
Many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack, reduce loneliness and help control body weight.

Any pet owner will tell you how much joy a pet brings. For some, an animal provides more comfort than a husband/wife. A 2002 study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress levels and blood pressure in people (half of them were pet owners) while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic (算术) or held a hand in ice water. People completed the tasks alone, with a husband/wife, a close friend or with a pet. People with pets did it best. Those tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates. With pets in the room, people also made fewer math mistakes than when doing in front of other companions. It seems that people feel more relaxed around pets, says Allen, who thinks it may be because pets don’t judge.

A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog may also have an effect on your body weight. Researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying two groups of fat people who were put on a diet-and-exercise program: one group with pet dogs, and the other without. On average,dog owners lost about 11 pounds,or 5% of their body weight; While those without dogs lost about 8 pounds. The pet owners, said researchers, got more exercise overall (mostly with their dogs) and found it worth doing.

1.What does the text mainly discuss?

A. People’s opinions of keeping pets.

B. How pets help people calm down.

C. What pets bring to their owners.

D. Pets can help in medical research.

2.We learn from the text that a person with heart disease has a better chance of getting well if_________.

A. he has a pet companion

B. he has less stress of work

C. he often dose mental arithmetic

D. he is taken care of by his family

3.According to Allen, why did the people do better with pets around?

A. They are less nervous.

B. They are in higher spirits.

C. They become more patient.

D. They have lower blood pressure.

4.The research mentioned in the last paragraph suggests that_________.

A. people with dogs did more exercise

B. dogs lost the same weight as people did

C. dogs liked exercise much more than people did

D. people without dogs found the program unhelpful


Wisconsin has long been home to incredibly successful research and innovation thanks to our famous academic research institutions and some of the brightest scientific minds. From discovering how Vitamin D can best be absorbed, to unlocking the potential of stem cells, Wisconsin has pioneered remarkable breakthroughs in science that have improved health, saved lives and created jobs. These scientific breakthroughs have not only led to life-saving medical technologies but also have fostered (培育) a strong power in Wisconsin economy.

Across America, groundbreaking research supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) alone adds millions of dollars to our economy every year. In fact, NIH funding generated an estimated $58 billion in economic output nationwide in 2014. NIH funding spurs economic growth by supporting jobs in research and by generating biomedical innovations that are turned into new products. NIH-supported innovations also influence improvements in health that can bolster the economy, improve productivity, and reduce illness and disability at home and across the globe. But, budget cuts and inadequate funding for NIH in the past decade have put both medical innovation and our next generation of researchers at risk.

Today, too many of our talented young scientists are deciding to do something else, or are leaving the country to pursue their research. Simply put, scientific and medical innovation depends on our ability to foster, support and invest in these new researchers.

That is why I have worked across party lines with Senator Susan Collins of Maine and introduced the Next Generation (NextGen) Researchers Act. Our act builds opportunities for new researchers, helps address the debt burden that young scientists face today, and invests in the future of research, science, and innovation. This commonsense proposal would create the “Next Generation Researchers Initiative” within the NIH Office of the Director to coordinate (协调) all current and new NIH policies. The legislation (立法) also directs the NIH to consider recommendations from a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) comprehensive study and report on fostering the next generation of researchers.

Finally, we must demonstrate a commitment to our future scientists who, like so many of their peers pursuing other fields, are struggling with crushing student loan debt. Our plan would also increase the amount of loans that can be forgiven through the NIH’s loan repayment programs to better account for the current debt load of new scientists. Higher education should be a path to prosperity, not suffocating debt, and this provision not only helps make higher education more affordable, but can help give new researchers a fair shot at pursuing their dreams.

The Next Gen Researchers Act will help to empower our next generation of researchers from Maine to Wisconsin, and across our country, with the resources they need to continue to lead the world in groundbreaking biomedical research and development. I’m proud to have earned the support of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Medical College of Wisconsin, and many others, for my bipartisan work supporting Wisconsin’s leadership in science, research and innovation.

At a time when America’s young researchers are facing the worst funding in decades, our best and brightest minds deserve to know that our country stands with them and is committed to building a stronger future.

1.Why does the author talk about Wisconsin in the first paragraph?

A. To explain why some brightest scientific minds are rewarded for making contributions.

B. To indicate Wisconsin has made great breakthroughs without the support of NIH.

C. To illustrate that Wisconsin takes a lead in scientific breakthroughs and deserves his support.

D. To distinguish Wisconsin’s achievements in science and innovation from the other states’.

2.The following are all the ways of NIH promoting America’s economic growth EXCEPT ________.

A. supporting research jobs

B. encouraging medical innovations

C. improving health and productivity

D. handling budget cuts

3.According to the passage, the introduction of the Next Gen Researchers Act is intended to ________.

A. sing high praise for the work coordinating all current and new NIH policies

B. support and invest in young researchers involved in medical innovation

C. forgive NIH’s current loan debt to make higher education more affordable

D. consider suggestions from NAS’ comprehensive study and report

4.What could be the best title of the passage?

A. It’s Time to Strengthen Our Commitment to the Next Generation of Researchers

B. It’s Time to Strengthen Our Biomedical Research and Development

C. It’s Time to Strengthen Our Next Generation Researchers Act of NIH Office

D. It’s Time to Strengthen Our Loan Repayment Programs of NIH


I just realized that while children are dogs-loyal and affectionate-teenagers are cats.

1. You feed it, train it, and boss it around. It puts its head on your knee and gazes at you as if you were a Rembrandt painting. It bounds indoors with enthusiasm when you call it. However, around age 13, your adoring little puppy(child) turns into a big old cat(teenager). Then when you tell it to come inside, it looks amazed, as if wondering who died. Instead of following your doorsteps, it disappears. 2.

Not realizing that the dog is now a cat, you think something must be desperately wrong within. Since you're the one who raised it, you assume that you did something wrong. Now you're dealing with a cat. Filled with guilt and fear, you redouble your efforts to make your pet behave. 3. Call it, and it runs way. Tell it to sit, and it jumps on the counter.

Instead of continuing to act like a dog owner, you can learn to behave like a cat owner. Put a dish of food near the door, and let it come to you. 4. You sit still,and it will come, seeking that warm, comforting lap it has not entirely forgotten. Be there to open the door for it. One day your grown-up child will walk into the kitchen,give you a big kiss and say, "You've been working hard all day. Let me get those dishes for you."_ 5.

A. It's so easy to be a dog owner.

B. Children as cats can turn to their parents.

C. You won't see it again until it gets hungry.

D. Then you'll realize your cat is a dog again.

E. Teenagers can understand and appreciate their parents' love.

F. But remember that a cat needs your help and your affection, too.

G. However, all the efforts made before now produce the opposite of the desired result.


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Most people need to hear “I love you”. Once in a while, they hear them just _________ .

I met Connie the day she was _________ to the hospice ward (病房) ,where I worked as a _________ . Her husband, Bill, stood nervous nearby as she was _________ to the hospital bed. While Connie was in the final _________ of her fight against cancer, she was _________ .

Connie was a_________ . As we became acquainted , she confided (吐露) how _________ it was to be married 32 years to a man who often called her “a silly woman”.

“I know Bill loves me. “she said.” But he has never been one to say he loves me, or send cards to me. I’d give anything if he’d say ‘I love you’, but it’s just not in his _________ .”

Soon, when Connie had fewer _________ moments, I began spending more of my volunteer time with Bill.

One day, I got him on the _________ of women, how we need romance in our lives and how we love to got sentimental cards.

“I don’t have to,” he said. “She knows I do!”

“I’m sure she knows,” I said, “but she needs to hear what she has _________ to you all these years. Please think about it.”

Two days later I walked down the hospice ward at noon. There stood Bill, leaning _________ the wall in the hallway and staring at the floor. I already knew Connie had _________ at 11 a.m.

When I saw Bill. his face was wet with _________and he was _________.

He said, “I have to say how good I feel about telling her. He stopped to _________ his nose. “This morning I told her how much I loved her…and loved being married to her. You _________have seen her smile!”

I went into the room to say goodbye to Connie. There, on the bedside table, was a large Valentine _________ from Bill, _________ : “To my wonderful wife…I love you.”

1.A. on time B. at times C. in time D. behind time

2.A. allowed B. admitted C. committed D. acknowledged

3.A. nurse B. cleaner C. doctor D. volunteer

4.A. translated B. transferred C. transformed D. transported

5.A. step B. stage C. state D. stair

6.A. anxious B. worried C. frightened D. cheerful

7.A. reminder B. performer C. romantic D. hostess

8.A. disturbing B. shocking C. annoying D. frustrating

9.A. nature B. mind C.1ife D. style

10.A. sleeping B. yawning C. waking D. crying

11.A. lesson B. subject C. point D. focus

12.A. shown B. explained C. expressed D. meant

13.A. on B. by C. against D. over

14.A. passed by B. passed on C. passed down D. passed away

15.A. sweat B. rain C. tears D. water

16.A. struggling B. trembling C. sighing D. sinking

17.A. blow B. touch C. scratch D. rub

18.A. would B. could C. might D. should

19.A. card B. gift C. paper D. package

20.A. telling B. reading C. writing D. announcing



Suddenly my mobile phone rang. “Where are you?” the urgent voice demanded on my phone.

The woman on the other end of the phone had news—news that would change my life forever. Apparently my was on his way home at lunchtime he suffered an unexpected heart attack. a neighbor’s sharp eyes had spotted him. By now it was after 1pm and Ueli was on his way to the nearest hospital. It turned out that, a huge effort by a large team of medical staff, nine hours after the , Ueli, the father of two of my sons, died.

But Ueli’s story didn’t there. Ever since I met him, he had that, should he die before me, I must ensure that if it were possible his would be donated. So on that awful night I the medical staff to help make his wishes . Once the were made, I thought that I had honored Ueli’s final act of selflessness and would hear no more of it.

Some time later, , I received a letter telling me that the corneas(角膜) had been successfully transplanted into the eyes of two young women who would benefit greatly from improved vision. What a it was to know that this generous man’s would have such a positive impact on these women. But the best news was to come. More than a year after Ueli died, a lovely card arrived in the mail from the organ donor organization, me that a young man who may not have lived much longer had successfully Ueli’s heart valve(心瓣膜).

What happiness I have! I know Ueli would have been extremely to have had a part in this young man’s life and ensuring that he would now pursue his own dreams with much improved health. Now I can forever say, “Rest in peace, Ueli; you’ll be remembered—even by strangers.”

1.A.strange B.exciting C.different D.terrible

2.A.brother B.father C.husband D.son

3.A.when B.while C.after D.since

4.A.Interestingly B.Luckily C.Urgently D.Nervously

5.A.instead of B.due to C.in spite of D.except for

6.A.donation B.drive C.attack D.accident

7.A.work B.change C.happen D.end

8.A.decided B.predicted C.realized D.remembered

9.A.blood B.clothes C.money D.organs

10.A.challenged B.asked C.advised D.allowed

11.A.come about B.come true C.come across D.come out

12.A.arrangements B.experiments C.suggestions D.promises

13.A.therefore B.besides C.anyhow D.however

14.A.surprise B.wealth C.delight D.regret

15.A.wishes B.plans C.rules D.tips

16.A.just B.soon C.already D.yet

17.A. informing B.teaching C.suggesting D.encouraging

18.A.protected B.received C.liked D.accepted

19.A.anxious B.patient C.proud D.calm

20.A.saving B.controlling C.affecting D.completing

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To join or renew, please click on the appropriate section and membership category below for safe and convenient online payment processing by PayPal.

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The Botanical Garden started life as Skylands, a large area in the grand manner. It is famous for a 44-room Tudor Revival granite (公馆) designed by John Russell Pope. Skylands has 96 acres of formal and naturalized gardens and is surrounded by over 1,000 acres of meadows (草坪)and woodlands. Purchased by the State in 1996 and officially named as the New Jersey State Botanical Garden in 1984, the gardens contain approximately 5,000 species and varieties of trees and flowers.

For you, the NJBG is an exciting and beautiful place to visit where you may enjoy each season’s best. Members enjoy special events, festivals, lectures, and rewarding educational opportunities for both city and country gardeners.

Your NJBG membership offers you discounts at participating nurseries, garden centers and other fine businesses. Simply present your NJBG membership card when beginning your purchase:

• Goffle Brook Farm and Garden Center, (201)652-7540

10% off your purchase

• Metropolitan Plant Exchange, (973)683-7613

12% off your purchase

•Rohsler’s Allendale Nursery & Florist, (201) 327-3156

15% off your purchase

1.The NJBG membership dollars can be used to .

A. Offer further education

B. Update online payment

C. Provide better service

D. Protect the environment

2.To join the NJBG membership, you can call its office at.

A. (201) 327-3156

B. (201)652-7540

C. (973) 962-9534

D. (973)638-7613

3.To renew the one-year membership for your parents, you need to pay .

A. $50 B.$60 C.$80 D. $100

4.New Jersey Botanical Garden.

A. Was officially named in 1996

B. Was designed by John Russell Pope

C. Invites members to organize activities

D. Gives members discounts for their purchase

Pat O’Burke was a poor Irishman with a large family, and one morning, waking up very early from cold and hunger, he decided to go shooting in a wood near his cottage. The wood belonged to Lord Northwood, a rich gentleman. Pat had no right to go there, but in it there were swarms of rabbits and flocks of birds that were good to eat, and Pat determined to take the risk. Suddenly he saw the owner, with a group of friends, coming towards him in the wood. There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face as he caught sight of the gun in Pat's hands.

Pat's heart sank with fear, but he saw there was no hope of escape, so he walked boldly(大胆) up to the group and said to Lord Northwood, “Good morning, sir, and what has brought you out so early this morning?”

Lord Northwood, rather surprised, said he and his friends were taking a little exercise to get an appetite(食欲) for their breakfast. Then, looking at Pat with suspicion(怀疑), he said, “but why are you out so early in the morning?”

“Well, sir” said Pat, “I just came out to see if I could get a breakfast for my appetite.”

The whole crowd burst into laughter at Pat's ready wit, and with a smile Lord Northwood walked on, leaving Pat to try his luck with the rabbits.

1.This is a story about _____.

A. a rich man who owned a big wood

B. a poor Irishman who lived all by himself

C. a clever man who tried to get something to eat

D. an Irish hunter with a large family

2.There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face. Why?

A. He was not expecting Pat at this early hour.

B. He knew Pat was coming for shooting.

C. He didn't like the poor Irishman at all.

D. Pat had not told him he would come.

3.Why was Lord Northwood surprised?

A. He had not expected such a bold question from Pat.

B. He wondered why Pat didn't run away.

C. Pat wasn't afraid of him.

D. Pat had a gun in his hands.

4.What made the whole crowd burst into laughter?

A. Pat's funny looks.

B. Pat's interesting remarks.

C. Pat's quick and humorous response.

D. Pat's promise to leave fight away.

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