
Three-Dimensional (3D) movies have been becoming more and more popular in recent years.It seems 3D TV sets may be going into family households in the near future.While new digital 3D technology has made the experience more comfortable for many, for some with eye problems, long 3D viewing may result in an aching head, doctors say.

       "There are a lot of people walking around with very minor eye problems, which under normal situations, the brain deals with naturally," said Dr Michael Rosenberg, an ophthalmologist (眼科医师) in Chicago.He said in a 3D movie, these people face a completely new sensory experience."That translates into greater mental effort, making it easier to get a headache," Rosenberg told Reuters.

       In normal vision, each eye sees things at a slightly different angle."When that gets processed in the brain, that creates the perception (感觉) of depth," said Dr Deborah Friedman, an ophthalmologist in New York.The images people see in three dimensions in the movies are not calibrated (校准的) in the same way that their eyes and brain are."If your eyes are a little off to begin with, then it's really throwing a whole degree of effort that your brain now needs

to exert (竭尽全力)," he said.                    

       Dr John Hagan, a Kansas City ophthalmologist, said some people who do not have normal depth perception cannot see in 3D at all.He said people with eye muscle problems, in which the eyes are not pointed at the same object, have trouble processing 3D images.

       Rock Heineman, a spokesman for RealD, a provider of 3D equipment to theaters, said headaches and nausea were the main reasons 3D technology never took off

       Heineman said older 3D technology used two film projectors(放映机), one that projected a left-eye image and one that projected a right-eye image.Three-D glasses would allow viewers to see a different image in each eye.

       "People often complained of headaches and it was really because the projectors weren’t lined up," Heineman said.

       Now his company has developed a new single digital projector, which switches between the left and the right-eye image 144 times a second, to help overcome some of the old problems.

       "By going to a single digital projector, those problems were solved," he said.Friedman said he thinks most people will do fine with 3D movies and with 3D TVs, but Rosenberg said people may quickly tire of the novelty (新鲜事物)."I suspect there will be a lot of people who say it's sort of neat, but it's not really comfortable," he said.

The text is mainly about ____.

       A.the reasons why people like 3D movies

       B.how to improve 3D technology

       C.the development of 3D technology in recent years

       D.causes of headaches and nausea when people watch 3D movies

The underlined phrase "took off" could be replaced by "______".

       A.became popular             

       B.flew in the sky

       C.left hurriedly              

       D.removed one's clothes

This article implies that _____.

       A.people do not like new things like 3D movies

       B.3D TVs will completely take the place of old TV sets

       C.3D technology is the most important technology ever

       D.those with eye muscle problems should not watch 3D movies

We can learn from what Rosenberg said in the last paragraph that

       A.a single digital projector could solve all the problems with 3D technology

       B.people will gradually become comfortable with 3D movies and TVs

       C.the appeal of 3D movies and "TVs may fade

       D.most people will actually enjoy the 3D experience







Bobby was sitting out in his back yard in the snow. The thin sneakers he wore had a few holes in them. Try as he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mother’s Christmas gift.
Ever since his father had passed away three years ago, his mother worked nights at the hospital, but the small wage could only be stretched so far.
What the family lacked in money and material things, they more than made up for in love and family unity. They ran the household in their mother’s absence. All three of his sisters had already made beautiful gifts for their mother.
It was Christmas Eve already, and he had nothing. Bobby started to walk down to the street. He walked from shop to shop. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of reach. It was starting to get dark, then suddenly his eyes caught a shiny dime. Never has anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby did at that moment.
He went inside a flower shop. When the owner asked if he could help him, Bobby presented the dime and asked if he could buy one flower. The shop owner looked at Bobby, then said, “You just wait here and I’ll see what I can do for you.”
The shop owner returned holding red roses all tied together with a big silver bow. Bobby’s heart sank as the owner placed them gently into a long white box. “That will be ten cents, young man,” said the shop owner, reaching out his hand for the dime. Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his dime.
Then the shopkeeper’s wife appeared. “Where are the roses you were fixing?”
The shop owner replied, “A strange thing happened to me this morning. I thought I heard a voice telling me to set aside a dozen of my best roses for a special gift. I wasn’t sure at the time whether I had lost my mind or what, but I set them aside anyway. When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew who that voice was.”
【小题1】According to the first three paragraphs we know that _____.

A.Bobby’s sisters didn’t help Bobby to buy a gift
B.Bobby had known what gift he’d give to his mother
C.the children in the family all loved their mother
D.Bobby’s family was rich before his father died
【小题2】Why did Bobby walk along the street?
A.Because he didn’t know what to do.
B.Because he wanted to try his luck there.
C.Because he wanted to get some money.
D.Because he hoped to see what he could get.
【小题3】What could he buy with a dime then?
A.A flower.B.Nothing.C.A piece of cake.D.Many flowers.
【小题4】Bobby slowly gave the dime to the shop owner because _______.
A.he did not want any rose flowers
B.the flowers weren’t worth a dime
C.the shop owner would cheat him
D.he hardly believed what had happened
【小题5】From the last two paragraphs we can infer that the shop owner ______.
A.was shocked by the voice he heard
B.was always ready to help others
C.didn’t know how to run a business
D.was good at making up stories

Years ago ,when I started looking for my first job ,wise advised,“Barbara, be enthusiastic! Enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of experience. ”How right they were!
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. It is the paste that helps you hang on there when the going tough. It is the inner voice that whispers, “I can do it!”when others shout, “No, you can’t !”It took years and years for the early work of  Barara  McClintock, a geneticist who won the 1983 Nobel  Prize in medicine , to be generally accepted. Yet she didn’t stop working on her experiments. Work was such a deep pleasure for her that she never thought of stopping.
We are all born with wide-eyed, enthusiastic wonder and it is this childlike wonder that gives enthusiastic people such youthful air, whatever their age was. At 90,cellist Palblo Cassls would start his day by playing Bach.  A s the music flowed through his fingers his stooped shoulders would strengthen and joy would reappear in his eyes . As author and poet Samuei Ulman once wrote ,“ Years wrinkle the skin ,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.”
Enthusiastic people also love what they do, regardless of money or power . Patricia  Mellrath, retired director of the Missouri  Repertory  Theatre in Kansas City, was once asked where she got her enthusiasm. She replied, “My father ,a lawyer long ago told me , I never made a dime until I stopped working for money.”
If we cannot do what we love as a full-time career, we can as a hobby. Elizabeth  Layton was 68 before she began to draw. This activity ended periods of depression that had troubled her for at least 30 years ,and the quality of her led one critic to say,“I’m tempted to call Layton a genius.”
We can’t afford to waste tears on “might-have-beens”. We need to turn the tears into sweat as we go after “what-can-be ”.We need to live each moment whole-heartedly, which all our senses-including pleasure in the sweet smell of a back-yard garden, the simple picture of a six-year –old ,the beauty of  a  rainbow.
66. What is the Chinese for “Enthusiasm”?
A.热情               B. 色彩                                C. 惰性                 D.金钱
67. Which of the following can best explain the underlined sentence in the second paragraph?
A. Enthusiasm can give you courage and strength in difficult times.
B. If you don’t have enthusiasm, you can achieve nothing.
C. Enthusiastic people never consider money and fame.
D. Enthusiastic people can gain great fame and honor.
68. The author mentions cellist Pablo Casals in the third paragraph to show that____
A. music can arouse people’s enthusiasm
B. enthusiasm can give people inspiration needed to succeed
C. enthusiasm can keep people feel young
D. enthusiasm can keep people healthy
69. How many examples are given in the passage to show the importance of enthusiasm?
A. Three             B. Two              C. Four                     D.  Five
70. The author mainly wants to say that _________
A. enthusiasm people never get old                            
B. enthusiasm can make you succeed and enjoy life
C. enthusiasm is more important than experience
D. enthusiasm can give people more success and fame .

After lunch,I walked back home. I was just to cross the street when I heard the sound of a coin dropping. It wasn’t much but,as I turned, my eyes caught the heads of several other people turning too. A woman had dropped what appeared to be a dime.

The tinkling sound of a coin dropping on pavement is an attention-getter.It Can be nothing more than a penny.Whatever the coin is,no one ignores the sound of it.It got me thinking about sounds again.We are surrounded by so many sounds that attract the most attention.

People in New York City seldom turn to look when a fire engine,a police car or an ambulance comes screaming along the street.When I’m in New York,I’m a New Yorker.I don’t turn either.Like the natives,I hardly hear a siren(警报)there.

However,at home in my little town in Connecticut,it’s different.The distant sound of a police car, all emergency vehicle or a fire siren brings me to my feet if I’m seated and brings me to the window if I’m in bed.It’s the quietest sounds that have most effect on us.not the loudest.In the middle of the night, I can hear a dripping tap a hundred yards away thigh three closed doors.I’ve been hearing little creaking noises and sounds which my imaginnation turns into footsteps in the middle of the night for twenty-five years in our house.How come I never hear those sounds in the daytime?

I’m quite clear in my mind what the good sounds are and what the bad sounds are,I’ve turned against whistling,for instance:I used to think of it as the mark of a happy worker but lately I’ve been associating the whistler with a nervous person making unconscious noises.The tapping,tapping,tapping of my typewriter as the keys hit the paper is a lovely sound to me.I often like the sound of what I write better than the looks of it.

1.The sound of a coin dropping makes people________

A.think of money    B.look at each other

C.pay attention to it    D.stop crossing the street

2.The author dislikes whistling because__________

A.he has got tired of it    B.it reminds him of tense people

C.he used to be happier D.he doesn’t like workers

3.What kind of sound does the author find pleasant?

A.Tapping sound of his typewriter.    B.Clinking sound of keys

C.Tinkling sound of a coin dropping.  D.Creaking sound of footsteps

4.How does the author feel about sounds in general?

A.They make him feel al home.      B.He thinks they should be ignored

C.He prefers silence to loud noises.   D.He believes they are part of our life


Bobby was sitting out in his back yard in the snow. The thin sneakers he wore had a few holes in them. Try as he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mother’s Christmas gift.

    Ever since his father had passed away three years ago, his mother worked nights at the hospital, but the small wage could only be stretched so far.

    What the family lacked in money and material things, they more than made up for in love and family unity. They ran the household in their mother’s absence. All three of his sisters had already made beautiful gifts for their mother.

    It was Christmas Eve already, and he had nothing. Bobby started to walk down to the street. He walked from shop to shop. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of reach. It was starting to get dark, then suddenly his eyes caught a shiny dime. Never has anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby did at that moment.

    He went inside a flower shop. When the owner asked if he could help him, Bobby presented the dime and asked if he could buy one flower. The shop owner looked at Bobby, then said, “You just wait here and I’ll see what I can do for you.”

    The shop owner returned holding red roses all tied together with a big silver bow. Bobby’s heart sank as the owner placed them gently into a long white box. “That will be ten cents, young man,” said the shop owner, reaching out his hand for the dime. Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his dime.

    Then the shopkeeper’s wife appeared. “Where are the roses you were fixing?”

    The shop owner replied, “A strange thing happened to me this morning. I thought I heard a voice telling me to set aside a dozen of my best roses for a special gift. I wasn’t sure at the time whether I had lost my mind or what, but I set them aside anyway. When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew who that voice was.”

1.According to the first three paragraphs we know that _____.

    A. Bobby’s sisters didn’t help Bobby to buy a gift

    B. Bobby had known what gift he’d give to his mother

    C. the children in the family all loved their mother

    D. Bobby’s family was rich before his father died

2.Why did Bobby walk along the street?

    A. Because he didn’t know what to do. 

    B. Because he wanted to try his luck there.

    C. Because he wanted to get some money.

    D. Because he hoped to see what he could get.

3.What could he buy with a dime then?

    A. A flower.            B. Nothing.     C. A piece of cake.       D. Many flowers.

4.Bobby slowly gave the dime to the shop owner because _______.

    A. he did not want any rose flowers

B. the flowers weren’t worth a dime

    C. the shop owner would cheat him

D. he hardly believed what had happened

5.From the last two paragraphs we can infer that the shop owner ______.

    A. was shocked by the voice he heard       

B. was always ready to help others

    C. didn’t know how to run a business      

D. was good at making up stories


It was time for Mr. Rocco to shut up shop when I hurried into the florist’s. “Now, what is it you want?” Mr. Rocco turned to me. “I want the most beautiful flower you have.” I replied. “And just how much do you have to pay for this most beautiful flower?” I held out a wet hand showing a quarter and dime. He nodded, and then showed me a plant on the counter. “I can give you this one for 35 cents.” he said. “Aw, gee,” I protested, “it looks like a weed!” About 18 inches high, the plant was in a small pot covered with faded red paper. “Now trust me, boy—I promise that tomorrow morning when you get up, you will find your most beautiful flower.” said Mr. Rocco. I knew him to be a good honest man, so I agreed to take it.

It was almost midnight when I arrived home. Mom was seriously sick and using the front bedroom. I looked in to see if she was asleep, and then quietly tiptoed in and set the plant on the table beside her bed. I wanted her to be surprised when she woke on Mother’s Day.

The next morning, I dressed and hurried downstairs. The sun was shining through kitchen window as I looked into Mom’s room. She motioned for me to come in, then glanced over at the table where the plant was. Holy mackerel! There were three big yellow trumpet-shaped(喇叭状的)blooms. It was just like Mr. Rocco said—the most beautiful flower I ever saw! When I looked at Mom, she was smiling as tears streamed down her cheeks. She held out her hand for me to come near, then pulled me close and hugged till it hurt. Then, remembering her contagious condition and that she wasn’t supposed to touch me, she quickly let me go.

My dear mom died the next night. The moment she hugged me turned out to be the most wonderful moment of my life. Not only had that beautiful plant helped show just how much I loved her, but I’d always know how much she loved me.

1.  The author didn’t like the plant recommended by Mr. Rocco at first because ______.

A. the packing of the plant was shabby

B. the plant was more a weed than a flower         

C. the plant appeared too ordinary to be the most beautiful

D. he thought Mr. Rocco was reluctant to do the deal with him

2.  Mother’s condition was contagious (Line 6, Para.3) for ______.

A. she was at the death’s door         B. she suffered from the illness

C. others were sick of her appearance   D. virus might spread from her to others 

3. When mother hugged the author tightly, she was showing that ______.

A. she liked being given gifts             

B. she valued what the author had done for her

C. she was aware of the approaching of death   

D. she was touched by the beauty of the flower

4. The story is mainly developed by______________.

A. time        B. logic            C. comparison       D. cause and result

5.Which may be the best title of the passage?

A. Flowers of Love                          B. A Son’s Love for Mother

C. Low Price, High Value              D. A Special Mother’s Day 


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