


内容包括:1. 春节的重要性;

2. 主要庆祝活动和风俗习惯;

3. 邀请她来中国体验春节。


参考词汇:对联couplet 压岁钱lucky money

Dear Susan,


Li Hua



Face adversity(逆境)with a smile

I told my friend Graham that I often cycle the two miles from my house to the town centre but unfortunately there is a big hill on the route. He replied, "You mean .”He explained that I should be glad of the exercise that the hill provided.

My to the hill has now changed .I used to as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will exercise my heart and lungs. It will help me to and get fit. It will mean that I live longer. This hill is my friend.__ ,I have a smile of as I reach the top of the hill.

Problems are there to be faced and .We cannot achieve anything with a/an .life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person t0 an University degree. She wrote,。‘Character cannot be in ease and quiet. Only through 0f trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved."

One of the main 0f success in life is our attitude towards adversity. At times we all face hardships, problems, accidents and difficulties. we cannot choose the adversity, we can choose our attitude towards it.

Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs amputated(截肢)following a flying accident. He was to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aces(擅长的人).He was a/an to others during the war. He said ,“Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't d(, this or that. That's nonsense. your mind, and you'll never crutches(拐杖)or a stick, then have a go at everything. Go to school, join in all the games you can. G0 _you want to. But never, never let them you that things are too difficult or impossible.’’

1.A.slowly B. fortunately C .carefully D .quickly

2.A.abundant B. proper C .extra D. necessary

3.A.attitude B. access C. entrance D. affection

4.A.climb B. confuse C. comment D .complain

5.A.put on weigh B. gain weight C. lose weight D .take my weight

6.A.Gradually B.Finally C. Rarely D. Approximately

7.A.satisfaction B. devotion C. decoration D. caution

8.A.understood B. clarified C. defeated D. overcome

9.A.tough B. difficult C. easy D. reasonable

10.A.gain B. accept C. accomplish D. admire

11.A.founded B.produced C. constructed D. developed

12.A.happiness B.experiences C. difficulties D .pressures

13.A.emphasis B. conflicts C. factors D. powers

14.A.While B. As C .Because D .If

15.A.devoted B .determined C. commanded D .forced

16.A.appreciation B.qualification C .inspiration D. destination

17.A.Open up B. Make up C. Come to D. Come into

18.A.reject B. deliver C .abandon D. use

19.A.anywhere B. everywhere C .nowhere D. somewhere

20.A.advise B. attempt C. request D. persuade

Now that American education has entered the era of the MOOC—the Massive Open Online Course-the opportunity for cheating appears greater than ever. The all-knowing Google search engine is never more than a few keystrokes away. So how can a teacher manage such a large number of examinees so far away, let alone searching out cheaters taking tests across the Internet?

Using technology, of course. While special services via webcam(摄像头)and cheating detecting software have been developed now, Mettl, an online company, has developed advanced techniques for netting cheaters, which the company claims are even more reliable and easier to use. Whatever small attempt to cheat, he or she will be found out.

Mettl has adopted a handful of technologies on its test—taking platform, creating a mini monitoring state in an exam. Here’s how it works:A test-taker signs on to Mettl and selects his/her exam from the site’s library of pre—loaded tests. Facial and keystroke recognition technology confirm the person that has signed in is the very person, and the system records both the test—taker(through the webcam)and the test—taker’s screen throughout the test.

Mettl’s technology uses the test—taker’s webcam to detect how many people are using the computer. Soon, it will track eye movement well enough to sense whether the test-taker is looking away from the screen, perhaps to Consult a smart phone or a friend in secret. Mettl also monitors the test-taker’s screen and can detect when the test-taker has changed a computer or moved from the test. The system will soon be able to record sound, thus detecting whether the test-taker is talking or being talked to.

If any irregularities are detected, the system flags the incident and reports it back to the test’s administrator. This can bring any number of things, depending on the test-giver’s wishes:a complete shutdown of the exam, a warning message that appears on the test-taker’s screen, even human instructions from the control center.

Mettl is hoping its technology will help it break into the country’s big MOOC markets.

1.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Advantages of Massive Open Online Courses

B. Using technology to fight against cheating online

C. A new Test system serving the online students

D. How Americans help increase educational opportunity

2.From the first paragraph we can infer that

A. MOOC has replaced the traditional form of education

B. Teachers should be more strict in dealing with cheating

C. Google is a software designed for cheating

D. Preventing online cheating is a tougher job

3.How can Mettl help to get rid of cheating online?

A. By equipping teachers with cameras.

B. By asking test-takers to sign in.

C. By providing different tests at the same time.

D. By recording the test-takers’ behaviors.

4.Which part of a newspaper does the article come from?

A. Health B. Education C.Entertainment D. Culture

For as long as they can remember Jynne Martin and April Surgent had both dreamed of going to Antarctica. This winter, they each made it to the icy continent as guests of the National Science Foundation (NSF).But they didn’t go as scientists. Martin is a poet and Surgent is an artist. They went to Antarctica as participants in the NSF’s Artists and Writers program. The NSF is the government agency that funds scientific research in Antarctica. But it also makes it possible for artists, including filmmakers and musicians, to experience Antarctica and contribute their own points of view to our understanding of the continent.

The mixing of science and art in Antarctica isn’t new. Some of the earliest explorers brought along painters and photographers. Edward Wilson was a British painter, doctor, and bird expert who journeyed with Robert Falcon Scott on two separate Antarctic expeditions more than 100 years ago. Herbert Ponting was a photographer who also accompanied Scott on one of those expeditions. In hundreds of photos, Ponting captured the beauty of the continent and recorded the daily lives and heroic struggles of the explorers.

Today’s scientists write articles for scientific journals. Unlike the early explorers’ journals, scientific papers can now be very difficult for non-scientists to understand. Writers in Antarctica work to explain the research to the public. Peter Rejcek is editor, writer, and photographer for the Antarctic Sun, an online magazine devoted to news about the U.S. Antarctic Program. Rejeck began his career in the Antarctic in 2003 by spending a year at the South Pole. He has returned every year since,interviewing, scientists about research at Palmer,McMurdo,and South Pole stations.

There are also scientists in Antarctica who work hard to explain their research to the public. Scientist Diane McKnight wrote The Lost Seal,a children’s book that explains the research she and others are doing in an unusual ice-free area in Antarctica called the Dry Valleys.

Antarctica is full of stories and wonders that are scientific, historic and personal. People such as Martin, Surgent, Rejcek, and Diane McKnight are devoted to bringing those stories to as many people as they can. “Some people are going to be scientists,some people are going to be journalists,some people are going to be artists,but we can all work together.” says Surgent, “to celebrate,this extraordinary place.”

1.What do we know about the NSF?

A. It is a government agency.

B. It only funds scientists in Antarctica.

C. It encourages the understanding of human nature.

D. It enables the mixing of science and art for the first time.

2.Why didn’t some earliest explorers bring writers along?

A. Writers were not funded at that time.

B. Writing can’t capture the beauty of the continent.

C. Writers were not interested in popularizing science.

D. Early explorers ’journals can be easily understood by the public.

3.By mentioning Diane McKnight, the author may try to suggest that_____.

A. scientists should explain their research to children

B. writers are not necessary since scientists can tell stories as well

C. telling stories to children is more important than knowing the truth

D. no matter what role we play, we can work together to appreciate Antarctica

4.What would be the best title for this article?

A. Antarctica: A Land for A11

B. The NSF: A Program for All

C. Antarctica: A Land of Beauty and Stories

D. The NSF: A Program for Artists and Scientists


Chinese students have tended to come to the UK at a younger age in recent years, which means they come to Britain not only for higher education, but also for high school or even primary school. Asian investors(投资者) have followed this trend, and started to buy independent schools to serve this demand.

An article carried by the Times of London on October 17 reported that last year Chinese-owned company Achieve Education bought Chase Grammar, a boarding and day school in Cannock, Staffordshire. Chase Grammar includes a program that offers extra support for pupils from China. “ This trend is very good and I am not at all surprised,” Barnaby Lenon, chairman of the Independent Schools Council, told the Global Times, adding that Chinese people like the English education system. “ We welcome Chinese investors in British private education.” “Chase Grammar School is small, and the classes are small. It gives the school a family atmosphere,” Jackie Medhurst, principal of Chase Grammar School, said in a welcome note on the school’s website.

Small class sizes, personal care, good exam result, and entry to world famous universities are features that are most attractive to Chinese students. But many parents are also worried that foreign investors might expand the proportion of international students, and that might undermine the British tradition.

It seems that Chase Grammar does not intend to hide their attempts to attract Chinese families. It has set up a China office in Shanghai to facilitate Chinese parents’ communication with the school. Tong Zhou, a director of Chase Grammar, told the media that the school does not intent to change the ratio of local students and international students.

Some international branches of British boarding schools are very popular in Asia. In recent years, the Chinese passion for the British boarding school system has led some of the best-known schools such as Harrow and Wellington to set up satellite schools in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. And the trend continues.

It seems that the rising wealthy class in Asia is not satisfied with international branches in their own countries. They want to send their kids to the original British boarding schools to be surrounded by English people and immersed in the British culture. To support their children studying in the UK, Chinese parents are buying houses in Britain. According to a survey by UK Property Weekly, houses near universities and outstanding primary and secondary schools are the most preferable location for Chinese buyers.

Compared to the independent school system, universities are more open. It is reported that China remains the leading source of international students for London.

1.Which of the following can we know from Barnaby Lenon’s words?

A. He was surprised at the present current trend.

B. English universities are better than those in China.

C. The English education system is welcomed by the Chinese.

D. There will be fewer investors in private education.

2. Which of the following is NOT among the attractions of the British schools?

A. The small size of classes.

B. The entry to world-famous universities.

C. Good exam results.

D. Good living conditions.

3.The underlined word “ undermine” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “______”.

A. weaken B. strengthen C. follow D. overcome

4. Chinese parents are buying houses in order to ______.

A. invest more money

B. support their children’s education

C. show off their ability

D. compete with other parents


Is there clear boundary between science and the liberal arts as a major for college students? The question of whether our government should promote science and technology or the liberal arts in higher education is not an either / or proposition (命题), although the current emphasis on preparing young Americans for STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) -related fields can make it seem that way.

The latest congressional report acknowledges the critical importance of technical training, but also stresses that the study of the humanities (人文学科) and social sciences must remain central elements of America’s educational system at all levels.Both are critical to producing citizens who can participate effectively in our democratic society, become innovative (创新的) leaders, and benefit from the spiritual enrichment that the reflection on the great ideas of mankind over time provides.

Parents and students who have invested heavily in higher education worry about graduates’ job prospects (前景) as technological advances and changes in domestic and global markets transform professions in ways that reduce wages and cut jobs.Under this circumstances, it’s natural to look for what may appear to be the most “practical” way out of the problem.“Major in a subject designed to get you a job” seems the obvious answer to some, though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as “soft” often, in fact, lead to employment and success in the long run.Indeed, according to surveys, employers have expressed a preference for students who have received a broadly-based education that has taught them to write well, think critically, research creatively, and communicate easily.

Moreover, students should be prepared not just for their first job, but for their 4th and 5th jobs, as there is little reason to doubt that people entering the workforce today will be called upon to play many different roles over the course of their careers.The ones who will do the best in this new environment will be those whose educations have prepared them to be flexible.The ability to draw upon every available tool and insight - picked up from science, arts, and technology - to solve the problems of the future, and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, will be helpful to them and the United States.

1.What does the latest congressional report suggest?

A.Higher education should be adjusted to the practical needs of society.

B.The liberal arts in higher education help enrich students’ spiritual life.

C.STEM-related subjects help students find jobs in the information society.

D.The humanities and STEM subjects should be given equal importance.

2.What does the author say about the so called soft subjects?

A.They are essential to students’ healthy growth.

B.They improve students’ communication skills.

C.They broaden students’ range of interests.

D.They benefit students in their future life.

3.What is the main concern of students when they choose a major?

A.The academic value of the courses.

B.Their interest in relevant subjects.

C.Their chances of getting a good job.

D.The quality of education to receive.

4.What advice does the author give to college students?

A.Try to take a variety of practical courses.

B.Prepare themselves for different job options.

C.Adopt a flexible approach to solving problems.

D.Seize opportunities to tap their potential.

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