
I have been applying, interviewing, etc since July with no prospects(前景). I have been told mostly that I am overqualified, or they need fulltime etc. I had been getting pretty down and discouraged. I was actually asking myself why can’t someone be kind enough to take me on as an ?? .

This past Tuesday evening it was ?? outside and going to be 9 pm as I was waiting at a bus stop. Just as the bus ?? a young woman approached me. She had a T-shirt, Capri pants, and slippers on. She also was wearing several hospital bracelets.

I ?? my purse and took out $5.00 so she could get something to eat. I then took off my jacket and? ?? and gave them to her. I said, “These are a little big but they should keep ?? ? warm.” She looked at me and said “Aren’t you going to be cold?” I told her my being cold for 15 minutes? ?? I got to my place was worth it if I knew she would be a little warmer. She sobbed and thanked me with a hug. I just told her to ?? .

Then after I got on the bus that’s ?? ? the miracle of spreading ?? ? happened. I stepped up to pay the? ?? and the bus driver said, “Mam, I saw what you just did and your fare is ?? me, even though technically we aren’t supposed to let you get on the bus without shoes.” he said with a wink.

A lady who was dressed in a very? ?? ? business suit called me over to her seat. She said, “I want to know the ?? ? of the person who just did the most ?? ? thing I have ever seen.” I told her my name and she said , “What can I do for you to ?? what I just witnessed?” I ?? ? said a paying job would be nice.

The next day she called me and said that she had a ?? ? administrative assistant position ?? ? in her company and wanted me to meet with the manager. It ?? ? that the lady was the head Human Resources person.

I start Monday morning at 9am! Thank you all for inspiring me to keep passing the kindness on! I never expected to get so much back in return!

1.A. engineer????????????? B. entertainer????????????? C. employee????????????? D. employer

2.A. burning hot????????????? B. pouring????????????? C. snowing????????????? D. freezing cold

3.A. pulled up????????????? B. picked up????????????? C. broke down????????????? D. dropped off

4.A. brought out ????????????? B. cut in????????????? C. dug in????????????? D. reached

5.A. gloves ????????????? B. sweater????????????? C. blouse????????????? D. tennis shoes

6.A. her ????????????? B. him????????????? C. you????????????? D. me

7.A. until????????????? B. before????????????? C. after????????????? D. since

8.A. pass it on????????????? B. go ahead????????????? C. cheer up????????????? D. come on

9.A. where????????????? B. why????????????? C. when????????????? D. how

10.A. luck????????????? B. kindness????????????? C. generosity????????????? D. mercy

11.A. ticket????????????? B. fare????????????? C. money????????????? D. check

12.A. to????????????? B. for????????????? C. on????????????? D. with

13.A. informal????????????? B. casual????????????? C. professional????????????? D. practical

14.A. job ????????????? B. address????????????? C. religion????????????? D. name

15.A. inspiring????????????? B. courageous????????????? C. amazing????????????? D. grateful

16.A. praise????????????? B. repay????????????? C. appreciate????????????? D. admire

17.A. seriously????????????? B. eagerly????????????? C. hopefully????????????? D. jokingly

18.A. part-time????????????? B. tough ????????????? C. simple????????????? D. novel

19.A. empty????????????? B. open????????????? C. offer????????????? D. opportunity

20.A. came about????????????? B. occurred to me????????????? C. turned out????????????? D. worked out

























1.考查名词辨析:A. engineer工程师,B. entertainer表演者,演艺人员,款待者,C. employee职员, D. employer雇主,从上文的: I have been told mostly that I am overqualified, or they need fulltime etc.可知作者在自问为什么没有人好心雇佣她做员工。选C

2.考查动词辨析:A. burning hot炎热的,B. pouring瓢泼大雨的,C. snowing下雪的,D. freezing cold极冷的,从下文的句子:I said, “These are a little big but they should keep? 26? warm.”可知天气是非常寒冷的,选D

3.考查动词短语辨析:A. pulled up开过来,B. picked up捡起,习得,恢复,C. broke down????????????? 崩溃,瓦解,抛锚,D. dropped off下客,打瞌睡,下降,就在公共汽车开过来的时候,一个年轻的妇女朝我走过来。选A

4.考查动词短语辨析:A. brought out显现,B. cut in插话,C. dug in挖掘,D. reached到达,我把手伸进钱包,拿出5美元,这里dig in将手伸进…”,选C

5.考查名词辨析:A. gloves 手套,B. sweater毛衣,C. blouse衬衫,D. tennis shoes网球鞋,从下文的:even though technically we aren’t supposed to let you get on the bus without shoes.”可知作者将夹克和鞋子都给了这个妇女,选D

6.考查代词辨析:A. her 她,B. him他,C. you你,D. me我,这有点大,但是可以帮助你保暖。You指代“the young woman”,选C

7.考查连词辨析:A. until直到,B. before前面 ,C. after后面,D. since自从,在我到达住处前的15分钟的冷是值得的,如果知道她暖和些了。选B

8.考查词组辨析:A. pass it on传递,B. go ahead请便,C. cheer up振作起来,D. come on加油,我让她要把这种善举传递下去,选A

9.考查疑问词辨析:A. where哪里,B. why为什么,C. when什么时候,D. how怎样,在我上车后就是传播善举的奇迹发生的时候,when引导表语从句,选C

10.考查名词辨析:A. luck幸运,B. kindness善良,C. generosity慷慨,大方,D. mercy仁慈,作者对妇女做的善举在公共汽车上进行传播,选B

11.考查名词辨析:A. ticket票,B. fare车费,C. money钱,D. check支票,从下文的,“Mam, I saw what you just did and your fare is? 32? me,可知我走上去买票,选A

12.考查介词辨析:A. to给,B. for为了,C. on上面,D. with一起,公共汽车司机看见了作者的善举,说作者的车票算在他的身上,用on,选C

13.考查形容词辨析:A. informal非正式的,B. casual随意的,C. professional专业的,D. practical实际的,一个穿着非常专业的西装的女士让我过去坐在她的座位上。选C

14.考查名词辨析:A. job工作,B. address地址,C. religion宗教,D. name名字,从下文的 I told her my name and she said ,可知这句话是:我想知道刚刚做了最激励人心的事情的人的名字。选D

15.考查形容词辨析:A. inspiring激励人心的,B. courageous有勇气的,C. amazing令人惊讶的,D. grateful感激的,作者做的事情,是激励人们传递善举的事情,选A

16.考查动词辨析:A. praise表扬,B. repay .偿还,付还,报答,酬报,C. appreciate感激,欣赏,D. admire敬佩,我能为你做些什么来报答我刚刚看见的事情?选B

17.考查副词辨析:A. seriously严肃地,B. eagerly渴望地,C. hopefully满怀希望的,D. jokingly开玩笑的,作者没有想到这个女士真的能给他提供一份工作,所以他是开玩笑的说,选D

18.考查形容词辨析:A. part-time兼职的,B. tough困难的,C. simple简单的,D. novel新奇的,异常的,一个兼职的行政助理的位置,选A

19.. 考查形容词辨析:A. empty空的,B. open打开的,C. offer提供,D. opportunity机会,这个工作是空缺的,empty是容器里面没有东西,选B

20.考查动词短语辨析:A. came about发生,B. occurred to me想起,C. turned out结果是,证明是,D. worked out算出,锻炼,结果是,结果是这个女士是人力资源部的负责人,选C




The weekend is coming again! And I will be as busy                   

as a bee.        Saturday morning, I have to rush to my                                 76. __________

math class. After it is f       , I will have a dance class.                                77. __________

I like dancing        it gives me a chance to shape                                      78. __________

my body and keep me h       . I’ll pay a visit to my                                      79. __________

       (外婆) on Sunday. I’m quite looking forward                                80. __________

to s        her! We haven’t met each other for a long time                          81. __________

and I’m sure we will have a good time t       ! On Sunday                           82. __________

night, I will watch my        (最喜爱的)TV program “Happy                         83. __________

Camp”. I find        really interesting. It always makes me                          84. __________

laugh out loud. Besides, a lot of stars        (出现) in it.                              85. __________

Bird Feeder

“Don’t Move!” I said to my husband in whisper. He   1  . We were sitting in our backyard   2   a warm summer day. He was reading, as always.

He asked me what was wrong. I told him to slowly look at his right   3  . His response was   4  . “Is it a bee?” He hates bees. “No!” I whispered. “It’s a chickadee.” The next few   5   were breathtaking for us both!

The little wild bird   6   walked down my husband’s arm to his hand. My husband was

  7   a small bowl of peanuts. He loves to eat peanuts. But, now it looked like he was going to have to   8  his treat. The chickadee looked back at him, as if to say, “  9   I have one, or two, please?” When my husband did not make any   10  , the chickadee carefully reached into the bowl and picked out a peanut. When he   11   away with his booty(战利品), I laughed out loud. I was   12   to have witnessed this adventure! Three or four more times that afternoon the little Chickadee   13   to my husband’s shoulder and made his way to the bowl of peanuts, his temporary bird feeder. This little   14   has been a topic of conversation in our family ever since.

I have been feeding the birds in our backyard for many years.   15   he has never been as crazy about bird watching as I have been, my husband   16   me by carrying the heavy bags of seed in from the car. He patiently moved the feeder poles   17   until I was satisfied with the

  18   of a new feeder. But, after his   19   with the little chickadee on his shoulder, he was devoted! He now   20   why backyard bird feeding is such an interesting thing and also addictive hobby.

1.A.quitted                  B.shook                  C.froze                   D.ignored


2.A.saving                   B.wasting               C.preparing             D.enjoying

3.A.foot                      B.leg                      C.shoulder              D.hand

4.A.positive                 B.favorable             C.casual                 D.immediate

5.A.minutes                 B.hours                  C.days                   D.months

6.A.beautifully             B.patiently              C.comfortably         D.carefully

7.A.carrying                B.seizing                 C.holding                D.passing

8.A.serve                    B.share                   C.show                  D.afford

9.A.Need                    B.Should                C.Must                   D.May

10.A.movement           B.arrangement         C.argument             D.announcement

11.A.flew                    B.flowed                C.jumped                D.walked

12.A.satisfied              B.delighted              C.inspired               D.secured

13.A.turned                 B.returned              C.advanced             D.walked

14.A.event                  B.activity                C.phenomenon        D.performance

15.A.Once                  B.Because               C.Although             D.Until

16.A.comforted           B.supported            C.guided                 D.encouraged

17.A.forward              B.around                C.out                     D.up

18.A.shape                  B.style                    C.situation              D.position

19.A.experience           B.work                   C.adventure            D.fight

20.A.doubted    B.obtained    C.understood       D.recognized

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