
Want to be a happy married couple? Consider having kids.
A new study found that having children boosts happiness.And the more, literally, the merrier.
But unmarried couples shouldn’t expect to find greater happiness through child-raising.The study, published in the Oct.14 online edition of the Journal of Happiness Studies, suggests that having children has little or no effect on boosting happiness among couples who aren’t hitched(和谐).
The findings contradict previous research that suggested that having more offspring doesn't lead to greater happiness and might even make people less satisfied with their lives.One theory behind the conclusion is that parents don’t receive many rewards in return for the hard work of raising children.
The new study, however, notes that parents say children are one of the most important things in their lives, if not the most important.
The study found that life satisfaction for married people -- women especially -- goes up the more kids they have.Single, separated and co-habiting people, by contrast, report negative experiences.
“One is tempted to advance that children make people rich under the ‘right conditions’ -- a time in life when people feel that they are ready, or at least willing, to enter parenthood,” Dr.Luis Angeles, of the University of Glasgow in Scotland, said in a news release from the journal’s publisher.“This time can come at very different moments for different individuals, but a likely signal of its approach may well be the act of marriage.”
小题1:he underlined word “offspring” in the fourth paragraph can be replaced by _____.
小题2:The best title of this passage should be _______.
A.Children Are the Source of Happiness
B.Are You Happy Married Couple?
C.Married with Children Paves Way to Happiness
D.The Right Conditions of Having Children
小题3:Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A.The more children women have, the happier they are.
B.The more children the married women have, the more unsatisfied they become.
C.Raising kids can give any person happiness.
D.Without marriage, one woman had better not raise kids.
小题4:In the passage, the underlined part ‘right conditions’ refers to _______.
A.a time when the couple are ready and willing to become parents
B.the situation where the family is rich enough to raise a child
C.the situation where the couple are very happy
D.a time when the couple thinks raising children can boost happiness


小题1:词义猜测题。根据上下文的语境来判断。由第三段的having children has little or no effect on boosting happiness…可知,养孩子为促进幸福方面没有什么影响……以及第四段的for the hard work of raising children可推知,B项为最佳答案。
小题3:推理判断题。由倒数第二段的Single, separated and co-habiting people, by contrast, report negative experiences.知,单身,离异和同居的人,相对比而方,报导出的是消极的经历。故没结婚,最好不要养孩子。
小题4:细节理解题。由最后一段的a time in life when people feel that they are ready, or at least willing, to enter parenthood可知。

lt, they do not only look younger and slimmer, but feel better. Because of increased physical fitness, life expectance in the nation has risen to seventy-three years, with fewer people suffering from heart disease, the nation's number one killer.
Jogging ( 慢跑 ), the easiest and cheapest way of improving the body, keeps over 30million people of all ages on the run. For the price of a good pair of running shoes, anyone anywhere can join the race.
Dieting, too, has become a national  pastime. Promoters of diets that eliminate eating one thing or another, such as fats or carbohydrates ( 碳水化合物 ), promise as much as 20- pound weight losses within two weeks. Books describing such amazing diets always head up ( 居……之首 )the best-seller lists because people who are overweight want to lose weight quickly and easily.
Nevertheless, jogging and dieting, carried to extremes, can be harmful. Many confused joggers overdo and finally suffer from ankle and foot damage. Dieting, fortunately, becomes only a temporary means for shedding a few  pounds while the body lose the balanced nutrition ( 营养 )it requires, so most dieters cannot keep on diets. Above all, common sense should be the keystone for any dieting and exercise plan.
6.The main idea of this passage is that___________ .
A. both jogging and dieting can improve your health
B. exercise and improved diet has raised the American's life expectance
C. people, who jog and diet wisely, will be healthier than those who do not
D. diet and exercise harm rather than benefit  health
7.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Jogging can damage the body because it is too tough an exercise.
B. Diets are so popular because they are on the best-seller lists.
C. Americans now live to be 73years old.    
D. Exercise and diet are more widespread in America than ever before.
8.It is implied but not stated that ___________ .
A. heart disease is the number one killer among Americans
B. exercise and dieting bring about spiritual as well as physical well-being
C. people don't stay on a diet because it doesn't work
D. a 20-pound weight loss within two weeks is too much for the body
9. The best title for this passage is ___________ .
A. Jogging and Diet      B .Exercise and Health
C. Physical Fitness     D. Life Expectancy and Diet
On June 5, 1981 the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, U.S. announced the presence of a rare, infectious disease in five American homosexuals(同性恋). Soon doctors were finding similar cases all over the country and the world. The AIDS epidemic(流行病)had officially begun. By 1983 it was clear that AIDS had spread around the world. More than twenty years later, AIDS has left twenty-six million dead and another forty million infected.  AIDS has become the worst medical disaster ever experienced by mankind.
Hundreds of young people between the ages of 20 and 45 died each week during the early years of the U.S. AIDS. More than 600,000 cases of AIDS have been reported since 1981 in the United States, and it is estimated that there may be as many as 900,000 Americans infected with HIV.
Though the rate of HIV infections continues to increase in the United States, the number of AIDS cases has fallen sharply since 1996, when antiretroviral drugs came onto the market. Unfortunately, the AIDS epidemic continues today in Africa and much of Asia, where antiretroviral treatment is not available and health care is far from enough. AIDS is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide, and the No. 1 cause of death due to infectious disease.
HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, was first separated in 1983 by a team at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. That discovery made it possible to develop a test for AIDS and trace back to victims who may have died before doctors were aware of the disease.
However, scientists still don't know exactly how and where AIDS started. Finding the source of AIDS could be important in developing a vaccine(疫苗) and be important in mapping the future course of the epidemic.
小题1:It can be inferred from the passage that       
A.antiretroviral drugs will be obtained easily all over the world
B.the best way to stop AIDS is to develop a vaccine
B.scientists will soon find a way to cure AIDS
D.there will be fewer AIDS cases in the world in the future
小题2:Which areas are the most worrying places where AIDS spreads quickly? 
A.Africa.B.Asia.C.The United States.D.France.
小题3:The number of AIDS cases has greatly decreased in the United States due to the fact
A.a team at the Pasteur Institute in Paris succeeded in separating HIV
B.some effective medicine has been invented
B.scientists understand AIDS better and better.
D.The rate of HIV infections continue to rise in the United States
小题4:What's the importance of the discovery of the source of AIDS?
A.It can be used to develop a test for AIDS.
B.It can stop HIV forming AIDS.
B.It can reduce the rate of death caused by AIDS.
D.It can help develop a drug to prevent AIDS.
Here's a new warning from health experts: Sitting is deadly. Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods — even if you also exercise regularly — could be   1 for your health. And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place — at the office, at school, in the car or before a computer or TV — just the overall number of hours it   2  .
Research is preliminary, but several studies   3 people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die.
In an editorial   4 this week in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Elin Ekblom-Bak of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences suggested that authorities rethink how they define   5 activity to highlight the dangers of sitting.
While health officials have issued guidelines   6 minimum amounts of physical activity, they haven't suggested people try to limit how much time they spend in a seated   7  .
"After four hours of sitting, the body starts to send   8 signals," Ekblom-Bak said. She explained that genes regulating the amount of glucoseand fat in the   9 start to shut down.
Even for people who   10  , spending long stretches of time sitting at a desk is still harmful. Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization, said people who exercise every day —   11 still spend a lot of time sitting — might get more benefit if that exercise were spread across the day,    12 in a single bout.
That wasn't   13 news for Aytekin Can, 31, who works at a London financial company, and spends most of his days sitting    14  a computer. Several evenings a week, Can also teaches jiu jitsu, a Japanese martial art  15 wrestling, and also does Thai boxing.
"I'm sure there are some detrimental   16 of staying still for too long, but I hope that being   17 when I can helps," he said. "I wouldn't want to think the sitting could be   18 dangerous."
Still, in a study published last year that tracked more than 17,000 Canadians for about a dozen years, researchers found people who sat   19 had a higher death risk, independently of whether or not they exercised.
Figures from a US survey in 2003-2004 found Americans spend more than half their time sitting, from working at their desks to sitting in cars.
Experts said more research is needed to    20 just how much sitting is dangerous, and what might be possible to offset those effects.
(   ) 1. A. bad                    B. good               C. mean                       D. dead
(   ) 2. A. does                  B. occurs              C. matches                   D. dies
(   ) 3. A. advise                B. talk                 C. suggest                    D. say
(   ) 4. A. thrown                      B. caught              C. seen                        D. published
(   ) 5. A. biological           B. physical           C. psychological           D. logical
(   ) 6. A. commending      B. mending           C. recommending         D. communicating
(   ) 7. A. stand                B. state                C. post                 D. position
(   ) 8. A. harmful             B. careful             C. wonderful         D. skillful
(   ) 9. A. head                  B. arm                  C. body                D. foot
(   ) 10. A. sleep                B. rest                 C. walk                D. exercise
(   ) 11. A. and                  B. so                    C. but                   D. then
(   ) 12. A. rather than              B. other than        C. more than         D. less than
(   ) 13. A. bad                  B. harmful            C. disadvantage     D. welcome
(   ) 14. A. behind             B. back                C. in front of               D. forward
(   ) 15. A. referring          B. involving         C. taking              D. bringing
(   ) 16. A. effects              B. prefects           C. affects              D. offers
(   ) 17. A. inactive            B. active               C. interactive               D. positive
(   ) 18. A. such                 B. little                C. lot                  D. that
(   ) 19. A. less                  B. fewer                     C. more                D. further
(   ) 20. A. leave out          B. bring out         C. hold out           D. figure out
There is an old saying in English: "Laughter is the best medicine". Until recently, few people took the saying very seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to investigate laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found evidence that laughter really can improve people's health.
Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films, while doctors checked their heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart rate and the rate of breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.
Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be capable of reducing the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group which tolerated the pain for the longest time was 'the group which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce endorphins (内啡肽) in the brain. These are natural chemicals which diminish both stress and pain.
There is also some evidence to suggest that laughter helps the body's immune(免疫的)system, that is, the system which fights infection. In an experiment, one group of students watched a funny video while another group served as the control group - in other words, a group with which to compare the first group. Doctors checked the blood of the students in both groups and found that the people in the group that watched the video had an increase in the activity of their white blood cells, that is, the cells which fight infection.
As a result of these discoveries, some doctors and psychiatrists (精神病学家) in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they try to improve their patients' condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.
小题1: We learn from the first paragraph that laughter____________________.
A.is good for one's health
B.is related to some illness
C.has been investigated long since
D.has no effect on the body
小题2:Doctors have found that laughter_______________________.
A.keeps down blood pressure.
B.has similar effects to physical exercise
C.decreases the heart rate
D.increases stress
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT true of laughter, according to the passage?
A.It reduces pain.
B.It exercises the body.
C.It improves the body's immune system.
D.It can cure cancer.
小题4:The writer's attitude towards laughter is__________.
Eleven-year-old Angela was stricken with a debilitating disease involving her nervous system.She was unable to walk and her movement was restricted in other ways as well.The doctors did not hold out much hope of her ever recovering from this illness.They predicted she’d spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.They said that few,if any,were able to come back to normal after contracting this disease.The little girl was undaunted.There,lying in her hospital bed,she would vow to anyone who’d listen that she was definitely going to be walking again someday.
She was transferred to a specialized hospital in the San Francisco Bay area.Whatever therapies could be applied to her case were used.The therapists were charmed by her undefeatable spirit.They taught her about imaging—about seeing herself walking.If it would do nothing else,it would at least give her hope and something positive to do in the long waking hours in her bed.Angela would work as hard as possible in physical therapy,in whirlpools and in exercise sessions.But she worked just as hard lying there faithfully doing her imaging;visualizing herself moving,moving,moving!
One day,as she was staining with all her might to imagine her legs moving again,it seemed as though a miracle happened:The bed moved!It began to move around the room!She screamed out,“Look what I’m doing!Look!Look!I can do it!I moved,I moved!”
Of course,at this very moment everyone else in the hospital was screaming,too,and running for cover.People were screaming,equipment was falling and glass was breaking.You see,it was the recent San Francisco earthquake.But don’t tell that to Angela.She’s convinced that she did it.And now only a few years later,she’s back in school. You see,anyone who can shake the earth between San Francisco and Oakland can conquer a piddling little disease,can’t they?
小题1:The underlined word “undaunted” in the first paragraph can probably be replaced by _________.
A.encouragedB.not discouragedC.losing heartD.excited
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A.The girl got over her disease just by imagining.
B.It was because of her strong determination and constant efforts that she got walking again.
C.The girl was on top of the world when she moved the bed in her room.
D.Doctors believe imagining being healthy helps patients recover.
小题3:By saying the last sentence in the last paragraph,the author means that_________.
A.where there is a will,there is a way
B.a person who is strong enough to shake the earth can get over any disease
C.just as it is impossible for one to shake the earth,so it is to conquer a serious disease
D.though one can shake the earth,he can’t defeat a little disease
小题4:What might be a good title for the text?
A.Did The Earth Move For You?
B.A Miracle Made by a Young Girl
C.A Young Girl Conquered Disease
D.Strong Will Defeats Illness
Ever since news of widespread food recalls caused by a carcinogenic dye broke, there has been confusion(混淆) over possible links to the country of the same name, but Sudan officials say there is no connection whatever.
Sudan?1 is a red industrial dye that has been found in some chilli powder, but was banned in food products across the European Union (EU) in July 2003.
Since the ban was put in place, EU officials have been striving to remove some food products from the shelves. So far 580 products have been recalled.
Last week Sudan’s Embassy in the United Kingdom asked the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for clarification of the origin of the dye’s name.
Omaima Mahmoud Al Sharief, a press official at Sudan’s Embassy in China, explained the purpose of the inquiry was to clear up any misunderstanding over links between the country and the poisonous dye.
  "We want to keep an eye on every detail and avoid any misunderstanding there," she said. "Our embassy to Britain asked them how the dye got that name and whether the dye had something to do with our country. But they told us there was no relationship."
The FSA, an independent food security watchdog in Britain, received a letter from the Sudanese embassy last week.
 "They asked us why the dye is named Sudan, however, we also do not know how it got the name," she said. "People found the dye in 1883 and gave it the name. Nobody knows the reason, and we cannot give any explanation before we find out."
Sudan dyes, which include Sudan?1 to 4, are red dyes(颜料) used for colouring solvents(溶剂), oils, waxes, petrol, and shoe and floor polishes. They are classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
小题1: What does the underlined word mean in paragraph one?
A.Causing cancer.B.Having side effect.C.Containing poison.D.Poisonous.
小题2:How did the Sudan?1 get its name?
A.The dye is often produced in Sudan.
B.The dye has something to do with the country named Sudan.
C.Nobody is sure of the origin of the name.
D.Many foods produced in Sudan contain the dye.
小题3:We can infer from the passage that.
A.the Sudan government is paying much attention to the food safety
B.Sudan?1 is often used to be added to the food
C.people didn’t realize the danger of Sudan?1 until 2003
D.many food shops will be closed down
小题4:Which of the following is the best title?
A.Keep away from Sudan?1
B.No Sudan?1 dye links to the country
C.How Sudan?1 dye got its name?
D.Pay attention to the food safety
According to a famous optical(光学) expert, Alexander, who recently visited Shanghai, the developed countries in Europe and America have made rules that children must wear resinous(树脂) glasses instead of the traditional glasses made of glass. This is because the glass glasses are more likely to do harm to children’s eyesight.
Alexander pointed out: wearing the right glasses as soon as possible is still the best way to cure and put right children’s eyesight problems.
In America and Japan the resinous glasses have taken up 80 percent of the glasses market. And some European countries and America have made it a law that children, teenagers and drivers must wear resinous glasses. Now, about 10 million children in China have different eyesight problems and they need timely treatment.
But still, too many parents are buying the traditional glass glasses for their children. This is mainly because many parents know little or nothing about the good points of the resinous glasses. Besides, the price for the new glasses is a little higher than the traditional ones.
小题1:This news article mainly wants to tell us _______.
A.Alexander visited China and introduced a new type of glasses
B.we should wear resinous glasses instead of glass glasses
C.resinous glasses are popular in Europe and America
D.glasses can be made of other materials instead of glass
小题2:According to Alexander, the “timely treatment” to eyesight problems is _______.
A.to stop wearing glass glasses any more
B.to buy a pair of glasses and wear them right away
C.to wear suitable resinous glasses at the right time
D.to buy glasses made in Europe, Japan or America if possible
小题3: It can be inferred from this news text that _______.
A.resinous glasses are not on sale in China yet
B.resinous glasses are not acceptable in China
C.glass glasses have disappeared on western market because there is a law against them
D.glass glasses are the first choice in China not only because of their price

Arthritis, stroke, osteoporosis(骨关节炎), heart disease and dementia are what we’ve got to look forward to in old age. But conditions like these don’t have to be impossible to avoid, says New Zealand cook Robyn Martin. She firmly believes that we are what we eat and we can choose to consume foods that can slow the aging process and even prevent certain illnesses. That’s why her latest cookbook is devoted to recipes that use ingredients with a large number of anti-aging benefits. Stop the Clock—the Anti-Aging cookbook looks at a variety of health problems—from brain decline and joint aches and pains to heart disease and high cholesterol(胆固醇)—then lists foods that can improve or prevent them and offers a selection of recipes using those ingredients. “I wrote this book so I can offer people lots of information about foods that can give them a better old age.”
Six foods that can help slow the aging process:
1. Lentils
The important substance included in lentils is the one that can help you avoid the unpleasant symptoms of menopause(更年期), like mood swings.
2. Blueberries
Blueberries slow and, in some cases, reverse damage in aging brains. They are also rich in some chemicals which keep your looking young and help relieve arthritic(关节炎的) pain.
3. Carrots
Carrots have high levels of beta-carotene, which changes to vitamin A in the body. So they may help with memory, do good to the skin and are also thought to lower cholesterol.
4. Oats
The protein, calcium and phosphorus in oats all help build strong bones and connective tissue. The fibre they contain helps lower cholesterol and high blood pressure.
5. Spinach
Spinach is a good source of two important substances involved in protecting the DNA in our cells from oxication(氧化). It not only helps to strengthen the memory and turn off genes that can step up aging, but also can help improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis.
6. Soy
Soy products help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and are rich in phytoestrogens, which can help prevent hormone-related cancers. Soy can also be helpful to the skin, making it firm and youthful.
Did you know? Tomatoes contain a powerful substance which is not only useful for preventing problems in the heart, and lungs, but also prevents diseases like cancer. To gain the most benefit, tomatoes should be cooked.
64. If memory often fails you, which of the following combination will be good to you?
A. soy and carrots                                            B. oats and soy
C. lentils and blueberries                                          D. carrots and spinach
65. This passage mainly deals with _____.
A. foods and ingredients  B. foods and health  C. foods and nutrition     D. foods and diseases
66. The passage is written _____.
A. to tell the readers recipes play an important role in keeping healthy
B. to advertise the foods mentioned in the passage
C. to tell the readers how to slow the aging process
D. to tell the readers how to cure some diseases by taking right foods

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