When tea and coffee were introduced to Europe in 18 th 1.
century, people thought they were harmful. But the King of 2.
Swede decided to find out whether it was true .It was 3.
happened that there had two brothers in prison 4.
at the time. The King ordered one of them drink tea 5.
every day and the other coffee. Both of them have lived 6.
many years with no problem. At the end the one who 7.
drink coffee every day died at the age of 83 and the 8.
other lived even long. Because of this, Swede is 9.
one of the countries which much tea and coffee are drunk today. 10.
1.in后加the 2.but 改为so 3.was去掉 4.had改为were 5.them后加to 6.have改为had 7.at改为in 8.drink改为drank 9.long改为longer 10.which改为where