
ffl语法填空[2015 .云南省昆明三中高一期中考试]

A:Hi, Lily! How about 52.________(go) to see a film together?

B: What time?

A : This Saturday evening.

B: I'm afraid I 53. ________ (can) go with you. So you'd better go there 54. ______  yourself.

A: Why? I 55.________ (buy) two tickets already. This film is said to be very 56. ____ (interest). I had

a lot of trouble in getting these two tickets.

    B; I'm really sorry but I had made an 57.________(appoint) already. I'm going to sec my former professor Lee at university this Saturday afternoon.

A : But can't you find some other time to see 58________   ?

B: No, I can't.  He is now 59. _________  ( serious) ill in liospital.

A : Your teacher will be very happy to see you.

B; I'm sure he will.He used to be very kind to us students 60. ________ we were at university. How about

next Saturday? I will be free the whole day.

A: OK. Let's make 61. _________  next Saturday.


52.  going    53. can't     54. by    55. have bought

56. interesting     57. appointment     58. him     59. seriously 60. when     61. it



A few weeks ago, our dog, which we had kept for more than ten years, had to be put down. First, a tumour (月中瘤)on her stomach got worse, and she was very 32 . Then,the pain in her back got so bad that some?times she 33 lie down in the middle of a walk and couldn't take another 34 .

When I first found out,I was very sad and cried a lot. She was more like a sister to me than a 35 . But I was also angry at my stepfather, Steve, who told us the 36 a week after it happened. He 37 because he didn't want to worry us, and he didn't want me to get depressed (抑郁的)and fail my exams. I just thought she was 38 at the animals' hospital.

I think you know all the 39that went through my head: She was my dog! Why didn't he tell us earlier? I didn't even get to say goodbye.

People in my family have a 40of keeping things from me to protect me, such as only telling me that my aunt had cancer 41 she had already improved health. All I could think was : Not again !

I42 to my mum, and she said, "I know. I'm 43,too. " I opened my mouth to shout. And then she added,"I,m so angry with Steve that he had to 44 through all this on his own. " Hearing my mum's words,I shut up. I had been so 45 on myself. I hadn't thought about 46 Steve was going through. That dog was his baby. He'd had her for longer than he'd had us―and he had to make the decision to 47 her life,and then kept in silence for an entire 48 . All my anger melted away, and all I felt was 49 .

It makes me realize that we focus so much on our?selves that we 50the pain of others. At that moment, my mum's words were an incredible 51 that I'll never forget.

   32.  A. lazy                B.  lonely

   C.  painful             D.  shameful

33.  A. would               B.  shoulrl

   C. might               D.  could

34.  A. walk               B. step
   C.foot                D.  breath

35.  A. tool                B.  toy
   C. baby                D.  pet

36.  A. plan                B.  accident
  C.anecdote             D.  truth

37.      A. lircl              B.  waited 
  C.reflected            D.  hesitated

38.  A. still               B.  once
  C. even                D.  never

39.  A. facts               B. opinions
  C. thoughts            D.  doubts

40.  A. story               B.  secret
  C. habit              D.hobby

   41  A.  until               B.  before 

   C.while               D.  after

    42.A. adjusted                 B.   turned

  C. contributed                D.  related

   43. A.angry                  B.  shocked

   C  guilty              D.  abused

    44. A.  break                  B.  go

    C. look                D.  push

    4 5. A.  focused               B.   hooked

      C dependent           D.  hard

 46.  A. that                B.  where
    C. what                D, which

47.    A. save                B.  expand
     C.make                D.  end

48.  A. year                B.  month
   C. week                D.  day

    49.  A. regret              B.  blame

   C. sorrow              D.  sympathy

50.  A. shared              B.  ignored
   C. reminded             D.  rid

51.  A. comfort              B.  compromise
   C. gift                D.  suggestion

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