
Do you like shopping? Or does the thought of wandering round the shops fill you with terror? For some of us, shopping is an enjoyable way of spending our spare time and our money. For me, it's something I would rather avoid. Thank goodness for the Internet! It's more convenient to buy CDs, electrical items, even food, from the comfort of your sofa. But that’s not the only reason: price is an important factor. We can buy goods and services cheaper online. But sometimes the problem is knowing what to buy. This has led to a type of shopping called “showrooming”.

Showrooming is something I've done. I will go to a shop to see, touch and try out products but then go home and buy them online at a lower price. I'm not alone in doing this. Research by a company called Foolproof, found 24%of people showroomed while Christmas shopping in 2013.

Amy Cashman, Head of Technology at TNS UK, says the reasons for this new shopping habit are that “people are lacking time, lacking money and they want security about the products they are buying.” She explains that consumers are not only shopping online at home but they are using the Internet in store or on their smartphones to shop around.

But does this mean technology will kill shops? Certainly shops will change. They will have to offer more competitive prices or encourage people to buy more by giving store discounts or free gifts.

We mustn’t forget that buying in a shop means you can get expert advice from the sales assistant and you can get good aftercare. It’s good to speak to a real human rather than look at a faceless computer screen but at least by showrooming, you get the best of both worlds!

1.The two questions in Paragraph 1 are raised to

A. give two examples

B. introduce the topic

C. compare different opinions

D. get answers from readers

2.What does showrooming mean in the text?

A. Trying in shops and buying online.

B. Showing products in a room.

C. Buying something in a store.

D. Shopping on the Internet.

3.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A. Online shops will disappear.

B. Free gifts will surely promote sales.

C. Shops need necessary changes.

D. Shops will be replaced by online shops.

4.The author's attitude towards showrooming is .

A. critical B. negative C. casual D. supportive


I was born with epilepsy, a disease of the nervous system that causes a person to fall unconscious. I first suffered from it at 3.My mother was also born with it, but only ever so often short periods, Elementary and Junior High were not easy for me. I was unable to take part in sports and events like the other students. I was being treated with medicines, as they were trying to find the right ones for me. I was a victim of bullying. and often got off the school bus crying. I had friends and good times, but I was never happy at school. I would rather stay at home and play the piano and read books.

The first two years of High School were the worst. I was bullied by girls and guys who didn't want to get to know me. I soon felt like there was something wrong with me. I felt alone, and my relationship with God was falling. Junior year, I took part in volleyball and cheerleading, and was Very 8uccessful in the two. I made t}1ree Very close friends, and I soon started acting like myself.

Senior year, I was Voted class clown, and I grew so strong and I shared my kindness with all around me, and stood up for what was right.

When l went off to college, I started attending church and my relationship with Cod was close again, like my younger days in Sunday sch001.1 wouldn't go back and change anything. I came to a conclusion. It was my mom who helped me and stood by my side all those years, and it was God who carried me. I am stronger than ever before, and I will never become discouraged about the bullying. I still have my beautiful family, and nothing else will take away those memories. If these difficulties and efforts bring us closer to God, then bring on the rain.

1.WIly would the author stay at home rather than play with others?

A. Because she had no friends at all to play with.

B. Because she often suffered from epilepsy.

C. Because she was often bullied by others.

D. Because she had no skills in plays.

2.From the passage we can know the author was——when in Elementary and Junior High schools.

A. positive B. brave C.naughty D. depressed

3.Who gave the author greatest help in the author's life?

A. The God B.Her teacher

C. Her friends D. Her mother

For Canadians, backpacking Europe is a special ceremony signifying a new life stage. Unlike package tours, backpacking is a struggle, full of discovery and chance connections. It is about focusing on something different from our own lives and losing ourselves in a new world, if only for a moment.

Well, that's what backpacking Europe is supposed to do. That’s what it used to do before modern communications, social media, and commercial hostelling (旅社). Older Canadians would not recognize the Europe that they backpacked in the 1960s, 1970s and even the 1980s. Far from a rough adventure into foreign cultures, the European experience has been shattered in part by today's technology.

A few years ago, I took my then 60-year-old father on a backpacking trip across part of Europe and Turkey. As he is an experienced traveler and someone who possesses a strong sense of adventure, I decided that we'd travel on a budget, staying in hostel dorms. For him, backpacking through Europe in 1969 was about independence and struggle. But two things surprised him at the end of our journey. First was how technology-based backpacking had become: Young people were so directly connected to home that they were hardly away in any meaningful sense. Second, the lack of connections we made with locals. Instead of making us feel closer to a place, he found commercial hostelling actually made us more alienated (疏远的).

But there was some room for hope. While technology takes our attention away from the beauty and history before us, there were also ways in which it helped us to connect with our surroundings. Websites like Airbnb have made it easier to stay with enthusiastic locals. Couch Surfing helps organize meet-ups between locals and travelers. The online marketplace Dopios offers a chance to meet locals through enjoyable experiences like a personalized city tour.

Backpacking can never be the way it was for our parents’ generation. But doing a little study of history and culture before leaving, and bravely getting rid of any electronic devices while traveling, will help give young travelers a taste of the glory days.

1.The underlined word “shattered” in Paragraph 2 most probably means ________.

A. broadened B. relived C. ruined D. acquired

2.After the recent backpacking trip in Europe, the author’s father finds ________.

A. backpackers connect less with locals than before

B. young people dislike getting in touch with their family

C. a hostel is a nice place for travelers to meet each other

D. backpacking in Europe becomes more difficult than before

3.What’s the author’s attitude towards technology?

A. Negative. B. Objective.

C. Uncertain. D. Uninterested.

4. The text mainly discusses the relationship between ________.

A. adventures and cultures

B. technology and traveling

C. young people and their family

D. Canadian travelers and Europeans

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