

1£®Where will the speakers go first?

A£®To the park£®

B£®To the museum£®

C£®To the market£®

2£®What will the woman do this evening?

A£®See her sister off£®

B£®Fly to Paris£®

C£®See a film£®

3£®What is Holly doing now?

A£®Doing her homework£®

B£®Cleaning a bike£®

C£®Changing clothes£®

4£®What does the man think of soap operas?




5£®What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A£®The weather£®

B£®The work£®

C£®The air-conditioner£®



6£®What is the woman?

A£®A guide£®

B£®A travel agent£®

C£®A secretary£®

7£®How will the man and his wife travel?

A£®By plane£®

B£®By ship£®

C£®By coach£®


8£®What day is it today?




9£®Who will most probably play as a goalkeeper tonight?




10£®What will the woman do next?

A£®Make a phone call£®

B£®Watch a match£®

C£®Visit her brother£®


11£®What is the man going to do tomorrow?

A£®Do shopping£®

B£®Attend a party£®

C£®Go fishing£®

12£®What will the speakers buy for Uncle Harold?

A£®A bag£®

B£®A fishing pole£®

C£®A camera£®

13£®What does the man suggest doing?

A£®Coming back tomorrow£®B£®Walking round for a while£®

C£®Having something to drink£®


14£®Why is Linda so frightened?

A£®She has been robbed£®

B£®She is at home alone£®

C£®She has been followed by someone£®

15£®Where did Linda meet the stranger on Monday?

A£®At a restaurant£®

B£®Outside a shoe store£®

C£®At a book store£®

16£®What did Linda do right after she saw the stranger today?

A£®She stared at him

B£®She went into a bookstore£®

C£®She went home quickly£®

17£®What does the man advise Linda to do?

A£®Wait and see£®

B£®Call the police at home£®

C£®Ask the stranger what he really wants£®


18£®How does the speaker mostly get the news?

A£®From newspapers£®

B£®From TV£®

C£®From the Internet£®

19£®What is the speaker mostly interested in?



C£®Weather forecast£®

20£®What does the speaker think the media should do?

A£®Affect citizens' lives£®

B£®Think about the truth£®

C£®Respect people's privacy£®




1£®How much will the woman pay if she buys two pounds of tomatoes?




2£®How long does it take the woman to drive home when it isn¡¯t rush hour?

A£®Twenty minutes£®

B£®Twenty-five minutes£®

C£®Fifty minutes£®

3£®What does the man mean about Betty?

A£®She doesn¡¯t like going shopping£®

B£®She went shopping yesterday£®

C£®She prefers shopping to studying£®

4£®What do you know from the conversation?

A£®The man had to work overtime£®

B£®Henry failed to meet the woman£®

C£®The man had a traffic accident£®

5£®What does the woman mean?

A£®She doesn¡¯t believe the man£®

B£®They are not going to land£®

C£®She isn¡¯t afraid£®



6£®What can the woman be?

A£®She is a waitress at a hotel£®

B£®She is the secretary of Mr Li£®

C£®She works at the Blackwood Hotel£®

7£®How could the man get in touch with Mr Green?

A£®Dial 114 to find a proper phone number£®

B£®Dial 707£®

C£®Find the hotel£®

8£®Why did the man ask the woman to change the dollar?

A£®To pay for the information£®

B£®To get on the bus£®

C£®To make the phone call£®


9£®What does the man want to learn?

A£®Computer science£®

B£®Skills, such as driving£®

C£®A language£®

10£®How long does the course last?

A£®About 20 days£®

B£®About 35 days£®

C£®About 2 months and 5 days£®

11£®When can he take the final exams?

A£®From September 15 to 17£®

B£®From August 16 to 18£®

C£®From July 12 to 16£®


12£®Who answers the telephone?


B£®Susan¡¯s husband£®


13£®When are they going to New Zealand?

A£®In two weeks£®

B£®In a couple of months£®

C£®In half a year£®

14£®Where are they going to meet?

A£®At Susan¡¯s£®

B£®At Tom¡¯s£®

C£®In New Zealand£®


15£®When does this conversation take place?

A£®Just before the term begins£®

B£®After the first week of classes£®

C£®In the middle of the term£®

16£®Why has the woman come to see Dr£®Taylor?

A£®She promised that she would£®

B£®She has been sick for some time£®

C£®She needs his approval(ÔÞ³É)for her courses£®

17£®What does Dr£®Taylor seem most worried about?

A£®She already knows the material£®

B£®She has entered the hospital£®

C£®Her course load is too heavy£®


18£®What¡¯s the weather like today?




19£®What special view will the tourists get in this park?

A£®Houses of all shapes and styles£®

B£®Birds of all colors£®

C£®Schools, teachers and pupils£®

20£®What do people do here in autumn and winter?

A£®Take photos£®

B£®Watch birds£®

C£®Enjoy the beauty£®



1£®What are the two speakers talking about?

A£®The weather£®

B£®A movie£®

C£®A basketball match£®

2£®Where did the conversation probably take place?

A£®In a restaurant£®

B£®In a book shop£®

C£®In a classroom£®

3£®What time is Jim supposed to arrive?




4£®How many pills should the woman take in twentyfour hours?




5£®What can be concluded from this conversation?

A£®The woman is bothered by some people smoking heavily£®

B£®The room is on fire and full of smoke£®

C£®Smoking is strictly forbidden in the room£®



6£®What was the birthday present they decided to buy?

A£®A book£®

B£®A basketball£®

C£®A football£®

7£®How much money did the two speakers have altogether?

A£®6 yuan£®

B£®14 yuan£®

C£®8 yuan£®

8£®Why did they decide not to buy Alice a book?

A£®Because she didn¡¯t like reading at all£®

B£®Because she had lots of books in her room£®

C£®Because she had lots of books and her birthday present last year was a book£®


9£®What¡¯s the relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Secretary and boss£®

B£®Teacher and student£®

C£®Doctor and patient£®

10£®Why was she late?

A£®Her aunt called her to get up late£®

B£®She missed the bus£®

C£®She got a telephone call£®

11£®What can we know about the man?

A£®He is strict with his students£®

B£®He is cold to Alice£®

C£®He gets angry easily£®


12£®At what time did he get up when he was small?

A£®At six in the morning£®

B£®At six thirty in the morning£®

C£®At five to six in the morning£®

13£®How many miles did he swim every week?

A£®Thirty miles a week£®

B£®Thirteen miles a week£®

C£®Thirtyfive miles a week£®

14£®Which is right according to the dialogue?

A£®The man is 40 now£®

B£®At the age of 15, the man became wellknown£®

C£®The man doesn¡¯t enjoy traveling£®


15£®What are the man and the woman talking about?

A£®Viewing a football game£®

B£®Interviews with football players£®

C£®Money problem about a football game£®

16£®Why is the woman not going with the man?

A£®Because she is too poor to buy a ticket£®

B£®Because she doesn¡¯t like people¡¯s cheering and shouting in the stadium£®

C£®Because she finds it easier to follow football on television than in the stadium£®

17£®Which is right according to the dialogue?

A£®The man likes people¡¯s cheering and shouting in the stadium£®

B£®The woman can¡¯t get excited while watching the football game on television£®

C£®There¡¯s always so little excitement in the stadium£®


18£®Who were in the bar of the hotel?

A£®Some Americans£®

B£®An Irishman£®

C£®An Englishman and an Irishman£®

19£®What was the Irishman doing?

A£®He was drinking£®

B£®He was watching TV£®

C£®He was reading£®

20£®What was on TV?

A£®The Americans were getting ready to go to the moon£®

B£®The Irish were ready to send some men to the sun£®

C£®Some Englishmen were sent to the moon£®



1£®What is the woman doing?




2£®What book has the man's sister got?

A£®A medical book£®

B£®The woman£®

C£®An English textbook£®

3£®Who is ill?

A£®The man£®

B£®The woman£®

C£®The man's brother£®

4£®What does the man imply?

A£®His brother will watch the game£®

B£®He isn't interested in the game£®

C£®His brother will play in the game£®

5£®What is the relationship between the speakers?

A£®Mother and son£®

B£®Hostess and guest£®

C£®Waitress and customer£®



6£®What day is it today?




7£®How will the man's brother come?

A£®By train£®

B£®By car£®

C£®By air£®

8£®What will the woman do on Friday night?

A£®Meet Professor Smith£®

B£®Celebrate her birthday£®

C£®Attend a lecture£®


9£®When does the conversation take place?

A£®At the beginning of a class£®

B£®In the middle of a class£®

C£®Between the classes£®

10£®Why didn't the boy answer any questions on the homework?

A£®He found them difficult£®

B£®He read the wrong chapter£®

C£®He forgot to read the chapter£®

11£®How did the boy get to school this morning?

A£®On foot£®

B£®By bus£®

C£®By bike£®


12£®Where does the conversation probably take place?

A£®In a library£®

B£®In an office£®

C£®In a classroom£®

13£®How many brothers and sisters does the man have?




14£®What are the speakers mainly talking about?



C£®A family£®


15£®What was the man's favourite subject in college?




16£®How long did the woman work in the last company?

A£®About 4 years£®

B£®About 6 years£®

C£®About 9 years£®

17£®What's the woman's greatest concern?


B£®Further education£®

C£®Paid leaves£®


18£®What was the relationship between the speaker and Paul at first?



C£®Boyfriend and girlfriend£®

19£®How did the restaurant owner acknowledge the speakers' work?

A£®He offered her free meals£®

B£®He gave her a discount on meals£®

C£®He paid her a high salary£®

20£®What changed the speaker's impression of Paul?

A£®His relationship with Sophie£®

B£®His superb cooking£®

C£®His devotion to work£®



1£®What can we learn from the conversation?

A£®The woman is very old£®

B£®John repaired the recorder£®

C£®The man is going to throw away the recorder£®

2£®Where probably are the speakers?

A£®At a tourist site£®

B£®At a hotel£®

C£®At home£®

3£®How does the man feel now?




4£®What does the father want his son to do?

A£®To go into the family business£®

B£®To be more interesting£®

C£®To become a writer£®

5£®Who is the woman?

A£®A receptionist

B£®A shop assistant

C£®A librarian


6£®How do websites make money?

A£®From ads£®

B£®From games£®

C£®Both A and B£®

7£®Which statement of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A£®Online games make much money£®

B£®The woman knows much about online games£®

C£®They classmates£®


8£®How long has the man’s Internet been down?

A£®One day£®

B£®Two days£®

C£®Three days£®

9£®Why is the man’s Internet down?

A£®Because the Internet was maintained£®

B£®Because the bill wasn’t paid£®

C£®Because the man’s computer broke down£®


10£®What is the man’s problem?

A£®He find it difficult to learn the words£®

B£®He can’t understand the grammar£®

C£®He can’t talk with foreigners£®

11£®How does the man study English?

A£®Watching TV programs£®

B£®Using tapes and attending training classes£®

C£®Both A and B£®

12£®What can we conclude from the conversation?

A£®Jack speaks English a lot£®

B£®Jack is worried about his spoken English£®

C£®Jack is happy to learn driving£®


13£®What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Boss and employee£®

B£®Husband and wife£®


14£®When is the wedding party?

A£®On Sunday afternoon£®

B£®On Saturday evening

C£®On Friday evening£®

15£®What will the woman probably do on Sunday evening?

A£®Take the train back home£®

B£®Attend the wedding party£®

C£®Go and interview the singer£®

16£®How will the woman come back?

A£®By train£®

B£®By car£®

C£®By air£®


17£®Where is the Waterside Spring Center?

A£®Near a park£®

B£®Near the airport£®

C£®Near Northport

18£®How many parking spaces does the Shopping Center have?




19£®Which statement of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A£®They close at 8 pm every day£®

B£®The shopping center is arranged on three levels£®

C£®On level two, there are several restaurants, as well as a cinema£®

20£®Where can man get a map?

A£®On the first level£®

B£®On the second level£®

C£®On the third level



1£®What is the man doing?

A£®Looking for some goods£®

B£®Looking for someone£®

C£®Looking for a job£®

2£®What will Kitty do this Sunday afternoon?

A£®Have a picnic

B£®Go to a birthday party

C£®Go shopping

3£®What time is it?




4£®Why doesn¡¯t the woman buy food in the cafeteria?

A£®She is on a diet

B£®She goes home for lunch

C£®She thinks the food there too expensive

5£®What does the woman think of her job now?

A£®It¡¯s boring

B£®It¡¯s hard

C£®It¡¯s fun



6£®What¡¯s Jane going to do this afternoon?

A£®Go to a movie

B£®Go to the library

C£®Go fishing

7£®Where will Henry meet Jane?

A£®At Henry¡¯s

B£®At Jane¡¯s

C£®At the theater£®

8£®When will Henry meet Jane??

A£®At 1¡Ã00

B£®At 1¡Ã30

C£®At 2¡Ã00


9£®What will the weather be like in Beijing tomorrow?




10£®What is the weather like in spring in Beijing according to the woman?

A£®Warm but windy

B£®Cool and windy

C£®Dry and warm

11£®Why does the woman prefer winter?

A£®She can play with snow£®

B£®She can ski£®

C£®She can skate£®


12£®What does the woman think of the city?

A£®The traffic is bad£®

B£®It is crowded everywhere£®

C£®There are many old buildings£®

13£®What do we know about the boy?

A£®He also goes to the National Palace Museum£®

B£®He has just arrived in this city£®

C£®He is a student£®

14£®Why does the woman go to the National Palace Museum?

A£®To see an exhibition£®

B£®To meet her friend£®

C£®To visit her son£®


15£®When did the man start to take his main courses?

A£®In his first year of college£®

B£®In his second year of college£®

C£®In his third year of college£®

16£®What did the man think of his main courses at first?

A£®Very difficult

B£®Very interesting

C£®Very easy£®

17£®What do we know about the man?

A£®He failed in one of his main courses£®

B£®He isn¡¯t interested in his major£®

C£®He is going to graduate£®


18£®What will they do on Saturday afternoon?

A£®Ride bicycles

B£®Play baseball

C£®Climb hills

19£®Who is David Green?

A£®A famous football player

B£®A famous baseball player

C£®A famous basketball player

20£®What is the program on Saturday evening about?

A£®Some player

B£®Water sports

C£®Some matches£®

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