为"被看做/称作…",由于句子是现在完成时,所以be要用过去分词been的形式,构成了现在完成时的被动语态.
2.把while改为when.考查连词. 由句子结构可知此处需要引导时间状语从句的连词,本句的句子结构为be doing…when…"正在做某事这时突然…",用连词when,while不可用于此结构.
3.把towards改为in.考查介词.in the direction of…在某个方向,用介词in.
4.把stopping改为stopped.考查非谓语动词.动词stop的逻辑主语是a woman,它们之间是动宾关系,所以此处用过去分词形式表被动.
5.把her改为his.考查代词.此处考查形容词性物主代词,因为前面是a man,所以此处用his而不是her.
8.把policeman改为policemen.考查名词单复数.由前面的three 可知此处应该用复数形式.
9.把Slight 改为Slightly.考查副词.由于要修饰后面的动词wounded,所以要用副词形式,slight的副词形式为slightly.

点评 本题重点考查了被动语态、连词、介词、代词、非谓语动词、副词等知识点,做题时需要认真读题,在了解篇章意思的基础上,根据所学基础知识找出错误点并依次改正,使行文通顺.

5.Travis is the manager of G&G where he is responsible for forty employees (雇员)and profits (利润)of over $2 million per year.He's never late to work.He does not get upset on the job.When one of his employees started crying after a customer screamed at her,Travis took her away."Your working uniform is your shelter,"he told her."Nothing anyone says will ever hurt you.You will always be as strong as you want to be."
Travis picked up that lecture in one of his G&G training courses,an education program that began on his first day and continues throughout an employee's occupation.The training has,Travis says,changed his life.G&G has taught him how to live,how to focus,how to get to work on time,and how to master his emotions (情绪).Most importantly,it taught him willpower.
At the center of that education is an extreme focus on an all-important habit; willpower.Dozens of cases show that willpower is the single most important habit for a person's success.
     And the best way to strengthen willpower is to make it into a habit."Sometimes it looks like people with great self-control aren't working hard-but that's because they've made it automatic,"Angela Duckworth,one of the University of Pennsylvania
researchers said."Their willpower occurs without them having to think about it."
    The company spent millions of dollars developing programs of study to train
employees on self-control.Managers wrote workbooks that serve as guides to how to make willpower a habit in workers'lives.Those courses arc,in part,why G&G has grown from a sleepy company into a large one with more than seventeen thousand stores and profits of more  than  10 billion a year.

33.We loam from Paragraph 2that employees in G&G mustB.
A.learn to give lectures
B.attend education programs
C.design a working uniform
D.develop a common hobby
34.Willpower will become a habit when employees canD.
A.focus on the profits
B.benefit from the job
C.protect themselves well
D.control their feeling well
35.What can we infer from the passage?C
A.G&G has grown into a large company.
B.G&G will spend half its profits training employees.
C.G&G may become more successful in the future.
D.G&G has to produce more workbooks for managers.
2.Science can't explain the power of pets,but many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure (血压) and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack,reduce loneliness and spread all-round good cheer.
  Any owner will tall you how much joy a pet brings.For some,an animal provides more comfort than a husband/wife.A 2002study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress (紧张) levels and blood pressure in people-half of them pet owners-while they performed 5minutes of mental arithmetic (算术) or held a hand in ice water.Subjects completed the tasks alone,with a husband/wife,a close friend or with a pet.People with pets did it best.Those tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates.With pets in the room,people also made fewer math mistakes than when doing in front of other companions.It seems people feel more relaxed (放松)around pets,says Allen,who thinks it may be because pets don't judge.
  A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits.Researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying 36fat people and their equally fat dogs on diet-and-exercise programs; a separate group of 56people without pets were put on a diet program.On average,people lost about I1pounds,or 5% of their body weight.Their dogs did even better,losing an average of 12pounds,more than 15% of their body weight.Dog owners didn't lose any more weight than those without dogs but,say researchers,got more exercise overall-mostly with their dogs-and found it worth doing.

67.What does the text mainly discuss?A
A.What pets bring to their owners.
B.How pets help people calm down.
C.People's opinions of keeping pets.
D.Pet's value in medical research.
68.We learn from the text that a person with heart disease has a better chance of getting well ifA
A.he has a pet companion
B.he has less stress of work
C.he often does mental arithmetic
D.he is taken care of by his family
69.According to Allen,why did the people do better with pets around when facing stressful tasks?C
A.They have lower blood pressure.
B.They become more patient.
C.They are less nervous.
D.They are in higher spirits.
70.The research mentioned in the last paragraph reports thatA
A.people with dogs did more exercise
B.dogs lost the same weight as people did
C.dogs liked exercise much more than people did
D.people without dogs found the program unhelpful.
9.As I enter my 40s,I've noticed many of my parents'generation think social networking is something they are simply incapable of understanding.They fear that,should they try,they will somehow get it wrong; they will say the wrong thing,do the wrong thing or behave in a way that causes embarrassment.But here's the first secret of social media:Everyone feels this way.
I recently met a young actor who was complaining that her work demands that she join Microblog,but she always feels like she doesn't have anything smart to say.It's the same resistance I hear from the older generation,who,however,have somehow convinced themselves that age is the barrier,rather than the differences of individual taste.
Here's the second secret of social media:everybody uses it for more or less the same reasons.Older generations often sign up to stay in touch with children and relatives.We talk about this kind of contact like it's some old-fashioned activity,but it is exactly why younger people use social media.The truth is most people use social media to gently keep an eye on one another,to see how those they care about are doing without needing to ring them up on the phone every night.
And this is the last secret of social media:everyone gets to use it their own way.Newcomers-younger and older-who worry about"getting it right"are assuming that there's a right way to get it.But actually there isn't.Personally,I talk a lot on Microblog.And some people post nothing and they use social media everyday as readers.Social media companies would rather see people pumping their networks full of pictures and posts,but there's no rule against being a fly on the wall.It's also a fine way to engage.
We're quick to forget that the web wasn't invented by 13-year-olds; it was created by today's seniors.I'd never try forcing those with no interest on social networks to use Microblog.But don't let the talk of age divides put you off.There's nothing to stop the older generation from re-taking the network their own generation created.

47.What's the author's purpose of writing this passageD?
A.To share with us his personal experience using social media.
B.To tell us a few secrets of social media that he discovered.
C.To explain why the old generation don't use social media.
D.To relieve the old generation from fearing using social media.
48.The expression"a fly on the wall"in the 4th paragraph refers toB.
A.people who promote reading online books
B.people who only observe others'posts
C.people who cause trouble to others
D.people who post many pictures
49.According to the author,which is a reason for old people's fear using social mediaA?
A.They believe that they may fall into embarrassing situations.
B.They prefer to stay in touch with relatives in real life.
C.They have no interest in social networking.
D.They have no idea what to post online.
50.Which of the following may best describe the structure of this passageB?
19.BEIJING-Family planning officers will handle the illegal birth case of film director Zhang Yimou by following legal procedures,a government spokesman said on Tuesday,December 10,2013.
When asked to comment on Zhang's case at a press conference,Yao Hongwen,spokesman for the National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC),said"Every citizen is equal before the law and nobody is allowed to have privileges(特权)to give birth to more children than allowed."
Yao's comment came after media stories claimed that Zhang had remarried and fathered a total of seven children:one with his former wife,three with his present wife,Chen Ting,and another three from two lovers.
"The NHFPC's attitude towards citizens'birth violations(违法)is consistent and clear…Every Chinese citizen should obey and safeguard the seriousness of laws and regulations."NHFPC spokesman Yao Hongwen said.
China's family planning policy,introduced in the late 1970s to slow down the country's growing population,limits most urban couples to one child and most rural couples to two.The policy was recently relaxed,allowing couples to have two children if one of them is an only child.
Those who break the policy face severe fines.The amount of the fine is generally several times the yearly annual income of the two spouses(配偶).Some media calculations put the fine that Zhang may face at as much as 160 million yuan(over $26 million).
Zhang's birth case has caused criticism online about famous people who have more children than the policy allows.
In an open letter on December 1,Zhang admitted that the couple has two sons and daughter and they are willing to accept investigation and punishment according to China's laws and regulations.He apologized to the public.
However,the letter denied that Zhang had lovers and was father to as many as seven children from various mothers.
Zhang,one of the"fifth generation"of Chinese filmmakers,made his first directorial work in 1987 with"Red Sorghum"and has won a number of award worldwide.He was chief director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games.
54.The purpose of the news report is toB
A.claim that Zhang Yimou remarried and fathered a total of seven children
B.inform us that Zhang's illegal birth case will be dealt with by the government
C.convince us that Zhang is a famous director and his case will be pardoned
D.confirm that Zhang's illegal birth case has resulted in lots of criticism online
55.According to Yao Hongwen,which of the following statements is true?A
A.Every Chinese citizen should obey and safeguard laws and regulations.
B.Few people have the privileges to give birth to more children than allowed.
C.China's family planning policy has never been relaxed since introduced.
D.Zhang will be fined as much as 160 million yuan for his violations.
56.Judging from the recent relaxed policy,a coupleC
A.can have as many as three children if they live in a rural area
B will definitely be fined if they have two children nowadays
C.can give birth to two children if one of them is an only child
D.can only give birth to two children if they live in an urban area.

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