
Atlantis left the International Space Station on Tuesday and slipped away after a partial lap around the station. Ten pairs of eyes 1        against the windows,four in the shuttle and six in the 2       .

All that remains of NASA's final shuttle voyage is the touchdown,targeted for the 3       hours of Thursday back home in Florida. Its return 4        the 30-year run of a vessel that kept US astronauts flying to and from 5        longer than any other rocketship.

"Get her 6        safely and enjoy the last couple days in space shuttle Atlantis," the station's Mission Control 7        commander Christopher Ferguson and his crew.

Replied Ferguson: " It's been an incredible ride."

As a final salute,the space station rotated to provide never-before-seen views of the com?plex. Atlantis flew halfway around the outpost,cameras whirring aboard 8        craft to record the historic event.

Flight controllers savored (欣赏,品味) the dual TV images. "It must 9        pretty spectacu?lar," Ferguson said.

And it 10       :Atlantis sailing serenely (宁静地,平静地) against the black void of space,its pay load (有效载重,负载) bay wide open,and the space station,its huge 11        wings glow?ing golden 12        the sunlight.

As the lead team of flight controllers signed off for the very 13        time,the voice emanating (发出) from the shuttle's Mission Control cracked with emotion. Another team would take over late Tuesday for 14       .

To ensure their 15        return,the crew 16        one final survey of the shuttle,using the robotic arm and a lasertipped extension. Experts scrutinized (仔细检查,细看) the images for signs of micrometeorite damage.

Atlantis 17       8 days at the space station and left behind a year's worth of supplies,insur?ance in the event commercial providers 18        delays in launching their own cargo ships.

It was the 37th shuttle 19      ,over more than 12 years,dedicated to building and 20        the space station ― the largest structure ever to orbit the planet.

(   ) 1. A. put   B. pressed   C. looked   D. squeeze

(   ) 2. A. home   B. station   C. base   D. airplane

(   ) 3. A. predawn   B. daytime   C. at dusk   D. midnight

(   ) 4. A. starts   B. closes   C. ends   D. begins

(   ) 5. A. space   B. universe   C. sky   D. orbit

(   ) 6. A. home   B. here   C. forward   D. straight

(   ) 7. A. recommended   B. told   C. suggested   D. advised

(   ) 8. A. all   B. some   C. every   D. both

(   ) 9. A. sound   B. seem   C. look   D. feel

(   ) 10. A. did   B. worked   C. accounted   D. acted

(   ) 11. A. beautiful   B. metallic   C. useful   D. solar

(   ) 12. A. under   B. beneath   C. in   D. against

(   ) 13. A. last   B. first   C. key   D. proper

(   ) 14. A. arrival   B. taking off   C. flying   D. landing

(   ) 15. A. secure   B. safe   C. reliable   D. harmless

(   ) 16. A. fulfilled   B. achieved   C. conducted   D. carried

(   ) 17. A. spent   B. took   C. paid   D. expend

(   ) 18. A. meet   B. face   C. encounter   D. contact

(   ) 19. A. purpose   B. mission   C. business   D. assignment

(   ) 20. A. preserving   B. possessing   C. supporting   D. maintaining



1. B本句的意思是"宇航员们脸紧贴着航天飞机和空间站的窗户互相望着,依依不舍。" squeeze:多指从两面或多面施加压力来压紧、压碎或压出水来。不符合本处题意。

2. B此处考查学生的阅读理解和辩证逻辑能力。

3. A所有的工作重心此时瞄准在周四凌晨返回到佛罗里达上来。这一时间是周密计算和安排好了的。


4. C这次飞行是一次告别之旅。排除start和begin;而end着重强调事情的完成。也指某种活动因达到目的而自然结束或由于某种原因而突然中止。


5. D此处的意思是"往返于地面和轨道之间",而不是其他。虽然space也有道理,但这不是航天飞机的主要使命。

6. A根据上下文可知这里是指"平安返回"。

7. B控制中心给出的应该是指令,不会是建议、忠告或推荐什么的。


8. D本句是指航天飞机和空间站这两个飞行器。


9. C此处涉及影像,因此要看上去很壮观、很令人惊叹的。

10. A A项表示"情况确实是这样";B项表示"说话、做事起到效用";C项是"把……视为,归咎(于) ";D项是行动表演奏效等。所以答案应选A.

11. D太阳能电池板即空间站的太阳能飞行翼。

12. C "在光里"常用介词in,如:in the sun,in the sunshine,in the shade等0

13. A此处为"最后时刻",因为这是亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机的最后一次飞行,同时也是飞离空间站的最后时刻。

14. D从逻辑上和上下文的行文中可知,另一队人马要做的事是晚些时候航天飞机的着陆事宜。

15. B safe,secure这两个形容词均可表示"安全的"之意。



16. C fulfill,conduct均含"做,执行,实施,完成"之意。


conduct:含"指导,领导,监督"等意味。此处为"进行/做了一项调查",应选   C.

17. A亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机作主语有点拟人化的意味”因此不能选B;C不能用来表示花时间;expend通常指为某一专门目的而花费大量金钱、时间或精力,不符合题意。

18. C此处需要"面临困境、困难"之意。


meet本义指双方或多方从不同方向或相反方向做相对运动,最终相碰(遇) 。



contact多指通过书信、电话或直接会面和别人联系,口语用词。因此C 项为正确答案。

19. B第37次飞行任务应选B项;而purpose 只是"目的,决心,意图"等;business是"商业,事务,生意";assignment是"分配,任务,功课"。

20. D根据上下文可知,过去的12年里航天飞机对空间站的建设和维护、保养做出了卓越的贡献,应选D项。 

preserve保存,保持; possess拥有,持有;support支持,供养; maintain维持,维修,保养。


Someone said that encouragement is simply reminding a person of the " shoulders" he's standing on,the heritage (遗产,继承物) he's been given. That's what happened when a young man,the son of a star baseball player,was drafted by one of the minor league teams. As hard as he tried,his first season was disappointing,and by midseason he expected to be released any day.

The coaches were bewildered (迷惑) by his failure because he possessed all the characteris?tics of a superb athlete,but he couldn't seem to incorporate (组合) those advantages into a coor?dinated (协调的) effort. He seemed to have become disconnected from his potential.

His future seemed darkest one day when he had already struck out his first time at bat. Then he stepped up to the batter's box again and quickly ran up two strikes. The catcher called a timeout and trotted to the pitcher's mound for a conference. While they were busy,the um?pire,standing behind the plate,spoke casually to the boy.

Then play resumed (重新恢复) ,the next pitch was thrown and the young man knocked it out of the park. That was the turning point. From then on,he played the game with a new con?fidence and power that quickly drew the attention of the parent team,and he was called up to the majors.

On the day he was leaving for the city,one of his coaches asked him what had caused such a turnaround. The young man replied that it was the encouraging remark the umpire had made that day when his baseball career had seemed doomed.

"He told me I reminded him of all the times he had stood behind my dad in the batter's box," the boy explained. "He said I was holding the bat just the way Dad had held it. And he told me, 'I can see his genes in you; you have your father's arms.,After that,whenever I swung the bat,I just imagined I was using Dad's arms instead of my own."

(   ) 5. According to the passage,the greatest trouble to the young man is         .

   A. he was the son of a star baseball player

   B. he had his potential characteristics

   C. he was unable to put his potential into accomplishing something

   D. he had no confidence and power

(   ) 6. Which of the following words can best describe the young man's change?

   A. Encouraging words. B. The characteristics of a superb athlete.

   C. New confidence and power. D. His father's genes.

(   ) 7. What does the underlined word "doomed" refer to?

   A. Changed. B. Destroyed. C. Developed. D. Improved.

(   ) 8. According to the passage,which can best describe the future of the young man?

   A. Taking the encouraging words as his motto,the young man would change his oc?cupation.

   B. Bearing the encouraging words in mind,the young man would have a promising future.

   C. Encouraged by the words,the young man would try no efforts to realize his goals.

   D. Remembering the words,the young man would incorporate his disadvantages.

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